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Fifth Column
US public sees news media as biased, inaccurate, uncaring: poll
More than half of Americans say US news organizations are politically biased, inaccurate, and don't care about the people they report on, a poll published Thursday showed. And poll respondents who use the Internet as their main source of news -- roughly one quarter of all Americans -- were even harsher with their criticism, the poll conducted by the Pew Research Center said.

Respondents who use the Internet as their main source of news -- roughly one quarter of all Americans -- were even harsher with their criticism
More than two-thirds of the Internet users said they felt that news organizations don't care about the people they report on; 59 percent said their reporting was inaccurate; and 64 percent they were politically biased.

53% of Internet users faulted the news organizations for "failing to stand up for America"
More than half -- 53 percent -- of Internet users also faulted the news organizations for "failing to stand up for America".

Among those who get their news from newspapers and television, criticism of the news organizations was up to 20 percentage points lower than among Internet news audiences, who tend to be younger and better educated than the public as a whole, according to Pew. The poll indicates an across the board fall in the public's opinion on the news media since 1985, when a similar survey was conducted by Times Mirror, Pew Research said.
Posted by:lotp

#10  And poll respondents who use the Internet as their main source of news -- roughly one quarter of all Americans -- were even harsher with their criticism, the poll conducted by the Pew Research Center said.

Which means that the more exposed you are to the fact-checking nature of the intenet, the more harsh you are against the MSM.
Posted by: Ptah   2007-08-10 15:44  

#9  No shit! The public is wise to their fifth column activity.
Posted by: JohnQC   2007-08-10 10:45  

#8  If only 64 percent said they are politically biased, who are the other 36 percent ? Preschoolers ? Retarded ? Media executives ?
Posted by: wxjames   2007-08-10 10:35  

#7  Where's that Nancy Boy I always smack around when I'm pissed off?
Posted by: Katie Coric   2007-08-10 09:52  

#6  Procopius2k,
If we stand by, it will. The very fact that the Amnesty bill went down in defeat shows that I don't think the American public will put up with it. '08 elections will really prove it, one way or another. If the dhimocrats win big, I believe the US is doomed to civil war and ruin. If true conservative republicans are elected, I have much hope for the future.

More than likely though, the dhimocrats will retain a house and the republicans will gain the white house and nothing much will get accomplished.
Posted by: DarthVader   2007-08-10 09:33  

#5  The Multi-conglomerate entertainment businesses are staffed by 90% registered Democrats. The same people who used the argument about other institutions were hopelessly bias and out of step with 'America' if they were composed of 90% "privileged" white males. If population numbers were legitimate basis for the finding of 'de facto' discrimination or segregation in other aspects of society, why can't they see the problem in the mirror? Because it was never about right, or fair, or justice. It was and remains all about power.

Like the ruling caste in Mexico, they'd rather see their institutions collapse rather than do honest reform. At least the Mexican ruling class can dump their problem on the US. What's the MSM going to do in ten, twenty years? Watch as they use their allies in one political party to destroy free speech and communication through regulation. There will be but one voice of Big Brother. Labeled with such titles as "Fairness Doctrine". It's coming.
Posted by: Procopius2k   2007-08-10 09:13  

#4  This just Demonstrates the unvarnished, raw power of Karl Rove. It's all to draw attention away from Bush's upcoming election.

Election? To President for Life Ever, of course.
Posted by: Bobby   2007-08-10 07:00  

#3  In other news, the sun rose in the east today.
Posted by: Mike   2007-08-10 06:34  

#2  Shocking.

Posted by: Verlaine   2007-08-10 01:07  

#1  Tee, hee, hee!
Posted by: bigjim-ky   2007-08-10 00:40  
