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The heathens' last blunder?
Before the chief minister of Sindh departed for Umrah or pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, he responded to US presidential hopeful Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo's recent remarks that the US could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons. "If the heathens commit a mistake by attacking Mecca and Madina," said CM Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim, "it will be their last blunder". He argued that while a Muslim's faith could be weak, Almighty Allah was never feeble and would continue to help Muslims and protect their places of worship. Rahim's statement came just as he left for the pilgrimage amid rumours of the likely imposition of a state of emergency in Pakistan.
Posted by:Fred

#27  He argued that while a Muslim's faith could be weak, Almighty Allah was never feeble and would continue to help Muslims and protect their places of worship.

Uhhhhh...if Mecca and Medina are slags of glass, how does that prove the allan is almighty? And, if Allen is so mighty, why y'all gotta dance around a big black rock here on earth (which is akin to a graven image in the Judeo-Christian arena) and declare every God-forsaken city as a "holy spot"?
Posted by: BA   2007-08-10 21:44  

#26  I think we're on the same page. I just don't get yelled at!

I think so too and really appreciate your observation of just how selective criticism can be around here. Still, there's no other place I'd rather be.

Knocking those popsicle stands over would be a nice start in myth-busting.

While I was attempting to put it a little more diplomatically, you've cut to the chase in admirable fashion, Crusader.

Islam is so superstitious that it may well prove more productive to assail it in those terms instead of the usual military format. Irrefutably proving that Allah is incapable of protecting his marauding hoardes could easily end up solving our problems with equal alacrity.
Posted by: Zenster   2007-08-10 20:20  

#25  So long as Mecca and Medina stand, the hardcore Muzzies will continue to insist that Allah will protect them (even though Allah is doing a piss poor job everywhere they engage the US in battle). Knocking those popsicle stands over would be a nice start in myth-busting.
Posted by: Crusader   2007-08-10 19:48  

#24  Zenster: I think we're on the same page. I just don't get yelled at! ;->
Posted by: OyVey1   2007-08-10 19:43  

#23  OyVey1, that post was mine. It's really tragic contemplating the need to speedily dispatch a chunk of this world's population. As you can see from my posts, I still hope for and seek to devise some sort of functional deterrent or—lacking that—an appropriate demonstration of might that will stop Islam dead in its tracks.

As you yourself noted, Muslims display some extremely resolute mulish behavior that trends away from successful low impact resolution of this issue. Such stubborn opposition indeed indicates that "the remainders would pose a hyper-threat" and thereby bridges into some truly unpleasant scenarios of total annihilation.

I'll ask that all who read this please keep in mind how it is Islam's intransigence—and not any Western over-reaction—that would bear ultimate responsibility for such devastation. Islam simply will not have it any other way.

Enhanced radiation weapons.

When the neutron bomb's existence was first revealed, a political cartoon showed two mad scientists gleefully cackling over a warhead labeled "N-Bomb"", and saying:

"Now we can destroy the world without destroying the world!"
Posted by: Zenster   2007-08-10 18:26  

#22  if it could be accomplished quickly and totally.

Enhanced radiation weapons.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble   2007-08-10 17:34  

#21  "But who will protect Allah from the Americans??"

BabyDawg that is slam full of win!

Posted by: HalfEmpty   2007-08-10 17:30  

#20  Eohippus: Don't get me wrong. I'd love for them to become the sociological and anthropological equivalent of the M. Primigenius, if it could be accomplished quickly and totally. As the required speed and totally, would, however, not be likely, the remainders would pose a hyper-threat to you, me, our families, friends, and co-Rantburgers. I've lived amongst Muzzies, and find them to be a most, er, resolute bunch...
Posted by: OyVey1   2007-08-10 17:25  

#19  There would be dancing in the streets here a$$hole.

We might even [gasp!] hand out candy by the damned fistful.
Posted by: Zenster   2007-08-10 17:10  

#18  If the heathens commit a mistake by attacking Mecca and Madina

I was just getting used to the term "infidel." Oh well, heathen will do. Why does this dipwad think it would be a mistake; it would be intended. There would be dancing in the streets here a$$hole.
Posted by: JohnQC   2007-08-10 16:43  

#17  Doh! Dratted Cookie Monster. Post #16 is mine.
Posted by: Zenster   2007-08-10 16:41  

#16  1. Convince them that we are NOT out to get (convert) them;

This is a hopeless task. The mere existence of any other religion is an egregious affront and total menace to this cult's ultra-fragile sense of identity.

2. Demand mutual respect of our non-Muzzie beliefs and customs,

Even more futile. You are asking people who are absolutely furious that we allow men and women to mingle openly, play at the beach in revealing outfits and make public displays of affection to accept things like smut, coed dorms and [gasp!] democratic elections. Our way of life is both an insult and virulent threat to their entire ingrown world. Islam will never concede "mutual respect" for what it perceives to be a wholely decadent and evil culture.

3. Marginalize CAIR and like organizations to irrelevancy; and

Now you're talking. I prefer "illegalize" but let's not quibble.

4. Seriously restrict the importation of ME whackos via effective immigration policy (let 'em grow their own Doctors and Engineers.).

