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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Military response to the West and diplomacy in the East. Putin's four key points
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by Gevorg Mirzayan

[REGNUM] Following his visit to Uzbekistan, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a press conference, where he spoke not only about the Eurasian prospects of Tashkent, but also about the legitimate leader of Ukraine, the consequences of Western weapons strikes on Russian territory and the future of relations between Russia and the Taliban (the organization whose activities banned in the Russian Federation, is under UN sanctions for terrorist activities).

First of all, Putin made it clear what awaits Uzbekistan in the Eurasian Union. According to him, if the economy of this country joins the unification, the Union will only benefit from this. But the Uzbek economy also needs to benefit. In general, the president noted, this is “a rather complex negotiation process.”

Now Uzbekistan is one of the most obvious candidates in expanding Eurasian integration, says Nikita Mendkovich, head of the Eurasian Analytical Club. He recalls that even before the start of the SVO, Tashkent set in its official strategies the task of joining the process; local legislation was being adapted to the norms of the Eurasian Union.

“Yes, our acute conflict with the West delayed this process. Now Tashkent, like many external players, is waiting to see who will take it. After our victory in Ukraine, the process of joining the Eurasian Union will most likely resume, as well as the process of returning Tashkent to the ranks of the CSTO member countries,” predicts Mendkovich in a commentary for IA Regnum.

It turned out that Vladimir Putin understands the Ukrainian constitution and legislation much better than a number of Verkhovna Rada deputies, and certainly better than the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky. This conclusion can be drawn after the Russian president’s explanations about the legitimacy of the Ukrainian authorities.

Putin noted that the absence of presidential elections does not mean that Zelensky retains the post of president of the country indefinitely. Yes, the principle of continuity of power must be preserved, but according to the law it passes to another person. The head of the Russian state said that, according to a preliminary assessment, “the only legitimate authorities remain the parliament and the speaker of the Rada.” In fact, the head of the Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, becomes acting. O. president.

The speaker himself has already reacted: he said that Vladimir Zelensky is the president of Ukraine until the next elections, that is, he expressed humility and disowned the Ukrainian opposition.

“ Stefanchuk, of course, is absolutely a man of Zelensky and his team. And he understands that if something happens, he can be quickly removed from the post of speaker,” explains Vladimir Kornilov, political observer of the Rossiya Segodnya media group, to IA Regnum.

At the same time, he points out, the speaker ignored Putin’s words that the Constitution of Ukraine does not provide for the abolition of presidential elections during martial law. So Stefanchuk is clearly playing his game and may yet unpleasantly surprise Zelensky at the decisive moment, Kornilov believes.

Putin also addressed Western politicians who are now discussing the possibility of giving the Kyiv regime permission to use its weapons to strike Russia, while emphasizing that they supposedly have nothing to do with the strikes - the weapons, after being transferred to Kyiv, become Ukrainian.

“ There are no German weapons in Ukraine. There are Ukrainian weapons of German origin, and these are completely different circumstances,” argued, for example, back in July 2023, representative of the German Ministry of Defense Arne Collatz.

But, according to President Putin, striking deep into Russian territory with new Ukrainian weapons is impossible without direct Western participation.

“ High-precision long-range weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance assets - this is the first thing. Second: the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this intelligence data, technical intelligence data,” the president said.

Obviously, Putin had in mind the Western military. At the same time, he also transparently hinted that in response, Western countries risk receiving blows from the Russian army.

“These representatives of NATO countries, especially in Europe, especially in small countries, must be aware of what they are playing with. They must remember that these are, as a rule, states with a small territory and a very dense population. And this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about launching strikes deep into Russian territory,” the head of state said.

The main question: will the West hear the Russian leader? Associate Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities Vadim Trukhachev is sure that no.

“ NATO and the EU will not listen to these words. Also because they are confident that Russia will not cause them any harm,” Trukhachev told IA Regnum, admitting that Moscow will have to go for further escalation.

But in other regions, Russia itself is promoting the idea of ​​de-escalation and cooperation. For example, in Afghanistan. President Putin admitted that there are problems there, but it is necessary to build relations with the current Afghan government.

“ These are the people who control the country, control the territory of the country, they are the power in Afghanistan today. We must proceed from reality and build relationships accordingly,” the president noted.

Considering recent statements by representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry, who recommended Moscow to exclude the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations, many regarded Putin’s statement as a pretext not only for exclusion, but also for the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Taliban regime.

Ever since they came to power after the Americans fled there, the prospects for this normalization were linked to two official and one unofficial conditions. The first category includes the Taliban’s fight against jihadist terrorist groups entrenched in Afghanistan, as well as stopping attempts to import Afghan heroin into Russia through the countries of Central Asia. The Taliban have fulfilled both of these conditions: they are destroying terrorists, and as of 2023, they were able, according to the UN, to reduce opium poppy cultivation in the country by almost 95%.

The informal condition is the synchronization of recognition with Russian allies - China and Central Asian countries, for which the Taliban should also not pose a threat.

Judging by the words of the Russian president, as well as the place where he said them, this condition has also been met.

“Perhaps Moscow and Tashkent received serious security guarantees and the opportunity to implement transit projects through the territory of Afghanistan. Somehow, the Taliban convinced the Russian Foreign Ministry that we would be able to transit to the Indian Ocean coast through Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Enter new markets, including gas, and the Taliban will guarantee the safety of this project,” says expert Mendkovich.

