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Home Front: Politix
"Fantabulous" Kucinich "wins" GLBT Debate
LOGO, the sponsor and organizer of last night's Democratic debate focusing on gay issues, has spoken: "Dennis Kucinich Is Fantabulous!"

You would think I was making fun of them, but I'm not. That's the actual headline.

On the post-debate coverage on the channel, comic Alec Mapa - they had a comedian doing ? - described Kucinich as "magical... He led our own little gay church revival! Hurrah!"
Posted by:Mike

#4  our... own... little... gay... church... revival?

It boggles the mind.
Posted by: Secret Master   2007-08-10 23:27  

#3  Geez, they didn't give it to this guy?

Presidential aspirant Mike Gravel recently opined on the advantages of having gays in the military: “...the Spartans trained their people to be homosexuals because they were better fighters.”

That oughta sew up the military vote...
Posted by: tu3031   2007-08-10 19:25  

#2  And his support in the polls tops at what about 0.5%? Must be the gay vegan supporters.
Posted by: JohnQC   2007-08-10 15:41  

#1  The Kucinich juggernaut rolls on.
All he has to do now is marry Liza Minnelli...
Posted by: tu3031   2007-08-10 12:13  
