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ACC sues Khandaker Mosharraf, Obaidul Karim, Janakantha Editor Atiqullah
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) yesterday filed four cases against eight persons, including former health minister Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, his wife, Oriental Group Chairman Obaidul Karim and daily Janakantha Editor Atiqullah Khan Masud. ACC Assistant Director Shafiul Azam filed a case against Khandaker Mosharraf and his wife Bilkis Akter, accusing them of selling land and buildings of a school through fabricated tender. The case was filed with Dhanmondi Police Station under the anti-corruption Act of 1947 and Emergency Power Rules 2007.

Police sources said ACC Deputy Director Abdul Karim filed a case with Tejgaon PS against Obaidul Karim and former lawmaker of Brahmanbaria Saidul Haque for irregularities in importing a car and evading Tk 85 lakh tax for purchasing the car.

Mahmud Hasan, deputy assistant director of ACC, filed a case with Motijheel PS against three people, including Janatkantha editor Atiqullah Khan, for getting building design approved illegally and assisting in getting the design approved. The ACC official filed another case accusing Atiqullah Khan and Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha official ATM Kamruzzaman Khan for constructing building with fake approval and assisting in getting the fake approval.
Posted by:Fred
