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Home Front: WoT
Kansas City Man Admits to Sending Money to Al-Qaida
KANSAS CITY, MO - A 32-year-old Kansas City man has plead guilty to wiring money to Al-Qaida. Khalid Ouazzani, a Moroccan native, plead guilty to charges of bank fraud and money laundering Wednesday morning in federal court. It's the first time in the area that a US citizen has been indicted for sending money to terrorist organizations.
That's part of the problem; we've had plenty doing this and he's the first one indicted.
US Attorney Beth Phillips said Ouazzani became a US citizen about four years ago, but court papers say he swore an oath of allegiance to Al-Qaida in June 2008 and supported the terrorist group financially since August 2007.

Ouazzani and his family worshipped at the Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City. The Muslim community in this pocket of Kansas City says that they hope their neighbors will choose to focus on Ouazzani's actions as a reflection on the individual, not his faith. Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City manager Mustafa Hussein gave FOX 4 News a statement saying "the person is guilty for his work, not because he is Muslim."
Posted by:whitecollar redneck

#5  I am shocked. I thought for certain this man was going to be a Tea Party member, or an radical Amish or Mormon.

"theperson is guilty for his works of faith, not because he is Muslim."

This group is the master of saying nothing.
Posted by: JohnQC   2010-05-21 12:30  

Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City manager Mustafa Hussein gave FOX 4 News a statement saying "the person is guilty for his works of faith, not because he is Muslim."

Posted by: Rob Crawford   2010-05-21 12:10  

#3  Could he be tried for treason? Is this a plea bargain or is treason not in the cards?
Posted by: regular joe   2010-05-21 12:01  

#2  The Muslim community in this pocket of Kansas City says that they hope their neighbors will choose to focus on Ouazzani's actions as a reflection on the individual, not his faith.

Interpretation: The Muslim community in this pocket of Kansas City says that they hope the Federal Authorities won't take a closer look at other members of the community, and their neighbors will not be more vigilant of their activities.
Posted by: Keeney   2010-05-21 11:54  

#1  "the person is guilty for his work, not because he is Muslim."

So you recognize that he is a Muslim then, Mustafa?

Is he a "Good Muslim", or a "Bad Muslim", or just a "Naughty Muslim".

If he were claiming to be a Christian, I would be the first to declare that I considered him, his faith and his works to be non-Christian.

...But they would call that kind of thing "Takfiri", which leads to "Fitna", or strife within the various warring factions of this divisive cult known as "Ummah"
Posted by: Admiral Allan Ackbar   2010-05-21 09:43  
