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-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Segway Fan Club Disbands Due to Lack of Interest
SAN FRANCISCO — The device that was supposed to revolutionize urban transportation seems unable to even hold on to a proper fan club...
Posted by:Pappy

#5  The $egway is way too expensive.

They coulda $old ahell oflot more of these if they'd dropped the $price$ by dropping the entire engine and handle bar thingy..

Hey and added two wheels.. mmmm... 0h'wait that's a skateboard isn't it?
Posted by: Red Dawg   2007-08-10 11:39  

#4  Nobody could figure out how to bring the coffee and doughnuts to the meetings.
Posted by: James   2007-08-10 10:13  

#3  The old cruel joke about fat women and mopeds leaps to mind.
Posted by: no mo uro   2007-08-10 08:57  

#2  Because Segway were never able to solve the recoil problem.
Posted by: ed   2007-08-10 08:45  

#1  There's no question in my mind why it never caught on. They never came out with the proper accessories to make a bigfoot version or modify it with camo and gun rack.
Posted by: BrerRabbit   2007-08-10 08:15  
