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Home Front: Politix
Rep. Jack Murtha's office hangs up on Haditha question
Just in case you missed this from --- it's short!

When he wasn’t busy over the past year or so arguing that we ought to fight al Qaeda in Iraq from our bases in Okinawa and Diego Garcia, Rep. Jack “Abscam” Murtha has been busy stuffing his face with pork, behaving questionably over appropriations and smearing US Marines. Now that three of the Marines Murtha prejudged to be guilty of cold-blooded murder have been cleared of all charges, Murtha ought to answer for what he has been saying about them.

Today, I called up his office in DC to see if he was planning on issuing any statements. For some reason, his staff is less than forthcoming on that point.

Click avobe to listen to short conversation.
Posted by:Sherry

#8  Murtha's become one of those same assholes he probably bitched about over beers at the O Club in Danang.
Posted by: tu3031   2007-08-10 19:03  

#7  Murtha is a slovenly, lying, self-serving, ABSCAMing, ear-marking, piss porr excuse for a man let alone a Marine. I hope they go after him and the millions he has funneled to his brother like they are going after Senator Ted.
Posted by: anymouse   2007-08-10 18:38  

#6  He has an out so far in that not all those charged in the Haditha incident have had charges dropped yet. It looks from this that the odds are good that they will be - that will be the time to chase down Murtha.
Posted by: buwaya   2007-08-10 17:45  

#5  that phone call should be played on every prime time newscast tonight. what are the odds of THAT happening????
Posted by: USN, Ret.   2007-08-10 17:14  

#4  On the floor of the House or Senate they have a "Debate Clause" that keeps them from lawsuits.

I believe the "Honorable" Jack "ABSCAM: At this time" Murtha made his comments on television. Strictly speaking, I don't think they are protected. Interesting Constitutional question, that.
Posted by: eLarson   2007-08-10 16:12  

#3  prob not ed since congressmen and women seem too be above the law. like their offices or houses can't be searched even with a search warrant like the rest of us
Posted by: sinse   2007-08-10 16:05  

#2  I wonder if the affected Marines can sue Murtha for slander?
Posted by: ed   2007-08-10 15:56  

#1  Murtha....
What a disgrace to the Marine Corps.
He is even disgraceful to congress standards, and that takes some doin'.
Posted by: DarthVader   2007-08-10 15:52  
