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Dulmatin Dulmatin Jemaah Islamiyah Southeast Asia Indonesian At Large Tough Guy 20031016  
    the man who allegedly detonated the Bali blasts. He is also said to have built some of the explosives used in a series of Christmas Eve bombings in Indonesia in 2000.
  Dulmatin Jemaah Islamiah Southeast Asia Indonesian 20050815  
  Dul Matin Jemaah Islamiah Southeast Asia Indonesian At Large Tough Guy 20030928  
    reportedly used a cellphone to detonate the Bali bombs which killed 200 people

Southeast Asia
Experts question incentives in Rewards for Justice program
[Inquirer] The $5 million price tag for the capture, dead or alive, of Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir, alias Marwan, has caught the attention of experts in the aftermath of a tragic police operation to take him down in Mamasapano, Maguindanao province, a year ago.

How the bounty affected the overall conduct of the operation is not clear. However, a Jakarta-based think-tank has urged a rethinking of the role of rewards in the war on terror. As with other terrorists, the bounty for Marwan's capture was put up by the U.S. Rewards for Justice program. The program is credited for aiding in the downfall of key Abu Sayyaf leaders. As of 2012, intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting said, more than $11 million in bounties had been paid out in the Philippines by the program.

The program's website listed as part of its success stories the capture of key Abu Sayyaf figures: Toting Craft Hanno, Khadaffy Janjalani (deceased), and Abu Solaiman and Hamsiraji Marusi Sali. It paid $100,000 for Hanno, $5 million for Janjalani, $5 million for Solaiman, and $1 million for Sali.

In a report, the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, said,"The huge bounties placed on the heads of foreign jihadis have helped to burnish their reputations as world-class terrorists, perhaps out of proportion to their actual roles. They encourage killing high-value targets rather than making any effort to arrest them alive."

In 2008, a Brussels-based think-tank warned about the distorting effect of monetary rewards in the drive against terrorists in the Philippines. In its report, the International Crisis Group noted that military informants "equate amount of bounty with the importance of the individual concerned."

It cited the case of Jemaah Islamiyah operatives Umar Patek and Dulmatin. Dulmatin, who reports to Umar Patek, commanded $10 million in reward for his capture while his boss only fetched $1 million.

The Rewards for Justice program now lists four terrorists in East Asia and the Pacific region whose capture merits its bounty. They are Isnilon Hapilon of Abu Sayyaf, up to $5 million; Radullan Sahiron of Abu Sayyaf, up to $1 million; and Indonesian Jemaah Islamiyah operative Aris Sumarsono alias Zulkarnaen or Daud, up to $5 million. Abdul Basit Usman of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, who was killed last year, is still on the list, with a reward of up to $1 million.

Southeast Asia
Indonesia arrests three Jemaah Islamyiah terrorists
Indonesian national police have announced the arrests of three suspected terrorists, including two linked to Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) leader Dulmatin , thought to be the mastermind of the 2002 Bali bombings.

Muhammad Shibghotulloh, one of several Indonesians who were deported from Malaysia after being stopped on December 2 while allegedly traveling to the Middle East to join the IS, has since been arrested by Indonesian authorities who have linked him to Dulmatin.

Inspector General Ronny F. Sompie said, "[He] allegedly once sheltered Dulmatin and was involved in a militant group training camp in Ambon."

Shibghotulloh was interrogated for three days and then named a suspect, Sompie said, denying reports the suspect was tied to IS.

Earlier this month, a pair of former suspected leaders of an Aceh terror training camp were arrested in East Java. Dulmatin, killed by Indonesian security forces in March 2010, had run the camp, according to reports.

Tony Sangaralo was arrested in Lamongan on December 21st and Adi Margono was captured the next day in Banyuwangi. The two had allegedly contacted one another. Tony helped run the Janto, Aceh camp that was raided in 2010.

National Police spokesman Agus Rianto said, "Tony was one of those who fled. His colleague, Dulmatin, was shot dead in Tangerang, West Java in 2010. The JI link is now much smaller than it used to be. They are also weaker. Its leader, Jemaah Islamiyah leader Abu Bakar Bashir is serving a prison sentence in Cilacap, Central Java. However, many JI followers are still around. Tony is only one of them."

Southeast Asia
Police nab terror suspect in East Java
Indonesian National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Ronny F. Sompie said that a counterterrorism unit had arrested terrorist suspect, Toni Saronggalo, in Lamongan, East Java, on Sunday evening. Ronny said that Tony allegedly assisted now-dead terrorist leader Dulmatin to set up training grounds for the Jemaah Islamiyah militant group in Jantho, Aceh.