And if the Taliban has fulfilled all the conditions, gives guarantees and is ready to cooperate, then Russia will keep its word.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
150 migrants received summonses to the military registration and enlistment office during raids in the Rostov region
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[KavkazUzel] Inspections were carried out in fast food restaurants in Rostov-on-Don and in logistics centers of large marketplaces in the region.
During the Revolutionary period, wasn’t one of the American objections to British navy press gangs?
Law enforcement officers were looking for migrants who had received Russian citizenship and had not registered with the military. 150 such migrants were issued summonses to the military registration and enlistment office. The raids took place in fast food restaurants on Voroshilovsky Prospekt, as well as in four logistics centers of large marketplaces located in the Lenin village of the Aksai district, the military investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Southern Military District reported.

A total of 913 people were checked, of which 545 were citizens of the Russian Federation. In addition, as a result of these checks, 39 people were brought to administrative responsibility, of which 25 were foreign citizens, Interfax writes with reference to the department’s press service.

Previously, checks were carried out in a crowded area of ​​citizens engaged in private transportation on Oganova Street in Rostov-on-Don, as well as in the private sector in the area of ​​Tashkentskaya Street, the agency writes.

The "Caucasian Knot" previously wrote that as a result of raids by security forces after the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, 30 migrants in Krasnodar, 87 people in the Volgograd region, 46 citizens of Central Asia in the Rostov region, seven citizens of Uzbekistan in Ingushetia and a group foreign students in Astrakhan, follows from the reports of security officials.


Iran and Pakistan exchanged missile strikes. What to expect next
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Kirill Semeno

[REGNUM] On January 18, Islamabad said its forces had launched "a series of well-coordinated and targeted precision military strikes" against Iran's southeastern Sistan and Baluchistan province in an operation called Marg Bar Sarmachar. This broadly translates to “death to the partisans.”

"Several" militants were killed during the operation, Pakistan's foreign ministry added.

Islamabad also noted that in recent years it has expressed concern to Tehran about “shelters and shelters” in Iran for Pakistani Baloch separatists, whom Pakistan calls “Sarmachar.” The Pakistani authorities, as they themselves claim, wanted the Iranian side to share data regarding the presence and activities of these militants.

“Sarmachar” refers to two groups, the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and the Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), that are fighting for greater regional autonomy for Pakistani Balochistan, even to the point of granting it independence from Pakistan. At the same time, their militants often commit terrorist acts and kill journalists.

Pakistan's actions are a "mirror response" to Iran's attacks on Pakistani soil two days earlier.

On Tuesday evening, January 16, Iran's IRGC forces allegedly attacked the headquarters of the Jaysh al-Adl movement in Pakistan. This group conducts its anti-government activities in the province of Sistan and Baluchistan in Iran, seeking to transform this region into an independent Islamic emirate.

The Pakistani government strongly condemned Tehran's actions and said the strikes killed two children and wounded three others.

“ What is even more alarming is that this illegal act occurred despite the existence of multiple channels of communication between Pakistan and Iran, ” the Pakistan Foreign Ministry said. “ Pakistan has always said that terrorism is a common threat to all countries in the region, which requires coordinated action.”

The Pakistani Foreign Ministry recalled the ambassador from Iran, and Islamabad stated that it reserves the right to retaliate. And, as you can see, these measures did not take long to arrive.

In turn, Tehran has now expressed protest against Pakistan’s “anti-terrorist operation” on its own territory. According to the Iranian Tasnim agency, Pakistan's charge d'affaires in Tehran was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry after a missile strike on the territory of the Islamic Republic.

“A Pakistani diplomat was summoned to the ministry in the absence of the ambassador (as the ambassador was recalled for consultations after the Iranian attacks) to give an explanation regarding several explosions in areas near the city of Serawan in the province of Sistan and Baluchistan that occurred earlier today,” the report said.

Thus, we can say that Tehran, with its great-power ambitions, has finally met with an equally ambitious regional player in the person of Islamabad, and at the same time possessing nuclear weapons.

Pakistan, unlike many neighboring countries that have suffered to one degree or another from Iran’s actions, did not wait to respond and was not afraid of a possible escalation.

Another question is that such Pakistani-Iranian disagreements can, if the parties wish, be resolved quickly enough, since both countries are China’s closest partners, with which they are closely connected not only economically, but also military-politically. Islamabad, however, is larger, Tehran somewhat smaller.

In general, it cannot be ruled out that Pakistan’s retaliatory actions were carried out under the control of Beijing and could even be coordinated with Tehran. But we will know about this only by how Iran ultimately responds to Pakistani attacks.

In addition, both Pakistan and Iran are members of the SCO and the Organization has a good reason to remind itself and its security dimension in the form of the SCO anti-terrorist center in Tashkent. The SCO could invite both countries to develop a certain algorithm for joint actions against terrorist and separatist Baloch groups that use the territories of Pakistan and Iran for attacks from both sides of the border.

The territory of Baluchistan, a geographical region inhabited by the Baluchis, one of the Indo-European peoples, is divided between Pakistan and Iran. In these territories there are various groups seeking independence from Islamabad and Tehran, respectively. Moreover, these movements are often sponsored by external forces.

Thus, Iran previously, before normalizing relations with Riyadh, accused Saudi Arabia of supporting Sunni jihadist groups present in the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan.

