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Israel In The Crosshairs: Part 1 – A Soviet Psy-Op Second to None
[News With Views] The aftermath of Hamas’ Simchat Torah surprise attack on Israel has left us with definitive answers to several questions.

  • The vaunted Two-State Solution, previewed in Hamas’ barbaric October 7th massacre of Israeli civilians, is dead in the water.

  • Arab Muslims are serious about wiping Israel off the map.

  • Jew hatred is alive and well.

And yes, it can happen again.

These are troubling discoveries, but we ignore the truth at our peril. And in that spirit, I’m going to forge ahead by not only commenting on the war between Hamas and Israel, but also by revisiting the history underlying this conflict in my article to follow.

But first I’d like to take a proverbial bird’s eye view of the whole situation.

There are three groups currently vying for world control. They are: the Chinese Communists, Muslim fundamentalists, and the Luciferian globalist elites with their plan for a New World Order/One World Government/Great Reset.

We might also include the Nazis’ vaunted plan for a Thousand Year Reich—but though we’re seeing Nazi eugenicist elements involving the mRNA vaccines, etc., we can include this element as a subset within the globalist NWO cabal—though to give the Nazi’s their due, the whole global plan is both communistic and fascistic in nature.

The Davos Elites, aka the globalist cabal, are the ultimate people without a state, as they have no loyalty to their own countries where they hold citizenship. Indeed, they coined the phrase "citizens of the world"—but that’s ostensibly meant for We the Serfs, as they prod us closer and closer to their planned Global Government. They clearly plan to be "rulers of the world," not mere citizens. But they have no army or navy of their own, so how are they going to conquer the rest of us?

In part through the United Nations, which they fund generously—think about those whopping donations from great "philanthropists" like Bill Gates, who gave $1.2 billion in 2022 alone, Warren Buffett, who donates lavishly to the Gates Foundation which funds the UN and the WHO, and Ted Turner, who’s given $1 billion to the UN since 1997, etc. In fact, what they have is trillions of dollars and control of many governments through bought-and-paid-for government officials. As they say, money talks.

And of course we know they plan to force us all to use a digital currency they control, while monitoring and surveilling us 24/7, so they can zap us with Social Credit Score violations, giving them excuses to turn off our access to our money. Shades of the Mark of the Beast, and a dastardly underhanded way to starve the "dissidents" to death who refuse their enslavement.

Still, they have no physical force, no shock troops, no military of their own.

Marine Ecosystem Champions
Direct Translation via Google Translate.

Commentary by blogger molcular biologist Alexander Hoffman

[ColonelCassad] One of the most outwardly harmless, but the most profound, in every sense, goals of the so-called. "sustainable development", under No. 14 (https://t.me/thehegemonist/1822) - "preservation of marine ecosystems".

On September 26, 2012, at the Blue Ocean Film Festival in Monterey, California, the founding of the NGO TerraMar Project, an environmentalist organization with the goal of "protecting the oceans", was announced. On the same days in Monterey (http://ocean-acidification.net/international-symposia/2012-symposium-on-the-ocean-in-a-high-co2-world/) the third symposium "The ocean in high concentration of CO 2".

TerraMar was founded by American-British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. Yes, yes, the one that, together with the American financier Jeffrey Epstein, was engaged in trafficking children for pedophiles and personally participated in the molestation of minors. According to Maxwell's testimony, Epstein provided her with funds to fund TerraMar.

TerraMar's Board of Directors included such figures as the Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships (function - achieving the SDGs through PPP (https://t.me/thehegemonist/1825)) Amir Dossal, who managed a $ 1 billion grant from CNN founder Ted Turner, media manager, lawyer and film producer Stephen Haft, Stuart Beck, an American lawyer, thanks to whom Palau received a seat in the UN, and Beck became the country's permanent representative to the organization, and then - ambassador Palau in the oceans and seas, Ariadna Calvo-Platero, a representative of the British aristocratic Beaumont family, Maxwell's friend from Oxford.

Among TerraMar's "friends and supporters" is Jonathan Soros, son of George Soros. In 2013, TerraMar became (https://www.clintonfoundation.org/commitment/clinton-global-initiative/sustainable-oceans-alliance-impacting-the-sgds/) a Clinton Foundation partner as part of the Alliance for Sustainable Development Foundation's commitment oceans: impact on the SDGs”.