He said, "We have been on the lookout for the suspect [Tony] for an extremely long time. He is currently still being questioned by investigators."

Dulmatin was once one of the region's highest-profile terrorist leaders and a mastermind of the 2002 Bali bombings, among many other bombings between 2000 and 2003 in Jakarta and Mojokerto in Surabaya, East Java. The al-Qaeda trained Dulmatin was eventually gunned down in a police raid in 2010.

Toni’s wife, Musmainah, denied knowing about her husband's involvement with the militant group and insisted that he had no other activities apart from chicken trading. She said, "He didn’t do anything in particular during his free time."

Southeast Asia
Bali bomber begs for mercy
Umar Patek is a tiny man, pixie-faced and slump-shouldered inside the white garment worn by devout Muslims. He said, "I'm a quiet person, shy, and low in education," just before his trial for terrorism and mass murder continued yesterday.

But this small man helped create the bombs that tore apart two Bali nightclubs 10 years ago and killed 202 people.

Patek has admitted mixing about 50 kilograms of chemicals to go into almost a ton of explosives used in the bombs.
Successfully mixing explosives that explode only on schedule is a rare ability, as the many reported work accidents over the years attest -- Mutual of Gaza has been paying out from reserves for ages, and Al Qaeda doesn't even offer insurance to the many MBAs who take their course.
But throughout the four months of his trial he has emphasised his unimportance. He told the court he was "a deer" among such "elephants" of the plot as the already executed Imam Samudra, Mukhlas and Amrozi.
No doubt. But their plotting would have been to no avail, absent the technical skills of little Patek.
But in his heart Patek knew what he had done. He said, "My conscience says I am guilty. I did mix [explosive] materials."

Despite this, his lawyers have maintained that he should be found not guilty of the bombings, and guilty only of forging passports.
The man is a commercial artist as well? Truly, he has more than most to be modest about.
They say he opposed the killing of innocents, voiced his opposition to the Bali plot and participated reluctantly. Thus he had "not deliberately" contributed.
It's awfully hard to accidentally mix up a bomb capable of killing several hundred people...
The death sentence is possible for these charges but prosecutors have asked for life in prison. Yesterday Patek made a plea for 10 years or less. He said, "[The explosives I mixed were] less than 50 kilograms. I am guilty for that but ... I believe the panel of judges must consider my motive ... my state of psychology. The panel of judges must consider my disagreement [with the tactics] and that it wasn't my call."
"They put something on my neck, your honour. It controlled me completely...and nobody could hear me scream."
Patek said he was originally lured into jihad in 1991 by Dulmatin (killed in a shootout with police in 2010), who took him to Malaysia as a young man to find work and study religion under radical teacher Mukhlas.

Twenty years later he has lost little of his fanaticism. He said, "My position about jihad remains the same. It is an obligation of every Muslim to carry out jihad."
Kill him. Kill him now.
However, holy war should only be waged against those "who attack Muslims". He said, "My question was, did the Balinese attack Muslims in Bali? Or did the bule [white foreigners] in Bali attack Muslims? Or were they Jews? I think the correct way is to go to Palestine and fight the Jews who slaughtered Palestinians."

Other hardcore beliefs continue. Patek said Abu Bakar Bashir, now serving a 15-year jail sentence for supporting a jihadi training camp in Aceh, was harmless. He said, "I think he only preaches. I think there's nothing wrong with preaching."

Patek has issued apologies to his victims and asked their families to forgive him.
Asked what he could do in reparation, he said there was nothing except to say that "Islam is not a religion of violence".
Except for the jihad thingy, but surely that is a minor detail.

Southeast Asia
Inside the making of the Bali bombs
Long look at the bomb-builder of the Bali terrorist attack. Worth noting the connections to Abbottabad and his proximity to bin Laden for a time.
JAKARTA, Indonesia: An Indonesian militant charged in the 2002 Bali terrorist attacks told interrogators he spent weeks holed up in a rented house, painstakingly building a half-ton bomb using household items including a rice ladle, a grocer's scale and plastic bags.

A transcript of the Umar Patek's interrogation obtained by The Associated Press offers extraordinary detail of the Bali plot just days before Patek -- a radical once Southeast Asia's most-wanted bomb-making suspect -- goes on trial in Jakarta for his alleged role in the nightclub attack that killed 202 people.

