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Interpol help to be sought for militant's repatriation
[Dawn] The government will soon approach Interpol to seek repatriation of senior commander of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain, Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, now under detention in Afghanistan.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik
Pak politician, Interior Minister under the Gilani government. Malik is a former Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) intelligence officer who rose to head the FIA during Benazir Bhutto's second tenure. Malik was tossed from his FIA job in 1998 after documenting the breath-taking corruption of the Sharif family. By unhappy coincidence Nawaz Sharif became PM at just that moment and Malik moved to London one step ahead of the button men. He had to give up the interior ministry job because he held dual Brit citizenship.
told news hounds here on Saturday that Maulvi Faqir was involved in a series of terror attacks in the country. The government wanted his deportation from Afghanistan so that legal action could be initiated against him, he added.

NATO Says Pakistani Militant Commander Killed in Afghanistan
[NY Times] NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Originally it was a mutual defense pact directed against an expansionist Soviet Union. In later years it evolved into a mechanism for picking the American pocket while criticizing the cut of the American pants...
forces said on Saturday that they had killed a senior Pak Taliban capo in an Arclight airstrike in Afghanistan, highlighting the increasingly complicated nature of the fight against Islamist cut-throats along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistain.

Mullah Dadullah, who led the Pak Taliban in the Bajaur tribal agency, was killed late Friday in a strike on a compound across the border in the Afghan province of Kunar, NATO and Pak intelligence officials said.

The Kunar police chief, Gen. Elwaz Mohammad Naziri, said 12 other myrmidons, including Dadullah's deputy, were also killed.

The death of Mullah Dadullah, a former prayer leader who rose through the Taliban ranks to become a commander, will have an impact on the fighting in Bajaur, where the Pak Army has been battling the Pak Taliban since 2008.

But it may also offer an opportunity for a fresh turn in the relations among NATO, Pak and Afghan forces along the mostly non-existent border, which have been marred by acrid recriminations in recent months.

Pak officials have publicly accused NATO of failing to stop Taliban fighters sheltering in the Afghan provinces of Kunar and Nuristan, from which American forces have largely withdrawn, from carrying out attacks inside Pakistain.

The officials' protests reached a crescendo in June after a Taliban ambush on a Pak border patrol killed 13 troops, 7 of whom had their heads chopped off. Some Pak officials have gone as far as to accuse NATO and Afghan forces of secretly supporting the bad turbans.

The Afghan government has replied by saying that Pakistain's military regularly fires artillery salvos across the border into remote Afghan villages, killing scores of civilians. Tensions between border police on both sides have flared into gunfire exchanges several times in the last month.

NATO officials, meanwhile, note that Pakistain has failed to crack down on much larger Afghan Taliban sanctuaries inside its own territory -- particularly in North Wazoo, further west along the border, where the notorious Haqqani network holds sway.

There, the campaign against the Taliban is being led by Central Intelligence Agency drone strikes, which have attacked targets in North Waziristan on four of the last eight days. Senior American officials in Washington say one of the strikes may have killed Badruddin Haqqani, the operational leader of the Haqqani network.

Now, Mullah Dadullah has become the most senior Pak Taliban capo to be killed by NATO in Afghanistan. In Kabul, the Afghan capital, a NATO official said the killing signaled a desire for greater cross-border cooperation with Pakistain. "This is an example of that," he said.

NATO said Mullah Dadullah was important on the Afghan battlefield, too. In a statement, the military alliance said he "was responsible for the movement of fighters and weapons, as well as attacks on Afghan and coalition forces."

A front man for Pakistain's military was not immediately available for comment.
"I can say no more!"
But Asad Munir, a retired Pakistain military brigadier and former intelligence chief in Beautiful Downtown Peshawar, said Mullah Dadullah's killing was a "very calculated move that is likely to be appreciated by our army."

"Their complaint has been that American and Afghan forces are not targeting the Pak Taliban. This is a good sign," he said.

Mullah Dadullah, also the name of an Afghan commander of the Taliban who was killed in 2007, was the nom de guerre of Jamal Said, a prayer leader from the village of Damadola, in Bajaur. He rose through the ranks of the Pakistain Taliban and in 2008, he headed its vice and virtue department, which enforces strict moral edicts based on a narrow interpretation of Islamic texts, and later ran its charity.

He became a Taliban capo in Bajaur after the group's leadership fired his predecessor, Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, for engaging in unauthorized peace talks with the Islamabad government.

