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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Zelensky’s terrorist legions: what ISIS militants are doing in Ukraine
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Kirill Semenov

[REGNUM] The well-known Chechen terrorist Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, who also fought against federal forces in Chechnya, said that his militants were attacking the Russian border. They became part of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRG) operating in the Belgorod region.

Abdul Hakim Shishani (real name Rustam Azhiev) has a long track record of participation in the activities of international terrorist organizations. In particular, he was the commander of the Caucasus Emirate, an organization not only banned in Russia, but also recognized as terrorist in the United States and at the UN level.

After the defeat of terrorists in the North Caucasus, Azhiev moved to Syria, where the civil war began. There he led the Caucasus Emirate in Syria group, which later transformed into Ajnad Al-Caucasus.

In the Syrian province of Idlib, this faction closely interacted with another terrorist organization on the UN sanctions list - Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and came under its control.

However, the subordination of HTS probably weighed heavily on Azhiyev, especially since the leadership of the terrorists in Idlib set a course for “rooting” the group, that is, turning it into a purely Syrian one, instead of an international one, and under various pretexts purged foreign fighters who were trying to maintain a certain independence.

Then Abdul Hakim al-Shishani came into contact with the leader of the Ichkerian separatists in exile, Akhmed Zakayev, and received from him an offer to lead the “Ichkerian battalions” participating in the ranks of armed formations in hostilities against the Russian Federation. Then Azhiev and his people arrived from Idlib to Ukraine.

In addition to Ajnad al-Caucasus, another jihadist cell, previously associated with HTS terrorists in Idlib, may also be operating in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, namely the “Albanian Jamaat” (or “Albanian Group”), whose arrival in Ukraine and joining the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was confirmed HTS representatives themselves in Idlib in January 2023.

At the same time, a number of Russian-language information resources, including telegram channels patronized and financed by HTS, changed their broadcast schedule, switching from covering events in Syria to propaganda in the interests of the Kyiv regime and its Western patrons. Probably, the support of HTS and the structures of the Kyiv regime affiliated with it should become an additional argument in favor of the possible legalization and recognition of this structure by the United States and Western countries.

But there is a threat that the jihadist groups already present in Ukraine could be replenished by militants of the most radical terrorist organization “Islamic State” (ISIS is a terrorist organization banned in Russia) who settled in Ukraine, who, apparently, lived there under the tutelage of the SBU. It cannot be ruled out that the special services of the Kyiv regime planned to use them in subversive activities against Russia.

This is indicated by the fact that the presence of influential ISIS commanders in Ukraine became known quite by accident, due to the inconsistency in the work of the SBU and the CIA.

The SBU (or GUR), apparently, were afraid to inform the CIA about their possible plans to use ISIS militants and their presence on the territory of Ukraine. Even for their American colleagues, this was too radical a scenario. It is likely that the SBU or the Main Intelligence Directorate in this case could have acted in conjunction with the intelligence services of other Western states.

One way or another, in 2019, the CIA, with the help of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs, identified a high-ranking ISIS terrorist, Caesar Tokhosashvili, a native of Georgian Pankisi, also known as Al-Bara al-Shishani, who was in Ukraine and quietly living in the city of Bila Tserkva. He was considered one of the influential commanders of ISIS due to the patronage of his fellow countryman Tarkhan Batirashvili, one of the main “military amirs” of ISIS.

Until Tokhosashvili was discovered by the CIA in Ukraine, he was presumed dead.

In August 2017, he and his family were believed to have been killed in an airstrike in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor. However, it later turned out that his death was staged in order to divert attention from the redeployment from Syria, from where he moved to Ukraine. All this looked like a planned action and could concern a whole group of ISIS militants who received a corridor and refuge in Ukraine.

The most interesting thing is that Caesar lived in Belaya Tservki for more than a year with his wife and three children and came to the country with real documents. That is, the SBU was aware of who they were accepting.

