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Home Front: Politix
Diversity Hire Karine Jean-Pierre Nearly Diversity-Fired in Palace Coup: Report
[ZeroHedge] Via New York Post (emphasis added):

“Top aides to President Biden secretly hatched a plan this past fall to replace White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre by recruiting outside allies to nudge her out the door, The Post has learned.

Jean-Pierre, who made history in May 2022 by becoming the first black and first openly gay person to hold the position, had developed the exasperating habit of reading canned answers directly from a binder to reporters at her regular briefings — offering what her superiors viewed as a less-than-compelling pitch for the 81-year-old Biden as he readied his re-election campaign.

De facto White House communications chief Anita Dunn, 66, the wife of Biden personal attorney Bob Bauer, told colleagues she had decided to call in prominent Democrats to explain to Jean-Pierre, 49, that the time was ripe to move on, sources told The Post.

‘There were a number of people she asked to engage Karine,’ said one source who heard of the strategy directly from Dunn, whose role as senior adviser has been filled during the past three presidencies by Jared Kushner (Donald Trump), Valerie Jarrett (Barack Obama) and Karl Rove (George W. Bush).

The source also told The Post that Dunn had claimed White House chief of staff Jeff Zients knew about and supported the cloak-and-dagger scheme to push Jean-Pierre out of the West Wing.

‘There was an effort to have some outside folks who Karine knows and trusts talk to her about why leaving last fall would have made a lot of sense for her and her career,’ the source said, calling it an ‘effort to encourage her to move along.’”

My speculative belief is that the Brandon entity’s handlers must have realized what they had stepped in as soon as KJP’s more competent predecessor, Jen Psaki, left to cosplay as a newswoman at MSNBC state media, and they were left with KJP as the obvious heir to the throne with no real escape hatch, given their professed fidelity to Equity™.

Home Front: Politix
Barack Obama Is Still Forcing His Unwanted ‘Change' On America
[Federalist] Back in February, former President Barack Obama launched an effort called the "Change Collective."
Sounds communist, fitting for a former community activist/Alinsky tactics instructor.
If you’re not familiar with it now, you probably will be soon. Supporters describe it as a "new community-based leadership initiative" meant to "empower emerging leaders to bring people together." At the forefront of the effort will be "local changemakers across the country."

I’ll go out on a limb and say its endgame is the enforcement of a collectivist narrative, the abolition of local control, and the top-down centralized control of all communities. After all, that’s the pattern of every Obama policy, most notably health care and education. Naturally, Obama put a hearts-and-flowers spin on the project:

Currently, the initiative focuses on urban communities, with pilot programs in Chicago, Detroit, and Jackson, Mississippi. But the ultimate goal is to flood the nooks and crannies of all America’s local communities with "changemakers" and "influencers" who have been trained to recruit everybody into accepting a woke narrative and to silence any voice of dissent. That’s always what socialists mean when they claim to "bring people together."

Consider first how this effort fits organizationally. The Change Collective is one of many groups listed under the umbrella organization Civic Nation, headed by Obama Foundation Chief Executive Officer Valerie Jarrett. Civic Nation serves as a clearinghouse for the numerous hard-left efforts to consolidate political power — from former First Lady Michelle Obama’s "When We All Vote" ballot box-stuffing operation to all previous campaigns related to the Obamas’ ongoing project to fundamentally transform America.
Civic Nation: 2021-04-16 Biden and Obama to appear in TV special to promote Covid-19 vaccinations

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Frank Hawkins - The 10 Most Destructive Americans of My 8 Decades
Update urgently needed.
[American Thinker - July 2018] America has undergone enormous change during the nearly eight decades of my life. Today, America is a bitterly divided, poorly educated and morally fragile society with so-called mainstream politicians pushing cynical identity politics, socialism and open borders. The president of the United States is threatened with impeachment because the other side doesn’t like him. The once reasonably unbiased American media has evolved into a hysterical left wing mob. How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950s have reached this point in just one lifetime? Who are the main culprits? Here’s my list of the 10 most destructive Americans of the last 80 years.

