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Home Front: Politix
Mama Sheehan done officially throwed her hat in that election ring
Dibs on the popcorn concession!
Posted by:lotp

#17  Man, I was all gloom and doom after the market dropping these last 2 weeks. BUT, this more than makes up for that sad news, LOL!
Posted by: BA   2007-08-10 21:21  

#16  Oh goodygoodygoodygoodygoodygoodygoody!
Posted by: OyVey1   2007-08-10 20:49  

#15  great Idea USN ret. Also Steve has a really good idea. The RNC should launder LOTS of money to these fringers just so the Donks have to move closer to that base.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge   2007-08-10 16:12  

#14  Another addition the the envelope rules. Don't put a stamp on it, put your address in the mail to: area and put the address you want it to go to in the return address area. This way it gets "returned" to where you want it to go and you don't have to waste the money on the stamp.
Posted by: Mike N.   2007-08-10 16:07  

#13  If I were in charge of the Republican National Committee I'd send a flunky to the 'Sheehan for Congress' headquarters every month with a suitcase full of cash.
Posted by: Steve White   2007-08-10 13:41  

#12  Cyber Sarge: there is no law that says you cannot either send cash or maybe a money order and put a return adress of somebody else on the envelope; maybe somebody that done pissed you off once, perchance? use gloves and tap water to seal so they cannot get your DNA ( paranoia strikes deep)
Posted by: USN, Ret.   2007-08-10 12:32  

#11  The cynical view: As long as she doesn't somehow garner enough support in the primaries to qualify for federal matching funds, she doesn't have to account for any of the money her "campaign" raises.
Posted by: mojo   2007-08-10 11:51  

#10  I am kind of torn here, I REALLY want Sheeham to put in at least a good campaign, but I really hate sending money to a Mo0nb@t because then you get on all kinds of silly emails.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge   2007-08-10 11:12  

#9  Brain bleach on isle four!
Posted by: DarthVader   2007-08-10 10:48  

#8  Oh God Fred, now I'll have to wash my brain to get that image off of it.
Posted by: Jonathan   2007-08-10 09:40  

#7  If she can keep her shirt on, or if Nancy takes hers off, she's got a chance...
Posted by: Fred   2007-08-10 08:57  

#6  Without giving further specifics, Sheehan said she wouldn't accept money from corporations...

Phew...I'll bet that's a load off of "the corporations" minds...
Posted by: tu3031   2007-08-10 08:48  

#5  This is the perfect opportunity for the Netroots to rise up and crush that Bush-loving neoKKKon Zionazi DINO Pelosi like a bug. I hope George Soros throws the full might of behind Cindy. Go get 'em, Kossacks!

More popcorn, anyone?
Posted by: Mike   2007-08-10 08:45  

#4  Yep, you can never split up the dem vote too many ways to suit me.
Posted by: bigjim-ky   2007-08-10 07:53  

#3  I really think we need to support Cindy. You can never have too many voices pointing out how Hillary and San Fran Nan are bloodthirsty war mongers.
Posted by: Steve   2007-08-10 07:34  

#2  Daniel Ellsberg, the former high-level Pentagon analyst who in 1969 leaked the Pentagon Papers to Congress and the media, showed his support for Sheehan. Ellsberg was arrested twice with other protesters outside Bush's Texas ranch.

"At the moment, facing a well-funded, powerful incumbent without party support, the odds against Cindy appear insuperable," Ellsberg said. "But we plan to change that."

Danny Ellsberg. There's a name I've not heard in a while!
Posted by: Bobby   2007-08-10 06:52  

#1  This is a sign of the poky-clips.
Posted by: Mad Max   2007-08-10 00:38  