At the moment, a whole mosaic of various Sunni formations is still active there. Most of them arose from the foundations of the leading rebel faction of Iranian Balochistan, Jundallah, which was never able to recover from the defeat in 2010-2011.

It should be noted that the leader of Jundallah himself, Abdulmalik Rigi, rejected accusations that Jundallah is a radical Salafi organization.
“We’re not radical,” he said. “We’re correct. It’s just that everyone else is lax or straight-up heretical. Dunno why they all call us taqfiris.”
Its closest analogue before the split was the Afghan Taliban (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), which adheres to Hanafi jurisprudence and Maturidi theology, traditional for the region.

Nowadays, Jaysh al-Adl, close to Jundallah and founded by its former members, is among the most active Sunni jihadist groups in Iranian Balochistan.

There are also other anti-government groups operating in Iranian Balochistan. Such as “Harakat Ansar al Iran”, renamed “Harakat al Ansar” - also a “splinter” of “Jundallah”, part of which merged with another independent Islamist Baloch faction “Hizb al Furqan” into a new structure - “Ansar al Furqan”. However, the activity of this group began to decline after the death of its leader Hisham Azizi in 2015.
It’s been a while since we used the Toad the Wet Sprocket analogy.
In turn, secular nationalist groups of Baloch separatists with a left-wing Marxist bias, such as the Balochistan Liberation Front and the Baluchistan Liberation Army, are active in Pakistan. They also, according to the Pakistani authorities, enjoy the protection of external forces, primarily India.
Pakistan would say that.
During their first stage of activity in the 70s of the last century, they fought not only against Pakistan, but also against Iran. And only in the 2000s did they completely refocus on the confrontation with Islamabad. It is likely that the FOB and AOB were able to maintain their secret bases on Iranian territory, ceasing the fight with Tehran, so as not to further irritate the Iranian authorities.

On the other hand, it is obvious that the attacks on the secret cells of Jaysh al-Adl by Iran were largely in the nature of a PR campaign and were not aimed at suppressing terrorist activity.

They were supposed to demonstrate that Iran has become a full-fledged regional power that is capable of suppressing any threats in neighboring states. And thereby putting it on a par with the United States or Israel, which also act against any hostile forces outside their territory.
But in any case, it should be borne in mind that the current Iran-Pakistan escalation is associated with Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip.
“Doze Juices made us do it!”
The events of October 7 thus became a trigger for regional escalation, which is already extending beyond the Middle East.

It is unlikely that Iran would launch strikes on the territory of Pakistan, where, according to Tehran, Jaish al-Adl terrorists are hiding, if it were not for the need to respond to the actions of the United States and Israel, which killed IRGC officers in Damascus and the leaders of pro-Iranian militias in Iraq.
So they killed a couple of Pakistani tribals? How does that punish The Two Satans?
Also, according to Iran, they directed the actions of the terrorist group ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation) during the terrorist attack in Kerman. All this was a consequence of growing tensions between Iran, on the one hand, and the United States and Israel, on the other, due to the events in Gaza.
But against this background, Iran had to somehow demonstrate its readiness to suppress threats from another direction, namely from Pakistani Baluchistan, from where jihadist militants infiltrated into the country and committed terrorist attacks. In this case, an Iranian strike on “friendly” Iraq while ignoring the response in the direction of Pakistan could cause even greater misunderstanding in Baghdad.
It must be really interesting inside their heads...
Iraq, despite its close ties with the Islamic Republic, filed a complaint against the actions of its neighbor to the UN Security Council.
Client kitten bares claws?
However, it is unlikely that Iran's actions will lead to anything more serious. Of course, tensions in the region will increase, but Tehran’s actions themselves are more likely aimed at the domestic Iranian audience. It should have no doubt that the Islamic Republic is ready to destroy its opponents along the perimeter of the country's borders and is not afraid to do this by striking American and Israeli targets.
Did they find their targets by tracking the spy squirrels?
Another question is, are the places where the Iranian missiles fell really the CIA and Mossad bases from where attacks on Iran were coordinated, or were they simply declared so by the IRGC itself?
To ask the question is to answer it.
The same applies to Jaysh al-Adl cells in Pakistan.

The bottom line is that the result of the Iranian attacks on Iraq was the murder of the Kurdish tycoon Peshrav Zeya, who, if the Iranians are to be believed again, was a Mossad agent, but it is not possible to verify or refute this.

Thus, Tehran’s algorithm of actions is as follows:

First, blame the terrorist attack in Kerman on the United States and Israel, which allegedly manage and direct ISIS terrorists. Then take revenge for this terrorist attack by targeting some CIA and Mossad bases in Iraq, which, by the way, neither the United States nor Israel consider their targets. Iran itself declared them as such, and therefore the United States will not take retaliatory actions. Which is exactly what Tehran needed.

All this fits well within the framework of a resonant response that would not lead to a regional war that Iran does not need.
At the same time, the initial story about the alleged complete destruction of the American consulate in Erbil as a result of an Iranian strike with the corresponding footage was most likely made deliberately. For many in the Middle East, this fake story began to take on a life of its own as evidence that it is not only the Houthis who are capable of challenging the United States.
Even though the destruction never happened, those perfidious Yanks being entirely too facile with their anti-drone technology. But reality is not really a factor in that part of the world, poor darlings.
Resonance was all Tehran needed in this situation.