The capture of such a high-ranking militant should be a source of pride for the SBU. But they, on the contrary, carefully concealed this event in order to prevent the spread of rumors about the role of the SBU in “protecting” ISIS terrorists, and pretended that they simply were not aware of who lived on their territory until the Americans informed them.

That is, if the CIA had not accidentally found this militant, he would also most likely have ended up in the ranks of the terrorist Abdul-Hakim al-Shishani and his Ichkerian VFU battalions.

They could also include other ISIS militants living in Ukraine, whom the intelligence services of other states could not reach. They were waiting for their moment X, that is, the opportunity to be thrown into Russia and begin terrorist activity there, simultaneously with the planned invasion of Ukrainian forces into the people's republics of Donbass, which was stopped by the beginning of the North Military District.

The SBU itself was forced to admit that while in Ukraine, Tokhosashvili remained a member of ISIS and continued to recruit radicals living in Ukraine into the ranks of Amniyat (ISIS Security Service). There was little doubt about where they were planned to be deployed.

Although some of the ISIS fighters and sympathizers of this terrorist organization were nevertheless detained, these are rather isolated cases. And subsequently, the detainees were released and took part in hostilities in the ranks of the VFU.

For example, the chief military prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios, during the detention of the Nazi Daniil Lyashuk, who professed radical Salafi-jihadist views, called him “the most dangerous and brutal fighter of the Tornado battalion” and stated that Lyashuk was going to join ISIS, although the reasons for his arrest were completely different.

Nevertheless, soon “Al-Takbir” (as Lyashuk recorded himself in the Ukrainian passport) was released and killed near Bakhmut during the Northern Military District, where he fought in the ranks of the Ukrainian Federal Unity.

The activities of ISIS in Ukraine, of course, attracted media attention.

Thus, Polish journalist Pavel Pieniazek, who covered the war against ISIS in Syria and investigated the influence of terrorists in Afghanistan, and Ukrainian reporter Alena Savchuk investigated how and why Ukraine became a haven for ISIS militants.

In comments for their publication, former deputy chairman of the SBU Viktor Yagun stated in 2020 that hundreds of people living in Ukraine are associated with ISIS. He also noted that Ukraine is a “rest base” for ISIS militants, whom it does not intend to harm.

Ukraine, he said, is one of the safest places left for them after Georgia introduced harsh penalties for terrorism offenses in 2015 and stopped turning a blind eye to border crossers, and Turkey began deporting more and more disreputable foreigners. While in Ukraine they could already find possible use.

Now, with a high degree of probability, these people can be looked for in the “Ichkeria battalions” of the VFU, which, as they say, are located on the other side of the border in the Belgorod direction. Moreover, among the supporters of ISIS in Ukraine, apparently, there were many Chechens.

The history of the relationship between the Kyiv regime and ISIS has deeper roots.

In particular, back in 2015, Italian Member of the European Parliament Matteo Salvini addressed the then High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini with a request regarding the activities of ISIS in Ukraine.

In particular, he wrote in his request, citing sources in the American media:

“ It appears that they [ISIS supporters] have openly sided with Ukraine, seeking to weaken Russia and force it to concentrate its forces in this country, diverting resources from other fronts on which it confronts various Islamic terrorist groups. To date, Ukrainian authorities have made no attempt to refute these reports, disavow these fundamentalist ISIS combatants, or attempt to expel them from the territory Ukraine claims as its own. Given the serious danger posed by ISIS and Islamic terrorism in general, as recently confirmed by the tragic attacks in France and Tunisia, does the Vice President/High Representative consider it appropriate to rethink his position on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and engage in closer dialogue with Russia to contain this fundamentalist threat? "

Salvini received a very vague answer: they say, we don’t have the data, but we can say that Ukraine is committed to the fight against international terrorism,” Ms. Mogherini replied.

Nevertheless, then, apparently, pressure began to be put on Ukraine so that it would stop the activities of ISIS cells on its territory. In 2016, the SBU announced that it had blocked two ISIS branches in Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov, which provided material and logistical support to members of the group in Ukraine, as well as 11 “checkpoints” of ISIS militants in Kyiv and Kharkov. The SBU also stated that 443 people associated with the Islamic State were not allowed into Ukraine.

