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Robber killed in 'shootout'
[Bangla Daily Star] An alleged robber
Our intrepid reporter has been influenced by American reporting conventions -- they don't generally presume innocence elsewhere in the world...
was killed and four coppers were maimed
Splinters and stubbed toes all around, the poor, brave darlings.
in a 'shootout' between his cohorts and law enforcers in Moheshkhali upazila of Cox's Bazar district early yesterday.
Someone fetch The Map!
The dear departed Giasuddin, 30, was the ringleader of robbery gang and an accused in three robbery cases filed with Moheshkhali Police Station,
Nowhere near the standard "wanted on twelve systems", and now he has no chance to achieve it.
said Ranjit Kumar Barua, officer-in-charge of the cop shoppe.

Giasuddin, son of Amir Sultan, was a resident of Uttar Muhuri
ghona village in the upazila.
The Map, dammit! Sergeant, we need the map now!
Following a tip-off,
"Mahmoud the Weasel IV here, calling in with your daily tip..."
a team of police raided the house of Giasuddin where a gang of bandidos was holding a secret meeting in the dead of night at about 2:00am for committing robbery in a trawler, the OC said.

Spider senses tingling at the proximity of coppers, the gang opened fire, prompting the law enforcers to retaliate, he said.
It's those finely honed copper instincts -- they just take over.
After around an hour-long shootout, the robbers managed to flee the spot
Marked X and without a trace, as always...
leaving bullet-hit Giasuddin behind. Police at first rushed him to Moheshkhali Upazila Health Complex.

As his condition deteriorated, he was referred to Cox's Bazar Sadar Hospital where he died around 10:30am, the OC said.
"He's dead, Jim. Put him with the others, and tell them if they don't fix the generator I won't be responsible for the results."
Abdur Rahman, an assistant sub-inspector of the cop shoppe, and three police constables Kamruzzaman, Tushar Chowdhury and M Russel sustained bullet wounds during the shootout.
Dr. Quincy can fix that. He can fix anything.
The injured coppers were admitted to the upazila health complex, the OC added.
Posted by:Fred