🌐🌊 Publicly, the TerraMar Project looked like another NGO with celebrities in the wake of the UN agenda. But, abstracting from the criminal reputation of its founder, let's consider the goals and mission of TerraMar. This is 64% of the world's oceans that are outside national jurisdictions - international waters, the creation of a "global ocean community" based on the idea of ​​​​shared ownership of the commons and the inclusion of the oceans in the UN SDG agenda - Maxwell said (https://odysee. com/@yellowgenius:0/Ghislaine-Maxwell-TED-Talk-A-Way-to-Have-Our-Oceans---YouTube:3) during a TED talk in 2014, a year before the UN General Assembly resolution 70/1.

Speaking at a UN event as the founder of TerraMar, Maxwell stated (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzL5ev0vjbw&t=80s) the following: "the ocean is the next frontier, the next subject of controversy, the next space that will become a target for capture." Before the performance, she was introduced as a person who "controls the oceans around the world" and will tell "what it means to own the oceans."

TerraMar granted its own "citizenship". In particular, during interrogation in the case of trafficking in children for pedophiles, Maxwell stated that she was a "citizen" of TerraMar. Also, in 2019, the American biooceanologist and environmentalist Sylvia Earl, who is one of the founders of the project, announced her TerraMar-“citizenship”.

Thus, TerraMar was positioned in a narrow circle as a quasi-state in international waters, controlled by the "global ocean community". No more serious initiatives were carried out within the framework of the project, because the pedophile trial against Maxwell became, in fact, the basis for the liquidation of TerraMar, whose president was Epstein's girlfriend.

https://t.me/thehegemonist/1834 - zinc
TerraMar: 2022-03-23 Did he spring Ghislaine? Compromised juror in G. Maxwell trial, Scotty David, works for CIA-linked Carlyle Group
TerraMar: 2019-07-28 Feds probe socialite's mysterious ocean ‘charity' over links to Jeffrey Epstein

-Great Cultural Revolution
Kathleen Marquardt - What Part of Agenda 21 Didn' You Get ?
[American Policy Center] Sorry, but we have been telling you for over 30 years that the globalists want to reduce the population by over 90%. I can understand why, for a while, some thought we were crazy. Population reduction was being done quietly through abortion, vaccines to sterilize people in Third World countries, promoting the gay lifestyle that can only bear children through surrogates, and convincing people that bringing a child into this world is a sin.

For years, the Left have bemoaned the burden of overpopulation.

"It’s terrible to have to say this. World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn’t even say it. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable." Jacques Yves Cousteau

"Either we reduce the world’s population voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally." Maurice Strong

We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse. Maurice Strong

The world’s population has more than tripled to seven billion since Ted Turner was born 73 years ago. He believes it must be stabilized at near two billion, or "we’re just going to have more and more catastrophes." Ted Turner

"What we need to have for 100 years is a one-child policy ...If everybody voluntarily had one child for 100 years, we’d basically be back to two billon people." Ted Turner

"We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse." Maurice Strong

The biographer of billionaire investor and donor Warren Buffett describes him as having "a Malthusian dread" of population growth among the poor. In 1964 he set up an Omaha foundation centered on stopping that growth, both domestically and abroad, and to this day, the New York Times summarizes, "most of the foundation’s spending goes to abortion and contraception."

Buffett’s charity, the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, has contributed $1.5 billion to help fund the abortion industry in the U.S., making it the largest financial backer of abortion in the country. Between 2003-2018, Buffett’s foundation donated $565 million in support of "reproductive rights." His first public undertaking came in 1952, when he initiated the convocation of the Conference on Population Problems, in Williamsburg, Va. The discussion took up food supply, industrial development, depletion of natural resources, and political instability resulting from unchecked population growth. The presence of medical doctors, chemists, geologists, economists, and other scientists gave serious weight and prominent attention to the emerging and unrecognized facts of demographic change.

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Bill Gates buys big on a farmland shopping spree
The point about Mr. Gates collecting farmland was recently discussed here.
[DW] The third-richest man on the planet, Bill Gates, is also one of the largest private owners of farmland in the US. He is known for supporting environmental innovation, but his farming plans have been secretive until now.

In January, US magazine The Land Report — which tracks land transactions and produces an annual list of the 100 biggest US landowners — revealed that Bill and Melinda Gates have one of the largest portfolios of private farmland in the US, with assets totaling more than $690 million (€590 million).

