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Home Front: WoT
Michelle Malkin: NY Madrassa principal resigns
Posted by:ed

#4  Her explanation of the meaning of the tee-shirt seems to be that it was a feminist message. The group of feminists promoting Arab culture ought to be a pretty exclusive club. Maybe the nurse can make sure they all take their meds together.
Posted by: Super Hose   2007-08-10 23:59  

#3  Oh that's so unfair! Everybody knows that Intifada means "Inner Peaceful Struggle with Fluffy Bunnys" and not "Blow Shit Up and Kill the Infidels".
Posted by: Danking70   2007-08-10 21:29  

#2  Nope. The light of exposure has the cockroaches running for cover.
Posted by: ed   2007-08-10 19:58  

#1  Why? Wasn't he radical enough? Didn't he implement sharia hard enough?
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut   2007-08-10 19:54  