10) Mark Felt — Deputy director of the FBI, aka "Deep Throat" during the Watergate scandal. This was the first public instance of a senior FBI officially directly interfering in America’s political affairs. Forerunner of James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe.

9) Bill Ayers— Represents the deep and ongoing leftist ideological damage to our education system. An unrepentant American terrorist who evaded punishment, he devoted his career to radicalizing American education and pushing leftist causes. Ghost wrote Obama’s book, "Dreams of My Father."

8) Teddy Kennedy — Most folks remember Teddy as the guy who left Mary Joe Kopechne to die in his car at Chappaquiddick. The real damage came after he avoided punishment for her death and became a major Democrat force in the US Senate, pushing through transformative liberal policies in health care and education. The real damage was the 1965 Hart-Cellar immigration bill he pushed hard for that changed the quota system to increase the flow of third world people without skills into the US and essentially ended large-scale immigration from Europe.

7) Walter Cronkite — Cronkite was a much beloved network anchor who began the politicalization of America’s news media with his infamous broadcast from Vietnam that described the Tet Offensive as a major victory for the Communists and significantly turned the gullible American public against the Vietnam War. In fact, the Tet offensive was a military disaster for the NVA and Viet Cong, later admitted by North Vietnamese military leaders. Decades later Cronkite admitted he got the story wrong. But it was too late. The damage was done.

6) Bill and Hillary Clinton
—It’s difficult to separate Team Clinton. Bill’s presidency was largely benign as he was a relative fiscal conservative who rode the remaining benefits of the Reagan era. But his sexual exploits badly stained the Oval Office and negatively affected America’s perception of the presidency. In exchange for financial support, he facilitated the transfer of sensitive military technology to the Chinese. Hillary, a Saul Alinsky acolyte, is one of the most vicious politicians of my lifetime, covering up Bill’s sexual assaults by harassing and insulting the exploited women and peddling influence around the globe in exchange for funds for the corrupt Clinton Foundation. She signed off on the sale of 20% of the US uranium reserve to the Russians after Bill received a $500,000 speaking fee in Moscow and the foundation (which supported the Clinton’s regal lifestyle) received hundreds of millions of dollars from those who benefited from the deal. Between them, they killed any honor that might have existed in the dark halls of DC.

5) Valerie Jarrett - The Rasputin of the Obama administration. A Red Diaper baby, her father, maternal grandfather and father-in-law (Vernon Jarrett who was a close friend and ally of Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis) were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government. She has been in Obama’s ear for his entire political career pushing a strong anti-American, Islamist, anti-Israeli, socialist/communist, cling-to-power agenda.

Frank Hawkins video on Vietnam found at this link.

Home Front: Politix
Wayne Root: Biden is not in charge. Here is exactly what's happening
[Gateway] Our country is being destroyed. It’s clearly a purposeful communist attack upon America from a thousand different directions. But the President isn’t Biden. He is just the figurehead/puppet. The real president is Obama.

This is clearly the third term of Obama. His fingerprints are everywhere.

No president can legally serve three terms. Hence the need for a figurehead. Biden is just a "DDD"- a dummy with dementia and diapers. He says whatever is written on cue cards and signs whatever paper is put in front of him. That allows Obama to run the country from the shadows.

As long as they feed Biden his baby food, change his diapers and allow him to sniff little girls’ hair, Biden does whatever his handlers tell him to do.

But Obama isn’t the brains of the operation. Obama is just a communist tool. Obama takes his orders from a team of communist suicide bombers: Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and of course, the boss of all bosses, the capo di tutti, China and the Chinese Communist Party.

Obama is owed lock, stock and barrel by the Deep State, United Nations, World Economic Forum and China. The reason it’s important to know Obama is the real president is because Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, Class of 1983- where we learned the plan to destroy America.

That plan was called "Cloward-Piven."

