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Flying Apaches in Afghanistan
Posted by:GolfBravoUSMC

#19  No problem - I'm a Ramones fan - have been for ...ehhhh.... jeebus! That's a long time. Crap :-(
Posted by: Frank G   2010-05-22 23:14  

#18  And FYI, re: grenades -- there are only so many of them, and this was just one stop on the patrol.
Posted by: OldSpook   2010-05-22 23:12  

#17  "Sedated" made the rounds with some crews about that time.
Posted by: OldSpook   2010-05-22 23:11  

#16  LOL - Pappy - no song should be "too cutting edge" when one of the primaries (Ramones) is already dead.

Heh - I should've sed "back in the late 70s", Frank.
Posted by: Pappy   2010-05-22 22:18  

#15  Different Apaches run on different things.
Posted by: badanov   2010-05-22 21:20  

#14  My Apache runs on hay.
Posted by: Deacon Blues   2010-05-22 21:09  

#13  Well, not this lit'l old grandma's music -- but if watching and listening to this -- lets these guys know, folks at home support and care about 'em -- I'll listen all day long!

And about that Apache? I'll never forget that scene, I think it's from "Clear and Present Danger" where, suddenly, an Apache arises up, at eye level, from below a hill! Whoa!

And, having no ego -- correct me if I'm wrong about which movie!
Posted by: Sherry   2010-05-22 20:54  

#12  LOL - Pappy - no song should be "too cutting edge" when one of the primaries (Ramones) is already dead.
Posted by: Frank G   2010-05-22 20:19  

#11  Perhaps dubm questions:

Why weren't they using grenades instead of shooting down that stairway?

Were they shooting rifles at the building or were those small grenades?
Posted by: Nimble Spemble   2010-05-22 20:09  

#10  I like the music. Then again, I once got in trouble for using 'Blitzkrieg Bop' for my first ship's "breakaway" (post-underway refueling) song.
Posted by: Pappy   2010-05-22 19:57  

#9  If you want to see the real deal, without music, it goes a lot like this.

Posted by: OldSpook   2010-05-22 19:33  

#8  No real musical talent, just repetitive cords and growl-screaming (no way you can call it singing). So musically it sucks big.

But in terms of what this is, it simply fits - its by these guys and for them, and this is what a lot of them listen to. I remember Rock the Casbah (first song on AFN in the Gulf War), and in Panama "Welcome to the Jungle" was cranked by and for the troops (and for Noriega as well).

Posted by: OldSpook   2010-05-22 19:32  

#7  I liked it and it fit with that bad assed aircraft. In some units before they hrad out on convoy they crank the metal, sort of pumps them up.
Posted by: 49 Pan   2010-05-22 19:24  

#6  guilty plea - I like it too. I've got Kid Rock playin right now
Posted by: Frank G   2010-05-22 19:10  

#5  The sound is awful but the music is good...
Posted by: badanov   2010-05-22 19:07  

#4  i liked the music...
Posted by: abu do you love   2010-05-22 19:05  

#3  I understand the thought, but you'd be surprised what's on the troops' iPods - exactly that music. The Youtubes are created by them, for their peers. I like pretty much everything (including being a Deadhead - as Alaska Paul likes to tease) and I like this, especially in context. Let them have it without judgement? If it bothers, turn it off/down
Posted by: Frank G   2010-05-22 18:12  

#2  wow that music is awful.

If all music was as bad as that the taliban would have a point about banning it!
Posted by: Bright Pebbles   2010-05-22 18:07  

#1  Every one of these videos uses the most suck-ass songs for a soundtrack.

Posted by: Penguin   2010-05-22 17:56  
