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-Election 2012
Romney Wouldn't Have Wacked Osama - Says Obama
I didn't think The One could stoop so low. So why am I not surprised?
Would Mitt Romney have ordered the raid that killed Osama bin Laden? President Barack Obama's re-election campaign released a new video on Friday that strongly implies that he would not have, using the presumptive Republican nominee's own words against him.

Ever since Vice President Joe Biden boiled down Obama's 2012 slogan to "bin Laden is dead, GM is alive," it has been clear that the embattled incumbent would not hesitate to use the May 2, 2011, Navy SEAL strike as a political weapon.
Never in the course of human events has one person taken so much glory for something he didn't do.
The video, taken from footage shot for Obama's 17-minute campaign commercial "The Road We've Traveled," opens with the message "The Commander-in-Chief gets one chance to make the right decision" and turns to former President Bill Clinton for validation. "That's one thing George Bush said that was right: The president is the decider in chief. Nobody can make that decision for you."

The Obama video came one day after Vice President Biden, in a speech assailing Romney on foreign policy, declared: "On this gut issue, we know what President Obama did. We can't say for certain what Gov. Romney would have done."
I still think Obama hesitated until someone else said "Go" - that way he could blame someone else if it failed.
Posted by:Bobby

#5  "I didn't think The One could stoop so low."

Nonsense. You ain't even see low yet as far as Bambi is concerned. >:-(
Posted by: Barbara   2012-04-28 23:06  

#4  Peggy Noonan of all people has an article out about how booring, or more specifically summed up, how he fails to make any noteworthy appearance..other than getting booed at sports events that is.

I remember how I first heard about the binny raid. It was from a baseball broadcast announcer. And not because I was not disinterested, it was because bammer was late to his own endzone prance, specifically an oddly telephotoed hallway walkup and walk out. I remember the fans in the stadium getting out a solid USA! chant a couple times, flipping back in between pitches and plays, to an ever waiting and uncomfortably impatient White House broadcast.

I will say that I am a bit pleasantly surprised. This week was the surprise week that people finally convinced me to be fully on board with Team Romney. Way to go Department of Labor, Enemy List, and purely speculative and broadly petulant Minority Report type styling of such a small speculation of unreality.

Perhaps next week, now that the Horseland Cartoon depicting kids taking care of Ranching Equipment is no longer going to be anti-government propaganda, preezy could allow his opinion onto whether the blond haired boy is really running a slave trade in the guise of what would have been an illegal dude ranch, and of course I am sexist for the Specolish use of dude.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2012-04-28 21:54  

#3  So.. how long did Obama wait to make his 'epic decision'?
Posted by: CrazyFool   2012-04-28 21:00  

#2  As Commander in Chief, President Obama deserves copious accolades for the Bin Laden take-out that occurred on his watch. First, the intel was fully developed under his administration. Second, he acted proactively on said intel. And finally, the decision to send troops and not munitions was the right call. With that said, and with all due respect, the event deserves more perspective.
First, it would be naïve to believe that the foundation for the actionable intelligence didn’t originate from platforms Obama continues to call “excessive”. Second, it’s unimaginable that any post-911 US president, when given the chance, wouldn’t act decisively to take out the world’s most notorious terrorist. And finally, all military operations into sovereign countries carry enormous risk. However, launching cruise missiles into a country engaged in a nuclear cold war with its neighbor would have the potential for regional disaster. Such repercussions would be too risky even for the likes of a Bin Laden.
A President Bush, President Obama, and even a President Romney, in all likelihood, would have made similar decisions on this one. President Obama appears both shallow and foolish to suggest otherwise.
Posted by: DepotGuy   2012-04-28 20:40  

#1  17 Minutes? Stretch and yawn, get the coffee on.

If half the stuff released is truthy, they had enough time to build a mock-up, custom fit the equipment, and train train train.

But hey, prezzy limp wrist wants credit, then he hates Native Americans and is a Bush League War Criminal.
Posted by: swksvolFF   2012-04-28 16:40  
