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2004-12-23 Home Front: WoT
Yasser, that's my alley
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Posted by Steve 2004-12-23 11:45:56 AM|| E-Mail|| Front Page|| [7 views since 2007-05-07]  Top

Somehow, I wouldn't have picked Yasser as a bowling magnate...

Well, Arafart's head was about as dense and about as hard as a bowling ball...
Posted by Bomb-a-rama 2004-12-23 12:26:17 PM||   2004-12-23 12:26:17 PM|| Front Page Top

#2 Maybe it was his shirts. They just didn't have that Liesure Lanes look...
Posted by Fred  2004-12-23 1:04:21 PM||   2004-12-23 1:04:21 PM|| Front Page Top

#3 Not paying dividends. Heck, just getting the principal back is a better deal that the PA got with most of Yasser's money handling!
Posted by Tom 2004-12-23 1:10:44 PM||   2004-12-23 1:10:44 PM|| Front Page Top

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