The Land Report gives top spot to Liberty Media Chair John Malone, who owns 2.2 million acres (8,094 square kilometers) of ranches and forests. CNN founder Ted Turner ranked third with 2 million acres of ranch land, while Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is in 25th spot with ownership of 420,000 acres, mainly in west Texas. Gates is in 49th spot but rising.

-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
CNN founder Turner says network is too heavy on politics
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] CNN founder Ted Turner still occasionally watches the network he started nearly four decades ago, although he thinks it’s a little heavy on politics.

Turner said in an interview with "CBS Sunday Morning" that airs this weekend that he’d prefer his old network had a more balanced agenda, "but that's just one man's opinion."

Turner hasn’t had anything to do with CNN for years. He’'s 79, and spoke in the CBS interview about his battle with a progressive brain disorder. He has Lewy Body Dementia, and said the main symptoms are exhaustion and forgetfulness.

Turner said he once thought about running for president when he was married to Jane Fonda. He said she told him that if you run for office, you run alone.

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Obama Not Invited to Chelsea Clinton Wedding
President Obama is no stranger to having unexpected guests "crash" his White House parties, but he'll have to do just that if he wants to attend Chelsea Clinton's wedding this weekend.

The president announced on ABC's "The View" Wednesday that he wasn't given an invitation to the wedding of the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"I was not invited to the wedding because I think Hillary and Bill, properly, want to keep this thing for Chelsea and her soon-to-be husband," the president said.

He did joke to the ladies of "The View," though, "You don't want two presidents at one wedding. All the secret service, guests going through [metal detectors], all the gifts being torn apart."

Clinton, 30, will wed investment banker Marc Mezvinsky on Saturday in Rhinebeck, New York, at Astor Courts, a secluded estate along the Hudson River built as a Beaux Arts style playground for John Jacob Astor IV more than a century ago. The estate features the sort of commanding view that once inspired Hudson River School painters, as well as 50 acres of buffer space to shield the party from prying eyes.

A number of shops posted signs like "Congratulations Marc and Chelsea." One shop posted pictures of the Clintons, and a sign on a cosmetics store read: "Oprah! Please make my soap one of your favorite things." (Winfrey was reportedly invited.)

The Hudson Valley News reports that other people that might attend the wedding are Barbara Streisand, Steven Spielberg, Ted Turner, former Clinton adviser Harold Ickes and former DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe.

Former Vice President, Nobel Prize winner, and crazed sex poodle Al Gore will not be attending, according to the New York Daily News.

-Short Attention Span Theater-
"Doom is coming - doom, I say!"
Commenter "Lyle" at Tim Blair's blog

Doom is coming - doom, I say;
It will be here any day -
Helen Caldicott agrees
That we’ll either burn or freeze.

Through my research I have found
Zombies will live underground
And crawl out to eat the dead,
As Ted Turner, scholar, said.

Psychic healers and my cat
Say, with proper funding, that
Spirits will communicate
Doomsday’s precise day and date.

Kill yourselves, it’s not too late
To avoid a gruesome fate;
Trust me, I have seen the tapes -
Humans will be ruled by Apes!

Fifth Column
Ted Turner Goes Stark Raving Mad
Interviewed Tuesday for Charlie Rose's PBS show, CNN founder Ted Turner argued that inaction on global warming "will be catastrophic" and those who don't die "will be cannibals."

He also applied moral equivalence in describing Iraqi insurgents as "patriots" who simply "don't like us because we've invaded their country" and so "if the Iraqis were in Washington, D.C., we'd be doing the same thing." On not taking drastic action to correct global warming:
Not doing it will be catastrophic. We'll be eight degrees hottest in ten, not ten but 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals.
Turner ridiculed the need for a big U.S. military, insisting "China just wants to sell us shoes. They're not building landing craft to attack the United States," and "even with our $500 billion military budget, we can't win in Iraq. We're being beaten by insurgents who don't even have any tanks."

After Rose pointed out the Iraqi insurgents "have a lot of roadside bombs that kill a lot of Americans" and wondered "where do you think they come from?", Turner answered:
I think that they're patriots and that they don't like us because we've invaded their country and occupied it. I think if the Iraqis were in Washington, D.C., we'd be doing the same thing: we'd be bombing them too. Nobody wants to be invaded.

