Warning: Undefined array key "rbname" in /data/rantburg.com/www/rantburg/ePoster.php on line 10

Warning: Undefined variable $right_id in /data/rantburg.com/www/rantburg/ePoster.php on line 18
Are you a spambot?
We're sorry.

Due to repeated abuse, we've been forced to ban spambots from posting at Rantburg. If you're a spambot, please go away and bother somebody else.

If you're a human being, you can prove it by taking this simple test. Below, you'll see a picture, followed by five possible descriptions. If you can tell which caption matches the picture, you're free to post. If not, your hard drive will be wiped, your BIOS flashed to nothing, and your computer will melt before your very eyes.

Go ahead. Make our day.

Swine in love
Scizophrenic mouse
Fluffy bunnies