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'The people who control the country.' How Afghanistan has changed under the Taliban
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Kirill Semeov
Russia is determined to normalize relations, and will say anything to do so. Count up the fictions as you read, dearReader.
[REGNUM] The problems of Afghanistan are known, but the real power there lies with the Taliban movement and this cannot be ignored, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the press following his visit to Uzbekistan on May 28.

“There are problems in Afghanistan, they are undeniable, everyone is well aware of them. The question of how to build relationships with the current government is another question. But we have to build it somehow, these are the people who control the country, control the territory of the country. They are the power in Afghanistan today,” the Russian President said.

A day earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also made it clear that Russia is going to remove the Taliban from the list of terrorists, on which it is still included.

“Kazakhstan recently made a decision, which we are also going to make, to remove them from the list of terrorist organizations. Moreover, the UN Security Council did not declare the Taliban as a terrorist organization.
It only takes one veto, or the threat of one.
There are, in my opinion, 12–15 specific characters on the list of terrorists,” Lavrov told reporters.

Initially, the Taliban came under international sanctions and were included in terrorist lists not so much because of their own actions, but because of their support for other terrorist organizations. For example, Al-Qaeda, whose representatives received asylum in Afghanistan.
Al Qaeda is still there, as are all their little buddies. And ISIS-K is one of the leading exporters of jihad among the ISIS franchises. Some of these have connections, and have been causing trouble, in Russia.
Of course, the Taliban was and remains a fundamentalist movement, but both now and during the period of the first Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA - the Taliban state) distanced itself from obvious terrorist activities.

The Taliban, unlike Al-Qaeda and ISIS, have never advocated the dismantling of the world order and “global jihad.”
But they support — and intermarry with — those who do. Tomaytoes, tomahtoes.
During their first statehood in the 1990s, they maintained diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Pakistan. Neighboring Turkmenistan was then close to recognizing them.

At the moment, it has also become obvious that all concerns about the hypothetical expansion of the Taliban into neighboring countries have remained at the level of speculation and speculation. The Taliban movement has demonstrated in practice that it intends to build good neighborly relations with all its neighbors.
They’e still at the consolidation phase, and can’t afford external wars as well as the internal ones.
For Moscow, of course, the positive attitude of the Afghan authorities towards Russia itself and its approaches to international affairs also plays a role.

As political scientist and orientalist Mir-Ali Askerov, who recently returned from Afghanistan, told IA Regnum, “there has never been a situation in which, when you say that you are from Russia, it causes some kind of negativity, that is, it either causes at least something neutral, positive, or strictly positive attitude. The Afghans express their gratitude for the fact that you visited their country and, in general, offer their help there in every possible way.”
I assume Mr. Askerov is male.
Askerov emphasized that Afghans look with hope at the confrontation between Russia and the collective West, with the hope that Russia “will be able to withstand this onslaught, this pressure and will be able to achieve a revision of this monopolar world order.”
No doubt.
As Russian officials have rightly noted, the Taliban are making good progress in nation-building.

Although the country has serious economic problems and terrorist groups continue to operate, the risk of political and economic collapse is assessed as minimal, and the country has also managed to overcome crime and make the lives of citizens safer.

According to Askerov, the crime situation has become much better than during the reign of Ashraf Ghani and the Americans, and during that period he also had the opportunity to visit Afghanistan.

“ You can now walk around Kabul at night, during the day, at any time of the day and in any area, it is absolutely safe. The only problem is pickpockets, but this is only a problem of large markets,” said the orientalist.
Again, Mr. Askerov is not female.
At the same time, security is ensured in a much “softer” way than during the American occupation.

“Of course, there are many guards and checkpoints in the city, but they do not create the impression of a police state, as during the American presence with rough searches and searches of everyone. On the streets you can also see employees of the ministry of “commanding what is good and prohibiting what is bad” (morality police), but they act unobtrusively, politely and rather try to explain or explain something rather than prohibit and detain, so this does not cause any rejection or conflicts,” Askerov noted.
No, no, perish the thought.
At the same time, he said, some problems remain, despite the optimism of Afghans:

“The population perceives current changes positively and looks to the future with hope. But, of course, Afghans live poorly, and even the wealthiest live very modestly by our standards; economic problems have not gone away.”

Nevertheless, the Taliban still managed to somewhat stabilize the economy.

Afghanistan's foreign trade fell after they seized power. However, despite the decline in imports, most of the country's income now comes from taxes.

As experts note, the Afghan economy is no longer in a state of free fall and appears to be frozen in a precarious balance, albeit at the lowest level.

Modest positive trends include lower inflation, exchange rate stability, some recovery in imports, a more than doubling of exports,
…opium and heroin, right?
stable or slightly increased labor demand and continued wage levels.

Of course, the problem of Afghan drug trafficking remains.
Opium and heroin, yes.
However, it arose long before the Taliban came to power and was “chronic” for this country.
The Taliban took control of it during their first tenure, and never let go.
Nevertheless, the IEA leadership is making efforts to limit the production of opiates.

Thus, according to a 2023 UN report, poppy cultivation in southern Afghanistan fell by more than 80% as a result of Taliban campaigns to stop its use in opium production. For example, the decline in poppy cultivation in Helmand province has dropped by 99%.

