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2018-01-28 The Grand Turk
US admits its 'ally' PYD/PKK is a terror group
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Posted by Fred 2018-01-28 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [22 views ]  Top
 File under: Sublime Porte 

#1 typical cia sellout
Posted by Daniel 2018-01-28 00:49||   2018-01-28 00:49|| Front Page Top

#2 They were on the list prior to 2001, Commie bad guyz, y'know. They've still got that commie strain, but Ocalan's heyday has come and gone. He's kinda the Kurds' Mandela.

Erdogan inherited a peace processor with the Kurds. They were talking about releasing Ocalan and they had ceasefires going. But he needed an external enemy, and the Jews were in Israel, not all that many in Turkey. Armenians coulda done, but they're mostly Christians and the world still recalls the pogroms at the end of the First World War. That left the Kurds.

An ISIS kaboom in Ankara (maybe it was Istanbul, I haven't looked it up to make sure) and Erdogan's response was to break off negotiations with PKK, lump them in with ISIS as terrorists, and he's got his external threat.
Posted by Fred 2018-01-28 01:30||   2018-01-28 01:30|| Front Page Top

#3 Look for the CIA label. Might make for a good advert jingle, if it were not so ridiculous.
Posted by Besoeker 2018-01-28 02:04||   2018-01-28 02:04|| Front Page Top

#4 And we allied with Stalin '41-'45.
Posted by Procopius2k 2018-01-28 08:38||   2018-01-28 08:38|| Front Page Top

#5 why does the CIA continue to fight the last ideological war? They are still fighting the cold war as if Stalin and Beria were still in charge.

Just because they are communists doesn't automatically mean they are evil. It is what they do not what they believe that matters. As with the Muslims, I don't care what kind of crazy crap nonsense they believe, it is what they do that has to be stamped out.

Most of the diplomatic and PR black eyes we have and the vast negative perceptions held in Latin America, Africa, and Asia are because the CIA aligned itself with some of the most odious and despicable tyrants on the planet just because they conned us on being "anti" communist.

The reality is that the only reason we sorta don't like the PKK is that "communist" thing, when in effect they and the PYD are the only sane people in the conversation in the ME. Turkey doesn't like them because they want a free Kurdistan, which is not a bad idea given how it cuts off most of Turkey and Iran's access to Iraq and Syria. We had a chance to do this but Slick Willie (Hillary?) decided not to do the right thing and support the Kurds during the Saddam years.
Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2018-01-28 12:57||   2018-01-28 12:57|| Front Page Top

#6 Muslims, fundamentalist Muslims belief is Moohammad's call for total terrorism and Jihad. Until a global domination for Islam is achieved.

How many millions have been murdered in the name of Communism. So we should all care WTF they "believe".

Posted by Woodrow 2018-01-28 16:36||   2018-01-28 16:36|| Front Page Top

#7 Woodrow,

Sorry for glossing over 100 years of genocide in the Soviet Union and China.

The point I am trying to make is that the CiA has a tendency to label someone communist just because they buy weaponry from the Soviets (why the CiA won't). Some of these "communist" organizations that are labeled terrorist are made guilty by association not what they actually are.

The PKK is a nationalist organization that wants a free Kurdistan. That's all I need to know right now.

As for communism in general it is a failed economic theory propped by years of propaganda and critical theory teaching in US Universities.

There is not a successful communist regime in the world...anyone that thinks it will work needs to read "Animal Farm"

Posted by Sock Puppet of Doom 2018-01-28 16:50||   2018-01-28 16:50|| Front Page Top

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