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Africa Subsaharan
Zimbabwe migrants sell sex
Posted by:Fred

#5  We love GOONs!
Posted by: m/   2007-08-10 18:27  

#4  >:( GOONz >:(
Posted by: FAN   2007-08-10 18:18  

#3  USN, speaking to a friend there tonight, apparently prices are being fixed to what they were way back in June. 7,000 people awaiting a knock on the door from Bob's goons, not good.
Posted by: rhodesiafever   2007-08-10 17:39  

#2  what is the gov't approved price?????
Posted by: USN, Ret.   2007-08-10 15:05  

#1  And the Africa AIDS crisis keeps growing
Posted by: sinse   2007-08-10 09:16  
