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When there is trouble, who you gonna call?
It's all laid out in the last sentence of the article.
Posted by:lotp

#9  The only reason I can see for calling the Turks is if you were out of taffy or needed more towels.

Or perhaps a buggering.
Posted by: mcsegeek1   2007-10-06 14:32  

#8  The only reason I can see for calling the Turks is if you were out of taffy or needed more towels.
Posted by: SteveS   2007-10-06 14:10  

#7  Istanbul is truly a city that shows that a church, a mosque and a synagogue can be on the same street for 500, 600 years.

Does this mean the Christians get St. Sophia's back? Pigs.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble   2007-10-06 11:17  

#6  "who you gonna call?"

Posted by: Barbara Skolaut   2007-10-06 11:08  

#5  Wow, almost as jingoist and self-satisfied as the average Canadian.
Posted by: Excalibur   2007-10-06 09:00  

#4  OK, Egemen Baðýþ, get up off your knees and wipe that stuff off your chin. You can keep your job for another week.
Posted by: gorb   2007-10-06 06:27  

#3  Dunno 'bout Turks, but I don't call 911, I call my two budies, Smith and Wesson.
Posted by: twobyfour   2007-10-06 01:16  

#2  "Mmmm...potpourri!"
Posted by: Seafarious   2007-10-06 01:05  

#1  "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way..."
Posted by: GK   2007-10-06 00:18  
