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Big rise in Brits leaving Britain
This has been building for years an now looks like accelerating past the point of no return. No society can tolerate this kind of skills drain and maintain itself. Interesting times ahead.
Posted by:Phil_B

#10  The beer out of the Northwest tends to use ale hops unlike Canada and the bulk of American beers. The sturdy folks from the British Isles tend to like ale hops.
Posted by: rjschwarz   2007-08-10 17:15  

#9  South Africa? Has the situation in Britain gotten to Zimbabwean proportions?
Posted by: ed   2007-08-10 16:01  

#8  USN, the rain reminds the Brits of home.
Posted by: Rambler   2007-08-10 15:51  

#7  Actually the beer is a by-product; the main draw is the Great Western Washington Rain Festival; it runs Jan. 1- Dec. 31.
Posted by: USN, Ret.   2007-08-10 15:11  

#6  The Beer? Ranier? Olympia?
Posted by: Heriberto Ulusomble6667   2007-08-10 12:48  

#5  thy've been moving here to the Northwestern USA in droves for quite a while now,2 of my freinds married some, same with the irish. something to do with similar weather and good beer.
Posted by: Chiter Dark Lord of the Geats7878   2007-08-10 12:01  

#4  Hey, the wrong people are leaving. Don't give up without a shot being fired.
Posted by: JohnQC   2007-08-10 10:47  

#3  The British workers are paying for the new Islamic welfare scoungers who have no intention to work!!!!

EG.A Tory MP bourght a house for £500k next to Abu Hamza who did not pay a thing due to his big family being unemployed!!!!
Posted by: Paul   2007-08-10 09:26  

#2  Most people are relocating within the Commonwealth - in Australia, Canada and South Africa. I can understand the first two but what kind of nitwit relocates to South Africa? I should think New Zealand and the USA would be higher up the list than South Africa.
Posted by: rjschwarz   2007-08-10 08:47  

#1  I wonder why?
Posted by: gromgoru   2007-08-10 08:21  
