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German police shut down pro-Palestinian gathering over hate speech concerns
[IsraelTimes] Authorities cut power after banned speaker appears via video link; British-Palestinian surgeon who spoke at ceremony for terror leader says Germany denied him entry to attend event

German police cut the power and shut down a conference of pro-Palestinian activists on Friday after a banned speaker appeared by video link, organizers said.

The three-day Palestine Congress, promoted by pro-Palestinian groups including former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis’s DIEM25 party, said it aimed to raise awareness of what it called Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza.

The police banned the final two days of the event, citing concern about the potential for hate speech.

Among the speakers was activist Salman Abu Sitta, author of a January essay that expressed understanding for the Hamas terrorists who carried out the devastating October 7 attack on southern Israel in which some 1,200 were killed and a further 253 men, women and children taken hostage to Gaza.

“A speaker was projected who was subject to a ban on political activity,” Berlin police said on social media. “There is a risk of a speaker being put on screen who in the past made antisemitic and violence-glorifying remarks. The gathering was ended and banned on Saturday and Sunday.”

Organizers of the conference said police intervened when Salman, who according to Stern magazine was banned from entering Germany, began speaking on video.

“The police violence, like we were some sort of criminals, was unbearable for a democratic country,” said Karin de Rigo, a parliamentary candidate for the German offshoot of DIEM25. “They not only stormed the stage, they cut the power like we were transmitting violence.”

In Germany as in other Western countries, Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza has stirred growing popular opposition as the Palestinian death toll has mounted.

Shortly after October 7, the German government implemented a formal ban on activity by or in support of Hamas.

Germany’s backing for Israel is rooted in a desire to atone for the genocide of Europe’s Jews in the Nazi Holocaust. The presence of a large, growing Muslim and Arab population in Germany has made the tension particularly acute.

Many protesters have complained that expressions of solidarity with Palestinians are effectively criminalized by authorities on alert for antisemitism.

“It is right and necessary that the Berlin police intervened firmly at the so-called Palestine Congress,” Interior Minister Nancy Faeser posted on social media. She earlier had urged police to be on guard for signs of hate speech at the congress.

Meanwhile, a prominent British-Palestinian surgeon who volunteered in Gaza hospitals during the first weeks of the Israel-Hamas war said he was denied entry to Germany on Friday to take part in the conference.

Abu Sitta said he arrived at Berlin’s airport on Friday morning before being stopped at passport control, where he was held for several hours and then told he had to return to the UK.

Airport police said he was refused entry due to “the safety of the people at the conference and public order,” Abu Sitta told The Associated Press by phone. There was no immediate comment from German federal police.

The UK’s Jewish Chronicle reported last year that Abu Sitta spoke at a Beirut ceremony on the anniversary of the death of a founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Maher Al-Yamani.

The report said Abu Sitta wept as he “hailed the late terror group founder for his success at striking fear into the hearts of Israelis.”

Terrorists from the PFLP participated in the devastating October 7 attack.

On October 8, Abu Sitta promoted a social media post which said Gazans should “fight back and die in dignity” as they were “going to die anyway,” the UK’s Jewish News reported.
Salman Abu Sitta 10-/07/2007 Don't accept two-state solution, refugees tell Abbas


PA in final stages of talks with US to reform ’pay-to-slay’ policy — sources
[IsraelTimes] One of the holdups has been receiving approval from Israel, which is viewed as critical for getting Congress on board; source fears initial leak of story may torpedo negotiations

The Palestinian Authority is in the final stages of talks with the Biden administration about reforming its controversial welfare policy, which includes payments to terrorists and their families, two sources familiar with the matter told The Times of Israel on Friday.

Drafts of the altered policy have been vetted by the administration’s lawyers and the reform was on track to be announced in the coming weeks, one of the sources said, confirming reporting in Politico.

The altered policy would base welfare stipends that Palestinian security prisoners receive on the recipient’s financial need rather than the length of their sentence, as is currently the case, the source told The Times of Israel, adding that there were a number of outstanding issues still being negotiated.