Since then, the SBU has regularly reported arrests of people involved in ISIS, but after verification, this information often turns out to be untrue.

In particular, in response to a request from the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza, the SBU was forced to report that from 2014 to 2020 they investigated the cases of only 9 people involved in the activities of ISIS, three more criminal proceedings were under consideration as of 2020.

Thus, in the territories controlled by the Kyiv regime, there may still be several hundred ISIS fighters who, apparently, have joined the Salafi-jihadist formations as part of the Ukrainian armed units. At the same time, one cannot exclude their use for subversive activities within the Russian Federation, as well as for the exchange of terrorist experience with the SBU and the State Intelligence Directorate.

Ajnad al-Kavkaz (AK or AAK; Arabic: أجناد القوقاز ‘Ajnād al-Qawqāz; lit. 'Soldiers of the Caucasus')[16] is a Chechen-led[2] Salafi jihadist militant group in northwestern Syria, operating primarily in the mountainous and forested areas of Latakia Governorate. Although it was formed by former fighters of the Caucasus Emirate and was tentatively linked to the organization,[23] AK operated autonomously from the beginning and later cut ties with the Caucasus Emirate.[12] Though it had become "the largest of the Muslim factions from the former Soviet Union fighting in Syria"[7] by September 2016, AK's activity dwindled in the following years.[24] In 2022, the group's centre of operations shifted from Syria to Ukraine, as most AK militants had begun mobilizing to fight against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[5] As of 2023, AK has largely been engaged in the Battle of Bakhmut in Ukraine.

Abdul Hakim al-Shishani: 2016-09-13 4 Terrorist Commanders Killed In Homs & Hama Provinces
Caucasus Emirate: 2024-03-07 Malgobek resident fined for calls for terrorism
Caucasus Emirate: 2024-03-06 Five prisoners of the Kalmyk colony were convicted in the “prison jamaat” case
Caucasus Emirate: 2024-01-04 France revokes the citizenship of a native of Chechnya convicted of training militants
Akhmed Zakayev: 2023-05-24 Dzhambetov's father agreed to his son's murder
Akhmed Zakayev: 2012-07-19 Russian ex-cop charged in journalist's killing
Akhmed Zakayev: 2012-06-15 Kadyrov: Chechen militant would like to return home
Caesar Tokhosashvili: 2023-08-17 Tsiskara Tokhosashvili sentenced to 12 years in prison
Caesar Tokhosashvili: 2022-12-09 Siloviki reported on the detention of one of the ISIS leaders in Tbilisi
Bila Tserkva: 2024-01-19 The unification of Rus', the future of Ukraine. 370 years of the Pereyaslav Rada
Bila Tserkva: 2023-11-30 Current information on the situation on the front line: November 29 (updated)
Bila Tserkva: 2023-08-10 Where and how the Armed Forces of Ukraine hide their combat aircraft
Tarkhan Batirashvili: 2023-08-17 Tsiskara Tokhosashvili sentenced to 12 years in prison
Tarkhan Batirashvili: 2016-07-18 Georgian Family of Top IS Commander Shishani Mourns His Death
Tarkhan Batirashvili: 2016-03-10 Pentagon Says ISIL’s Shishani Killed in US Strike over Syria

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Dzhambetov's father agreed to his son's murder
Direct Translation via Gogle Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] Hussein Dzhambetov's father stated on the audio recording that he forgives the blood lover who will kill his son. Hussein Dzhambetov, having arrived in Chechnya, began to hand over to the authorities those Chechens who had been in their house and expressed disagreement with the actions of the Chechen authorities, including Imam Valid Kuruev, a clergyman said.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that in October 2022, a criminal case was initiated against a 40-year-old resident of Chechnya, Hussein Dzhambetov, under the article on participation in the creation of a terrorist community. According to security officials, he took part in the creation of the "Separate Special Purpose Battalion of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria", which is part of the foreign legion of the armed forces of Ukraine. On May 14, it became known that Dzhambetov returned to Chechnya.

