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2006-07-08 Science & Technology
U.S. Anti-Missile Missiles for Okinawa
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Posted by Anonymoose 2006-07-08 00:00|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [10 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

#1 The United States is sending four Patriot batteries, armed with the PAC-3 anti-missile missiles, to Okinawa

Okinawan politicians and people to seethe in 9, 8, 7, ...Oh, wait, never mind.
Posted by Ulurong Thrinemble4476 2006-07-08 09:08||   2006-07-08 09:08|| Front Page Top

#2 The PAC-3's range is given as "15-45 km" by Global Security, not "20 km" as in the article. Bet it's even better than that.
Posted by Mike 2006-07-08 09:10||   2006-07-08 09:10|| Front Page Top

#3 Actually, a lot of Okinawans do seethe.
Posted by ed 2006-07-08 10:05||   2006-07-08 10:05|| Front Page Top

#4 Now we need to let the Chinese know that Japan has created a nuclear warhead for the PAC-3, and has placed an order for two Trident submarines. That would REALLY curl some Chinese beards - and muzzie ones too.
Posted by Old Patriot">Old Patriot  2006-07-08 17:38||]">[]  2006-07-08 17:38|| Front Page Top

This is less of a problem with incoming missiles, as they are rarely friendly.

Heh heh. Understatement of the week. Heard of any incoming friendly missiles visiting Okinawa?
Posted by Alaska Paul">Alaska Paul  2006-07-08 18:07||   2006-07-08 18:07|| Front Page Top

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