The White House has sought for months — since well before the outbreak of the war in Gaza — to receive a nod of approval from Israel, worried that its rejection could lead pro-Israel lawmakers in Congress to follow suit, thereby hampering the reform’s legitimacy in Washington, the source said. They indicated that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office has been dragging its feet on the matter, even as the premier regularly cites the controversial policy to argue that the PA cannot be trusted.

The effort to coax the PA into implementing the reform was held tightly under wraps for the first three-plus years of the Biden administration, with only a small handful of people involved. But as progress was made in recent weeks and months, the circle of involvement had to be expanded, a second source familiar with the matter said, lamenting that Friday’s leak may well lead to the reform being scuttled entirely, as Ramallah didn’t want it to go public until the initiative was finalized.

The practice of paying allowances to those convicted of carrying out terror attacks and to the families of those killed while carrying out attacks — often referred to by some Israeli officials as a pay-to-slay policy — has been pilloried by critics as incentivizing terror.

Palestinian leaders have long defended the payments, describing them as a form of social welfare and necessary compensation for victims of Israel’s callous military justice system in the West Bank.

The PA initially sought to leverage its willingness to reform the policy in order to secure gestures from Washington, such as the scrapping of congressional legislation from 1987 that labeled the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) "and its affiliates" a terror group.

But Ramallah has long grown disillusioned by the Biden administration, which has failed to keep election promises to re-open missions for the Palestinians in Jerusalem and Washington, and had decided to move forward with the reform without any assurance of gestures from the US in return, a Palestinian source familiar with the matter said.

The source acknowledged that the reform would be domestically unpopular, given the widespread Palestinian solidarity with those imprisoned for confronting Israel’s military rule in the West Bank. However, they noted that the PA is already historically unpopular, and had the move been done at the right time, it had the potential of passing without major pushback, while granting Ramallah a much-needed jolt of international legitimacy as it seeks to return to governing Gaza after the war.

Reforming the welfare policy is designed to bring the PA into compliance with the 2018 congressional legislation known as the Taylor Force Act, which suspended US aid to the PA as long as it continued granting prisoners stipends based on time served.

The US would still be barred from directly funding the PA due to legislation preventing such aid once Ramallah began advancing investigations against Israel in the International Criminal Court. However, if the reform is deemed sufficient to place the PA in compliance with the Taylor Force Act, the US would be able to fund projects that directly benefit the PA.

Since entering office, US President Joe Biden has been largely limited to funding humanitarian projects in the West Bank and Gaza through the US Agency for International Development and donations to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA — though this too was barred following allegations that staffers participated in Hamas’s October 7 onslaught on southern Israel.

Israel also passed legislation similar to the Taylor Force Act that could be scrapped if Jerusalem deems the PA’s reform as credible.

Both the US and Israel will likely require a pilot period to test the reform’s implementation before they reach determinations regarding Ramallah’s compliance.

The welfare policy reform could also make it easier for the US to re-open the PLO diplomatic office in Washington, which was shuttered during the Trump administration. However, obstacles remain given the PLO’s ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a US-recognized terror organization.

As for the US consulate in Jerusalem, which former president Donald Trump also closed down, the Biden administration has been unable to make good on its promise to reopen the mission, citing a lack of cooperation from Israel, which views the move as an encroachment on its sovereignty in the capital city.

Pulling off the reform would be a major diplomatic achievement for Biden, succeeding in an endeavor previous administrations couldn’t pull off.

It would also bolster his vision for post-war Gaza, which includes a reformed PA returning to govern the enclave as part of a pathway to a two-state solution with Israel.

The US has a long list of areas in which it would like to see Palestinian reforms, but some international stakeholders place the welfare payments at the top of their lists.

Asked for comment on the original Politico report, a US State Department spokesperson told The Times of Israel, "From the outset of the Biden Administration, we have consistently made clear that we are strongly opposed" to the PA’s payments to security prisoners.

"We don’t have anything to offer on those reports," the spokesperson added.

Hamas seems to reject new hostage deal offer, says it'll only accept full IDF pullout
An impasse. Back to fighting the war, then.
[IsraelTimes] Hamas on Monday evening appeared to reject a new framework for a hostage deal that had been agreed to by Israel, saying it would not accept any agreement that did not include an end to the war and the withdrawal of all Israeli troops from Gaza.