In November 2023, a UN report found that throughout Afghanistan, poppy cultivation had fallen by more than 95%, depriving the country of its status as the world's largest opium producer.
The warehouses were full to bursting. No point in producing more until that supply is used up and the price increases.
Although Iran does not agree with such optimistic assessments, since, according to Iranian officials, supplies of opium and heroin from Afghanistan to their country continued in large volumes.
The Taliban have also made progress in dialogue and taking into account the interests of ethno-confessional minorities living in the country, primarily the Shiite Hazaras, who were able to gain access to some leadership positions, which may indicate the movement’s readiness to follow the path of forming an inclusive government.
Tokens to shut up the rubes.
However, problems remain with the Uzbek and Tajik minorities, who are dissatisfied with the fact that their representatives, not associated with the Taliban, are still not represented in the IEA power structures.

An important factor in recognizing the Taliban and removing terrorist labels from the movement is its success in suppressing the activity and presence of international terrorist organizations such as ISIS and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

It is significant that the Americans, who spent 20 years trying to eradicate the brainchild of Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, were forced to recognize this success. But as soon as they left, the Taliban themselves solved this problem.

In particular, as Christy Abizaid, director of the US National Counterterrorism Center, stated on September 11, 2023, "al-Qaeda is in its historic decline in Afghanistan and Pakistan and its resurgence is unlikely."

She also cited declassified data that the group had "lost access to targets, leadership talent, group cohesion, grassroots commitment, and supportive local environment." She said the terrorist organization's ability to threaten from Afghanistan " is at its lowest level" since it moved there in 1998.

The Taliban were also able to suppress the activity of ISIS and its local affiliate ISIS-K in Afghanistan.
Within Afghanistan, anyway. Or perhaps just reports of their activities. But not abroad.
After a significant increase in their activity, due to the security vacuum created in some parts of the country after the US withdrawal, the Taliban changed this dynamic, depriving the terrorists of control over certain territories that they were able to acquire by following the Americans fleeing the country.

Their activities were dealt a blow, and activity over the past year has decreased significantly, which was noted in the relevant reports of international structures.

It is noted that the Taliban were able to conduct a successful campaign against ISIS-X and eliminated most of the sleeper cells that were ready to continue terrorist attacks in Afghan cities. After a surge in the number of terrorist attacks in the first months after the Taliban came to power, their number begins to decline as a result of counter-terrorism measures by the IEA security structures.

In particular, in 2022–2023. the number of terrorist attacks and other attacks by ISIS-X has decreased significantly. If in the first year of Taliban rule (2021-2022) there were 314 attacks and assaults, then in 2022-2023. only 69 - that is, less than during any period of activity of the group in Afghanistan since its inception.

The Taliban’s fight against ISIS is systematic and consistent; for this purpose, special counter-terrorism forces have been created in Afghanistan that can effectively counter it.

This counter-terrorism unit is called "Red Squad", or "Sara Kheta" in Pashto.
... also known as Red Unit, Red Brigade, Blood Unit, Danger Group, and Taliban Special Forces Unit. The Taliban’s special forces/shock troops unit was first deployed in Sangin town in Helmand province in 2016, then claimed a victory against ISIS-Khurasan in 2018. They were most active in Kunduz, Baghlan, and Faryab Provinces.
It is divided into several battalions of 300–350 men, selected by field commanders from among the fighters based on their discipline, dedication and skills. Each battalion operates in a separate province, but within the Red Squad there is also a battalion-sized group of the most trained elite forces known as Badri 313.
The Badri 313 Battalion was trained by the Haqqani network and based at Salahaddin Ayyubi Military Operations Academy. There is evidence it was at one point al Qaeda's military arm in Pakistan, with members gleaned from the Taliban and Pakistan’s pet jihadi groups including Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, and Jundallah, used for nasty attacks on the Pakistani army under the leadership of Ilyas Kashmiri (until 2011) followed by Shah Sahib.
In emergency situations, units work together to cover a multi-province area.

It was the “Red Detachments” that defeated the ISIS in the province of Nangarhar, which was a stronghold of terrorists. After which part of the “Red Detachment” battalions was transferred to the province of Kunar, which was soon also cleared of ISIS militants.

Of course, it is too early to talk about a complete victory over ISIS in Afghanistan.

But a significant decrease in terrorist activity allows the Taliban movement to establish economic ties with foreign partners and organize business trips to this country.

Therefore, Russia, acting proactively, can economically enter Afghanistan before others, officially recognizing the Taliban movement as the legitimate Afghan government.

Before this, there were many factors that forced our entrepreneurs to act with caution in Afghanistan, including the fear of persecution for justifying and financing terrorism.

By removing the Taliban from the terrorist lists, Moscow can speed up the implementation of economic projects in Afghanistan and begin absolutely legal, not “gray” investments.
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Two ‘Senior Members’ of ‘Pakistani Taliban’ Killed in Kabul: BBC
[ToloNews] The BBC reported the liquidation of two senior members of the "Pak Taliban
...the Pashtun equivalent of men...
" in Kabul last week.