But it is obvious that in the case of Pakistan, Iran did not calculate the reaction. Pakistan has never been afraid to escalate with the much stronger India, and certainly will not retreat in front of Iran.

But at the same time, Tehran itself is by no means eager to enter into confrontation with Islamabad, opening up another front for itself. Therefore, the question is whether Iran will be able not to “follow the principle” and not respond with blows to blows, taking the escalation to a new level.
Interesting times. Especially for the Mad Mullahs, who aren’t getting any of the wars they want.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Foreign contract soldiers of the RF Armed Forces can become Russians
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on granting Russian citizenship to foreigners who have entered into a contract for military service in the Russian Armed Forces, and members of their families. The text of the document is published on the legal information website.

According to the decree, foreigners who entered into a contract with the Russian Armed Forces during a special military operation will be able to apply for Russian citizenship.

“To establish that foreign citizens who entered into a contract for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations during a special military operation have the right to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation <...>,” the document says.

Foreign citizens who were dismissed from military service in the Russian Armed Forces during the SVO period for health reasons, upon reaching the age limit, upon expiration of the contract, or due to the termination of martial law will be able to submit an application.

In addition, relatives of these categories of foreign citizens will also have the right to obtain Russian citizenship.

The new decree cancels the presidential decree of September 30, 2022 on a simplified procedure for granting Russian citizenship to foreigners who entered military service in the Russian Armed Forces under a contract.

Then, according to the document, in order to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, a foreign citizen or stateless person had to participate in hostilities for at least six months, or suffer injury or injury that would not allow him to continue military service.

Their spouses, children or parents had the right to make a similar application.

In July 2023, the State Duma adopted an amendment on the right of foreigners to enter into a contract to stay in the reserve without access to state secrets. The lower house of parliament supported the amendment on the right of reserve military personnel with senior officer ranks to enter into a contract to remain in the reserve for the first time and on the right of foreigners to enter into a contract to remain in the reserve without access to state secrets. As the authors of the innovation noted, this will allow citizens living in Crimea, Sevastopol and other Russian regions who have Ukrainian citizenship, which has not been terminated for reasons beyond their control, to join the reserve.

In addition, the new amendment supplemented the law with a new article establishing cases of suspension of a citizen’s stay in the reserve.

Solving the problem with “mercenarism”
According to State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein, the new decree will solve the problem of extraditing special operation veterans to foreign states for “mercenarism.”

Before this, there were cases where foreigners who had dual citizenship, but served in the Northern Military District, were subject to criminal prosecution in their homeland. Thus, on November 29, a Karaganda court sentenced a veteran of the Russian special operation, a participant in the battles for Artyomovsk, Kazakh citizen Alexey Shompolov to 6 years and 8 months in prison.

In addition, at the end of October, one of the Tashkent courts sentenced Uzbek citizen Ildar Khairulin to five years in prison for participating in hostilities in 2014–2015 on the side of the DPR.

In June 2023, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov noted an increase in the number of people wishing to serve under contract in the Russian army. He regarded this as an extremely positive development.

Despite this, by the end of 2023, 52 criminal cases were opened in Moscow against “naturalized citizens”—people who came from abroad and received Russian passports—for evading military service.

In turn, in August last year, a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Matveev, introduced a bill to the State Duma that would involve depriving acquired Russian citizenship if a person has not registered with the military.

According to the first deputy head of the A Just Russia faction, Dmitry Gusev, it is necessary not to deprive someone of citizenship if he did not serve or shirked, and not to give citizenship without the obligation to serve in the army.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
The fate of a volunteer. What kind of support is missing for foreign participants of the SVO?
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Mikhail Zakharov

[REGNUM] A few days apart, two messages arrived related to the same topic - the fate of citizens of the former Soviet republics who voluntarily participated in the defense of Russia in the Northern Military District. The first message is alarming, the second is encouraging.

The first case is the trial in Kazakhstan of a 34-year-old participant in the battles for Artyomovsk, Kazakh citizen Alexei Shompolov . On November 29, one of the district courts of Karaganda sentenced a veteran of the Russian special operation to 6 years and 8 months in prison.

The former fighter was charged with the article “Mercenarism” - according to the Kazakh investigation, Shompolov participated in the battles for Artyomovsk as part of the assault units of the private military company (PMC) “Wagner”. During heavy fighting, he was wounded, discharged, and then returned to his homeland, where he was detained by the police.

The wording used by the justice of the country, which is our partner in the CSTO and the Eurasian Economic Union, is curious.

From the point of view of the Kazakh court, Shompolov’s actions as part of the PMC were aimed “at undermining the constitutional order and violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine.” Therefore, a “mercenary” falls under the relevant article of the Kazakh Criminal Code.

The court's verdict on a real sentence for Shompolov has already entered into force - moreover, payments from PMCs, obtained, according to Kazakh law enforcement officers, by criminal means, were confiscated.

As is known from the words of Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev , Russia and Kazakhstan today indicate “a mutual desire to expand political, economic, investment, cultural and humanitarian ties.” Let us note that Shompolov, convicted for participation in the SVO, is the living embodiment of these connections: he was born in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian, but a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

But in some respects, Astana clearly has a very specific attitude towards Moscow's policies and actions.

In April of this year, the National Security Committee (NSC) of Kazakhstan reported on the investigation of ten criminal cases regarding the participation of citizens of the country in the conflict in Ukraine - however, the KNS did not provide details about their defendants, including on whose side they are fighting.