The terror group issued a statement alongside a smaller terror group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, insisting Israel must halt its "aggression" and pull out of Gaza before any exchange deal takes place.

A senior Hamas official added that the terror group wants a "complete and comprehensive ceasefire" in Gaza.

North Korea training, providing weapons to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis - report
[Jpost] North Korea operates an illegal arms smuggling network used to finance its nuclear weapons program, across the world, according to US and UN investigators.

During the war in Gaza, the IDF recovered large quantities of weapons from the Gaza Strip that apparently were produced in North Korea, as reported by the South Korean National Intelligence Service.

Since these weapons were seized, new information has been published revealing the current and historical relationship between North Korea and Hamas, as well as other terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Syria, and the Houthis, according to a study by the Stimson Research Institute.

On October 16, Israeli Ambassador to South Korea Akiva Tor expressed concern that Hamas had used North Korean weapons against Israel and vowed to destroy North Korean weapons stocks in the Gaza Strip.

On October 17, a senior official from South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff claimed that “Hamas is believed to be directly or indirectly linked to North Korea militarily in various areas, such as the weapons trade, tactical guidance, and training.”

North Korea’s state Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) called the allegations that it arms Hamas “a groundless and false rumor.” It accused the US of creating the conspiracy to deflect from its own complicity in the Gaza war.

This statement was undermined by the North Korean F-7 rocket-propelled grenades from Hamas’s arsenal that were captured by Israeli forces. In addition, Israeli forces found North Korean Bang-122 artillery shells on the Israel-Gaza border, and a Hamas-aligned terrorist group in Gaza possesses North Korean-made 122-mm multiple rocket launchers.

North Korea has a long history of partnership with Iran and Syria, detailed in the Stimson report, and as a result, its military technology has reached Iran’s terrorist proxies, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

Since the start of the war, North Korean state media has repeatedly illustrated violence perpetrated by Israel and has whitewashed Hamas. North Korea’s party daily newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, stated that the international community believed “Israel’s constant criminal acts against the Palestinian people” caused the war. The state media has not shown the carnage of the October 7 massacre of Israeli civilians.

North Korea historically has described Israel as an “imperialist satellite state” and recognizes Palestinian sovereignty over the entirety of Israeli territory, except the Golan Heights.

During the 2008-2009 and 2014 Gaza wars, North Korea said Israel was committing crimes against humanity. During the 1970s and 1980s, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) chairman, Yasser Arafat, received North Korean weapons from Kim Il Sung.

North Korean intelligence officers provided training to Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) commander George Habash and facilitated the PFLP-Japanese Red Army 1972 terror attack at the Lod Airport in Israel, the report revealed.

Between the end of the Cold War and 2007, these ties weakened. However, they strengthened after the 2014 Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, when Hamas turned to North Korea for military assistance. Hamas reportedly gave North Korea a six-figure payment for rockets and military-use communications equipment. Hamas conducted this transaction through a third-party company in Lebanon.

At the time, North Korea said allegations that it was performing such activities were “utterly useless sophism and sheer fiction let loose by the US.”

Once again, North Korean Bulsae-2 anti-tank guided missiles were found in the inventory of the al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades, a Gaza-based terrorist group and one-time ally of Hamas.

In May 2021, a small quantity of F-7 rockets were found with the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the same Brigade that was part of the attacks on October 7.

This transfer of weaponry from North Korea to Hamas is largely performed through third parties, the Stimson report stated, possibly from North Korea to Iran to Sudan and then to Egypt, where arms are trafficked to Hamas through Hamas’s tunnel network.

In 2009, a North Korean plane smuggling 35 tonnes of rocket launchers, grenades, and missiles was seized in Thailand. US and UN investigators said it is part of a global North Korean illegal arms smuggling network used to finance its nuclear weapons program.

In addition to Hamas, North Korea has a history of ties with Hezbollah and the Houthis. In the 1980s, Hezbollah terrorists arrived in North Korea for military training. After 2000, North Korean instructors came to Lebanon to train Hezbollah how to build underground bunkers to store arms, food, and medical facilities. Hezbollah’s tunnel network that stretches to the Israel-Lebanon border was built with North Korean guidance.

