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Scuffle reported between Punjab police personnel and PM's security staff
[Dawn] A scuffle reportedly took place between Punjab police personnel and members of Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani
... Pakistain's erstwhile current prime minister, whose occasional feats of mental gymnastics can be awe-inspiring ...
's security detail on Saturday, DawnNews reported.

The scuffle started when members of Gilani's security detail tried to stop SP Saddar Athar Waheed from approaching the venue of an event the prime minister was attending.

The concerned members of the security detail were then taken to Nawab Town cop shoppe where they were directed to tender an apology.

The coppers were allowed to leave once the apology was tendered.
Posted by:Fred

#1  Shades of China's latest scandal? local gov crooks vs national gov crooks?
Posted by: 3dc   2012-05-20 00:20  