The killing of the two men, named by the BBC as Sheikh Khalid Haqqani and Qari Saifullah, has raised concerns among Afghan analysts who say that the infiltration of key Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP) leaders in Kabul raises a lot of questions.

The Afghan security agencies so far have not commented officially.

if you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning...
a security source speaking to TOLOnews on condition of anonymity said that last week "two men" were "mysteriously" killed in an area near the Intercontinental Hotel in PD5 of the Afghan capital Kabul, which is the location also identified by the BBC report.

According to the source, the Afghan security agencies arrested the assailants.

Sami Yousufzai, a co-author of the BBC report, told TOLOnews that the two men "wanted to go to Kunar from Paktika
...which coincidentally borders South Wazoo...
, they were supposed to meet or attend an invitation in Kabul near the Intercontinental hotel, but they were killed there."

Afghan commentators speculated about the alleged meeting and death of the two men:

"Khalid Haqqani and Younus (Qari Saifullah) perhaps came to Kabul to shine a signal and reach sort of harmony with the officials (Afghan officials), I think those people who do not want the Taliban to surrender or end the war plotted this attack on them," said political analyst Ahmad Saeedi.

Haqqani was one of the close aides to former TTP leader Hakimullah Mehsud who was killed in a dronezap in 2013. Haqqani was formerly a deputy head of the TTP, and had currently held a "key position" in the group’s leadership council, said the BBC report.

"This is a major blow to the Pak Taliban, it is a great loss for them, the Pak Taliban are currently under massive pressure, some of their leaders have sought refuge in Afghanistan," said Pak journalist Tahir Khan.

Details of the incident will be shared with the public once the investigations are completed, the security source said.
Khaama Press adds:
Sheikh Khalid Haqqani, the former deputy chief of TTP and member of the group’s central committee, along with another commander Qari Saif Peshawari were killed during a fight with forces in Afghanistan on Jan. 31, Mohammad Khurasani, the outlawed militant group spokesman said in a statement.

Khurasani did not disclose details about the incident but said he was on his way for carrying out an attack when Afghan forces stopped his way and killed him.

Afghan government kept it secret and did not share information with the public in this regard.

The questions are why the TTP leaders were in Kabul, how and who killed them.

Another source from TTP said they believe the murder was done by Pakistan’s intelligence service, ISI.
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Kabul: 2020-02-04 Girls school set on fire in the northern Takhar
Qari Saifullah: 2019-12-30 Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) faction Qari Hussain Force spokesman gunned down in Afghanistan
Qari Saifullah: 2019-10-03 Arrested HujiB leader met Osama bin Laden
Qari Saifullah: 2017-10-19 TTP names successor to APS mastermind Umar Mansoor
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Hakimullah Mehsud: 2018-06-21 Death of a terrorist leader
Hakimullah Mehsud: 2017-11-03 Haqqani network on top as US shares list of 20 terror groups with Pakistan
Hakimullah Mehsud: 2016-06-23 Famed singer Amjad Sabri gunned down in Karachi

Death of a terrorist leader
[AspiStrategist] Late last week a US drone killed Maulana Fazlullah, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban—known as the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)—in Afghanistan’s eastern Kunar province. This is a serious body blow to the TTP, which had already been significantly weakened by several counter-insurgency and counterterrorism operations in recent years.

Fazlullah, who was 44 years old, was a particularly nasty individual. He took over as the TPP’s leader after another US drone strike killed his predecessor, Hakimullah Mehsud, in November 2013. Fazlullah sought the imposition of Sharia law throughout Pakistan. He led the insurgency in the Swat valley in 2007–2009 during which music and barber shops were banned and girls were discouraged from going to school. It took some 35,000 troops to dislodge him and his fighters from that area.

But Fazlullah will be especially remembered for two notoriously vicious terrorist acts. First he ordered the assassination in 2012 of 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai because of her advocacy of education for girls. She was badly injured in the terrorist attack but recovered, and was eventually awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.

Haqqani network on top as US shares list of 20 terror groups with Pakistan
[Khaama (Afghanistan)] The United States has shared a list of at least twenty terrorist groups with Islamabad which Washington insists use the Pak soil for the terrorist activities in Afghanistan and elsewhere, it has been reported.

Diplomatic sources have confirmed to the local news outlet Dawn News that the White House retains a list of 20 terrorist groups that the Trump administration claims are operating in Pakistain.

The sources further added that the list has reportedly been shared with Islamabad by Afghanistan and the United States.

In the meantime, reports indicate that the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said the US and Pakistain had been engaged in "a very healthy exchange of information on terrorists" since his visit to Islamabad last week.

Tillerson has further added that further information will also be shared with Pakistain in the future to include information on "specific location on any given day of where certain individuals or certain cells may be located."

According to reports, the Haqqani terrorist network is on the top of the list shared with Islamabad as the US officials are saying that the network has safe havens in Fata and uses them to launch attacks into Afghanistan.

But the Pak officials reject the claims by Washigton and insist that no such safe havens exist in the country.

Added from Dawn:
Top on the list is the Haqqani network which, the United States claims, has safe havens in Fata and uses them to launch attacks into Afghanistan. Pakistan strongly rejects the charge, saying that there are no such safe havens inside the country.