North Korea also allegedly transferred improvised Katyusha and Grad rockets to Hezbollah, also transferred through third parties in Syria and Lebanon from Iran. North Korea has aided Iran’s production of several types of rockets, which were then transferred to Hezbollah.

In July 2015, South Korean intelligence officials revealed that the Houthis had fired 20 North Korean-made Scud missiles at Saudi Arabia. The Houthis allegedly captured these scud missiles on the battlefield, as these had been purchased originally by the Yemen Armed Forces from North Korea in 2002.

A year later, Houthi's leadership invited North Korean officials to meet in Damascus, Syria, to discuss technology transfers. These arms transfers have not been officially confirmed.

IDF spokesperson: Hamas had agreed to release Bibas family in truce deal it violated
[IsraelTimes] Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says mom Shiri Bibas, 32, and two boys Ariel, 4, and Kfir, 10 months, were to be returned to Israel as part of temporary deal but ‘Hamas decided not to do this’

The mother and her two children were transferred by Hamas to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine inside the Gaza Strip. They were believed to be held in the southern city of Khan Younis.
Paleostinian terror group Hamas
...the well-beloved offspring of the Moslem Brotherhood,...
was supposed to release Shiri Bibas, 32, and her young children Ariel Bibas, 4, and Kfir Bibas, 10 months old, who were taken hostage on October 7 to the Gazoo

'Report: Hamas assault in planning since 2022, Iran provides training, logistics, arms
[YNet] The Hamas assault on northern Israel has been in the planning for more than a year and Iran had supplied the terror group with military training, logistics, and weapons support valued in the millions of dollars the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
prolly from the first palletful of Obama cash
"The amount of training, logistics, communication, personnel, and weapons required provides a massive footprint," Marc Polymeropoulos, a former CIA senior operations officer who served in counterterrorism roles in the Middle East, told the paper.

"This suggests both Iranian involvement given the complexity of the attack, and highlights the colossal intelligence failure." The use of paragliders — reminiscent of a spectacular 1987 attack by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Israel that killed several soldiers — "surely required training outside of Gaza," Polymeropoulos said.

Iran denied reports it was involved in the murderous attack that had killed some 1,000 Israelis and resulted in some 150 Israeli captives taken to Gaza, including women and children.

Jenin operation: IDF nabs hundreds of explosive devices from terror lab
There is so much new detail here that I’m letting it stand as a separate post instead of attaching it to today’s earlier post on the subject. There is a useful infographic — a satellite image with circles and arrows and an explanatory paragraph — at the link.
[Jpost] The IDF on Sunday night launched its largest operation in Jenin since the Second Intifada with a series of more than ten airstrikes and moving brigade-level forces into the northern West Bank Palestinian city.

IDF sources and the political echelon made it clear that they were significantly upping the level of force being used to end a wave of terror dating back to March 2022, but the IDF home front command also got ready for potential revenge attacks by Hezbollah in Lebanon or Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

The IDF Chief Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Daniel Hagari said early Monday that as of now the operation is focused on Jenin, but that it could expand to other parts of the northern West Bank, also known as Samaria. There were no indications that the IDF would expand the operation to the central and southern portions of the West Bank.

Hagari refused to set a timeline for the operation, but the impression was that it would last a minimum of several days, and could easily last weeks or longer, but would not be open-ended and would not lead to the IDF trying to permanently hold territory in any way. It was also possible that the IDF might leave Jenin within days, but then initiate another large-scale operation elsewhere.

The IDF was careful not to attack any Palestinian Authority security forces and Hagari specifically said that the operation is against local Jenin terror groups and not the PA.

According to Hagari, the strategy of the operation was to root out a deep and systematically developed terror apparatus in Jenin, which has grown over several months and has gone way out of control. He said over 50 terror attacks emanated from Jenin and over 19 terrorists have tried to escape there after carrying out attacks.