Obama learned it well. It’s happening today. Look around. The powers-that-be have just given it a different name: "The Great Reset."

But the goals are the same- destroy America, make us into a socialist nation, make everyone poor and dependent on government to survive, and make us into a one-party country (Democrat Party) with no opposition or dissent.

They are following the Cloward-Piven game plan to a T.

It’s death by a thousand paper cuts. Under eight years of Obama they "boiled the frog slowly." They attacked in slow motion, hoping you wouldn’t notice. Like cooking a frog- they set the temperature so low, the frog doesn’t realize he’s being boiled until he’s dead.

But now with Biden taking the heat, Obama is free to accelerate the process. Now Obama is throwing caution to the wind. He’s set the heat as high as it goes.
Cloward-Piven: 2021-11-08 WH senior adviser Richmond: Biden is 'in the loop' on money to illegal immigrants, despite conflicting remarks
Cloward-Piven: 2021-10-30 Demons: Current Open Border Policies to Flood US with Poor, Uneducated Illegal Aliens Is Not for Votes – It's to Collapse the System
Cloward-Piven: 2018-05-20 The Camp of the Saints Heads for the Great White North
The Great Reset: 2022-09-12 'King Charles [sic] co-hosted original ‘Great Reset' meeting: ‘We have no alternative'
The Great Reset: 2022-07-26 The Globalist Effort to 'Get Trump' Is Backfiring...Bigly!
The Great Reset: 2022-04-03 What Is The ‘Great Reset’ And What Do The Globalists Actually Want?

-Great Cultural Revolution
If You're Reading This, Karine Jean-Pierre Probably Hates You. Here's Why.
[PJ] Old Joe Biden’s new check-the-woke-boxes press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, is a Democrat, and so it comes as no great surprise that she sees racism absolutely everywhere, and I do mean everywhere: the New York Post reported Saturday that it "looked at Jean-Pierre’s tweets between 2015 and 2020 and found a staggering 57 instances where she accused people, policies, ideas, or words of being ’racist.’ Also, Jean-Pierre accused people and ideas she was opposed to as ’racist’ at least 43 times in TV appearances too." That makes an even 100 accusations of racism or twenty per year; among Democrats today, that makes Jean-Pierre a moderate.

Jean-Pierre’s chief target, of course, was Donald Trump. Jean-Pierre tweeted in February 2019: "Yes, Donald Trump has been a racist his entire adult life. And, people still voted for him." The new press secretary no doubt believes that people still voted for the allegedly racist Trump because of "systemic racism" in the United States, for she is also an enthusiastic proponent of critical race theory.

As far as Jean-Pierre is concerned, Trump’s racism is an active menace. "Donald Trump’s racist rhetoric is dangerous," Jean-Pierre tweeted in July 2019 in response to a tweet from Obama aide Valerie Jarrett that said: "Not only is @IlhanMN a duly elected member of Congress, and an American citizen, but she is also a mom. What kind of person would put her and her family in harms [sic] way?" Jarrett was contending that Trump had put Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) in harm’s way by criticizing her, in a manifestation of the increasingly common Leftist tendency to equate any speech criticizing Leftists with violence (as a prelude to and justification for silencing such criticism altogether).

Trump also never mentioned Omar’s race in anything he said about her, but for Jean-Pierre, his criticism was nonetheless "racist," because essentially any criticism of a "person of color" is taken on the Left as "racism" except for criticism of non-Leftists such as Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens; criticism of black conservatives is neither racist nor incitement but a necessary expression of the prophetic voice of the marginalized. Are you getting the rules down now?