Dzhambetov's defection to the side of Ramzan Kadyrov caused wide discussion, but this did not affect the activities of the Ichkerians, supporters of the self-proclaimed Ichkeria said. Dzhambetov, after returning to Chechnya, published a video in which he boasted of participating in the murder of the Ukrainian military.

Video clip "Dzhambetov's father allowed his son's blood for Muslims" with an audio recording in Chechen, which sounds against the background of a photograph of a gray-bearded man, was published on May 22 by the Crime State YouTube channel.

"These videos were sent to me a lot. Maybe because of sympathy, or maybe for support. I can only pray to Allah with one dua ( prayer in Islam, - note of the "Caucasian Knot" ): I forgive the blood of my son to the one who, upon meeting, will deprive him of his life, and I ask Allah to first accept his death," the "Caucasian Knot" translated the man's words.

The man whose voice is heard in the video is really Khusein Dzhambetov's father, who received the nickname "Khusein the Butcher" in Europe, a representative of the clergy of the republic, who is familiar with Dzhambetov's family, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent on condition of anonymity.

According to him, representatives of the Chechen clergy often came to Europe. "Not Kadyrov's people, just honest imams, truly believers. They were worried that young people were moving away from faith, that customs and habits were being forgotten.

Naturally, these visits were not coordinated with the Chechen authorities. Among them was a particularly respected imam, Valid Kuruev. He, among other things, he was a longtime friend of Dzhambetov's father and was a guest in their house for several days. A guest for Caucasians is a person who is under the protection of the one under whose roof he found shelter and food, "the source said. However, according to him, Hussein Dzhambetov began to "surrender to the authorities of Chechnya" those who "weave plots" in Europe.

The interlocutor noted that for several days no one knows where Valid Kuruev disappeared.

"He disappeared a few days after he returned from Europe. It is a great shame for the old man that his son betrayed everyone who said something bad about . But the worst thing is the thought that his guest, his old friend, turned out to in all likelihood, in the dungeons. Perhaps nothing bad is done to the old man, but the very fact that he got there on a tip from his own son - Dzhambetov Sr. is difficult to survive. That's why he made such a decision," he commented on the statement of Dzhambetov's father.

Valid Kuruev in the past served as deputy mufti of Chechnya, in 2011-2017 he was repeatedly quoted in this capacity by the official republican media. The "Caucasian Knot" has no information on how long Kuruev has not contacted his relatives and confirmed the assumptions about his disappearance.

A reader of the "Caucasian Knot" drew attention to the video in which Dzhambetov's father condemns his actions .

"It is difficult to say whether this statement comes from Father Hussein  Dzhambetov or not. Although, given the circumstances of the latter’s return to Chechnya (leaving the battlefield in Ukraine, betrayal of his yesterday’s comrades), this is quite possible.<...> Refusal father from son, especially allowing him to be killed, is an extreme measure for Chechens, which is allowed only in exceptional cases, and this will certainly become public. cursed by his father," he wrote.

Akhmed Zakayev said on May 18 that Dzhambetov Sr. was shocked by his son's act. "He was the son of my comrade-in-arms, who went through the war, the first war. His father is an exceptionally decent man. I talked to him on the phone yesterday. I expressed my condolences to him in connection with the betrayal. He is very seriously worried about this," Zakayev said in interview on YouTube channel Radio NV.

Akhmed Zakaev - Special Representative of Aslan Maskhadov in the West (2001), Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (2007-2009). He was put on the international wanted list on charges of terrorism and received political asylum in Great Britain, according to the  biographical information prepared by the "Caucasian Knot"  about Akhmed Zakayev.
Akhmed Zakaev: not related to Imran Zakaev (Call of Duty inside joke)
The "Caucasian Knot" also wrote that on May 14, a video message was published in which Khusein Dzhambetov stated that  he came to Chechnya  thanks to the "fathers of the country" and voiced threats against those who imagine the situation in Chechnya is not the same as it really is.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russian ex-cop charged in journalist's killing
Six years after investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya was gunned down in a Moscow apartment building, investigators announced Monday that charges would be brought against a former police officer suspected of conspiring to murder her.