Over 300 Palestinian improvised explosives were seized and a couple dozen key terror command and control and other targets were destroyed.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said on Monday evening that at least eight Palestinians were killed and 50 injured, 10 of them seriously, since the beginning of the operation. The slain Palestinians were identified as Sameeh Firas Abu al-Wafa, 21, Aws Hani Hanoun, 19, Hossam Abu Theebeh, 18, Nour Eddin Marshoud, 16, Mohammed Muhanad Shami, 23, Ahmed al-Amer, 21, Ali Hani al-Ghul, 17, and Majdi Ararawi, 17.

One IDF soldier was slightly injured by shrapnel during the operation and taken to a hospital for medical treatment, but later insisted on returning to the battle.

Over 100 Palestinians were detained by Israeli forces for further interrogation, with some later released and an unspecified number kept in detention.

Soldiers located and confiscated an improvised rocket launcher and other weapons. Most notably, they destroyed several laboratories for the production and storage of explosives, according to an IDF statement. One of the larger laboratories had hundreds of improvised explosives ready for use and another one had dozens of such explosives ready for use.

Around 1:15 p.m., the IDF and a large group of armed Palestinians engaged in a wider gunbattle near a mosque. IDF aircraft also engaged the Palestinians to "remove them as a threat."

By 6:00 p.m., the IDF noted that after its exchange of fire with Palestinians, some of whom used the mosque as a new position to fire on IDF forces, it eventually succeeded in gaining access to lower regions of the mosque. In subterranean levels of the mosque, IDF intelligence and the Shin bet (Israel Security Agency) helped locate and neutralize two pits full of explosives and weapons.

The IDF spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee, denied Arabic reports circulating on social media according to which the IDF attacked the Freedom Theater in Jenin during the operation. Adraee attached a video clip in which the theater can be seen from the air, untouched by IDF airstrikes.

For more than half a year, Jenin has in any case been beyond the control of the PA.

Hagari would not identify which terror groups, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Lions' Den, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, or others, which have been struck so far, saying it was too early to know.

Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have each transferred millions of shekels to their cells in Jenin during 2023.

The IDF estimates that 25% of Jenin residents identify with Islamic Jihad and 20% with Hamas. Of the 49,000 Palestinians living in Jenin, around 18,000 live in the Jenin refugee camp which has been at the heart of the conflict since March 2022, but even more in 2023.

Some IDF forces are going house-to-house in search of terrorists and their weapons in some portions of Jenin, but so far the incursion has not been as broad as Operation defensive Shield in 2002. The IDF also has not yet used tanks in Jenin, though it could in the future if the fighting gets out of hand.

Hagari was adamant that the operation had no name because it is not a full scale operation, would not lead to a war and also therefore, did not receive or need cabinet approval. However, at the same time, the home front was on high alert should Gaza, Hezbollah or other groups attempt to intervene or attack Israel.

The IDF chief spokesperson said that the operation was approved 10 days ago, but that the IDF had waited for local holidays to end as well as for improved weather conditions. Other sources said that some kind of larger operation has been considered by the IDF for the past year.

Israel warned the US a week ago that it would soon act decisively against the terror in Jenin, without giving exact details of the operation, Kan reported.

"Jenin has become a "sanctuary city" for terrorist operatives, and the intelligence that has been accumulated has indicated that there is an effort by Iran and its proxies, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, to transfer a lot of money and weapons to terrorists," Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi stated on Monday morning.

Israel kills another militant commander in Gaza as fighting goes on, truce efforts falter, 26 30 Paleos toes up
[NYPOST] Israeli Arclight airstrike
s in the Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamaswith about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
Strip killed a fourth Death Eater commander on Thursday, raising the corpse count from the latest burst of fighting to 25.

Israel braced for more rocket fire amid reports of faltering Egyptian attempts to broker a cease-fire.

It has been the worst bout of fighting between Israel and Paleostinian holy warriors in Gaza in months, and among the dead were also women and kiddies.

The conflagration comes at a time of soaring tensions and spiking violence over the past year in the occupied West Bank.

Early on Thursday, the Israeli military carried out strikes against the Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
Death Eater group and said a senior commander in charge of the group’s rocket launching force, Ali Ghali, was killed when his apartment was hit.
*knock knock*

Military front man Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told Israeli Army Radio that two other holy warriors were also killed in the strike, although no group immediately claimed them as members, and that the rest of the building remained intact.