Harakatul Mujahideen is a Pakistan-based militant group operating primarily in Kashmir. The US says that group had links to Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda as well.

Jaish-e-Mohammed operates mainly in Kashmir and the liberation of the Indian occupied Kashmir is its declared objective.

Jundullah is associated with the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and was commanded by militant Hakimullah Mehsud, the Emir of TTP until his death in November 2013. It had vowed allegiance to the militant Islamic State group.

The United States identified Lashkar-e-Taiba as one of the largest and most active terrorist organisations in South Asia. Founded in 1987 by Hafiz Saeed, Abdullah Azzam and Zafar Iqbal in Afghanistan, the group had its headquarters in Muridke. It too is focused on Kashmir.

Lashkar-e-Taiba was involved in the 2001 Indian parliament attack and the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Lashkar-i-Jhanghvi, an offshoot of anti-Shia sectarian group Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan, was founded by former SSP activists Riaz Basra, Malik Ishaq, Akram Lahori and Ghulam Rasool Shah.

The US blames this group for committing hundreds of target killings and dozens of mass attacks inside Pakistan.

Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan, an umbrella organisation of various militant groups, was based in Fata, but has now relocated to Afghanistan. The US says that the group wants to enforce its own interpretation of Sharia and plans to unite against Nato-led forces in Afghanistan. It has conducted hundreds of terrorist attacks inside Pakistan.

Other groups on the list are: Harakatul Jihadi-i-Islami, Jamaatul Ahrar, Jamaatud Dawa al-Quran and Tariq Gidar Group, which is one of 13 TTP affiliates. The Tariq Gidar Group has been behind some of the deadliest attacks inside Pakistan, including the Dec 16, 2014, massacre at the Army Public School in Peshawar that left 132 schoolchildren and nine staffers dead.

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Commander Nazir Group, Indian Mujahideen, Islamic Jihad Union, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan ISIS-Khorasan, Al Qaeda in the Indian Sub-Continent and the Turkistan Islamic Party Movement are also on the list.

Famed singer Amjad Sabri gunned down in Karachi
[DAWN] Renowned Qawwal Amjad Sabri was rubbed out in Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
Wednesday afternoon, after unknown assailants fired at his vehicle in the city's Liaquatabad area.

Qari Saifullah Mehsud, spokesperson for the TTP Hakimullah Mehsud group, has claimed the credit for the attack.

Additional Inspector General Mushtaq Mehar told Dawn that two men riding a cycle of violence fired shots at the car, terming the incident as "assassination'>assassination." He said the motive of the killing is unknown as of now.

Sabri, 45, and an associate were travelling in a car in Liaquatabad 10 area, when unidentified gunnies fired at their vehicle, critically injuring him. The two were shifted to Abbasi Shaheed hospital immediately, where Sabri departed this vale of tears.

"Two riders used 30-bore pistols to shoot Sabri five times, the bullet to the head took the qawwal's life. The attackers took the Hassan Square route to escape," said DIG West.

"We have cordoned off the area and will arrest the culprits using all our resources," added the DIG.

Police officials recovered five 30-bore casings from the scene of the attack, which have been sent for forensics.

Both front side windows were shattered and three bullet holes could be seen on the front screen.

Ghulam Ahmed, an eye witness told SAMAA TV he saw two cycle of violence riding men fire shots at one side of the car. "Then they turned and fired four shots on the other side of the car."

Additional police surgeon Dr Rohina Hasan confirmed Sabri's demise. He was shot thrice ‐ twice in the head and once in the leg ‐ police sources said.

Senior Director Health Services Abbasi Shaheed Hospital also confirmed that Sabri was declared dead on arrival.

Fakhre Alam, Chairman of Sindh Censor Board, has claimed in a tweet that Sabri had earlier submitted an application for security, but the home department did not act on it.

nothing needs reforming like other people's bad habits...
an official source claimed the home department had received no such request. SSP Central also stated he is not aware of any such request.

Amjad Sabri was one of the country’s finest qawwals, known for his soul-stirring renditions of mystic poetry. He enthralled music aficionados with his brand of spirituality, mysticism and ecstasy for years. He was not only well-versed with the structure and aesthetics of qawwali but also knew how to make it adaptive to the contemporary music keeping its essence alive.

Hakimullah’s brother, uncle among 6 surrender
[NATION.PK] Former Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP) chief Hakimullah Mehsud’s brother and uncle are among six key members of the Lion of Islam group who have surrendered to the security forces in Kurram Agency
...home of an intricately interconnected web of poverty, ignorance, and religious fanaticism, where the laws of cause and effect are assumed to be suspended, conveniently located adjacent to Tora Bora...
, officials said on Sunday.

"Ejaz Mehsud and Khair Muhammad Mehsud, uncle of Hakimullah, handed themselves to authorities late Saturday," an official said.

Both men surrendered at Lower Kurram’s Shaheedanu Dand, one of the three crossing points between Kurram and Afghanistan.

man does not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes he has to eat them...
the official refused to comment on whether the two men crossed into Pakistain from Afghanistan or had been hiding on the Pak side of the border. Sources further said that at least four TTP commanders also surrendered to authorities and there was a possibility that more Taliban members could surrender in a couple of days. "All the surrendered men have been shifted to security forces’ fort in Tull area," a source said.