According to the investigation, former police Colonel Dmitry Pavlyuchenkov used his official powers to monitor Politkovskaya, whose reporting exposed corrupt officials and brought to light atrocities committed by Chechnya's Moscow-backed authorities.

Pavlyuchenkov learned the address of Politkovskaya's apartment and the routes she usually took and gave this information to other conspirators in her killing. He also instructed subordinates to monitor Politkovskaya, according to the Investigative Committee. Pavlyuchenkov also obtained the weapon and the ammunition that were later used in the murder, their statement said.

Pavlyuchenkov has cooperated extensively with investigators since his arrest in August 2011. In February it was reported that he had accused billionaire Boris Berezovsky and Chechen rebel envoy Akhmed Zakayev, both of whom live in exile in London, of masterminding Politkovskaya's murder.

British authorities have repeatedly refused Russian requests to extradite Berezovsky and Zakayev, saying they don't believe they would live long enough to get a fair trial in Russia. Britain's refusal to extradite them has led to tension between the two countries.

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Kadyrov: Chechen militant would like to return home
Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov says militant emissary Akhmed Zakayev wants to return from the UK to Chechnya, but he depends on foreign special services and on self-exiled billionaire Boris Berezovsky.

According to Kadyrov, Zakayev, who currently lives in London, had sought a telephone conversation through different channels. The Chechen government’s website quoted Kadyrov as saying, “During our conversation he kept saying that he was thrilled about changes in Chechnya and tearfully begged to help him return to Russia.”

However, Zakayev is competely under the control of special services and cannot travel anywhere without their knowledge, Kadyrov stated. He added, “Apparently, he would like to return home, but his ‘masters’ shouted and he was left speechless."

In addition, the Chechen fugitive depends on Russian tycoon Berezovsky, who has also found shelter in the UK. Kadyrov contended, "This is a widely known fact. Zakayev cannot make a single step without [Berezovsky’s] knowledge."

Kadyrov called Zakayev “a coward” and “a hypocrite.” The Chechen leader said, “During our phone conversation he called me ‘brother.’…He said he wanted to become my friend and ally. Behind my back, though, he makes completely different statements."

Zakayev and his family “live in clover” in London, getting “good support from his sponsors.”

“And yet he has the cheek to call on the Chechen people to take up arms and come out against the legitimate power,” Kadyrov observed.

Akhmed Zakayev is the Chechen militant envoy and the former self-proclaimed prime minister of “Independent Chechnya-Ichkeria”. He was granted asylum in Britain in 2003.

In Russia he is accused in a number of serious crimes including terrorism and murder. Moscow has sought his extradition for over a decade now, but the UK has repeatedly refused the request.

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Moscow summons Danish ambassador over Chechen militant
The Russian Foreign Ministry has summoned the Danish ambassador in regard to Chechen separatist leader Akhmed Zakayev's participation in an international conference in Copenhagen. Zakayev, wanted on charges of terrorism, attended the Chechen International Conference in Copenhagen.

"Due to this, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned Danish Ambassador to Russia Tom Risdahl Jensen," the ministry said in a statement.

Zakayev, who took part in the first Chechen war and allegedly led attacks on Russian forces, was placed on an international wanted list by Russia in 2001 but was granted political asylum by Britain in 2003. Russia has asked Britain to extradite him but the request has repeatedly been denied.

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Kadyrov wants no statements from Europe on behalf of Chechen people
(Itar-Tass) -- Certain people, who have taken residence in Europe, should be prohibited to discuss the Chechen issue and to speak on behalf of the Chechen people, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said at the World Congress of Chechen People in Grozny on Tuesday, implying Akhmed Zakayev.

He also said that Chechens must obey by their traditions and laws and never forget about their identity no matter where they lived.

"We will never wear yashmak or follow European fashion," Kadyrov said.