However, in the same month, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Aibek Smadiyarov, warned the Kazakh student Margulan Bekenov , who joined Wagner, that a real prison sentence awaits him in his homeland.

“This is criminally prosecuted here in Kazakhstan,” Smadiyarov said then, speaking about participation in PMCs. But, as it turns out, you can be persecuted for supporting the SVO in the republic without joining the ranks of the “Wagners.”

Thus, Kazakh parliament member Azamat Abildaev was deprived of his mandate only for statements in support of a special military operation, and was also expelled from the ranks of the Ak Zhol party, allegedly because of their contradiction to party and parliamentary ethics.

The law is harsh, but it is the law; for Kazakhstan and its law enforcement officers, citizens of the country who take part in the SVO are criminals, Roman Yuneman , a Russian public figure who has lived in Kazakhstan for a long time, emphasizes in a conversation with IA Regnum .

It is worth mentioning that Kazakh citizen Zhasulan Duisembin is fighting on the side of the Kiev regime , which raises the question: will this character receive the same sentence and confiscation of his earnings in Ukraine if he decides to return to his homeland?

It seems that the problem as a whole is much deeper and wider than it might seem at first glance.

But first, we must mention the second, this time encouraging message about the fate of the foreign volunteer.

The other day it became known that the sad fate of Alexei Shompolov was narrowly avoided by a native of Uzbekistan, Alexander Babkov , who also faced criminal liability there.

Previously, Babkov went to the Northern Military District as a volunteer, participated in heavy battles for Soledar and Artyomovsk, received the state award “For Courage” and a number of other medals: “Bakhmut Meat Grinder”, “For the Capture of Bakhmut”.

However, despite his military merits, he had difficulties obtaining Russian citizenship, as well as obtaining a combat veteran’s certificate and official employment. In addition, his temporary registration expires in January 2024, which could lead to his deportation to Uzbekistan.

“It turns out that I am a member of the SVO, I have awards, but there is no help. A veteran's certificate is issued only to citizens of the Russian Federation. They won’t hire me without documents. I work part-time as a loader, but, of course, that’s not the job. I didn’t know where else to turn, so I turned to the “Not One on One” project. I will continue to try to obtain citizenship,” Babkov said in an interview with RT .

Today, the issue of the legal status of a veteran of the Northern Military District has been taken under control by the head of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Valentina Kazakova.

As official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Irina Volk assured , “my colleagues will try to process everything as quickly as possible. Alexander can be sure of this.”

The only question that remains is why the problem of a fighter who fought for our country was solved virtually manually, while by presidential decree he was supposed to receive Russian citizenship under simplified conditions.

Let us note that Tashkent also warned that citizens of the country who decided to take part in the SVO, according to Article 154 of the Criminal Code of the Republic “Mercenarism”, would face imprisonment for up to ten years. And there were precedents: a month ago, the Yukorichirchik court sentenced Ildar Khairulin, a resident of the Tashkent region, to five years in prison for military actions in 2014–2015 on the side of the DPR.

It should be clarified that the Armed Forces of Ukraine also had at least one citizen of Uzbekistan as a foreign mercenary. And in the country, despite the declared neutrality , there are citizens who support the Kiev regime not only in word, but also in deed. Therefore, we should be especially attentive to the fate of the people of Uzbekistan who participated in the battles for the interests of our country in Ukraine.

Some work in terms of protecting foreign volunteers is already underway, noted military expert Anatoly Matviychuk in a commentary to IA Regnum .

“I know that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in particular diplomats in the CIS countries, carried out explanatory work and sent out letters asking them not to consider volunteers from the CSTO countries and the CIS countries participating in hostilities in Donbass as mercenaries,” says the expert.

However, the interlocutor of IA Regnum notes , it is unlikely that all the recipients of these letters will meet the interests of Moscow. Therefore, many citizens who came to help us at the call of their hearts and consciences may still be subject to criminal prosecution under the laws of those countries where participation in the North Military District is regarded as mercenary activity.

Effective influence on the leadership of these states now seems extremely unlikely, says military instructor, publicist, and native of Almaty Svyatoslav Golikov . “I do not observe any official initiatives regarding the protection of the rights of our volunteers in the near abroad from the Russian side,” Regnum Golikov shared his opinion with the news agency . He believes that the anti-Russian course of those countries does not change, and, “moreover, after the start of the Northeast Military District, the situation will only deteriorate.”

Yes, for the countries of the former USSR and local law enforcement officers, their citizens who take part in the SVO are criminals, such is the official attitude there. “This is a very sensitive issue, but these are the political realities in most of the former Soviet republics; the attitude towards our volunteers has recently changed positively only in Belarus,” the expert adds.

Experts interviewed by Regnum news agency believe that people who fought in the Northern Military District and have proven their right to be citizens of Russia should be quickly granted citizenship - as was done in relation to Babkov.

Particular attention should be paid to the speed and efficiency of the procedure for granting citizenship to people who fought for Russia - the examples of Shompolov and Babkov show that the indifference and passivity of government bodies can result in big troubles for our soldiers.

“Especially against the backdrop of the fact that, meanwhile, Russian citizenship is being massively received by residents of the Central Asian republics, who often view Russia as a “food supply,” but in no way as a Motherland for which they are ready to fight ,” notes Golikov.

