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NBR asks for account info of 26 graft suspects
The National Board of Revenue (NBR) has asked all commercial banks to provide account statements of 26 graft suspects including six BNP and Jamaat leaders and their spouses and children. In a letter issued on August 6, the NBR sought statements of the graft suspects under the income tax rule 113, section 1. The banks will have to provide the information by August 14.

Among the 26 are Jamaat leader Abdullah Mohammad Taher, his wife, son and daughter, LDP leader Redwan Ahmed, his wife Mamtaz Ahmed, son Sultan Moyeen Ahmed, and daughters Redwana Ahmed and Shahida Ahmed. Also on the list are Rajshahi BNP leader Nadim Mostafa, his wife Nurunnahar Parul, son Julkar Nain, daughter Tasnuba Fareen and a relative Sonia Haque.

Account statements of Habiganj municipality chairman GK Gaus, his wife Farzana Akhter Happy, sons Manzur Kibria Preetom and Azharul Kibria Pulok were sought in the NBR letter. The banks were also asked to provide statements of BNP Comilla district organising secretary Manirul Haque Sakku, his wife Afroza Jasmin, daughter Sanjida Haque, local BNP leader Sahadab Akber, his wife Shahnaz Khan, sons Senim Akber, Sadab Akber and daughter Sarin Akber.
Posted by:Fred