He is glad that Chechens from all over the world have gathered together for the first time in 20 years. "We can discuss our concerns. We have understanding and support of compatriots, and that is the most important," he said.

Kadyrov stressed that all the Chechen issues must be discussed in Grozny.

Chechnya has not only revived but also have turned into one of the most dynamically developing regions in Russia, Speaker Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov said. "Tangible changes are taking place in Chechnya. All spheres are developing: sport, education, culture and moral upbringing are the most important areas of republican transformations," he said.

Political expert Ramzan Ampukayev told the delegates about Chechen communities in Europe. He said that Chechens, who decamped their homes during the war, must preserve their identity.

"The farther a refugee went, the farther he was from home, from ancestors' graves. There were people amongst the refugees who called for war while they were running to Europe and saving their lives," he said.

There are 15,000 refugees from Chechnya in Germany, 15,000 in France, 19,000 in Austria, 5,500 in Poland, 200 in Spain and 100 in the UK. In all, more than 100,000 refugees live in Europe, and up to 10,000 babies are born to Chechen families across Europe every year.

These children speak foreign languages, the expert said. Parents object to the need for giving more attention to the native tongue; they say that children must learn French or another language. Children forget the Chechen language as time passes and it is impossible to make them speak Chechen, Ampukayev said.

Some 700 Chechen refuges died in Europe in the past decade, and 200 of them were buried in Europe and 500 in Chechnya, he said.

Chechen separatist leader Zakayev 'arrested' in Poland
Chechen separatist leader Akhmed Zakayev has been arrested in Poland where he was due to attend a two-day Chechen congress, media reports say.

He had earlier been warned by Polish authorities he faced arrest because of a Russian warrant issued through Interpol.

Polish television said Mr Zakayev was detained on his way to the prosecutor's office in Warsaw.

A close aide had said he would ask prosecutors why he was being sought.

Mr Zakayev, who is considered a terrorist by Russia, was spokesman for Chechen separatist president Aslan Maskhadov, who was killed fighting Russian forces in 2005. He has been living in the UK where he was given political asylum in 2003.

Before travelling to Warsaw, he said that he had received his Polish visa and meant to attend the event which is expected to attract hundreds of people at Pultusk, around 40 miles (60km) north the capital.

Speaking yesterday, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said that if the Chechen separatist leader were to be arrested, the courts might not agree to extradite him to Russia. "The extradition procedure isn't the same as extradition," he told Polish media.

Litvinenko police to fly back to Russia
Detectives from Scotland Yard are to return to Moscow to make further inquiries in their investigation into the death of the Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko, Russia's chief prosecutor said yesterday. Yuri Chaika said he had received a new application on Monday from British detectives requesting permission to fly back to Moscow. Russia will dispatch its own team of investigators to London, he said.

Scotland Yard would not confirm whether detectives will return to Russia. "Our position is that we're keeping an open mind," a spokeswoman said. "Going back was always an option."

The latest request to the Russian authorities suggests that Scotland Yard's last highly publicised visit to Moscow in December may have left many questions unanswered. Detectives made little secret of their frustration during their two-week visit. Russian officials seized control of a key part of the inquiry, and told the team that Russian suspects would not be extradited back to the UK.

The detectives met two witnesses - businessmen Dmitry Kovtun and Andrei Lugovoi, a former KGB agent - who met Litvinenko on November 1, the day he was fatally poisoned with a huge dose of radioactive polonium-210. But they were not allowed to ask them direct questions.

Yesterday Mr Chaika said his investigators were keen to quiz Boris Berezovsky - the millionaire arch-critic of Russia's president, Vladimir Putin - and Akhmed Zakayev, the Chechen separatist leader, who are both London-based. He also said Russian investigators intended to question Leonid Nevzlin, former co-owner of the Russian firm Yukos, broken up by the Kremlin. Mr Nevzlin lives in Israel.
A true rogue's gallery.