Patek, known as "Demolition Man" for his expertise with explosives, says he and other conspirators stashed the 1,540-pound (700-kilogram) bomb in four filing cabinets, loaded them in a Mitsubishi L300 van along with a TNT vest bomb. The van was detonated outside two nightclubs on Bali's famous Kuta beach on Oct. 12, 2002. Most of those killed were foreign tourists.

Although homemade bombs are easily assembled by militants all over the world, making such powerful devices as those used in Bali -- and using such unsophisticated equipment -- would have taken enormous amount of care and expertise.

Patek, 45, goes on trial Monday following a nine-year flight from justice that took him from Indonesia to the Philippines to Pakistan, reportedly in pursuit of more terrorism opportunities. He was finally caught in January 2011 in the same Pakistani town where US Navy Seals would kill Osama Bin Laden just a few months later.
Boy howdy, what a coincidence. Wonder if he and Binny shared the community pool?
Patek was hiding out in a second-floor room of a house in Abbottabad, a $1 million bounty on his head, when Pakistani security forces, acting on a tip from the CIA, burst in. After a firefight that left Patek wounded, he was captured and extradited to Indonesia.
Should have been extradited to Diego Garcia...
His capture was seen as a yardstick of the successes that Asian security forces, with US help, have achieved against Jemaah Islamiyah, the Al-Qaeda-linked regional terror group blamed for the Bali bombings and several other attacks in Indonesia. All its other leaders have been executed, killed by security forces, or are on death row.

Patek is charged with premeditated murder, hiding information about terrorism, illegal possession of explosives and conspiracy to commit terrorism, and now faces a possible death sentence as well. The indictment also accuses Patek of providing explosives for a string of Christmas Eve attacks on churches in 2000 that claimed 19 lives.

Interviews with intelligence officials in Indonesia and the Philippines, the interrogation report and other documents obtained by the AP reveal the peripatetic life Patek led after the Bali attacks as he ranged widely and freely, often without passing through immigration checks, while allegedly passing along his bomb-making skills to other terrorists.

Patek, whose real name is Hisyam bin Alizein, is the son of a goat meat trader. He went to computer school and learned English before being recruited into Jemaah Islamiyah by Dulmatin>Dulmatin, a fellow militant who was gunned down by Indonesian police in March 2010.

After his arrest, Patek told his interrogators that he learned to make bombs during a 1991-1994 stint at a militant academy in Pakistan's Sadda province, and later in Turkhom, Afghanistan, where bomb-making courses ranged "from basic to very difficult."

He said he was living in Solo, Indonesia, when mastermind Imam Samudra approached him to make a bomb in Bali. He agreed and flew to Denpasar, Bali's capital, and was taken to a rented house.

"In one room of the house, I began to mix the explosive ingredients, which were already in the rental house," he said. "For about three weeks, I made the explosive ingredients into black powder with the assistance of Sawad (a co-conspirator). For tools used in the mixing of the ingredients, I used (a) scale that will usually be used in a food store, rice ladle and plastic bags as containers."

Dulmatin separately worked on the electronic circuits, which were later attached as detonators to the bombs packed into the filing cabinets.

"When we were lifting the filing cabinets into the white L300 van, an explosion occurred which was caused by friction of the filing cabinet with the floor of the room, because the floor still had some leftover black powder on it," he said.

Patek left Bali a few days before the attacks were carried out.

Afterward, officials said, Patek and Dulmatin went to the Philippines and allegedly joined forces with the local extremist group Abu Sayyaf, spending the next several years training militants and plotting attacks, including against US troops in the Philippines.

Meanwhile, Imam Samudra and two other masterminds of the Bali attacks -- brothers Amrozi Nurhasyim and Ali Ghufron -- were caught, tried and executed.

Patek returned to Indonesia in June 2009, living in various rented houses in Jakarta. He held several meetings with radicals and aspiring militants at home and held assault rifle and bomb-making training sessions at a beach in Banten near Jakarta.

But Patek's heart was set on going to Afghanistan to fight alongside the Taleban or other extremist groups, said Ansyaad Mbai, Indonesia's anti-terrorism chief. He told the AP that Patek intended to continue his fight in a more defined battleground with a larger radical group, and refused Dulmatin's offer to become an instructor in a new militant camp in Indonesia's Aceh province.

"He wanted to fight with a larger extremist group, and Afghanistan was the ideal battleground for him," Mbai said.