Again, you're getting warmer. Unfortunately, the fact that items number one and two have a snowball's chance of success make numbers three and four totally inadequate to the task.
Posted by: Eohippus Whalet8571   2007-08-10 16:34  

#15  Actually, the last blunder that the Heathens will make will be the intelligence blunder that allowed the terrorist attack against the Heathens that proves to be the "last straw".
Posted by: Ptah   2007-08-10 15:38  

#14  Although really, REALLY, REALLY fun to think about, t'would be best to keep this "plan" locked in the basement with the crazy aunt and Tom Tancredo.

Bombing the false idols of Islamitude would serously galvanize a huge number, albeit possibly small in percentage, of the "permanently pissed-off" who would then have absolutely no restraints on their internal Jihadist. Better that we should:
1. Convince them that we are NOT out to get (convert) them;
2. Demand mutual respect of our non-Muzzie beliefs and customs,
3. Marginalize CAIR and like organizations to irrelevancy; and
4. Seriously restrict the importation of ME whackos via effective immigration policy (let 'em grow their own Doctors and Engineers.).

Of course, a "super-attack" would require a "super-response," and I would then support the glassification solution. Until then, let's keep the six-pack away from the guns....
Posted by: OyVey1   2007-08-10 15:38  

#13  We really don't have to nuke anybody right now (I'll refrain from conjecture on the eventuality of it at this time), all we have to do is to take 40 old "D" model Buffs out of mothballs, refurbish them, and send them as one wave against Riyadh, Rawalpindi/Islamabad, or Qom. The (VERY few)survivors will tell tales that will make most muzzie visions of hell seem tame by comparison, especially if we use a mixed weapons load.
Posted by: Old Patriot   2007-08-10 15:24  

#12  Will these whiny Muslim bitches ever shut up?

Only when we shut them up. The West has yet to comprehend this.
Posted by: Zenster   2007-08-10 11:05  

#11  Will these whiny Muslim bitches ever shut up?
Posted by: tu3031   2007-08-10 09:53  

#10  Lots of moral equivalency nitwits like to whine "Christianity was a violent religion in the past, but they grew out of it..." Forget that the whiners grasp of history is shaky but realize while the US has SSBNs, ICBMs and stealth bombers RIGHT NOW, islam does not have the luxury of spending the next 400 years "growing up." Also, the first "islamic bomb" used will certainly be the last, and our stockpile, OTOH, is mighty deep.
Posted by: M. Murcek   2007-08-10 09:45  

#9  that would come at the three conjectures point.
Posted by: 3dc   2007-08-10 09:38  

#8  If we hit Mecca, it will be only one target on a list of many.

Shock and nuclear awe, bitch.
Posted by: DarthVader   2007-08-10 09:11  


And with global warming, dark glass will be useful. Reduces the load on the A/C ...
Posted by: lotp   2007-08-10 08:00  

#6  ...A friend of mine wrote a story about an Islamic nuclear attack on the US, and one of the characters said, "We do not fear the Americans - Allah will protect us from them." To which another character replies:

"But who will protect Allah from the Americans??"

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski   2007-08-10 07:27  

#5  Have you priced windows lately! The price of glass has gone through the roof. We need to address this shortage now.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble   2007-08-10 07:16  

#4  What happened to Dresden didn't happen that long ago.
Posted by: Bright Pebbles   2007-08-10 06:57  

#3  The Israelis have been proving just how incompetent the Arabs are as modern militaries since the Israeli War of Independence, where the Israelis were out-manned, out-gunned, had no air force, and a total of 5 tanks {3 that worked at any one time} and still managed to fight off the combined armies and air forces of Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq.
The worst thing in the Iran-Iraq War was that the Iranians were willing to use young boys and old men for human wave assaults through mine fields, promising them Paradise if they died fighting for the "Islamic Republic". The Iraqis could just sit there, with their artillery, tanks, and heavy machine guns dialed in and just mow down the oncoming waves. If the Iraqis had had a competent military leadership, the war would have ended in total victory for them since they had the element of surprise and made such deep gains in the first couple of months. But then, Saddam did not takeout Khargh Island and that let the Iranians pump all their oil out to the waiting world - which enabled the Iranians to buy all the weapons they needed.
Posted by: Shieldwolf   2007-08-10 04:37  

#2  "If the heathens commit a mistake by attacking Mecca and Madina," said CM Dr Arbab Ghulam Rahim, "it will be their last blunder".

If just cause is ever given us for nuclear retaliation and we limit it only to destruction of Islam's shrines, our only "blunder" will have been in being so merciful that we did not—with a single stroke—reduce the entire MME (Muslim Middle East) to smoking black glass.

As Glenmore properly notes, the time rapidly approaches where it will become necessary to make a few vivid and undeniable demonstrations of just how infantilely helpless against Western military might the MME really is. Little else will ever serve to truly convince Muslims of how egregious they are in the error of their ways.

If anyone actually doubts just how monumentally blind Islam's refusal to recognize this reality is: Consider how Iran and Iraq fought to a standstill over eight solid years of grueling warfare whereas it took American forces all of two short weeks to sieze Baghdad. It is this sort of towering yet wholely unwarranted Muslim hubris that necessitates an almost inevitable smackdown of profound proportions.
Posted by: Zenster   2007-08-10 03:19  

#1  So Allan will protect Mecca from us? Makes me want to blast the place just to disprove it. But I won't. For now.
Posted by: Glenmore   2007-08-10 01:13  