In his opinion, it is absolutely necessary to clearly and unambiguously formalize the right of volunteers with foreign citizenship to obtain Russian citizenship in the most simplified and expedited manner “based on the very fact of performing combat or service missions, both directly during the Northern Military District, and more broadly, starting with the 2014 militia "

All SVO participants from countries where they are persecuted for their beliefs need to think about asylum in the Russian Federation, and they should exclude trips abroad, Nikolai Kostikin, an expert at the Bureau of Military-Political Analysis , told IA Regnum . It must be borne in mind that in some countries not only volunteers, but also members of their families are persecuted, the interlocutor notes.

Considering that the legislation of almost all CIS countries is aimed against the participation of citizens of these countries in hostilities on the side of Russia, special measures are needed to protect volunteers.

“For example, in France, the foreign legion practiced concealing or even changing the identity of a legionnaire. Perhaps this practice should be applied here too,” adds Kostikin.

There is also little doubt about the need to take measures to rescue people who are legally entitled to a Russian passport.

In addition, it is necessary to understand the question of why the citizen of Kazakhstan Shompolov and the citizen of Uzbekistan Babkov did not receive Russian citizenship in their time under a simplified procedure. Perhaps this was due to their own reluctance, but there could also be problems at the legal level, and in the worst case, the elementary reluctance of those in charge to understand the problem.

There are those who want to defend Russia in various parts of the world, and their number is not as small as it might seem, IA Regnum’s interlocutors emphasize. They support us in difficult times for the country, and Russia must show that it does not abandon its own - and this must be not only words, but also actions.


PM Kakar says Israel following path of pharaohs
They're gonna be conquered by the Medes and the Persians, and then by the Greeks?
[GEO.TV] Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar Thursday strongly condemned Israel's war on Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
, particularly the elimination of Paleostinian children, likening it to the "pharaohs" who killed children on the advent of Prophet Moses' birth.

Demanding for Israel's offensive to be stopped immediately, the premier said: "Unfortunately, the people who claim to be the followers of [Prophet] Moses are following the path of pharaohs."

PM Kakar's condemnation came during the 16th Economic Cooperation Organisation Summit in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, where he was delivering a speech before participants of member countries.

He insisted all ECO member states immediately rally behind Paleostinians, stop the cessation of violence and encourage the humanitarian corridor to help the "unfortunate" and "defenceless" people of Paleostine.
Those same defenseless Paleostinians who erupted a month ago to kill, maim, rape, and chop the heads off babies? Pray tell us, sir: What should be an appropriate penalty for those actions?
Condemning Israel for its atrocities on the residents of Gaza, PM Kakar said: "The incessant and lethal bombardments of Gaza by the Israeli forces is a deplorable act, which calls for international condemnation. This issue needs to be addressed in accordance with the relevant United Nations
...an organization which on balance has done more bad than good, with the good not done well and the bad done thoroughly...
Security Council (UNSC) and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) resolutions."
Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar: 2023-10-15 6 labourers killed, two wounded in Turbat attack
Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar: 2023-10-14 State powerful enough to fight TTP even for 100 years: PM Kakar
Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar: 2023-10-03 Govt to expel over 1 million illegal immigrants, Afghan nationals living in Pakistan
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: 2023-10-29 At UNGA, Pakistan backs OIC's proposal of sending protection force in Gaza
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: 2023-09-27 Mosque burned into ashes in Sweden
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: 2023-09-26 Quran desecration in Hague 'deliberately provocative, Islamophobic act': FO
Security Council: 2023-11-08 The Ministry of Internal Affairs puts ICC judge Sergio Godinez on the wanted list
Security Council: 2023-11-04 Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: November 3rd, 2023
Security Council: 2023-11-04 'Don’t read the damn Telegram.' What is the Ukrainian Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council afraid of?

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
He began his intelligence service with a reconnaissance company
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[RedStar] From the memoirs of Major General Vladimir Nikiforovich Vorobyov, military intelligence sergeant. November 5 – Military Intelligence Day

1943 was a fateful year for me. This year, all young men born in 1925 were drafted into the army. I was called up for military service in the city of Tashkent, thinking that I was 18 years old, but in fact I was 17 and a half. I was enrolled as a cadet at the Tashkent Military Infantry School in a company of Maxim heavy machine guns.

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Uzbekistan explosion felt 20 miles away hits international airport: Mushroom cloud fireball hundreds of feet high 'triggered by detonating car batteries' kills one and injures 160
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news] A powerful explosion in the capital city of Uzbekistan which was reportedly triggered by detonating electric car batteries has killed one person and injured 160 more.

The blast inside a huge customs warehouse close to the Tashkent International Airport could be heard 20 miles away, with nearby buildings destroyed and untold damage caused to the airfield.

A 15-year-old boy was tragically killed after a frame collapsed on his head as a result of the explosion. It is unclear how many people were in the warehouse when it exploded but authorities say 163 people were injured.

Shocking footage shows the impact of the 2.43am explosion as a fireball erupted hundreds of feet high lighting up the night sky of the ex-Soviet republic.

Initial reports suggested the raging inferno had been caused by a plane crash, forcing the authorities to deny this was responsible for the thunderous explosion that shook much of the city.

The Uzbek Interior Ministry was initially reported as saying 'lightning struck a warehouse where electric cars and batteries were stored, causing a massive explosion and fire in Tashkent', said a report.

Later there were doubts that lightning had been a factor in the explosion.