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Three militants give themselves up in Chechnya
(Itar-Tass) - - Three participants in illegal armed groups have given themselves up to the Chechen police. As head of the press service of the Chechen Interior Ministry Magomed Deniyev told Itar-Tass on Thursday, “a 30-year-old resident of the village of Gekhi, registered in Grozny, gave himself up to the interior department of the Urus-Martan region. According to him, he joined a gang led by Akhmed Zakayev in November of 1999.”

“As a result of a battle in the village of Gekhi-Chu of the Urus-Martan region on February 1, 2000, he got an injury of the left arm and was pospitalized,” a representative of the Interior Ministry said. According to the former militant, he lived in Baku from May 2002 to December 2006. Besides, according to the Interior Ministry, two residents of the Nozhai-Urt region and Vedeno gave themselves up to the police. Both of them were accomplices of gunmen. In particular, the resident of the Vedeno region said that he helped a gang led by Supyan Abdullayev.

I will not be silenced, says Russia critic
Akhmed Zakayev listened intently as his friend Alexander Litvinenko read out the names in an alleged Russian hit-list of political dissidents. Mr Zakayev, a Chechen separatist, had just picked up Mr Litvinenko in central London and was driving him home to Muswell Hill, north London, where they were neighbours.

Hours earlier, on 1 November, Mr Litvinenko had been handed documents by Italian investigator Mario Scaramella at the now infamous Itsu sushi restaurant in Piccadilly. The documents, it has been alleged, revealed information about the assassination of journalist and Putin detractor Anna Politkovskaya in Moscow in October. They contained a list of enemies of the Kremlin, allegedly targeted for elimination by Russian secret services. The list included the names of Mr Scaramella and Mr Litvinenko.

As the pair headed towards north London, Mr Litvinenko, a former member of the Russian secret services, FSB, told Mr Zakayev he too was on the list. "I was not surprised," said Mr Zakayev, the foreign minister of the Chechen government in exile and a fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin. "I know they are coming for me."

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Chechen PM denies Zakayev’s claim Russia used Polonium 210 on militants
Don't really know *who* to believe in Russkiland right now. We report... you tell me what the heck it all means...
Separatist emissary Akhmed Zakayev’s claims that federal forces were allegedly using radioactive isotope polonium-210 during the anti-terrorist campaign in Chechnya are wrong and unfounded, Chechen Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov said in Grozny on Thursday, according to the Interfax agency.

“Zakayev is an actor. He can make up any tale. If they have poisoned their associate [Alexander] Litvinenko, they now want to ascribe similar actions to law enforcers in Chechnya,” he said. “Federal forces have never used poison during the anti-terrorist campaign in the Chechen republic,” Kadyrov said.

Kadyrov’s remarks came in response to Zakayev’s statement made in a recent interview. The separatist also accused the West of standing by passively as Russia passed laws allowing its agents to hunt down opponents overseas, saying these had led directly to the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko, Reuters reports.

Litvinenko converted to Islam, father says
See more images from the funeral

Billionaires, former KGB spies and Chechen rebels joined members of Alexander Litvinenko’s family for his funeral yesterday at Highgate cemetery in London.

What was meant to be a private, non-denominational service was interrupted by a Muslim imam who pushed his way to the front of the mourners to conduct prayers over the coffin. Litvinenko’s father had claimed that his son had converted to Islam on his deathbed.

His wife, Marina, restrained a number of burly Russian minders from intervening to stop the imam, pleading with them: “Remember why we are here.”

She held on to the hand of her 12-year-son, Anatole, who stared straight ahead at the lead-lined, airtight coffin in which officials insisted Litvinenko was buried to avoid any health risks.

The exiled Russian oligarch, Boris Berezovsky, was among the pallbearers, together with the Chechen Foreign Minister, Akhmed Zakayev.

Both Litvinenko’s parents, Walter and Nina Belyavskaya, were at the graveside along with his first wife, Natalia, and a group of 50 family friends.

Earlier it was revealed that Litvinenko had taken part in a citizenship ceremony in October using a false name, Edwin Carter.

It is understood that Whitehall officials knew that he had changed his name for his own protection.

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