Mr. Muhammad now leads a rival Taliban faction, which is also based in Afghanistan and has been attacking Pak border posts. His troops have clashed with those of Mullah Dadullah in the past month, a local news hound from Bajaur said by telephone.

Pakistani Taliban release 17 hostages
[Dawn] Pak Taliban on Thursday released 17 people after over three months of captivity who mistakenly crossed the border from the country's lawless northwest into Afghanistan, officials said.

More than 30 young people aged between 20 and 30 were kidnapped from Pakistain's Bajaur tribal region during celebrations marking the Mohammedan Eid holiday in September 2011.

"Today Taliban has released 17 of them, some 8-10 are yet in their custody," Bajaur administration official Islam Zeb told AFP.

Zeb at the time said the boys had been kidnapped by a bad boy group allied with Taliban capo Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, who led local gun-hung tough guys but is believed to have decamped to Afghanistan in 2010.

"They have ben freed unconditionally," he added. Another bigwig, Mohammad Tariq Khan, confirmed the release.

Afghanistan shares a disputed and unmarked 2,400-kilometre (1,500-mile) border with Pakistain, and Taliban and other Al-Qaeda-linked forces of Evil have carved out strongholds on either side.

Afghanistan and Pakistain blame each other for several recent cross-border attacks that have killed dozens and displaced hundreds of families.

For years the neighbours have traded accusations over the Taliban and Al-Qaeda-linked forces of Evil embedded in both countries, who criss-cross the porous, unmarked border and fight security forces from both governments.

Nuggets from the Urdu press
Lal Masjid cleric makes a mistake
Reported in Mashriq deputy leader of prayers of Islamabad's famous Lal Masjid, Maulana Amir Siddiqi complained that after he had made a trip to Iran he was receiving death calls. He had gone to Iran in a group of ten religious scholars on the invitation of Iran's Shia Council but forgot that his mosque was aligned with a school of thought that adhered to Al Qaeda and was opposed to Iran.

Another cricketer shows 'real' character
According to Mashriq Pakistan's pace bowler Suhail Tanvir got married (nikah) to a doctor but immediately after the wedding his former wife Nosheen appeared on the scene saying he had secretly married her earlier and had a daughter with her and had not taken permission under law from her for his second marriage. There is one year's prison for violating the law. But the clergy in Pakistan does not accept the law, so he was safe.

Musharraf wanted to hang Nawaz
Former General Ziauddin told daily Pakistan that Musharraf wanted to hang Nawaz Sharif after overthrowing his government in 1999. He had set up the scaffold at Attock Fort and the hangman had also been appointed. He said Nawaz Sharif as prime minister had dismissed Musharraf as army chief and appointed Ziauddin in his place because he knew what Musharraf had planned against Nawaz. Nawaz Sharif was spared because of international pressure.

Jinnah was unhappy with Bahawalpur
Daily Pakistan reported that Jinnah was unhappy with Nawab of Bahawalpur because of his activities and this had resulted in two Hindus trying to kill Jinnah but the plot was foiled just two days before it was to happen. Jinnah was about to take action against the Nawab.

Give women right to marry two men!
Reported in Jinnah Justice (retd) Nasira Iqbal said that men could marry second wife only under certain conditions usually taken to mean that he treat all his wives equally which was not possible according to the Quran. Sharmila Farooqui of PPP said that women too should be given permission to marry a lot of men.
Ah, Pakistan, Land of the Pure: where the impossible is permitted, and the possible is forbidden.
Allama Iqbal and Curse of America
Famous columnist Hamid Mir wrote in Jang that America was on its last legs as the entire world was unhappy with the capitalist system imposed by it. He asserted that Allama Iqbal had warned the nation that it was not right to depend on London and Geneva because these places were in the clutch of the Jews (Panja-e-Yuhud). He also asserted that Western civilisation was on its death bed in its very youth.

