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Khaleda Zia grilled in graft probe
Bangladesh’s last elected prime minister Khaleda Zia has been questioned by corruption investigators after she declared assets worth around 500,000 dollars, a report said Friday. Zia, who led the country until last October, has been in custody for more than a month facing graft allegations. She was detained as part of a massive corruption crackdown by the military-backed government. “The inquiry team talked to Zia for about half an hour,” the commission’s deputy director Golam Shahriyar Chowdhury was quoted as saying by the state-run BSS news agency. “We wanted to know whether she has anything more to say about her wealth statement submitted to the Anti-Corruption Commission,” he said, adding that the commission would now make its own assessment of Zia’s wealth. The commission has ordered hundreds of high-profile figures to make “wealth statements” accounting for their assets since the government launched an anti-graft drive in February. More than a dozen former ministers, lawmakers and their family members have subsequently been sentenced to between three and 20 years in jail by special fast-track courts.
Posted by:Fred