Batteries for electric cars exploded at the airport warehouse, causing the destruction of the building in the shock wave, reported Mash media outlet.

There are suspicions explosives were also present in the Inter Logistics LLC warehouse given the scale of the blast, but this was officially denied.

Sixteen separate fire teams were seeking to extinguish the enormous blaze which covered more than 32,000 square feet.
Uzbekistan: 2023-09-26 Daily Evacuation Brief | September 26, 2023
Uzbekistan: 2023-09-25 From Uzbekistan through ISIS to the 'land of freedom'
Uzbekistan: 2023-09-10 Heaven of Foreign Militants: The Taliban Are Extensively Hosting Extremist Groups
Tashkent: 2023-09-24 Kadyrov demanded to rewrite the chapter on the deportation of peoples in the school textbook
Tashkent: 2023-08-14 In Donbas, Russia repeats 80-year-old liberation
Tashkent: 2023-07-20 Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: July 19th, 2023
Electric car batteries: 2022-10-19 There's lithium in thar hills! Great 'white gold' Rush in Nevada sees more than 17,000 mining claims for the precious metal used in electric cars and smartphones... but it's all on tribal land
Electric car batteries: 2022-02-05 Outgoing Chilean President Pushes for Last-Minute Lithium Sales

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Kadyrov demanded to rewrite the chapter on the deportation of peoples in the school textbook
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] Ramzan Kadyrov demanded to rewrite the chapter of the new school textbook on the history of Russia, in which the deportation of the peoples of the Caucasus is explained by their collaboration with the German fascists, said the speaker of the Chechen parliament Magomed Daudov.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, on February 23, on the 79th anniversary of the deportation of the Vainakhs, mourning events were held in Ingushetia. At the same time, there were no official events in Chechnya, and Ramzan Kadyrov limited himself to writing curses against Stalin on his Telegram channel.

The Day of Remembrance and Sorrow was celebrated in Chechnya on February 23 until 2011, until the authorities decided to move it to May 10, the date of Akhmat Kadyrov’s funeral. However, in 2020, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, a rally was held in Grozny in memory of the victims of repression, in which Ramzan Kadyrov and other officials took part.

Representatives of the leadership of Chechnya held a small rally in memory of the victims of deportation on February 23, 2021. Ramzan Kadyrov, who was on a visit to Dubai, did not participate in it. In 2022, on the 78th anniversary of the deportation, no commemorative events were held in the republic; officials dedicated only posts on social networks to this date.

The head of the Assembly of the Peoples of the Caucasus, Ruslan Kutaev, who in 2014 publicly spoke out against the ban on February mourning events, was convicted and sent to prison for almost four years, according to the Caucasian Knot report “How Kadyrov made a holiday out of a commemoration on February 23.”

The updated Russian history textbook for grades 10-11 caused “indignation among representatives of the peoples repressed in the USSR,” and Ramzan Kadyrov ordered “to sort out such an important issue,” the speaker of the Chechen parliament, Magomed Daudov, said today.

“I brought this topic to the head of the presidential administration’s internal policy department, Andrei Yarin. Andrei Veniaminovich, in turn, immediately responded and gave appropriate instructions. I also brought Ramzan Akhmatovich’s position to the author of the textbook, Vladimir Medinsky, who admitted that this chapter was taken without changes from previous editions, and assured of his readiness to put it in order,” Daudov wrote in his Telegram channel.

According to Daudov, the position of Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov was “equally decisive” on this issue. “For everyone who was worried about this topic, I want to inform you that a working group has been created from among the heads of the regions whose peoples were repressed, and proposals for inclusion in the specified chapter of the textbook will be agreed upon,” said the speaker of the Chechen parliament, also expressing “ thanks to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation for their support in resolving this issue.

We are talking about the chapter of the textbook, which states that based on the facts of cooperation with the German fascists of the Karachais, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars and Crimean Tatars, the Soviet authorities in 1943-1944 decided to liquidate the state formations of these peoples in the USSR and subject them to collective punishment - forced relocation to the eastern regions. At the same time, the textbook notes that as a result, not only “bandits and collaborators of the enemy” were repressed, but also “many innocent people,” RIA Novosti reports today.

Many do not know or do not want to know that under Stalin, mass arrests, deportations and executions were carried out on ethnic grounds, and entire nations were declared “hostile,” said Oleg Khlevnyuk, a historian and author of the biography “Stalin. The Life of a Leader.” You can read about these and other most famous myths and reliable information related to the role of Joseph Stalin in the events of the Great Patriotic War in the “Caucasian Knot” reference “10 myths about the role of Stalin in the Great Patriotic War.”

At the beginning of August, a new history textbook for high school students was presented in Russia, co-authored by the former head of the Ministry of Culture and presidential aide Vladimir Medinsky. In the textbook, as Medinsky reported, chapters relating to the period from the early 1970s to the 2000s were revised and rewritten, and a new section was added concerning contemporary events, including the military operation in Ukraine. In mid-September, the Ministry of Education reported that more than 755 thousand copies of the textbook had been delivered to all regions of the country, writes RBC.

Operation Lentil, during which almost 500,000 people were deported from Chechnya and Ingushetia to Kazakhstan and Central Asia, took place from February 23 to March 9, 1944. The reasons for the repression were given as mass desertion, wartime draft evasion and the preparation of an armed uprising in the Soviet rear. The territory of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was practically not under occupation, and it was not easy to accuse its people of direct betrayal.