Russia and Chechnya
World famous intellectual Zulfiqar Ahmad Cheema
wrote in Jang that he had gone to Russia with a delegation and was received by a famous think tank. There he had the great wisdom of asking the leader of the think tank why Russia, after having given freedom to Uzbekistan and other republics, not allowed Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan the same freedom. (He forgot that new republics were created after the break-up of the Soviet Union; Russia did not break up therefore the above three areas of Russia were not to be freed without breaking up Russia too.)
So this would be that specific definition of great wisdom which means the sum of stupid plus ignorant. Got it.
Secretary petroleum does 'ghul-ghapara'
Reported in Jinnah that federal secretary petroleum became drunk on alcohol during a charity show in Islamabad, took off his shirt to bare his body after which he began to pursue the ladies present on the occasion. He caused a lot of disorder (ghul-ghapara) after which he specially turned his attention to foreigner ladies in hopes of attracting them to his bare body. On this he was overpowered by the guards and made to sit out the function.
Clearly the ladies weren't attracted to his mind, either.
Senior journalist also does 'ghul-ghapara'
Daily Jinnah reported that a senior journalist (hint-hint) and columnist of great fame in Lahore (name withheld) was found doing ghul-ghapara at Lahore's Gymkhana Club. The said journalist whose name could be easily guessed because of his well known inability to hold his drink was most abusive to club members in Chandni Lounge. The club administration was shocked at the fertility of the journalist's brain to produce long and very descriptive abuses.

Aisha is still Hamza's wife!
Daily Mashriq reported that Aisha Ahad Malik was still married to Nawaz Sharif's nephew and son of Punjab chief minister, Hamza Shahbaz Sharif. This was confirmed by the parents of Aisha - Ahad Malik of PMLQ and his wife. Hamza denied that he was married to her.

Saudi Arab wanted Nawaz Sharif as premier
Famous double-game president General Musharraf was quoted in Jinnah as saying that the Saudis wanted him as president of Pakistan provided he kept Nawaz Sharif as prime minister. Saudis got Nawaz to agree that he would stay out of Pakistan for a decade but later it was agreed that he would return but would not demand restoration of the judges nor want President Musharraf removed.

Drone kills Umar Abdur Rehman's son
Reported in Jinnah a drone killed three Arabs in Pakistan including two of them - a son and a grandson of - Umar Abdur Rehman the fiery blind orator-leader of Egypt's Gamaa Islamiyya serving a long sentence in America since 1995 for plotting to blow up the American Trade Centre through Ramzi Yusuf who is also serving a long sentence.

Maulvi Faqir calls Pakistan 'ghulam'
Quoted in Mashriq deputy chief of the Taliban Maulvi Faqir Muhammad said that it was no use talking to Pakistan because it was a slave (ghulam) of America. He said America was losing the war in Afghanistan and was therefore deceptively talking about peace with the Taliban. He denied that he had recently visited India; nor was he killing Pakistanis at the behest of India.

India cannot be 'most favoured'
Famous columnist Tanvir Qaiser Shahid wrote in Express that India could not be granted the title of Most Favoured Nation (pasandida tareen mulk) because it had inflicted so much cruelty on Pakistan. How could it be acceptable to the armed forces of Pakistan and how can it be acceptable that our army chief invites foreign guests to his meetings only to have them say in public that the army was in agreement with the award of MFN to India.

Kick America out!
World famous spy-master and intellectual Hamid Gul told Nawa-e-Waqt that if Afghanistan could beat up the US (maar-bhagaana) and throw it out of its territory, why couldn't Pakistan do it? He said Pakistan should stop the greatly expensive equipment of the US leaving Afghanistan through Pakistan, which Pakistan should confiscate.

A new slant on 'halala'
Daily Jinnah reported that chief of the world renowned madrassa of Karachi Jamia Banuria chief Mufti Naeem said that the contracting of second marriage by Suhail Tanvir without the permission of his first wife was a kind of halala (making permissible) which was allowed by Islam. He said Islam did not make second marriage or more conditional to taking permission from the first wife. Normally halala means remarrying first wife after first marrying her to another man, who is usually a cleric, complete with consummation of marriage through sleeping with the said cleric.

Nuggets from the Urdu press
Jinnah wanted normal relations with India
Columnist Ataul Haq Qasmi quoted Mujibur Rehman Shami's letter about Jinnah in Jang explaining how founder of the nation Jinnah was talking to the Indians about retaining his house in Bombay which he might visit once Indo-Pak relations returned to normal.
Lucky for Mr. Jinnah he died only a year after Pakistan became independent. He would have been very upset to see what his little project became.
Asfandyar got $23 million?
Daily Jang quoted MQM leader Altaf Hussain as saying that ANP leader Isfandyar Wali got $23 million from America to pay his way to winning the 2008 elections in Pakhtunkhwa. Altaf said he did not consider Pashtun leader Ghaffar Khan as a traitor. (Hussain later apologised for the charge.)