Jean-Pierre even claimed on MSNBC’s "AM Joy" in 2018, without bothering to produce a shred of evidence, that Trump was open about his racism and proud of it: "If it walks like a racist, talks like a racist, acts like a racist, it is a racist and we have a racist president in the White House who really pushes his racism like a peacock." In January 2020, she repeated this, tweeting: "Donald Trump is the most outwardly racist President that we have seen in generations and African Americans voters aren’t blind to that. He uses his megaphone to divide people, spew racism, and give cover to white supremacists." In 2016, Trump won six percent of the black vote; in 2020, this increased to eight percent.
Karine Jean-Pierre: 2022-05-07 Good Morning
Karine Jean-Pierre: 2022-05-07 Karine Jean-Pierre, who will take over as White House Press Secretary on May 13, is in a long-term relationship with CNN political reporter Suzanne Malveaux
Karine Jean-Pierre: 2022-05-06 Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: May 5th, 2022

Home Front: Politix
Biden Taps Anti-Israel Activist, CNN Spouse as White House Press Sec
See also here.
[Free Beacon] The White House announced on Thursday that Karine Jean-Pierre, a veteran anti-Israel activist who is married to CNN correspondent Suzanne Malveaux, will replace outgoing press secretary Jen Psaki, raising potential ethical quandaries.

The announcement drew celebratory headlines in the mainstream press: Jean Pierre is the first black woman and openly gay person to serve in the role.

But her relationship with CNN reporter raises ethical questions about her new role. The White House did not respond to a request for comment about whether Jean Pierre would recuse herself in dealing with CNN. Malveaux's colleagues include Valerie Jarrett's daughter, CNN justice correspondent Laura Jarrett, and Israel ambassador Tom Nides's wife, Virginia Moseley, who serves as CNN's senior vice president of news gathering.

Jean-Pierre’s anti-Israel past—which includes a stint as senior adviser and national spokeswoman for MoveOn.org, a far-left anti-Israel group that advocates for boycotts of the Jewish state—is raising red flags in the pro-Israel community. The selection of an Israel critic is also likely to further strain ties with the pro-Israel community and Israeli government, which already is strongly opposed to the Biden administration’s efforts to ink a new nuclear deal with Iran.

Jean-Pierre has been open about her animosity towards the Jewish state. She has accused Israel of committing "war crimes" and has backed efforts to boycott the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the United States' most prominent pro-Israel lobbying shop, cheering Democrats in 2019 for boycotting the group's annual gathering in Washington, D.C., for "boldly [chose] to prioritize diplomacy and human rights over the power of a lobbying organization." AIPAC, she claimed, helped the Trump administration "sabotage" the Iran nuclear deal and also "supported the group that's credited with inspiring President Trump to enact the Muslim Ban and has been known to spread anti-Muslim racism." She accused the group without evidence of trafficking in "severely racist, Islamophobic rhetoric."
Karine Jean-Pierre: 2022-02-15 White House refuses to answer question on Durham probe revelations
Karine Jean-Pierre: 2021-11-16 Ex-member of black militia group The Brotherhood is kicked out of Texas school board meeting after threatening anti-CRT parents by saying he's got '1,000 soldiers ready to go, locked and loaded'
Karine Jean-Pierre: 2021-11-10 White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre now dodges grilling on Biden giving compensation to migrants separated at the border and refers questions to the DOJ

Home Front: Politix
American Foreign Policy Is Adrift. If There Is A Plan, It's A bad One, And if There Is No Plan, It's Just As Bad
[AceComments] It's hard to imagine a worse foreign policy than our current mess of reactive measures and half-measures and meaningless pontifications that emerge from the White House and the state department. We are in retreat everywhere, and have lost any sense of the simplest goals: to protect American interests throughout the world.

In fact it is difficult to see anything remotely good about our total capitulation to Iranian desires for nuclear weapons and Russia's interest in supporting Iran as a proxy to do mischief...and worse.

Cui Bono? Who benefits? It's pretty clear that Iran and Russia benefit, and America and our staunch ally Israel are the losers in this charade. And to make matters worse, this author suggests that the Biden junta is selling out Ukraine just to get Russia's support of the catastrophic Iran deal!