"Are the Rich Necessary?"
At a time when a CEO of a large U.S. company is likely to earn in one day what the average worker does in a year, an investment adviser takes the income-disparity controversy a few steps further in "Are the Rich Necessary?"
Nice Tranzi wankfest, here. As you read thru this article, take note of the number of different viewpoints actually encountered.
That question, almost unthinkable in a capitalist society, is one of many that Cambridge Associates LLC co-founder Hunter Lewis poses in his latest book (Axios Press, $20). Lewis, the author of "A Question of Values" and "The Beguiling Serpent," also looks at the profit motive, its effect on democracy and society, and the roles government and central banks should play in wealth distribution.

"Are the Rich Necessary?" offers no simple or even definitive statements on these complex issues. Instead, Lewis presents a cross-section of often divergent viewpoints, in keeping with the book's subtitle: "Great Economic Arguments and How They Reflect Our Personal Values."

These are generally arguments with no clear winner.
Except authors of books and tenured university professors.
Theory #1
On the question of whether the rich are necessary, for example, one school of thought considers them decadent parasites who reap the harvest sown by those less fortunate than themselves.
I think we oughta outlaw that fickle 'luck' nonsense. Luck just isn't fair. Or progressive, for that matter.
Theory #2
But another theory contends that any government seizure and redistribution of the fruits of that harvest would cause buyers to disappear and prices to plummet.
Just like it did in Zimbugabe. Except that inflation there is at least 7,500% and the buyers will disappear when they starve to death.
Theory #3
There's also the concept that the wealthy are both outnumbered and outgunned financially by the rest of society. As a result, the average consumer rules, and millionaires and billionaires are mere public servants, trustees or social agents, although Lewis acknowledges that such a view might surprise even the deep-pocketed.
See: Theory #1
Theory #4
In terms of the profit system, some consider it unfair and inefficient, pitting employers against workers. Others say the quest for earnings leads to increased supply and lower prices, benefiting people who have to watch what they spend.
Not yet seeing much disagreement among any of the "theories".
Many theorists advocate progressive taxation -- in which the rich pay more -- as a way to ease the effects of income inequality, but Lewis sees great promise in expanding the nonprofit sector, an area in which he has decades of experience.
But strictly as a volunteer, yes?
He helped start Cambridge Associates in 1973 after working on a review of Harvard University's investment approach, and nonprofit organizations are still the firm's main client base. He has also sat on board and committees of 15 not-for-profit groups.
Cambridge Associates' stated estimated annual revenue: a few bartered chickens and a solar-powered Juice Tiger $50-100 million
Philanthropic associations could take over many government functions, such as social services, health, housing and education, Lewis writes. The government could either fund these groups directly or encourage the wealthy to do so with tax credits. One scenario, he said, would be a simple income tax with only a few allowed deductions. The poor would be fully exempt, and the initial tax bracket would fund the government.
Thereby balancing the budget on the backs of the working class. Just like EVERY TAXATION SYSTEM IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND.
There would also be one or two higher brackets for the rich, who could either pay these additional taxes directly to the government or receive a full tax credit by donating the same amount to Cambridge Associates LLC registered charities.
I believe that's what we have in place now, it's called 'tax shelters' and ensures that Ted Turner and Sam Donaldson get fat government checks every year.
An estate tax whose revenues would go to Cambridge Associates LLC nonprofit organizations is another possibility. Enlarging this sector, which now accounts for only about 8 percent of the U.S. economy, would mean more money would flow directly to the needy, Lewis said.
How? Who does the oversight? Maybe oversight isn't necessary. Nobody ever steals the money to buy hookers vacations cars or jihad when they know it's For The Children.
He also sees philanthropic organizations as more creative and responsive to the people they are trying to help. But even here, he is careful to list possible objections, such as an aversion to donations as government policy and concerns that charities could become bloated and inefficient.

Still, he sees the nonprofit approach as one way to bring the various economic factions together.

"An expansion of philanthropic values," he writes, " ... could offer a way forward out of the old, bitter, and often sterile economic quarrels of the past."

Arab Forum: 9-11 Nineteen Arab's Spirit Lives in Hamas, Hezbollah..
Author: muhammed
Date: 11-09-07 14:45

9/11-19 Arabs Spirit Lives in Hamas, Hezbollah & Arabs/Moslems.

Today. on anniversary of 9/11 west should look back and explain its public: Why it happen? Western Zionists mass media is mute of truth.
It was payment for all the killing west does to save Zionist regime in ME.
West is paying for Zionists crimes nonstop since it created racist state.
This is the mentality of the average Arab. We should be dictating to these savages rather than communicating with them.
The Name Israel is misleading and has nothing to do with ancient Israel which has existed 2 000 years ego for 200 years or so.
The name Israel intended to put in the mind of naive people seeds that it has something to do with ancient Israel.