Dr Safdar defeats Ziring
Famous historian and ex-Intelligence Bureau officer Dr Safdar Mehmood wrote in Jang that the following American scholars were predicting Pakistan's failure: Selig Harrison, Stephen Cohen and Prof Lawrence Ziring. Ziring was author of half a dozen books predicting Pakistan's demise and when Dr Safdar encountered him on one occasion in Islamabad he challenged him on his basing his prediction on Dr Safdar's books. Later when Pakistan survived Dr Safdar challenged him again. On this occasion Ziring apologised for having predicted death of Pakistan. Dr Safdar wrote: 'Friends! Believe me, Allah has his protective shadow falling on Pakistan which will live forever'.
Army needs MQM
Reported in Jang news commentator Kamran Khan revealed that MQM was greatly needed by the ruling party PPP. At the same time both the Americans and the Pakistan Army also needed the MQM. All this meant that the PPP-MQM alliance was needed by all the important actors in the region.

Did Musharraf kowtow to America?
Writing in Jang ex-president Pervez Musharraf stated that the allegation that he accepted all the demands for cooperation by America after 9/11 was wrong. He took the American demand to his generals, then to all the cantonments and talked to the rank and file of the army and got agreement everywhere. Then he went to the cabinet and got its agreement and thereafter discussed it with all the big stakeholders. He gave Shamsi airbase in Balochistan to the Americans only for transit into Afghanistan and the Jacobabad base in Sindh, but did not allow use of airports and ports.
Jinnah's doctor made millions
Daily Pakistan revealed that Jinnah's personal doctor Col Ilahi Baksh managed to squeeze a lot of benefits from the government for his treatment of the Father of the Nation. He got a big plot in a place which later became Gulberg in Lahore and he got allotted a hotel in the Shah Alami Market.

Kulsum Saifullah regrets
Reported in Jang Kulsum Saifullah who wrote Meri Tanha Parvaz (My Solo Flight) regretted that her book contained slander against the person of late General Akhtar Abdur Rehman whose family was greatly perturbed. She apologised to the sons of General Rehman and said that the said general was an asset to Pakistan and that her book wrongfully contained sections against him because she could not supervise the proofreading and publishing of the book.

Ch Nisar's children are American!
Chief Editor Jinnah wrote that it was shameful that the parliamentary opposition leader in Pakistan Ch Nisar Ali Khan of PMLN had dual nationality and his children were all American citizens. Perhaps this was an American reward for handing over Aimal Kansi to the Americans whom Ch Nisar now criticises. Why were the children of Ch Nisar given American nationality without spending the mandatory five years in America? Ch Nisar Ali Khan responded that his wife was American at the time of marriage and her children were all American as a result.
America will be destroyed in one year!
Famous leader of Jamaat Islami Munawwar Hasan told Jinnah that American will come to an end in one year because people like Osama are born only for achieving shahadat (martyrdom). He wanted the nation to rise after tying shrouds to their bodies (kafan bandh kar) and form themselves into an army of the faithful and put an end to America.

Ch Pervaiz Elahi is like dengue mosquito!
Famous law minister of Punjab Rana Sanaullah told daily Pakistan that PMLQ leader Ch Pervaiz Elahi was like a huge dengue mosquito which was ever ready to bite the poor and suck the blood out of them. This was his reply to Elahi's criticism of the PMLN's readiness to counter dengue fever in Punjab.
Alexander killed by dengue mosquito!
Daily Jang reported that the people of Pakistan suffering from the epidemic of dengue fever should know that as long ago as 3 BC a mosquito had attacked and killed Alexander the Great when he was conquering Punjab. Mosquitoes also killed the biblical villain Nimrod and malaria spread by mosquitoes also killed the famous Italian poet, Dante.
Drones do selective killing!
Famous columnist Hamid Mir wrote in Jang that American troops are present in the Afghan province of Kunar in good numbers but when Pakistani terrorists from Bajaur attack from Kunar the Americans don't do anything to stop them. American drones too ignore these terrorists who recently abducted Pakistani children from Bajaur during a picnic.

