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Home Front: Culture Wars
Is This Man Cheating on His Wife?
Posted by:tu3031

#6  The man is cheating mostly on himself.

Too true. Just don't count on his legal wife to testify that exact way in open court during the subsequent homocide procedings.
Posted by: Zenster   2007-08-10 21:33  

#5  On a second try (after a while) the content was there, virtually appearing all of the sudden.

3dc, not sure that his wife looks scary--a pushover type. She may look miffed, though.

The man is cheating mostly on himself.
Posted by: twobyfour   2007-08-10 21:12  

#4  "Basically, the other person is widowed," she says. "This other life is so wonderful; it's better than real life. Nobody gets fat, nobody gets gray."

Yep. Lovely delusion.
Posted by: Jules   2007-08-10 19:17  

#3  Is This Man Cheating on His Wife?

Short answer, yes.

Long answer, absolutely.

The woman he's legally wed to is not amused. "It's really devastating," says Sue Hoogestraat, 58, an export agent for a shipping company, who has been married to Mr. Hoogestraat for seven months. "You try to talk to someone or bring them a drink, and they'll be having sex with a cartoon."

Immersing yourself in an online relationship to the exclusion of your wedded spouse is a form of infidelity. It might as well be cyber-sex. Either you love your wife or you don't. End of story.
Posted by: Zenster   2007-08-10 19:11  

#2  content is there.
His real wife is really scary looking. Really.
In fact... I think he should consider running like hell! She is going to hurt him so so bad...
Posted by: 3dc   2007-08-10 18:57  

#1  Content's empty at the link, tu3031.
Posted by: twobyfour   2007-08-10 18:37  