But to reach Afghanistan, he would have to go to Pakistan first. A police investigator said that a 37-year-old Pakistani in Indonesia, Nadeem Akhtar, helped Patek get a Pakistani visa from his embassy in Jakarta.
Why not just print up a fresh one?
After Patek arrived in Lahore, a courier with links to Al-Qaeda then brought him to Abbottabad, possibly to meet with Bin Laden.

Mbai did not rule out the possibility that Patek went to Abbottabad to not only gain a foothold into Afghanistan but also to obtain funds for setting up a militant training camp in Jolo in southern Philippines. But before he could make much progress or meet Bin Laden, he was caught.

Patek's trial not only seeks justice for the Bali bombings, but also is a coup for intelligence officials. He is believed to have valuable information about Al-Qaeda and its links with Jemaah Islamiyah, which was founded by Indonesian exiles in Malaysia in the early 1990s.

The Bali bombing remains JI's most spectacular attack. Though there have been several others since, but none as deadly. Analysts credit a crackdown that has netted more than 700 militants since 2000, including the death of several key leaders in police action.

Southeast Asia
Bali bomb 'mastermind' trained militants to shoot
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] The alleged criminal mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombings that killed more than 200 people gave gun training to Death Eaters at a camp in Aceh on Sumatra island, police said Wednesday.

Police made a connection between Umar Patek and the camp, which was discovered last year, when the suspect on Wednesday retraced his steps in plotting terrorist acts in several locations in Jakarta.

"After the Bali bombings, Umar Patek travelled to many places. He returned to Indonesia and participated in krazed killer training in Aceh," National Police front man Saud Usman Nasution said.

Police believe Death Eaters at the Aceh camp were planning Mumbai-style attacks on Westerners, and plotting the liquidation of Indonesian politicians.

Police said Patek trained Death Eaters alongside Dulmatin, once Indonesia's most-wanted cut-throats who was killed last year in a police raid, and he conducted the training in Aceh and Banten province on the outskirts of Jakarta.

Patek was extradited from Pakistain in August. He was incarcerated in January in Abbottabad, the city where US SEALS killed Al-Qaeda chief the late Osama bin Laden
... who has won the race to that place where we all eventually end up...
in a raid in May.

The re-enactments of planned attacks are part of the country's criminal investigations.

Police said they had also questioned several witnesses involved in Patek's plotting, but did not explain how they made the connection between Patek and the camp in Aceh.

Southeast Asia
Indonesian terrorist gets eight years
An Indonesian terrorist militant yesterday was sentenced to eight years in prison for helping to set up a terrorist cell which plotted attacks on Western hotels and embassies in Jakarta. The sentence was less than the prosecution's demand for a 12-year term.

Abu Tholut is among more than 120 alleged members of "Tanzim Al Qaeda in Aceh" captured or killed since the authorities found their paramilitary training camp in Aceh province early last year.

Judge Musa Arif Aini told the court that the 50-year-old firearms expert helped set up the camp and obtain M-16 assault rifles and other weapons for the group. He said, "It has been proven legally and he is convincingly guilty of committing criminal and terrorist acts."

Tholut, also known as Mustofa, was arrested last December. Police said he went to Afghanistan in the late 1980's before returning to Asia to train with Jemaah Islamiah (JI).

Tholut became one of Indonesia's most-wanted fugitives after Noordin Top and Dulmatin - master bomb makers for JI - were killed in police raids last year. He was convicted for involvement in a 2001 bomb blast at a shopping plaza in central Jakarta that wounded six. He served five years of an eight-year sentence and was released for good behavior. But like so many other convicted extremists in Indonesia, he went back to his terrorist network after his release.

Southeast Asia
Abu Bakr Bashir gets 15 years
[An Nahar] An Indonesian court on Thursday placed in long-term storage radical Islamist holy man Abu Bakar Bashir
... Leader of the Indonesian Mujahedeen Council and proprietor of the al-Mukmin madrassah in Ngruki. The spriritual head of Jemaah Islamiya, which he denies exists. Bashir was jugged and then released in the wake of the 2002 Bali bombings, which he blamed on a conspiracy among the U.S., Israel, and Australia ...
for 15 years for funding a terrorist group that was planning attacks against Westerners and politicians.

The 72-year-old preacher showed little emotion as Judge Herri Swantoro read out the guilty verdict and sentence at the end of a four-month trial in the South Jakarta district court.

"Abu Bakar Bashir has been proven guilty of planning and misleading other people to fund terror activities ... and is sentenced to 15 years in jail," the judge said, triggering a gasp from the holy man's supporters in the court.

Draped in his customary white robes and skull-cap, the man seen as the spiritual leader of regional terror network Jemaah Islamiyah immediately promised to appeal the sentence, which he called the work of the devil.