Was Osama in Abbottabad?
Head of the judicial commission on Osama bin Laden's death in Abbottabad told Jinnah that he would also probe whether Osama actually died in Abbottabad. He said people were upset after his death and this anxiety must be removed through honest investigation.
National hockey too goes crooked!
Daily Nawa-e-Waqt reported that after Pakistani cricketers were found to be corrupt, Pakistan's leading lady hockey player Huma Nur too was discovered to be a con artist. She stole a cheque from her school and got it encashed. Just like the cricket players she was caught red-handed on the bank's CCT camera.
Kulsum Saifullah is lying!
World famous military mind ex-ISI chief Hamid Gul was quoted in Nawa-e-Waqt as saying that Kulsum Saifullah's allegation in her book that Pakistan blew up the Ojhri camp in 1987 because it had stolen and sold them to Iran a number of Stinger missiles from the munitions depot was wrong. He said that Ojhri fire was an accident and the 248 stingers were destroyed in the fire. Gul was in charge of ISI then.
Gems from Major Amir of ISI
Chief Editor of Jinnah wrote that he had met ex-ISI officer Major Amir of the Midnight Jackals fame and discussed the current crises of Pakistan on which Major Amir said that those who had not made money were predicting doom while those who had were enjoying Pakistan. Major Amir is a famous and much admired former officer of the ISI who came with the true Islamic credentials of the seminary Panjpir in the Tribal Areas from where Pakistan was to produce such great sons of Islam as Maulvi Faqir Muhammad of Bajaur, putting the fear of God in the breasts of the Americans.

AQ Khan's no comment on Kulsum's book
Famous nuclear scientist Dr AQ Khan was quoted in daily Pakistan as saying that he will be mum on Kulsum Saifullah's book where she claimed that Dr AQ Khan and some others had a part in Pakistan's crime of nuclear proliferation. Her book is titled My Solo Flight.

Taliban kidnap 40 Pak boys in Afghanistan
[Pak Daily Times] Suspected Talibs in Afghanistan have kidnapped as many as 40 Pak boys after they inadvertently strayed across the border, Pak officials said on Friday.

The boys, from the town of Mamoun in the Pashtun tribal region of Bajaur, were trekking when they ended up in Afghanistan on Wednesday, the officials said.

"Now, they are being held by forces of Evil across the border," Pakistain government official Muhammad Haseeb Khan told Rooters.

It was not possible to verify the claim.

Two local intelligence officials said that the kidnappers were apparently from a Death Eater group allied with Taliban capo Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, who led cut-throats in Bajaur but is believed to have decamped to Afghanistan in 2010.

"The kidnappers were Talibs, belonging to Maulvi Faqir Muhammad group," one official said, on condition of anonymity.

Another Pak administration official speaking anonymously said security forces were stretched thin along parts of the frontier.

"It is a mostly non-existent border and security cover is not available everywhere," he said.

Security officials said they learned of the kidnappings when parents of the children, members of a tribe that inhabits the frontier area, informed them of the abductions on Friday.

They said about 20 boys below ten years old in the group were allowed to return to Pakistain, But boys between 12 to 14 years old were held. About 60 children took part in the outing.

Tribal elders and holy mans were trying to negotiate with the forces of Evil to secure their release, officials said.

a woman is only as old as she admits...
Afghan border police commander General Aminullah Amarkhel said he had no knowledge of the abduction, and the local Taliban capo in Kunar province,
... which is right down the road from Chitral...
where the boys vanished, also said he was unaware of the incident.

Afghanistan shares a disputed and unmarked 2,400-kilometre (1,500-mile) border with Pakistain, and Taliban and other al Qaeda-linked forces of Evil have carved out strongholds on either side.

Bajaur is opposite the eastern Afghan province of Kunar and has long been an infiltration route for forces of Evil entering Afghanistan to fight US-led forces there.

Tribesmen from Mamoun are opposed to al Qaeda and the Taliban and have raised militias to fight them, angering forces of Evil who often hit back with bombings and shooting attacks.

The Pak military has repeatedly claimed to have eliminated the Death Eater threat in Bajaur, one of seven districts in the semi-autonomous tribal belt that the United States sees as the global headquarters of al Qaeda.

Maulvi Faqir claims TTP leadership, Muslim Khan replaces Omer
Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, a top Taliban commander, said on Wednesday he had taken over as acting head of the group in Pakistan, but denied reports that his boss Baitullah Mehsud had been killed.
"No, no! Certainly not!"
Faqir said the Taliban held a meeting of elders, and named him as their leader. "I have taken over the leadership of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. Two days ago our shura held a meeting in which my leadership was endorsed," Faqir told AFP over the telephone from an undisclosed location. "Baitullah Mehsud is alive, but he is seriously ill. In his absence, I announce, as vice president of the TTP, the takeover of his leadership."

He said two other senior Taliban leaders reportedly vying for the top post -- Hakimullah Mehsud and Waliur Rehman -- had endorsed his leadership.