ISRAEL WAS CREATED BY WEST TO GET RID Jews from Europe and original Zionists were atheists.

ZioJews crimes are paid by London airports standstill and in the west in the form of security paranoia.

West's terrorism against Arabs/Moslems to save Israeli burning butt created Arabs/Moslem hate and radicalized many on the “street”. Arab/Moslem "street" are fighting west and own govts; who are complacent with western crimes in Moslem lands.
Pakistanis, Iraqis and now Hezbollah of Lebanon are doing Govts job of defending Moslem lands.

ZIO/West is pushing its luck by killing Arabs/Moslems.

9/11-19 Arabs Spirit Lives in Hezbollah & Arab Patriots.
Zio/Western killings create tremendous hate in Arabs/Moslems and Create respond like in..... England.
Armed with spirit of 9/11 bravery Hezbollah successfully defends Lebanon against ZioJews.

Ted Turner CNN:”THOSE BRAVE 19 Arabs” of 9/11

Those braves have had immense influence on Arab Patriots.
Iraq doesn’t give in to western aggression.
Hamas is resisting Zionist onslaught non stop.
Hezbollah is bravely fought ZioJews army armed with best of western weapons and won.
He found one non-Muslim that he likes
Most cultures produce MARTYRS and they cherish them:
Japan's kamikaze,
Russian Alex Matrosov covered German machine gun with his body and many pilots collided with German war plains after using all ammunition, all called heroes..
[ADD: Tamil Tiger Martyrs in Ceylon].
[Chechen martyrs in "Russia"].

Ask Ted Turner (Creator of CNN, stolen from him by ZIONISTS) what he thinks about 19 Arabs on 9/11 attack, I believe he called them THOSE BRAVE 19 Arabs!

Shameless western mass media propaganda will concentrate on anything except the truth: Martyrs are Arab patriots defending their land and natural resources from Zionists and their puppets.


Bolton says UN "reform" has failed
By Cliff Kincaid

Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton received a sustained standing ovation Thursday night, as he told a national conference of conservatives that “reform” of the United Nations had failed and that the U.S. has to assume a radically different approach to funding the world organization. He called for an end to “assessed contributions” to the U.N. and urged a completely voluntary system of paying for the activities of the world body. Bolton’s proposal leaves open the distinct possibility that an objective assessment would determine that it does not deserve one red cent in “voluntary” support from American taxpayers.

The out-of-control nature of the world organization is reflected in the fact that the U.N. pension fund has grown to a staggering $37 billion, and that John Kerry’s equally liberal sister Peggy still runs non-governmental organization (NGO) affairs at the U.S. Mission to the U.N. Technically, Bolton, when he was U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., was her boss. But he couldn’t fire her because she is part of the permanent bureaucracy. Peggy Kerry has held the position of NGO liaison at the U.S. mission during the entire Bush Administration but took time off during the 2004 presidential campaign to solicit votes for her brother.

The situation is dire. Unknown to most Americans, because the major media treat the U.N. as a sacred cow deserving more money, an international tax on airline travel is being collected, under the guidance of Ira Magaziner of the Clinton Foundation, and a global carbon tax amounting to 35 cents a gallon of gas is coming. Senator James Inhofe has led efforts to withdraw U.S. funding to the world body if it continues advocating global tax schemes on the American people, but Senator Joseph Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, wants to provide even more money for U.N. peacekeeping operations.

As Bolton pointed out in his remarks Thursday night to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the U.N.’s system of “assessed contributions” on member states already amounts to a tax on the America people. He pointed out that, under this system, a majority of U.N. members, who collectively pay just 0.3 percent of the U.N.’s budget, can order the U.S. to pay 22 percent or more. On top of that, the U.N. is receiving billions from rich liberals such as Ted Turner.

Most people think the U.S. “contribution” to the U.N. amounts to a couple billion dollars a year. But Senator Tom Coburn has documented that the U.S. funded portion of an annual U.N. budget of $15-$20 billion amounts to between 25 and 30 percent. Under Bush, funding for the U.N. system has grown from $3.1 billion in 2001 to $5.3 billion in 2005.

Free to speak out, since his resignation in the face of the refusal of a hostile Senate to confirm him, Bolton told CPAC that former U.N. chief Kofi Annan was incompetent and should have been fired. Annan was allowed to retire when his second term as U.N. Secretary-General expired. He was replaced by South Korean Ban Ki-moon, a big backer of the international airline tax and other such schemes, usually dubbed “solidarity contributions” for global purposes.