Ukraine first -- Israel next?:
Irina Tsukerman, a geopolitical and security analyst, suggests a more sinister linkage between Ukraine and the Iran deal. Biden could be sacrificing Ukraine in order to secure Russia’s co-operation in pushing the recalcitrant Tehran towards a deal, she argues. This may allow America to secure cheap Iranian oil, easing the squeeze on household budgets at home.

Worse still, once the nuclear deal is done, Biden may seek to handcuff Israel to prevent it from taking further military action in Syria or against Iran itself. Why? With the US hooked on Iranian oil, Biden would need to "contain" the regime and prevent it from turning the financial screw by raising oil prices.

But why support Iran in the first place? What possible benefit is there, even in the fever dreams and masturbatory fantasies of Biden's handlers? How can a reconstituted Iranian nuclear weapons program help American interests in the region? How can relaxing restrictions on Iran's terror network benefit America? After all, these are the people responsible for a huge amount of terrorism (much of it directed at America) over the last 40 years. That includes the bombing of the Marine Corps barracks in Lebanon in 1983! And we will be lifting sanctions against Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan, who led IRGC forces in Lebanon and Syria when Hezbollah bombed the Marine compound in Beirut and killed 241 U.S. service members.

The simplest reason for this insanity is a combination of two things:

The first is the obvious dislike of Israel on the part of so many of the actors in this farce. Valerie Jarrett and John Kerry come to mind, but the traditional anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment in the U.S. State Department has been allowed to emerge.

The second is a perverse desire for some sort of counterbalance to Israel's power in the Middle East. That it is benign, and is a huge positive matters not at all. These people would rather see a regional war than allow one country to have military dominance, especially a country that is unabashedly Western and Jewish. But by allowing Iran to produce nuclear weapons is a guarantee of much more instability in the region that can easily spill over to other places.

An ascendant Iran will broaden its terrorist activities, including unleashing Hezbollah in Lebanon. That will provoke a response from Israel, including increasing its attacks on Hezbollah in Syria (where Iran funnels arms). Russia has so far allowed Israel to enter Syrian airspace to attack arms transiting to Lebanon, but how long will that last? Will Israel have to fight the Russians as well as the Syrians, the Iranians and Hezbollah?

Of course China would never dream of taking advantage of regional unrest to further its own interests, so at least the world is safe from that complexity.

Home Front: Politix
GOP lets doubts about Biden's legitimacy flourish
WASHINGTON (AP) — In backing President Donald Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud, Republicans risk leaving millions of Americans with the false impression that the results of the 2020 race are illegitimate.

And that may be the point.

None of Trump’s legal challenges and assertions of voting irregularities has revealed any substantive issues with the election that would overturn the results. And some GOP lawmakers and party officials privately acknowledge that Trump has no choice but to step aside by Jan. 20 and cede power to President-elect Joe Biden.

But Trump is doing nothing to make that road to Inauguration Day easier for Biden. In fact, he’s trying to block it, littering the path with misinformation and falsehoods about the election. As a result, Biden will almost certainly be viewed as an illegitimate president by some voters, potentially denying him that period of goodwill that typically greets a new president.

The stakes for Biden are even greater, especially if the Senate remains in Republican control, as he advances an agenda to arrest the spiraling coronavirus pandemic and faltering economy.

"Their intent is to delegitimize this election and thereby delegitimize President-elect Biden’s presidency," said Valerie Jarrett, who was a White House senior adviser to President Barack Obama. "It is damaging to the democracy. Once again they’re putting their short-term political interests ahead of the interests of the country."

The GOP strategy has echoes of the Republican approach to Obama’s 2008 victory when he won by 9.5 million votes and with 365 Electoral College votes. Republicans largely allowed lies about Obama’s citizenship to flourish, leaving millions of Americans with the impression that the nation’s first Black president might not be eligible to serve.

The chief proponent of the "birtherism" lie was, of course, Trump.

Home Front: Politix
Left-wing dark money groups to ‘carpet-bomb' 2020 election, report warns
[FoxNews] A network of left-wing groups with budgets eclipsing those of conservative powerhouses like the Heritage Foundation will likely “carpet bomb” the 2020 election with anonymous dark money, a new report obtained by Fox News warns.