Faqir also said recently arrested Taliban spokesman Maulvi Omer was being replaced by Muslim Khan, who was until now the group's spokesman for Swat. An intelligence official said Tuesday that Omer had acknowledged that Mehsud was dead.

Troops kill 35 Taliban in Darra Adam Khel
Security forces backed by helicopter gunships killed at least 35 Taliban during a two-day operation in Darra Adam Khel in Kohat Frontier Region, ISPR sources said on Tuesday.
The security forces targeted Taliban in Buland, Mirali and Torchena areas. Three security personnel had also been injured in the operation, the sources said, adding that several Taliban hideouts had been destroyed during the operation, APP reported. Meanwhile, local Taliban commander Maulvi Faqir Muhammad has asked his comrades to suspend all their activities and to ensure the implementation of a peace agreement in letter and spirit in Bajaur Agency, online reported.

Tribesmen sign peace deal in Bajaur
(AKI/DAWN) - A major Pakistani tribe straddling the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in the country's restive Bajaur tribal region gave an undertaking to the government to end militancy, refuse shelter to foreign militants and respect state authority.

Mamoond, the largest and most strategically placed tribe in Bajaur, signed a comprehensive 28-point undertaking on Monday to surrender key figures of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in Bajaur, lay down arms, disband militant groups and stop militant training camps.

According to the second clause of the agreement, an official copy of which has been exclusively made available to Pakistani daily Dawn, TTP senior leadership in Bajaur including the TTP, deputy leader, Maulvi Faqir Muhammad and its chief spokesman Maulvi Said Muhammad alias Maulavi Omar will surrender to the government.

Other TTP office bearers in Bajaur who are required to be surrendered to the government include key militant commander Jan Wali alias Sheena and Commander Aliur Rehman.

The Mamoonds, who had rejected a government's demand to surrender militants and end militancy, decided to switch sides when the capture of two strategic heights by security forces on the night of 23 February turned the tables, forcing the TTP in Bajaur to call a unilateral ceasefire.

'It's the peoples' victory more than a military success', Maj. Gen. Tariq Khan, who led Operation Sherdil (Lion Heart) in Bajaur, told Dawn in an exclusive interview.

Tariq promised to clear the remaining small pocket of Chehar Mang in Bajaur from militants in the next couple of days.

The undertaking was signed by leading tribal elders from Mamoond and the administrator at the regional headquarters of Khar.

The undertaking says that all militants would lay down arms and get themselves registered with their respective tribe to facilitate monitoring and the tribe shall submit a certificate of their good conduct.

All militant groups under any name shall be disbanded, the undertaking says. It also says that no parallel administration shall be formed and the writ of the state shall be respected.

'No foreigners shall be allowed in the area, nor shall any property be sold or rented out to foreigners,' Clause 6 of the undertaking says, referring to possible foreign militants that could infiltrate and fight in Pakistan.

'On evidence of the presence of any foreigner in the area, the tribe will be responsible for their banishment and they will be obliged to take action in this regard and satisfy the government in accordance with the riwaj (local custom)', it adds.

A ten-member committee has been formed that will include two representatives from the government to monitor and implement the undertaking. It says that security forces and government officials will not be targeted and there will not be any restrictions of their movement.

'Any member of all tribes in Bajaur will not indulge in terrorism activities in Pakistan including the tribal areas nor will they facilitate anyone in this regard. They will not allow the use of their territory for any subversive activities nor will they allow anyone to do so.

'Similarly, no local or foreign militant will be allowed to cross the border with Afghanistan.'

There shall be a ban on FM radio station, the cessation of hostility and propaganda against the state and its institutions, and any violation will carry a penalty of Rs1 million, (10,000 euros) it says.

The militants will stop patrolling, not collect any illegal taxes and the tribes will not object to setting up of any new check posts besides the ones already existing.

It also says that all madrassahs or religious schools will be registered with the government and no new seminary will be set up in Bajaur without the government's approval. There will also be a complete ban on the display of heavy weapons and all such heavy weapons will be surrendered to the authorities within thirty days, the undertaking says.

The agreement follows a previous one in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province in February between the militant group Tehrik-i-Nifaz-i-Shariat Mohammadi and the government which introduced Islamic Sharia law in the Swat Valley.