"The apartment was targeted in a very precise way," Hagari said. "I hope this leads to a reduction, a blow and a disruption of the Islamic Jihad rocket abilities."

According to Paleostinian media reports, the strikes targeted the top floor of a building in a residential, Qatar
...an emirate on the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It sits on some really productive gas and oil deposits, which produces the highest per capita income in the world. They piss it all away on religion, financing the Moslem Brotherhood and several al-Qaeda affiliates. Home of nutbag holy manYusuf al-Qaradawi...
i-built complex in southern Gaza Strip, killing at least two people, including the commander.

The Health Ministry in Gaza said 25 people have been killed since the fighting erupted.

Islamic Jihad said Ghali was a commander in charge of its rocket squad and a member of its gang’s decision-making body.

The group has said it will only cease-fire if Israel agrees to halt assassinations of its fighters.

Israeli air strikes martyr 26 Palestinians in Gaza
How many were killed by the 25% of PIJ missiles that never made it across the border into Israel?
[GEO.TV] Israel and Paleostinians traded more heavy fire Thursday, the third day of the worst escalation of violence in months that has resulted in the martyrdom of 26 people in the blockaded Paleostinian enclave — Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamaswith about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
Air strikes by the Israeli army since Tuesday have martyred freedom fighters as well as civilians, including several children, said officials in the crowded coastal territory.

Cairo mediated in efforts towards a truce between Israel and the Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
group, while La Belle France, Germany, Jordan and Egypt called for an end to the violence.

"The bloodletting must end now," said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock after hosting her three counterparts for talks in Berlin.

The Israeli military has claimed that more than 550 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel, causing no casualties so far.

Of these, over 440 rockets made it over the border and at least 154 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defence system, while one in five fell inside Gaza, it said.

Shops in Gaza were shuttered and the streets largely abandoned as Israeli military aircraft circled over the territory where several buildings lay in ruins.

The Islamic Jihad confirmed it has lost five military leaders in strikes in recent days, including Ahmed Abu-Deka.

Abu Deka was the deputy of Ali Ghali, the commander of a rocket launch unit killed by Israel earlier on Thursday.

The Gaza health ministry said a man had been martyred in southern Gaza, with the Islamic Jihad confirming it was Abu Deka.

Fresh rockets at southern Israel followed the Israeli strike, AFP correspondents said.

Another group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Paleostine, said four of its freedom fighters had been martyred.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said he had instructed the security establishment "to take all the measures necessary, to prepare additional actions and maintain readiness for the possibility of increased fire".

Yesterdays’s Times of Israel liveblog can be seen here.
12:16 am
Hamas-run health ministry ups death toll from last three days of fighting to 30

The Hamas-run health ministry in the Gaza Strip confirms that one Palestinian was killed in an Israeli airstrike on central Gaza earlier tonight, raising the death toll since the beginning of Israel’s campaign against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group to 30.

The figure includes both terrorists targeted by Israel and civilians, as well as civilians believed killed by Islamic Jihad rocket misfires, according to Israeli officials.

At least 12 of the fatalities are confirmed to be members of terror groups, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the smaller Mujahideen Brigades.

9:27 pm
IAF continues to hit Islamic Jihad sites in Gaza; 803 rockets fired at Israel

The Israel Defense Forces says it has carried out a series of strikes against Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Stip over the last few hours.

The IDF says that as of 8:00 p.m., Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip have launched 803 rockets and mortars at Israel.

The IDF says at least 620 of the projectiles crossed the border, while 152 fell short in Gaza.

According to the IDF, air defense systems intercepted 179 of the rockets, while several have landed in urban areas — killing one, injuring several others and causing extensive damage.

The rest landed in open areas without causing damage, according to the IDF.

The military says it has carried out strikes against 191 sites belonging to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad defend Abbas's '50 Holocausts' remarks
[JPost] "We thought he was being too soft. Give us money"
PA President Mahmoud Abbas receives widespread cheers from political supporters, opponents alike over Holocaust comments

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s political rivals in Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have come out in his defense following the uproar over his remarks in Germany, where he accused Israel of perpetrating "50 holocausts" against the Palestinians.

