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Bush says shutting Gitmo not easy
WASHINGTON - President George W. Bush said on Thursday that shutting down the US “war on terror’ prison camp at Guantanamo Bay was not easy, but US officials were working to make it happen. He said the task of closing the camp was complicated because inmates’ home nations did not necessarily want them back, and noted delays in setting up trials for those who were incarcerated.
Not want them back? But they're innocent, solid citizens, Dick Durbin sez so!
“I did say it should be a goal of the nation to shut down Guantanamo. I also made it clear that part of the delay was the reluctance of some nations to take back some of the people being held there,” Bush told reporters. “This is a fairly steep order. A lot of people don’t want killers in their midst, and a lot of these people are killers.”

The president, in a White House news conference before heading to his summer vacation, said the sooner that tribunals could start for inmates of the camp “the better it is.” “It’s not as easy a subject as some may think on the surface.”
Posted by:Steve White

#4  getting fine specimens similar to this:
Posted by: 3dc   2007-08-10 09:34  

#3  if dogs work then in Gitmo's shark infested waters...

Posted by: 3dc   2007-08-10 09:27  

#2  There will always be a large vociferous deranged anti-Ameican crowd in Europe, ME and SE Asia that will say anything and believe anything negative about us. We need to ignore them and continue to do what we do best which is to protect and project our national interests. We shut down Gitmo when we are damn ready to do so not when the press, euros, HRC, Amnesty Int. ICRC and others tell us to. I'd like to see us keep it open even if empty as a sign that we continue to mean business.
Posted by: Jack is Back!   2007-08-10 06:24  

#1  OK as far as it goes, except not really. Every mention of the detentions at Gitmo, since the beginning, should have elicited a vigorous, comprehensive mini-lecture on the inadequacy of the Geneva Conventions to deal with the current situation, the general legitimacy and quality of the operation, and some swipes at the preposterous attempts to extend US constitutional rights to the worst outlaws the planet has ever seen.

This should have been accompanied by a very hard press on the ICRC, especially after it jumped the rails early on with irresponsible public comments (violation of one of their core principles) and their arrogant and silly bluster about current law being adequate for the situation. Don't care if the outrageous ICRC misbehavior WRT Gitmo and Iraqi detention reports was isolated - the organization should have been punished and pressured, in public, so that they would either become very very careful about criticizing the world's best behaved important country, or perhaps even come to their senses and push to update the Conventions.

ex-JAG, you around? What say ye?
Posted by: Verlaine   2007-08-10 01:05  
