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Lawyers assault Naeem Bukhari
Lawyers assaulted fellow lawyer and TV presenter Naeem Bukhari, who wrote a letter accusing Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry of misconduct before the latter's suspension in March, in the middle of Rawalpindi district court on Thursday. They pelted Bukhari and his two associates with rotten tomatoes and potatoes, and tore his clothes. Lawyers had banned Bukhari from the court premises, which he defied by appearing in the court of District and Sessions Judge Shaukat Mahmood. The police were summoned to his rescue. SSP (Operations) Yasin Farooq arrived at the scene with a contingent and was injured trying to rescue Bukhari, along with four lawyers. However, police managed to save Bukhari and took him to Islamabad in a car, but refused to divulge his whereabouts.
Posted by:Fred

#1  Lawer fight?

Posted by: bigjim-ky   2007-08-10 07:57  
