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Iraq's Prime Minister Maliki and Iranian President Ahmadinejad Hold Hands at Photo Op.
Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki (L) and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wave to journalists as they attend an official meeting in Tehran August 8, 2007. An end to violence in Iraq depends on the United States withdrawing its troops, Iran told Iraq's prime minister on Thursday, seeking to deflect the blame for bloodshed that Washington directs at Tehran.REUTERS/Fars News
Posted by:Elmigum Gonque3914

#3  When I first got off the plane and observed ME male duos holding hands while walking I thought it pretty weird. It was, after all, WAY before the Dems Libs Progs Goofs began pandering to the gays and this kind of stuff was on Saturday morning cartoons...
Posted by: OyVey1   2007-08-10 20:42  

#2  Let's not forget the traditional Shiite greeting. That's Mahmoud in the white sleeves.
Posted by: ed   2007-08-10 08:33  

#1  Fags!
Posted by: bigjim-ky   2007-08-10 07:54  