"If 2018 is any indicator, we should expect to see the Left carpet-bomb the 2020 presidential election with buckets of anonymous cash, while complaining about the evils of ‘dark money’ the entire time,” the report from conservative watchdog Capital Research Center says.

The CRC first reported last year on what it described as a shadowy network of liberal nonprofits under the banner of Washington-based Arabella Advisors -- afloat on more than a half-billion dollars and run by former Clinton administration appointee Eric Kessler.

CRC's latest report, released Friday, found that between 2006 and 2018, the Arabella network reported revenues of $2.4 billion and nearly $1.9 billion in expenditures. In 2018 alone, the network brought in $635 million in revenue, after having brought in $582 million a year earlier.

The report notes that the revenues alone eclipse those of conservative groups, such as the Heritage Foundation ($82 million in revenue in 2018) and Americans for Prosperity ($58 million.)

“In contrast, the Arabella network brought in almost eight times more than Heritage and 11 times more than Americans for Prosperity," the report says.

The CRC report describes how Arabella Advisors “created and actively manages four nonprofits” -- New Venture Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, Hopewell Fund and Windward Fund.

“Each plays a slightly different role in the network, but all share the same basic functions—sponsoring pop-up groups (also called “projects”) and paying out grants to other left-wing nonprofits,” the report says. Those pop-up groups are often activist websites that can “pop up” one day and disappear the next, allegedly to give the appearance of grassroots campaigning for a political cause.

Arabella Advisors, in a statement to Fox News, pushed back on what it described as a “gross mischaracterization” by CRC of its work and the client organizations.

“Arabella Advisors is a consulting business that supports effective philanthropy and impact investing,” spokesperson Steve Sampson said. “Our clients include a variety of nonprofit organizations that hire Arabella for shared administrative services, including the New Venture Fund, the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the Hopewell Fund, and the Windward Fund.”

“These nonprofits make grants to a range of projects across the ideological spectrum, most of which have nothing to do with politics,” he said. “Arabella Advisors is not the source of funding for any of these organizations, and we do not exert control over the spending decisions of our clients.”

One of those organizations in the network, The Sixteen Thirty Fund, was reported on by Politico last year when the outlet noted that it spent $141 million on more than 100 left-wing causes during the midterm election year -- on everything from pushing back against the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to weighing in on voting laws and minimum wage ballot measures. It described it as an "unprecedented gusher of secret money" that boosted Democrats and liberal causes.

A single donation was $51.7 million, which Politico reported was by itself more than it ever raised in an entire year before President Trump was elected. But, as the report noted, federal law does not require “social welfare”-focused nonprofits to reveal donors.

The CRC report is more blunt and describes The Sixteen Thirty Fund as “the lobbying shop for the Arabella network.” Separately it describes the organization as a “tool for the professional Left, created by Arabella Advisors with funding from some of the biggest organizations in Progressive activism.”

The Sixteen Thirty Fund pushed back on that assessment in a statement to Fox News, saying it was “completely false” for the CRC to describe it as the “lobbying shop” for Arabella.

“The Sixteen Thirty Fund is confronting the biggest social challenges in our country through fiscal sponsorship, advocacy and electoral action like many other 501c4 organizations, and we are committed to following the current laws to level the playing field for progressives in this election,” Executive Director Amy Kurtz told Fox News in a statement.

The report says that Arabella has tried to deflect scrutiny by claiming it sponsors philanthropic activity, not political activism, “yet its definition of 'charity' nearly always involves changing public policy.”

“And it’s blunt that the Arabella empire provides a model of how to push every edge of the legal envelope in order to score political victories by blending nonprofits and for-profits.”

It says that while some of the nonprofits support “genuinely charitable causes” -- noting New Venture Fund donated to a substance abuse and mental nonprofit in Alaska -- that is a relative fraction of the work.