Some sources say Hakeemullah’s relatives may have entered into Pakistain as the authorities opened the crossing with Afghanistan on Saturday after days of festivities on the Torkham border.

The group has not yet commented on the development.

Taliban faced a serious rift after the death of Hakimullah and some Taliban sources had earlier said nearly 200 had been killed in festivities between the supporters of rival commanders Sheharyar Mehsud and Khan Said alias Sajna.

Hakimullah, who was in his thirties, had been killed in a US drone strike in North Wazoo Agency in November 2013. He was buried at an unknown location a day later.

He had succeeded his mentor, Baitullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone strike in August 2009. Hakimullah Mehsud, the young, ferocious and vengeful chief of TTP had survived at least two US drone strikes in the past. However,
man does not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes he has to eat them...
on November 1, 2013, his luck ran out.

Senior TTP leader still alive? Drone 'targeting' Sajna kills 18 militants
[DAWN] Eighteen Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP) Death Eaters of the banned
...the word banned seems to have a different meaning in Pakistain than it does in most other places. Or maybe it simply lacks any meaning at all...
's Sajna group were killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan's Paktika
...which coincidentally borders South Wazoo...
province on Monday night, security sources said.

Members of the TTP offshoot were holding a meeting in Paktika's Birmal area during which its leader Khan Said Sajna was expected to appear, sources said.

It is pertinent to mention that Sajna was reported killed in a drone strike last year, but the information had not been independently verified. The Mehsud tribal faction, which Sajna heads, had not denied claims of Sajna's death at the time.

Of the TTP men killed today, 14 belong to the Mehsud tribe and four to the Wazir tribe.

Claims relating to the strike and the deaths could not be independently verified.

Khan Said Sajna became TTP's deputy leader following the death of Wali-ur-Rehman in May 2013. He fought in Afghanistan and is believed to be involved in the attack on a Naval base in Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
Sajna is credited with criminal masterminding a 2012 jailbreak in which the Taliban freed 400 inmates from a prison in Bannu.

Khan Said Sajna leads the Mehsud faction, which split from TTP in May 2014 after former TTP leader Hakimullah Mehsud was killed in a United States (US) drone strike.

In a public statement following the split, he stated his continued commitment to terrorist activity. The US designated Sajna a global terrorist in Oct 2014.

Who is Taliban commander Umar Mansoor?
[DAWN] The Tehrik-e-Taliban Geedar group commander who claimed the deadly attack on Bacha Khan University in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
... formerly NWFP, still Terrorism Central...
's Charsadda Wednesday is Umar Mansoor, the de facto operational head of TTP in KP.

Journalist Hasan Abdullah tells Dawn.com Mansoor is the faction's commander specifically in Charsadda, Darra Adam Khel, Noshera and surrounding areas. "He had been very close to Hakimullah Mehsud's inner circle and was also close to Umar Khalid Khorasani at one time," says Abdullah.

Pakistan's top militant commanders
Useful information about a bunch of baddies, eighteen in all, with pictures of some of them.
[DAWN] Mullah Fazlullah
...son-in-law of holy man Sufi Mohammad. Known as Mullah FM, Fazlullah had the habit of grabbing his FM mike when the mood struck him and bellowing forth sermons. Sufi suckered the Pak govt into imposing Shariah on the Swat Valley and then stepped aside whilst Fazlullah and his Talibs imposed a reign of terror on the populace like they hadn't seen before, at least not for a thousand years or so. For some reason the Pak intel services were never able to locate his transmitter, much less bomb it. After ruling the place like a conquered province for a year or so, Fazlullah's Talibs began gobbling up more territory as they pushed toward Islamabad, at which point as a matter of self-preservation the Mighty Pak Army threw them out and chased them into Afghanistan...

A Yousufzai from Swat, he took charge as the head of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain after the death of Hakimullah Mehsud in a drone strike in November 2013.

He is currently heading the TTP faction often referred to as "TTP central" in intelligence circles.

He controlled large parts of the Malakand division for nearly three years before escaping to Afghanistan in 2009 following a military operation.

Fazlullah has been the criminal mastermind behind various high profile attacks including the brutal Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
school attack as well as the killing of GoC Swat
...a valley and an administrative district in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistain, located 99 mi from Islamabad. It is inhabited mostly by Pashto speakers. The place has gone steadily downhill since the days when Babe Ruth was the Sultan of Swat...
Major General Sanaullah Khan Niazi.

He maintains good relations with the Afghan Taliban.

Affiliated with: Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP)

Maulana Asim Umar
...chief of al-Qaeda's Sharia Committee for Pakistain, named head of al-Qaeda in India. His video appearances are frequently accompanied by clips of al Qaeda's senior propagandist in Pakistan, Ahmad Farooq. Umar the author of The Army of Anti-Christ: Blackwater, Documentation of the Dreadful Terrorist Activities of America's Blackwater in Islamic Countries...
The head of Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) and the first Deobandi to lead an Al-Qaeda franchise.

