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State politicians helping militants: J&K CM
NEW DELHI: In a startling revelation, Jammu & Kashmir Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad has said that his governmnet has prepared a list of politicians who have links with the militants in the strife-torn valley.

According to the Chief Minister, the home department of the state governmnet has narrowed down on the number of politicians and political workers who have been found supporting militant organisations.

CM Azad made this shocking disclosure to the local media, admitting to the nexus between politicians and militants in the state. Azad also added that his govt would act firmly to tackle the problem.

"I have identified some politicians who are supporting the Over Ground Workers (OGWs) of the various militant organizations. We are not going to warn them to leave all this but in coming time we are going to initiate action against these politicians," he said.
Posted by:john frum

#2  Jeez, I thought by the headline they were talking about Wisconsin. Well, it happens other places to, i guess.
Posted by: Mullah Richard   2007-08-10 10:05  

#1  In other startling revelations..

Water wet
Fire hot

Posted by: john frum   2007-08-10 09:55  