Forces declare 4-day ceasefire in Bajaur
The security forces suspended their operations in Bajaur Agency on Tuesday and agreed to hold fire for four days. "Security forces have decided to observe a four-day ceasefire across Bajaur," Political Agent Safirullah Khan told reporters. He described the decision as a "goodwill gesture" made at the request of tribal elders. A source said tribal leaders wanted to hold talks with Taliban in order to negotiate a permanent peace in the area, where observers have said the government was nearing victory after a massive, months-long campaign. "The security forces reserve the right to retaliate if they come under attack," the political agent said. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leader Maulvi Faqir Muhammad had declared a unilateral ceasefire in Bajaur late on Monday. He said in a radio broadcast his men had vacated Inayat Killay, a Taliban stronghold outside Bajaur's main town of Khar.

Five militants, soldier killed in Bajaur
Six more people, including five suspected militants and a soldier, were killed and several others were injured in clashes and bombing by the Pakistan Air Force fighter planes in Bajaur on Wednesday. Also, militants threatened to target educational institutions occupied by security forces.

The military sources said the warplanes pounded positions of militants in Inayat Killay, Bhai Cheena and Mamond subdivision, a stronghold of the tribal militants led by TTP deputy chief Maulvi Faqir Muhammad.

The sources said the troops had also cleared major parts of Inayat Killay and Bhai Cheena towns of militants, where the terrorists had established posts and were offering a tough resistance to security forces.

Independent sources reported fierce fighting between the militants and security forces around Inayat Killay in which officials said five militants and a soldier were killed.

Militant positions in the Mamond Tehsil were also targeted with artillery and mortar guns from Bajaur's regional headquarters, Khar. Suspected militants reportedly fired rockets at Khar Tehsil, where a mortar fell in a residential area, killing a woman and a child.

Meanwhile, the authorities announced relaxation in curfew from 8 am to 4 pm today (Thursday) from Khar to Faja, Yousafabad and Shandaymor. The curfew has caused great hardships to tribesmen and also created shortage of food and other edible items in the militancy-hit Bajaur agency.

On the other hand, TTP spokesman Maulvi Omar called The News and threatened to launch attacks on educational institutions which security forces had been using as base camps. He gave a three-day deadline to the troops to vacate the schools or the militants of Bajaur, like their fellow militants in Swat, would start attacks on schools being occupied by the armed forces. Omar also threatened to target government installations and security forces if the military operation was not stopped in the agency.

Nuggets from the Urdu press
Remove the moon-sighting committee

As reported in Jang, JUI leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman said that the Ruet-e-Hilal Committee charged with sighting the Eid moon should be disbanded and reformed with true (jayyad) ulema because the present committee was making wrong decisions. Most people in Lahore said that the Eid on October 1 2008 was wrong and that the committee had “eaten up” one fast by relying on science. In some suburbs of Lahore, like Muridke, three Eids were celebrated.

Eid moon and the naked eye

Writing in Express, Asadullah Ghalib stated that Muslims in the world had not been able to unite themselves on the observance of Eid. In Pakistan, Eid was rejected on October 1 because the moon was not seen with the naked eye but with the help of a telescope. However, Pakistan observed Eid on three different days, this time also including Punjab. He said there could not be any ijtihad on the condition of the naked eye, but the Muslim world could organise an agreed system.

Mullah and politics

Writing in Express, Tanvir Qaiser Shahid explained mullah as someone who cannot tolerate a different opinion and is on sale for politicians. One Maulana Abdul Qadir Azad khateeb of Badshahi Masjid in Lahore once sided with the opponents of Benazir and issued the fatwa that anyone who voted for Benazir would have his nikah dissolved.

Rooms occupied for 30 years

According to Jang, Punjab University administration in Lahore had four hostel rooms meant for the caretaker of the hostel vacated. The Jamiat Tulaba Islam was in occupation of these rooms for 30 years. In one room it even tortured students who did not obey them. The administration got the rooms vacated with great courage.

Pleasure domes of Islamabad

Columnist Haroon Rashid wrote in Jang, that Islamabad had many 20-kanal farm houses where nights stayed awake and days remained asleep and beautiful actresses from India were brought in to increase the pleasure of the rich for millions of rupees. People who gave crores of rupees to the women of pleasure in these houses sat down in comfortable sofas and mourned over the misfortunes of Pakistan.

Illegal mosques in Islamabad

An article in monthly Naya Zamana, stated that Sector G-11 had sprouted four mosques within a square of 500 yards in its centre. In I-10, a public park had been trespassed by a madrassa of Ahle Hadith which has grown from a one room affair to a multi-storeyed institution. The mosque administration said no permission was required for building a mosque. Islamabad had 43 illegal mosques in 2007. By official reckoning the official mosques in the city are sufficient to cater to the population.