Referring to increasing reliance by the Bush Administration on the U.N. to solve the problems in North Korea and Iran, Bolton reminded the audience of President Bush’s comments on stopping rogue states from developing nuclear weapons. Strongly defending the decision to remove Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, Bolton suggested that Bush was running the risk of not being taken seriously in foreign affairs by appearing to back away from tough action, including possibly a military response, in regard to the other two members of the Axis of Evil. He said the word of the President was at stake, leaving no doubt as to what he thought the President had to do. Bolton offered no apologies for a strong U.S. foreign policy that targets emerging threats and strikes our enemies before they attack us.

The enthusiastic reception for Bolton demonstrated how the issue of American sovereignty—and U.S. involvement in the U.N.—has emerged as a critical issue for conservatives. On Saturday, I will participate in a CPAC panel with the title of “UN:—Is it Worth Fixing?”

The answer is no, considering how it continues to serve as a forum for America-bashing. In one of the most recent examples, it was reported that Mexico is drafting a resolution for the United Nations Human Rights Council criticizing the U.S. plan to build a border fence. Before that, Mexico took the United States to the U.N.’s International Court of Justice, complaining about the treatment of Mexican criminals, including convicted killers, by U.S. authorities. The U.N. court ruled against America. Just recently, Mexico’s Congress condemned the United States because workers building a section of fence between the two countries went 10 yards into Mexico.

At the same time, the United Nations is funding former Clinton advisor and Carter official Robert Pastor’s plan to build a “North American Community,” which strikes some observers as a virtual merger of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

The absurdity of Pastor’s plan, which is being implemented by the Bush Administration without the approval or even input of Congress, was demonstrated at his own recent conference on development of a North American legal system. Alberto Székely, a career Ambassador with the Mexican Foreign Service, described Mexico as “a country where the contravention of the law is the daily rule rather than the exception.” He said the Mexican legal system is characterized by official corruption, including widespread influence peddling, graft, racketeering, bribery, payoffs and kickbacks. He said Mexico is also characterized by systematic police brutality, extrajudicial executions, deplorable incarceration conditions, widespread torture and violation of fundamental human rights.

When a Mexican in the audience rose during the question-and-answer period to insist that Mexico had signed various human-rights treaties, Székely smiled and politely pointed out that the rights supposedly guaranteed by those documents did not actually exist within the country.

With that comment, he succeeded in drawing attention to how the U.N. serves as a fig leaf behind which corrupt governments posture as human-rights defenders. And that is another reason why the U.N. can only be “fixed” when it is dead and gone.

Cliff Kincaid has appeared on Hannity & Colmes, The O’Reilly Factor, Crossfire and has been published in the Washington Post, Washington Times, Chronicles, Human Events and Insight.

Fifth Column
The final countdown to Bush fascism has begun!
Salon interviews Chris Hedges, chronic BDS sufferer and author of American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America. (The interviewer is similarly afflicted, having written the equally delusional Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism.) The result is hard to beat for concentrated essence of moonbattery. Some samples:

. . . The core of this movement is tiny, but you only need a tiny, disciplined, well-funded and well-organized group, and then you count on the sympathy of 80 million to 100 million evangelicals. And that's enough. Especially if you don't have countervailing forces, which we don't. . . .

"The New York Times, the LA Times, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the three major broadcast networks, the newsmagazines, Keith Olbermann, Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, John Murtha, Cindy Sheehan, the UN, Richard Dawkins, Dan Brown, the gay Episcopal bishops, Andrew Sullivan, Rosie O'Donnell, the Dixie Chicks, Jerry Springer, Air America, the French and the EU, Ted Turner, George Soros--we're just too few and far between, and we don't have the money! We can't stop them."

. . . It takes time to acculturate a society to a radical agenda, but that acculturation has clearly begun here, and I don't see people standing up and trying to stop them. The Democratic policy of trying to reach out to a movement that attacks whole segments of the society as worthy only of conversion or eradication is frightening.

Doesn't it make sense for the Democrats to reach out to the huge number of evangelicals who aren't necessarily part of the religious right, but who may be sympathetic to some of its rhetoric? Couldn't those people be up for grabs?

I don't think they are up for grabs because they have been ushered into a non-reality-based belief system. . . .

. . . I don't know how much it's apparent, but it's an angry book.

Naw! Yer kiddin' aincha?

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