“The rest are the Left’s bread-and-butter political groups,” the report says, noting contributions to what it describes as left-wing voter turnout groups including When We All Vote -- whose co-chairs include former first lady Michelle Obama and ex-White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.

A spokesman of one of the groups named as part of the Arabella Network, the Hopewell Fund, described itself as an organization “that works toward creating a more equitable world through fiscal sponsorship, charitable initiatives, and grant-making.”

"Hopewell Fund focuses on issues relating to poverty, lack of access to education, gender barriers to advancement, and more, in the United States," the spokesperson said. “Hopewell acts as a fiscal sponsor to smaller and newer organizations that require operational expertise and do not yet have nonprofit status.”

Lee Bodner, president of the Venture Fund Group, said the report is “hyperbolic, hypocritical and paints a misleading picture of our work.”

“The New Venture Fund does not support or oppose any political candidates or parties. We are a non-partisan nonprofit organization that incubates and accelerates philanthropic projects. Our mission is to help nonprofit leaders make the world healthier and more equitable," he said in a statement. "To allow them to focus on the work at hand, we offer fiscal sponsorship, which means we provide them tools and administrative support including human resources, legal, accounting and compliance services, enabling them to get off the ground quickly and operate more efficiently.”

Home Front: Politix
The Daisy Chain

Leap Frog
I spend at least four hours a day on the phone for work. I talk to people and they talk to me. I've noticed an international trend and I've bounced it off some people. The most colorful response to my request about Biden's Handlers was, "It's like nude leap-frog day at the queer bathhouse." People hopeful of gaining benefits from a Biden presidency only have to pay-to-play and then insert themselves into the leap-frog game.

During the eight years of Obamanation it was pay-to-play. It's how Obama went from being essentially penniless to being worth several hundred million dollars during two presidential terms. The Clintons kicked in as well and were able to send Hillary (SECSTATE) globetrotting around the world, bag in hand representing the US and the Clinton Global Initiative (now defunct that she's out of power). In short, they did things the Chicago way.

Today, since Biden is essentially brain dead (but he can fog a mirror), his handlers are running for president. In some cases they are the same handlers who manage AOC.

Mexican Drug Cartels, Russian Oligarchs, all of China, and Iran, to name but a few, have primed the pump and crossed their fingers. They want to go back to the good old days.

This is how it worked four years ago. If you wanted access to Barack or Valerie Jarrett or some of the close influencers, there were about a dozen people who managed access. I knew one of them quite well. You took 50K in cash to the access managers (all Democrat Party Hacks) and would usually have to bring another $100K which would be handed off before you met with the great man. Unless you had a big problem, and the amount skewed upward from there.

Biden ran the vice presidency like his personal Individual Retirement Account, sending Hunter to Ukraine or China as the family bag man. You know those stories and I won't re-hash them here.

Access Managers
I hear some of you asking yourselves what it would take to be an 'access manager';. All you need to do is to become a Democrat Party hack. Once you're trusted, the world flows to you. You will be named a fellow at the Harvard Institute of Politics or at the New Politics Institute, a think tank of the New Democrat Network. You'll be appointed to serve on the advisory board to nonpartisan organizations such as Why Tuesday? that encourages increased voter participation. Or You'll get a fellowship to Media Matters, the Big George Soros organization that delivers talking points to the Donkeys in the media every day. Eventually you'll found a consultancy. You may become a contributor on CNN (the most trusted name in news).

But wait, that's not all!

You will consult with a number of leading non-profits and corporations, all of which will give to Black Lives Matter and Antifa liberally (after all you are a liberal). Corporations that you recognize such as. Humane Society of the United States, Planned Parenthood, the American Cancer Society, Best Friends Animal Society, Monster.com, Toyota, Daimler AG, SES Americom, Corning Inc., LabCorp, IBM, Lionsgate Films, Best Buy, McDonalds, Pepsi, and Wave Systems. All of them will pay you a princely amount to help them manage their danegeld.

