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Another prisoner on the run arrested
[Dawn] KARAK: Another prisoner, who beat feet from Bannu jail, was locked away by police here on Monday when he was trying to leave the district.

Police also claimed to have locked away 10 proclaimed offenders during a search operation in different areas of the district.

Police said that Gul Afzal, a resident of Mashokhel area of Beautiful Downtown Peshawar, who was serving life term in Bannu jail, was locked away by Khuram police after he beat feet from the jail on Sunday morning.

"He was got off from a vehicle on suspicion and during interrogations he confessed that he had beat feet from the jail," police officials said. Mr Gul was sentenced to life imprisoned in a drug smuggling case.

He told police that he had been locked away in 2006 at Peshawar airport when he was trying to smuggle a huge quantity of drugs abroad.

It is pertinent to mention here that seven beat feet prisoners were locked away in the district on Sunday.

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police locked away 10 proclaimed offenders in different parts of the district. Officials said that Aamir Mohammad, a resident of Malakand presently living at Scheme Chowk in Peshawar, was locked away in Terri. He was also wanted by Punjab police.

They said that Mohammad Sharif, Ayub, Mardan alias Ramzan, Nazir Gul, Waseem Sajjad, Muzafar Gul, Umer Nawaz, Kaleemullah, Nazran and Payao Rehman were locked away by personnel of Karak cop shoppe.
Posted by:Fred