"This is haram (forbidden in Islam). I reject this because it is cruel and disregards Islamic sharia law. This ruling is by the friends of the devil and it is haram for me to accept it," he said in response to the judge.

About 500 forces of Evil erupted into shouts of "holy shit! Allahu akbar" (God is great) outside the court as the verdict was read. Some 3,000 police backed by armored vehicles and snipers were on hand in the event of violence.

"This trial was a joke. They haven't looked for the truth, they only want to serve the interests of the current political power," said a front man for Bashir's radical organization, Jemaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT).

Prosecutors had demanded a 20-year life sentence for Bashir, who was found guilty of channeling about $50,000 to a terrorist cell that was conducting military-style training in Aceh province in 2009.

Police say the so-called al-Qaeda in Aceh group, which was discovered in February last year, was planning liquidations and Mumbai-style attacks by highly trained suicide gunnies.

Bashir had been facing the death penalty for providing illegal weapons to the group but authorities dropped those charges early in the proceedings. The court also acquitted him of a charge of possessing illegal weapons.

He rejects all allegations of materially supporting terrorists, while publicly exhorting his followers to wage jihad or "holy war" against the West and Indonesia's form of secular, democratic government.

For decades the frail but pugnacious preacher has agitated in mosques, Islamic schools and through radical groups such as JAT, which he established in 2008, for the creation of an Islamic state under strict sharia law.

Several JAT members are under arrest and have implicated Bashir in the Aceh cell, which was operationally led by Dulmatin, one of Southeast Asia's most bandidos until he was killed in a police raid in March last year.

Bashir told news hounds before the sentencing session began that he was being framed by Australia and the United States, a claim he has repeated throughout his trial.

"They want me to disappear from Indonesia... The benefit to them? To kill Islam, to kill defenders of Islam, jugged and killed without reason," he said.

Police have tightened security at shopping centers across the sprawling city and deployed extra personnel following threats of kabooms in the event of Bashir's conviction.

Indonesia has been rocked by a series of attacks by Jemaah Islamiyah and its offshoots, including bombings of tourist spots on Bali, the Australian embassy and luxury Jakarta hotels.

Bashir served almost 26 months behind bars over the 2002 Bali bombings but his conviction was overturned after his release in 2006.

Prosecutors have also unsuccessfully charged him with involvement in church bombings in 2000 and an attack on the Marriott hotel in Jakarta in 2003.

Analysts said Bashir's jailing would not reduce the Islamic exemplar threat in Indonesia, the world's most populous Mohammedan-majority country and a key U.S. ally in Southeast Asia.

"A new leader will try to prove he's worthy by launching a big attack of some sort," said University of Indonesia expert Andi Widjajanto.


Southeast Asia
Bali bombing suspect held
[Arab News] Indonesian police said Tuesday they have incarcerated a suspected terrorist sought since 2002 for his role in the Bali bombing that killed 202 people.

National police front man Brig. Gen. Anton Bachrul Alam said that Heru Kuncoro was captured on June 9 in Pekalongan, a town in central Java.

He is among the 16 people incarcerated in recent days on suspicion of plotting cyanide attacks against police. Extremists in Indonesia have increasingly targeted police in the past year or so as an ongoing security crackdown has disrupted terrorists' ability to launch large-scale attacks.

One of those incarcerated in the cyanide raids, Budi Untung Wisesa, died during interrogation and police said an autopsy showed he died from a heart attack. Local media quoted relatives saying they had found a wound on Wisesa's head. Police say Kuncoro was a controller who purchased electronic equipment for the 2002 bombing on the tourist island that killed mainly foreigners.

He decamped to the Philippines in 2003 with Dulmatin, an alleged criminal mastermind of the Bali bombing who was killed in an Indonesian police raid last year.

The pair teamed up with Umar Patek, another Bali bombing suspect, to run a jihadi training camp in the southern Philippines. Patek was incarcerated in Pakistain in January.

Two of the incarcerated men, identified only as Faisal and Juarni, were believed to be couriers for Dulmatin and Patek and helped to smuggle weapons from the Philippines to Indonesia, Alam said.

He said the two were involved in terrorist attacks against police in Palu last month and an April suicide kaboom in Cirebon in West Java that maimed 30 in a mosque packed with police.

Southeast Asia
Indonesian ex-policeman jailed 10 years for terrorism
[Straits Times] A FORMER Indonesian police officer who claimed to be affiliated to Al-Qaeda was sentenced to 10 years in jail on Wednesday for supplying weapons to Islamist bad boys.