But wait, that's not all!
When you travel to foreign lands you will be treated by various heads of state as a visiting prince as you arrive in the Gulfstream 6 that they sent for you to travel in. Nothing is too good for you. Your particular sexual tastes will be indulged (in the extreme), the finest liquor, the best chefs in the world, and you'll leave with new gold wrist watches, baubles and trinkets. Maybe a new Rolls Royce or Ferrari, depending on how you roll. They'll be in the driveway of your mansion when you return, keys in the ignition, properly registered and insured.

But wait, that's not all!
You'll be invited to Hollywood parties, you'll do drugs with your favorite stars and f&%k them if you want to. You'll hobnob with luminaries of the entertainment world, media moguls, starlets, producers, and executives. Again, your particular sexual kinks will be indulged to an extent you never thought possible. You'll be invited to the Academy Awards and while you won't walk the red carpet, you'll be there, in the back, with invitations to the right parties. You want to go to Epstein's Island (back before he was whacked), your seat is reserved.

And you don't even have to be a politician or kiss a baby. Write the proper words for the teleprompter (which Barack couldn't live without and neither can Joe) and give them gilded paperwork to sign.

So you can see that these access managers have a stake in keeping their jobs.

Home Front: Politix
Valjar defaults to Steele dossier 'memory hole' - insists on current focus
[Real Clear Politics] Former senior adviser to President Barack Obama Valerie Jarrett talks to FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo about the Trump/Russia investigation.

"I have a high degree of confidence in our intelligence community, investigators comported themselves responsibly," Jarrett said. "Lindsey Graham is the one that encouraged Sen. McCain to turn over the dossier in the first place to the FBI."

"I do know that it’s nearly four years ago and I don’t understand why our focus isn’t on what’s happening right now and today. That’s the investigation I’d like to see," she said.

Bartiromo asked about the origins of the Steele dossier: "What’s happening right now is we are learning the details of what took place and we are getting official confirmation that the FBI knew that the dossier was garbage and made up in a bar because the sub-source of the dossier told FBI officials in early January."

"I was not involved in any of those conversations," Jarrett replied. "But the question I really want to put to you is, what are we doing today?"

"If people want to have an investigation about what happened four years ago, they should do that. But aren’t you concerned about what’s going on right now? Aren’t you worried about the integrity of our upcoming elections? Aren’t you worried about how we’re going to have a safe and fair election?"
Valerie Jarrett: 2020-04-22 ValJar: says ‘no chance' Michelle will be Biden's VP
Valerie Jarrett: 2019-09-18 Cokie Roberts, broadcast journalism legend, dies at 75
Valerie Jarrett: 2019-04-27 ‘Criminal Indictments Are Coming For Obama/Clinton Associates’

Home Front: Politix
ValJar: says ‘no chance' Michelle will be Biden's VP
The Wookie demurs
[NY Post] There is "no chance" former First Lady Michelle Obama will be Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s running mate, according to a top Obama adviser and friend of the family.

Former Obama White House senior adviser Rodent-Faced Iranian Tool Valerie Jarrett said Tuesday that Obama would not consider being Biden’s vice president in an interview with The Hill, telling the outlet that she simply is not interested in being on the Democratic presidential ticket.

"The reason why I’m being so unequivocal is that there just simply has never been a time when she’s expressed an interest in running for office," Jarrett said.

"She’s not demurring here. She’s not being hard to get. She doesn’t want the job," she continued.

Biden has said on numerous occasions that he would love for the former first lady to be on the ticket with him, though always noting that it would never happen.

As recently as Monday, the Democratic nominee said to CBS Pittsburgh that he’d have her has his running mate "in a heartbeat. She’s brilliant, she knows the way around, she’s a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends."

Regardless of whether Biden would take her, according to Jarrett, Obama is not interested.

"Of course he would take her. That’s not the question. The question is, is this the way in which she wants to continue her life of service luxury?"
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