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Monty Python is a poor guide to diplomacy
The Brown Government risks alienating the US

By Gerard Baker
Posted by:ryuge

#2  The comments section contains a note from one of the sane living in the UK regarding the need the rest of the world still has for the good ol' US of A.

In the end, rational states will go by that.
Posted by: no mo uro   2007-08-10 12:32  

#1  But itÂ’s hard to resist the gathering suspicion that, whether he is healthy or not, BeckhamÂ’s arrival on the American scene may represent the single largest piece of hubristic hype since Icarus dismissively waved away the factor-45 sunblock.

Winning plaudits from the Labour Left and the Brussels bureaucracy by sniffing noisily at Bush foreign policy is easy politics but not a substitute for serious decision-making.

All this and Monty Python allusions as well. What's not to like?

Posted by: Zenster   2007-08-10 11:31  
