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Network of Swedes spied for Stasi
Posted by:lotp

#5  big surprise here...
they were also "neutral" during WW2, and merely sat on and watched as the nazis invaded Norway, not only taking the stregic coastline on the North Sea but also attaining the ONLY heavy water production facility outside of the USA at that time...

Yes, my morfar, God bless him, never forgave the previous King of Sweden (not to mention the spineless govt) for his Nazi sympathizing.
Posted by: xbalanke   2007-08-10 16:22  

#4  big surprise here...
they were also "neutral" during WW2, and merely sat on and watched as the nazis invaded Norway, not only taking the stregic coastline on the North Sea but also attaining the ONLY heavy water production facility outside of the USA at that time...
Posted by: Chiter Dark Lord of the Geats7878   2007-08-10 12:06  

#3  Where's that nice picture of the postage stamp with Quisling's mug surrounded by a noose?
Posted by: M. Murcek   2007-08-10 09:51  

#2  Just an extension of their wartime employment contract.
Posted by: ed   2007-08-10 08:53  

#1  Larsson said that Säpo would not release the names, "partly on national security grounds, partly in the interests of our organization and partly out of consideration to the individuals."

Yes, must not infringe on the privacy rights of spying traitors.
Posted by: Excalibur   2007-08-10 08:50  