The two groups said that Abbas’s statements represented the Palestinians’ "historical narrative."

The PLO’s Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), which are opposed to Abbas’s policies, also defended him over the weekend.
Mahmoud Abbas: 2022-08-18 Mahmoud Abbas sparks anger after comparing Israeli actions to Holocaust
Mahmoud Abbas: 2022-08-15 Who Will Succeed Mahmoud Abbas as the Palestinian President?
Mahmoud Abbas: 2022-07-31 NIS 600 million to be deducted from taxes to Palestinian Authority

Biden White House ‘Concerned’ as Israel Shuts Down Offices of Terror-Linked Palestinian NGOs
[LI] Seven NGO offices shut down by the Israeli security services were linked the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist group.

The United Nations and the European Union are enraged, while the Biden White House has expressed "concern" after Israel shut down offices of several Palestinian NGOs linked to the terrorist organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

Biden State Department Spokesman Ned "Price told reporters in Washington that the U.S. was ’concerned’ about the raids and closures, adding that civil society is an ’integral element to thriving democracies,'" PBS reported.

On Thursday, Israeli security forces raided and closed down the West Bank offices of seven NGOs that had previously been designated as terrorist entities because of their affiliation to the PFLP, a terrorist group banned by the U.S., the European Union, and other Western countries.

"During an arrest operation in the West Bank, Israeli security forces, including the IDF, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and Border Police closed down seven institutions that had ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Including six that Defense Minister Benny Gantz previously declared as terrorist organizations," The Jerusalem Post reported.
The Jerusalem Post adds:
The ministries each issued documents classifying Addameer, Al-Haq, Bisan Center, Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P), the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (UPWC) and the Union Of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) as branches of the PFLP, joining other NGOs that had also been designated as terrorist affiliates.
PFLP: 2022-08-07 Hamas has an Islamic Jihad problem in the Gaza Strip
PFLP: 2022-07-02 EU to renew funding for Palestinian group accused of backing terror
PFLP: 2022-05-29 Founder of Japan terror group behind deadly 1972 attack on Israel airport set free

Hamas has an Islamic Jihad problem in the Gaza Strip
See here for links to all of today’s posts on Operation Breaking Dawn.
[JPost] Sometimes, your "deniable" liability becomes your liability. Curb your dog
Regardless of how and when the current round of fighting ends, it’s clear that the Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad organization has managed to reassert its status as the second largest and most influential terror group in the Gaza Strip.

It’s also obvious that Islamic Jihad has become a major threat not only to Israel, but to Hamas as well. Similarly, it has also become a real threat to the Palestinian Authority, especially in the northern West Bank.

In the past several years, Islamic Jihad has been openly challenging Hamas by operating as a state-within-a-state in the Gaza Strip. Hamas leaders have always displayed intolerance towards rival groups in the coastal enclave.

Even more disturbing for Hamas is the fact that a number of other armed groups have joined Islamic Jihad in firing rockets at Israel in the past 24 hours. These groups are affiliated with Fatah, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Popular Resistance Committees and Nasser Salah a-Din Brigades.

The fighting in the Gaza Strip shows that Hamas is no longer the sole decision-maker on matters related to military confrontations with Israel. It further illustrates that Islamic Jihad is capable of acting as an independent military force without having to coordinate with, or receive permission from, Hamas.

A statement published by the armed wing of Islamic Jihad on Saturday boasted that the terrorist groups were united in confronting the Israeli "aggression" on the Gaza Strip.

The statement, nonetheless, does not seem to reflect the reality on the ground, namely that Hamas has still not joined Islamic Jihad and its allies in the current round of fighting.

By Saturday afternoon, there was still no indication that Hamas was keen on joining the fighting. Statements issued by Hamas leaders offered nothing but lip service to Islamic Jihad and the other terrorist groups.

A terse statement by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said that he "affirmed during contacts with the Egyptian intelligence heads that what happened in the Gaza Strip is the responsibility of the occupation state alone." Haniyeh, in addition, "stressed the need to stop the bombing targeting the Gaza Strip."