He has studied in Bloody Karachi
...formerly the capital of Pakistain, now merely its most important port and financial center. It is among the largest cities in the world, with a population of 18 million, most of whom hate each other and many of whom are armed and dangerous...
and also taught at seminaries there.

He has authored several books on subjects such as doomsday, the Anti-Christ, and Freemasons, etc.

He is well-connected with various Deobandi and Salafi scholars and enjoys a good reputation in various religious circles.

Affiliated with: Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS)

Sirajuddin Haqqani
Commonly known as "Khalifa Sahib", he heads what the US refers to as the Haqqani Network, which is in fact a group fighting under the direct command of Mullah Omar
... a minor Pashtun commander in the war against the Soviets who made good as leader of the Taliban. As ruler of Afghanistan, he took the title Leader of the Faithful. The imposition of Pashtunkhwa on the nation institutionalized ignorance and brutality in a country already notable for its own fair share of ignorance and brutality...
His fighters are some of the best-trained holy warriors in this region, and have carried out a number of high profile attacks in Afghanistan.

Sirajuddin Haqqani's step mother is a Yemeni, and he maintains close ties with Al Qaeda.

When questioned about the TTP, he has referred to them as "our brothers".

He was a close friend of former TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud.

Affiliated with: Haqqani Network, TTP, Al-Qaeda

Hafiz Saeed Khan Orakzai
He had previously served as a TTP commander in Orakzai Agency
... crawling with holy men, home to Darra Adam Khel, the world's largest illegal arms bazaar. 14 distinct tribes of beturbanned primitives inhabit Orakzai agency's 1500 or so square kilometers...
He parted ways with the TTP and joined His Supreme Immensity, Caliph of the Faithful and Galactic Overlord, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
...formerly merely the head of ISIL and a veteran of the Bagram jailhouse. Looks like a new messiah to bajillions of Moslems, like just another dead-eyed mass murder to the rest of us...
's "Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
" (IS).

In January this year, he was appointed as a representative of IS in Pakistain through an audio announcement Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the official front man of IS.

A report says he was killed in an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) kaboom earlier this year.

Affiliated with: TTP, IS

Umar Khalid Khurasani
...intel chief of the Jamaatul Ahrar TTP splinter group, or whatever it's calling itself these days...

One of the founding members of the TTP, Umar Khalid Khurasani (also known as 'Abdul Wali') is a poet and former journalist from Mohmand Agency
... Named for the Mohmand clan of the Sarban Pahstuns, a truculent, quarrelsome lot. In Pakistain, the Mohmands infest their eponymous Agency, metastasizing as far as the plains of Peshawar, Charsadda, and Mardan. Mohmands are also scattered throughout Pakistan in urban areas including Karachi, Lahore, and Quetta. In Afghanistan they are mainly found in Nangarhar and Kunar...
. Within organizational circles, he is known to be a formidable military commander and was one of the first in the TTP to execute opponents by slitting their throats.

He was the TTP Mohmand Chief and also held the additional charge of the Khyber Agency chapter for a brief period during which he orchestrated a bloody campaign against government-backed lashkars.

He parted ways with "TTP central" and is now the de-facto chief of the splinter group Jamatul Ahrar.

The group has now decided to reunite with TTP central.

Affiliated with: TTP, Jamatul Ahrar

Sheikh Khalid Haqqani
Hailing from the Swabi district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
... formerly NWFP, still Terrorism Central...
(KP), he is the deputy head of "TTP central" and has also served as its Head of Shura (consultative committee).

A graduate of the Dar-ul-Uloom Haqqania in Akora Khattak, he is held in high esteem within the banned group as a "thoughtful religious scholar and a seasoned military commander".

He also authored a fatwa against Pak media, dividing them into different categories and legitimising the killing of some journalists.

Affiliated with: TTP

Muhammad Khurasani
Also known as Mufti Khalid Balti, he is the current head of media at "TTP central" as well as their official front man.

He spent many years in Karachi where he also taught at Jamia-tur-Rasheed. Muhammad Khurasani is fluent in Urdu, Arabic and Balti.

He is well-connected with many of the seminaries across the country and his personality is one of the reasons many students wish to join him in North Wazoo.

Affiliated with: TTP

Ehsanullah Ehsan
...formerly the front man for the Pak Taliban, now the lips and tongue of the Jamaatul Ahrar splinter group in Mohmand Agency...

Formerly the chief TTP front man, he was removed from the post after being accused of trying to sabotage relations with the Afghan Taliban, a charge he has termed baseless.

He is now the front man of Jamatul Ahrar.

After the reunification with TTP central, his new role is expected to be announced within the next few days.

Affiliated with: TTP, Jamatul Ahrar

Sheikh Maqbool Orakzai
He was previously known as Shahidullah Shahid and served as the chief front man of the TTP under Hakimullah Mehsud and then Mullah Fazlullah.

He parted ways with the TTP and pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, head of IS.

He is a Salafi in orientation and maintains good contacts with Arab fighters.

Affiliated with: TTP, IS

Commander Abdul Jabbar
A close confidante of Mullah Umar, he currently heads Tehrik Ghalba-e-Islam and spends much of his time in Karachi.