Mohammed Sofyan Tsauri, 34, sold 24 firearms including AK-47s and M-16 assault rifles to snuffies linked to a training camp discovered last February in Aceh province, judge Dwiarso Budi Santiarto told the court near Jakarta.

'He sold them for 325 million rupiah (S$46,000) and reaped a profit of 28.1 million rupiah from the sale,' he said.
What happened to the money?
'His actions put his life and that of others in danger and he also stirred anxiety in the community.' Tsauri's sentence was lower than the 15 years sought by prosecutors as he had been polite in court, had never been convicted and had served in the police force, Mr Santiarto said.

Otherwise known as Abu Ayyash, he was jugged last year as part of a sweep of Islamists loyal to terror criminal mastermind Dulmatin, one of the architects of the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people.

Dulmatin was killed by police last March.

Southeast Asia
Indonesian policeman quit force to to become Al Qaeda trainer
[AFP] Jakarta - An Indonesian police officer who quit the force to become a terrorist said on Thursday he was affiliated to Al-Qaeda and had trained about 170 militants to wage jihad, or "holy war". Mohammed Sofyan Tsauri, 34, made the comments to reporters as he appeared at a court near Jakarta for the start of his trial on terrorism-related charges.

"I'm affiliated with Al-Qaeda and in contact with Abu Sayyaf," he said, referring to Osama bin Laden's network and a Philippines-based Islamist militant outfit. "I became a terrorist after I quit the police (in 2008)... What I've done isn't an act of terror, it's an obligatory religious activity ordered by God."

Tsauri, alias Abu Ayyash, was arrested earlier this year as part of a sweep of Islamist militants linked to a training camp that was discovered in February in Aceh province. The camp was under the command of Indonesian terror mastermind Dulmatin, one of the architects of the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people. Dulmatin was killed by police in March.

The former police officer could face the death sentence if convicted of charges including supplying weapons for terrorist acts.

Tsauri said God guided him to meet Dulmatin in 2008 and join his effort to set up a new terrorist network in Aceh province, the most devoutly Islamic part of the mainly Muslim archipelago. His activities included recruiting former rebels from Aceh's disbanded separatist movement to the jihadists' cause, supplying weapons and conducting military-style training. "I have trained about 100 people in early 2009 and on another occasion there were about 67 people," he said.

Indonesia's jihadist "factions" had agreed to change tactics from indiscriminate, Bali-style bombings to more focused gun attacks that would minimise Muslim casualties, he said. He was not specific about the group's targets, but said they included foreigners. "You should understand already that Al-Qaeda has always had foreign targets," Tsauri said.

"We changed our pattern from bomb attacks to a war with guns. With guns, we can be more focused on our target but bombs can hit civilians. The jihadist factions in Indonesia agreed on this method."

He said he was betrayed by his Islamist cohorts once police got wind of their activities and started rounding up and killing members of the cell. "I have been cheated by them. I became a scapegoat for their failure in Aceh," he said.

Prosecutor Totok Bambang told the court Tsauri had led training exercises and supplied weapons to the group.

Indonesia has been hit by a number of deadly bombings including attacks on luxury hotels, the Australian embassy and tourist spots that have killed around 250 people since 2002.

Southeast Asia
Jihad declared on Indonesian police
Mohammad Achwan, the terrorist who took over Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT) after the arrest of Abu Bakar Bashir, declared jihad against the police.

A shoemaker
He made shoes for tossing as well as shoes for feet.
turned Islamist terrorist militant, Achwan was convicted for the bombing of the Borobudur Buddhist temple in Java in 1985 and an attempted bombing of Kuta beach in Bali in 1986. In 1999, he was pardoned after 15 years in jail.

"Why would I give up the fight after all these years? It's an obligation for all Muslims to fully apply the sharia. I'm here to make sure that happens," Achwan said in The Jakarta Post. "We have actually been under physical attack from the police's anti-terror squad Detachment 88. Those who can fight back are permitted to use violence as long as they have the necessary resources and capabilities," he said. He praised dead terrorists Dulmatin and Imam Samudra as people who had "such capabilities".

Key figures in the 2002 Bali bombings, Dulmatin was gunned down by police in March and Samudra was executed in 2008.
Let's hope that Achwan's capabilities lead to a similar result as soon as possible.
"For those who do not yet have the necessary resources to wage violent confrontation, they should wait and remain patient as their time will come. The battle still has a long way to go," Achwan said.

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