Another statement released by Hamas spokesperson Fawzi Barhoum also failed to offer any hint that his group was planning to join the fighting. "The resistance, with all its military arms and factions, is united in this battle, will defend our people in the Gaza Strip with everything it possesses, and will defeat the occupation as it defeated it in all the battles," said Barhoum.

At this stage, it’s obvious that Hamas does not want Islamic Jihad to drag it into another all-out confrontation with Israel. Hamas’s biggest fear is that another war could trigger a revolt against its regime by the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, who paid a heavy price during last year’s military confrontation with Israel.

Hamas is now hoping that Egypt and Qatar will be able to achieve a new ceasefire between Israel and Islamic jihad. Although it is doing its utmost not to get involved in the fighting, Hamas is apparently worried that if the fighting escalates and the number of casualties rises in the Gaza Strip, it will no longer be able to continue sitting on the fence.

In the past, Hamas found itself in the same position that Islamic Jihad is in now, when it created a state-within-a-state under the rule of the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Authority’s failure to rein in Hamas in the 1990s ultimately saw the Islamists seize control of the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2007 after toppling the Palestinian Authority.

Paradoxically, Israel’s military strikes against Islamic Jihad serve the interests of Hamas by undermining the organization that poses a threat to its rule over the Gaza Strip. But Hamas’s failure to assist Islamic Jihad could also prove to be counterproductive, especially in wake of increased voices criticizing the rulers of the Gaza Strip for their neutral stance.

Founder of Japan terror group behind deadly 1972 attack on Israel airport set free
[IsraelTimes] Fusako Shigenobu, draped in keffiyah, apologizes for hurting innocents; 3 Japanese Red Army members recruited by Paleostinian terrorists, killed 8 Israelis, 16 tourists

Fusako Shigenobu, who co-founded the terrorist group Japanese Red Army,
...their stated goal was to overthrow the Japanese government and monarchy and help foment world revolution, which has nothing to do with killing Jews for “Palestine”. But like Antifa, which is currently harassing anti-abortion protestors, among other side projects while the main objective is on hiatus, two generations ago violent Communists happily loaned out personnel for the world revolution projects of other Communist groups...
released from prison Saturday after serving a 20-year sentence, and apologized for hurting innocent people.

She was freed just two days before the 50th anniversary of the terror group’s deadly attack at Lod Airport that killed 26 people and injured dozens of others.
Her husband was caught in the crossfire that day, which he totally deserved. So did she...
"I feel strongly that I have finally come out alive," she said, welcomed by her daughter and a crowd of news hounds and supporters in Tokyo, some waving Paleostinian flags.

"I have hurt innocent people I did not know by putting our struggles first. Although those were different times, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize deeply," said Shigenobu, who was draped in a keffiyeh — the Arab headdress which has become a symbol of Paleostinian nationalism.

Shigenobu was convicted of criminal masterminding the 1974 siege of the French Embassy in the Hague, the Netherlands. She was arrested in 2000 in Osaka in central Japan, where she had been in hiding.

The Japanese Red Army, formed in 1971 and linked with Paleostinian terror groups,
...specifically the hard left Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine...
was behind a 1972 machine-gun and grenade attack on the Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv.

Three members of the Japanese Red Army recruited by a Paleostinian terrorist group, opened fire and threw grenades at Lod Airport, killing eight Israelis and 16 foreign tourists.

The Japanese Red Army also took responsibility for several other attacks including the takeover of the US Consulate in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1975.

Shigenobu was not physically present in the attacks. A year after her arrest, she declared the group dissolved. Japanese media reports said Shigenobu had undergone surgery for cancer during her incarceration.

Kozo Okamoto, who was injured and arrested in the Israeli airport attack, was released in 1985 in a prisoner exchange between Israeli and Paleostinian forces. He is reportedly in Lebanon Hezbollahstan
...The land area formerly occupied by the state of Lebanon, before that Phoenicia...
Okamoto and several other members of the group are still wanted by Japanese authorities for their alleged role in attacks in the 1970s and 1980s, including the terror assault on the airport in Israel.
One India adds:
Shigenobu herself, who left Japan at the age of 25, married a member of the militant PFLP and had a daughter with him in 1973.
Fusako Shigenobu: 2006-02-23 Japanese Red Army Founder Gets 20 Years

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