His fighters have been actively engaged in Kandahar and Helmand
...an Afghan province populated mostly by Pashtuns, adjacent to Injun country in Pak Balochistan...
provinces of Afghanistan.

Publicly, he opposes rebellion against the Pak state and urges his men to focus on Afghanistan.

Affiliated with: Tehrik Ghalba-e-Islam

Ustad Ahmad Farooq
Also known as Abdullah Farooqi, he is effectively the second-in-command of Al-Qaeda in Pakistain and has been the propaganda chief of the group.

The group is now operating as Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS).

Most of the inner circle of Ustad Ahmad Farooq includes university graduates who had previously been associated with Islami Jamaat-e-Talaba
...The Islamic Students' Organization: the student wing of the Jamaat-e-Islami, where young Moslems are trained into the arts of street fighting...
(IJT), the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami
...The Islamic Society, founded in 1941 in Lahore by Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, aka The Great Apostosizer. The Jamaat opposed the independence of Bangladesh but has operated an independent branch there since 1975. It maintains close ties with international Mohammedan groups such as the Moslem Brotherhood. the Taliban, and al-Qaeda. The Jamaat's objectives are the establishment of a pure Islamic state, governed by Sharia law. It is distinguished by its xenophobia, and its opposition to Westernization, capitalism, socialism, secularism, and liberalist social mores...

A powerful orator, he is fluent in Urdu, Arabic, English and Punjabi.

Affiliated with: Al-Qaeda in Pakistain, IJT, JI

Asmatullah Muavia
He has previously headed the "Punjabi Taliban", an alliance consisting primarily of Punjab
1.) Little Orphan Annie's bodyguard
2.) A province of Pakistain ruled by one of the Sharif brothers
3.) A province of India. It is majority (60 percent) Sikh and Hindoo (37 percent), which means it has relatively few Moslem riots....

based sectarian Death Eaters.

Taliban sources claim that a few weeks before the launch of operation Zarb-e-Azb
..the Pak offensive against Qaeda in Pakistain and the Pak Taliban in North Wazoo. The name refers to the sword of the Prophet (PTUI!)...
, Muavia surrendered himself at Razmak Fort in North Waziristan and announced that he would restrict his Death Eater activities to Afghanistan.

He released a statement arguing that because of the infighting within the TTP and the changing regional situation, his group will only engage in propagation activities in Pakistain.

Affiliated with: TTP

Khan Saeed
Also known as "Sajna", he leads one of the more influential Mehsud factions of the Taliban.

Based in South Waziristan, he maintains a strong footprint in Karachi.

A number of Mehsud transporters and other businessmen take their disputes to him.

Affiliated with: TTP

Adnan Rasheed
Formerly a technician with the Pakistain Air Force (PAF), he was convicted as one of the planners behind an liquidation attempt on the then army chief and president Pervez Perv Musharraf
... former dictator of Pakistain, who was less dictatorial and corrupt than any Pak civilian government to date ...
He was freed by the TTP in an audacious raid on Bannu jail, along with nearly 300 others.

He currently leads the Ansaar-al-Aseer (helpers of prisoners), a unit that focuses on freeing Talibs in prison.

Affiliated with: PAF, Ansaar-al-Aseer, TTP

Qazi Hammad
He was the 'chief justice' of the TTP.

He is known for addressing internal disputes taken to his court.

Qazi Hammad now part of Jamatul Ahrar.

Affiliated with: Jamatul Ahrar, TTP

Maulana Saleh Qassam
Editor of 'Ihyae Khilafat', Jamatul Ahrar's monthly magazine.

Affiliated with: Jamatul Ahrar

Mufti Hassan Swati
Former TTP commander who maintains a strong footprint in Peshawar and adjoining areas.

He left the TTP a few months ago and joined Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's IS.

A number of cases had been filed against him at the TTP's court in Miranshah
... headquarters of al-Qaeda in Pakistain and likely location of Ayman al-Zawahiri. The Haqqani network has established a ministate in centered on the town with courts, tax offices and lots of madrassas...
, accusing him of extortion and intimidating those who had refused to pay.

Affiliated with: TTP, IS

Mangal Bagh
...a former bus driver, now head of the Deobandi bandido group Lashkar-e-Islam and the Terror of Khyber Agency...

He hails from the Bara area of Khyber agency and is a member of the Afridi tribe.

He took charge of Khyber agency based Lashkar-e-Islam
...a group of Islamic bandidos infesting Khyber Agency. It's headed by a former bus driver....
around 2006 from Mufti Munir Shakir and has fought several battles with pro-government rustics.

Mangal Bagh has also been involved in the drug trade, running a network in Karachi.

Traditionally his focus has been on territorial control and furthering his business interests.

it's easy to be generous with someone else's money...
some TTP members claim that his stance is getting increasingly ideological.

His group has now forged a formal alliance with the TTP.

Affiliated with: Lashkar-e-Islam, TTP

Jamatul Ahrar, a former splinter group of the TTP has announced its reunification with the TTP.

Khyber Agency-based Lashkar-e-Islam headed by Mangal Bagh has also decided to merge with the TTP. The three have announced that they will now operate under the name of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain.