Dont trust Friends of Pakistan

Economist Dr Shahid Hasan Siddiqi said in Jang, that Pakistan should not take help from Friends of Pakistan forum convened in Dubai to support Pakistan financially. Pakistan should first stop playing a helping role in Americas programme of attacking deep inside Pakistan territory. As a result of its Bajaur operations, terrorism had increased in Pakistan. He wrote that terrorism was actually being done by foreign agents sent into Pakistan. Without first removing the causes of Al Qaedas terrorism it would be fatal for Pakistan to accept aid from Friends of Pakistan.

Terrorists in south Punjab

Columnist Hamid Mir wrote in Jang, that he told Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani that terrorists of the tribal areas were making their new hideouts in Multan, Bahawalpur and Muzaffargarh and “if you attack them there, they will go to Karachi.” Therefore, the best thing would be to negotiate with the Taliban. The prime minister agreed with him that the Americans were after Pakistans nuclear weapons.

America takes blood of Pakistani children

According to Jang, ex-ISI chief General (Retd) Hamid Gul said that America will never stop attacking Pakistan as long as its objectives here are not met, which are connected with Pakistans nuclear weapons. Until then, Pakistan government will go on offering the blood of Pakistani children to the Americans.

One-eyed burqa, please!

As reported in Jang, a Saudi scholar of religion, Muhammad Al Hibadan, has told the Saudi women that the veils covering their faces and hair but showing their two eyes were against Islam. He asked them to wear a veil with only one hole in it showing just one eye, which would be considered Islamic. He also said that women made themselves seductive through the use of cosmetics, which was against Islam.

What people want

Daily Jang, reproduced a 1959 column by the great writer late Ibrahim Jalees saying that people wanted bread to eat, water to drink, houses to live in, schools and colleges to study in, and even get Kashmir for them to spend holidays in. But once all this was done, people will complain about bread not being put in their mouths, cloths not being sewed by the government and the houses not being swept by the government. In the end they will demand fare for going to Kashmir too.

America tried to kill Asfandyar

Writing in Express, Asadullah Ghalib stated that Asfandyar Wali was attacked by America, but like Aftab Sherpao he was reluctant to name America as the killer. To save their cooperation with the US, politicians often blame their brothers in the Tribal Areas, the Taliban and Al Qaeda and not the real culprit. A Muslim cannot attack a Muslim, therefore only America does the deed.

America and Stone Age Pakistan

Columnist Irfan Siddiqi wrote in Jang, that the US had signed a nuclear deal with India, the same US whose conflagration “we have embraced as a holy fire that burns our homes and children.” To play beloved (dildar) to the US, we have handed over our airfields, our seas, our air space and our intelligence to it. While the US advances, Pakistan is being slowly pushed into the Stone Age.

ISI chief General Taj and Benazir

According to Aajkal, the PPP was opposed to the ISI chief General Nadeem Taj and wanted him gone but army chief General Kayani was cautious about post-Musharraf reshuffles. The PPP tried to get him placed under Interior Ministry but failed with Kayanis help. It hated General Taj because he had refused to meet Benazir despite a number of requests from her. Finally, when he met her his advice to her not to hold the Liaquatabad public meeting was too threatening in tone to be accepted.

Alas, Pakistan can't hit America

In response to American Senator Joe Bidens statement that Pakistan as a nuclear power was dangerous because it could hit Israel with a nuclear bomb, Asadullah Ghalib wrote in Express that Pakistan did not have a missile that could reach America and therefore it had to listen to such threats silently.

Baitullah dead or married again?

Reported in Express, Maulvi Faqir Muhammad of Bajaur, who was deputy commander of Baitullah Mehsud, the chief of Tehreek Taliban in the Tribal Areas had suffered an attack of paralysis while Baitullah Mehsud was actually dead from his various fatal illnesses. Maulvi Umar, spokesman of Baitullah in South Waziristan, denied the news and said that Baitullah had actually married another bride on the day the news of his death was made public. Jang reported that the entire South Waziristan danced with joy on the wedding of 35-year-old Baitullah Mehsud. According to daily Express, 40 dumba (sheep) were killed and eaten in celebration.

Our path to future is mined

Writing in Jang, Nazir Naji stated that in order to fight the Soviet Union we prepared warrior priest in the name of Islam. These warriors have completely ruined our society and more guest warriors coming into Pakistan will soon trample under foot whatever is left of Pakistan. Pakistan had no idea how its way forward is being dangerously mined by these people.

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