Prior to the split, Jamatul Ahrar had largely operated as the Mohmand chapter of the TTP.

According to TTP chief front man, Muhammad Khurasani, the group will announce its new structure within the next few days.

Drone strike near Pak-Afghan border takes out Hakimullah's aide
[DAWN] A close aide of former Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP) Chief Hakimullah Mehsud, Khawrey Mehsud, was killed in a drone strike near the Pak-Afghan border yesterday.

According to TTP front man Muhammad Khorasani, Khawrey Mehsud was killed in a drone attack in Kurram Agency
...home of an intricately interconnected web of poverty, ignorance, and religious fanaticism, where the laws of cause and effect are assumed to be suspended, conveniently located adjacent to Tora Bora...
near the Pak-Afghan border on March 18. Two other forces of Evil were also killed in the drone attack.

Khawrey Mehsud was a close aide of former TTP supremo Hakimullah and was said to have taken part in terrorist activities in Afghanistan and Pakistain.

Kurram is one of the most sensitive tribal areas as it borders three Afghan provinces and at one point was one of the key routes for bad boy movement across the border.

The region was claimed by the military to have been cleared of bandidos Lion of Islams during an operation a couple of years ago, however, forces of Evil still carry out sectarian attacks and also target security forces occasionally.

Kurram tribal agency is adjacent to North Wazoo region where the operation Zarb-e-Azb
..the Pak offensive against Qaeda in Pakistain and the Pak Taliban in North Wazoo. The name refers to the sword of the Prophet (PTUI!)...
is in progress against Taliban and other Lion of Islam groups.

Drone attacks are widely unpopular across Pakistain and according to survey conducted in June last year, 66 per cent of the country's citizens oppose the strikes.

US designates Mullah Fazlullah as a 'global terrorist'
[DAWN] The US State Department on Tuesday designated Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistain (TTP) chief Mullah Fazlullah
...son-in-law of holy man Sufi Mohammad. Known as Mullah FM, Fazlullah had the habit of grabbing his FM mike when the mood struck him and bellowing forth sermons. Sufi suckered the Pak govt into imposing Shariah on the Swat Valley and then stepped aside whilst Fazlullah and his Talibs imposed a reign of terror on the populace like they hadn't seen before, at least not for a thousand years or so. For some reason the Pak intel services were never able to locate his transmitter, much less bomb it. After ruling the place like a conquered province for a year or so, Fazlullah's Talibs began gobbling up more territory as they pushed toward Islamabad, at which point as a matter of self-preservation the Mighty Pak Army threw them out and chased them into Afghanistan...
as a global terrorist.

According to a State Department blurb, Fazlullah has been labeled a Specially Designated Global Terrorist under Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, which targets faceless myrmidons and those providing support to faceless myrmidons or acts of terrorism.

The consequences of these designations include a prohibition against American citizens engaging in transactions with Fazlullah, and the freezing of all property and interests of Fazlullah that are in the United States, or come within the United States or the possession or control of US persons, the statement said.

Fazlullah was elected TTP commander in November 2013, following the death of former leader Hakimullah Mehsud.

Under the leadership of Fazlullah, TTP grabbed credit for the December 16, 2014 attack on a school in Beautiful Downtown Peshawar
...capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province), administrative and economic hub for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Peshawar is situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass, convenient to the Pak-Afghan border. Peshawar has evolved into one of Pakistan's most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities, which means lots of gunfire.
that resulted in the deaths of at least 148 people, mostly students.

Prior to becoming TTP leader, Fazlullah claimed he was behind the killing of Pak Army Major General Sanaullah Niazi in September 2013, as well as ordering the shooting of schoolgirl and activist Malala Yousafzai
...a Pashtun blogger and advocate for girls' education from Mingora, in Swat. She started blogging at age 11-12. She was 15 when a Talib boarded her school bus and shot her in the head in 2012. She was evacuated to a hospital in Britain and the Pak Taliban vowed to kill her and her father. Among other awards, she received the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, which she deserved more than Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Yasser Arafat, or Rigoberta Menchu...
in 2012.

The State Department designated TTP as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist on September 1, 2010.

Key Taliban commander, three others handed over to Pakistan
PESHAWAR: Latif Mehsud, a close aide of former Pakistani Taliban chief Hakeemullah Mehsud, has been handed over to Pakistani authorities along with his two guards and a broker, sources said on Saturday night.

High placed official sources told Dawn.com that Latif Mehsud, the then number-two of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) chief Hakimullah Mehsud, was arrested along with his guards and a tribesman, Shah Jehan on Pak-Afghan border by the Afghan National Army.

Latif was crossing the border allegedly to buy weapons at the time of the arrest.
What, the ISI wasn't delivering?
The militants were then snatched by troops from NATO and the Afghan National Army. The former TTP commander was under the Afghan and NATO troops custody for some time and reportedly was handed over to Pakistani authorities after the recent visit of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to Pakistan.

The Pakistani authorities had been demanding the return of the arrested TTP commanders. The other two militants handed over to Pakistan have been identified as Jafar and Aziz.
"Sorry you guys were held like that in Afghanistan. Why don't you settle in here at the Peshawar Hilton and take the month off to recuperate?"

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