In addition, the deportation took place when the Wehrmacht had already been driven back hundreds of kilometers from the Caucasus, and, therefore, was not a military necessity, but a frankly punitive act, according to the “Caucasian Knot” document “Deportation of Chechens and Ingush.”

The anniversaries of the deportation of fellow countrymen are celebrated annually by residents of several republics of southern Russia

In Kabardino-Balkaria, March 8 marks the anniversary of the deportation of the Balkar people. In particular, in 2023, on this day, rallies were held in Nalchik and Kenzha in memory of the victims of the deportation carried out 79 years ago.

Victims of the deportation of Balkars receive only minor benefits, and support from the authorities is not commensurate with the hardships experienced during the years of repression, as stated by participants in a similar memorial event on March 8, 2020.

The operation to evict the Balkars took place in Kabardino-Balkaria on March 8, 1944. In just two hours, war invalids, families of front-line soldiers, and leaders of party bodies were sent to Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Of the 37,713 deported Balkars, 52% were children, 30% were women, 18% were men. During the 18 days of the road, 562 people died. Only in 1957 were the Balkars allowed to return to their homeland, according to the “Caucasian Knot” document “Deportation of the Balkars.”

In Karachay-Cherkessia, November 2 is considered the Day of Deportation of the Karachay People, and May 3 is annually celebrated as the Day of Revival of the Karachay People, since on May 3, 1957, the first families of Karachays returned to their homeland from places of deportation, according to the "Caucasian Knot" certificate "Day of Revival of the Karachay People" : difficulties of rehabilitation."

In Kalmykia, December 28 is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Deportation of the Kalmyk People. In 2022, commemorative events were held in the cities of the republic on this occasion. Historical research on the deportation of Kalmyks is relevant and in demand , and the memory of the victims of deportation lives among the people, historian Utash Ochirov told the Caucasian Knot. Modern politics is shifting the emphasis from the injustice of ethnic deportations to the general hardships of wartime, noted historian Elsa-Bair Guchinova.

On December 28, 1943, in accordance with the decree on the liquidation of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, NKVD troops carried out an operation code-named “Ulus” to evict Kalmyks to the regions of Siberia and the Far East. The Kalmyks were accused of treason, joining military detachments organized by the Germans, and organizing an anti-Soviet rebel movement. The total number of evicted Kalmyks was about 120 thousand people, according to the “Caucasian Knot” document “Deportation of Kalmyks”.

Reference material from Kavkaz Uzel
Deportation of Kalmyks

79 years ago, on December 27, 1943, Operation Ulus began - the liquidation of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the division of its territory between the Stavropol Territory, the Stalingrad Region and the created Astrakhan Region and, from December 28, 1943, the deportation of Kalmyks. About 95 thousand people were subject to forced eviction.

According to the 1939 census, the total number of Kalmyks in the USSR was 134,402 people; in addition to the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, many Kalmyks lived in the Stalingrad region and in the Stavropol Territory. They were mainly nomads and cattle breeders.

In August 1942, German troops occupied 8 of the 13 uluses (districts) of Kalmykia, including its capital, Elista; five uluses were captured completely, three partially. About 25% of the population left along with the livestock beyond the Volga and into the unoccupied uluses. Soviet troops liberated Kalmykia in early 1943.

In Kalmykia, as in a number of other regions of the USSR, an anti-Soviet insurgent movement formed. According to the NKVD, it consisted of 12 groups with a total number of over 500 people. In addition, the Germans created a Kalmyk cavalry corps numbering 1300-1500 horsemen.

The decision to deport the Kalmyks was accelerated by accusations of the surrender of the 110th Kalmyk Cavalry Division.

On December 27, 1943, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Decree “On the liquidation of the Kalmyk ASSR and the formation of the Astrakhan region as part of the RSFSR.” In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of December 28, 1943 “On the eviction of Kalmyks living in the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic ,” about 95,000 Kalmyks were subject to deportation.

The deportation of Kalmyks is a form of repression to which ethnic Kalmyks, mainly living on the territory of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, were subjected in 1944.

The Kalmyks were accused of treason, joining military detachments organized by the Germans, and organizing an anti-Soviet rebel movement. The deportation of Kalmyks was also considered as a means of resolving the national-political conflict (as defined by Joseph Stalin) that arose with the Kalmyks.

Kalmyks were evicted to the Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, Omsk, Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk regions. The total number of evicted Kalmyks, including soldiers and officers withdrawn from combat units, was about 120 thousand people.

The operation to deport Kalmyks was carried out on December 28-29, 1943, under the code name “Ulus”. It was attended by 2,975 NKVD officers, as well as the 3rd Motorized Rifle Regiment of the NKVD, which had previously evicted the Karachais. The operation was led by the head of the NKVD for the Ivanovo region, Major General Markeev.

Groups of military personnel from the USSR NKVD troops entered all the houses where Kalmyks lived and announced that, according to the Decree of the USSR Armed Forces, all Kalmyks were being evicted to Siberia, as traitors to their homeland. Families were given no more than an hour to get ready. Many families who did not know the Russian language left their homes without taking warm clothes and food. “Studebakers” were driven to assembly points, in which special settlers were delivered to railway stations, to trains consisting of two-axle cars - “teplushki”. 40-50 people were placed in each carriage. A total of 47 echelons were formed. 1

In the first round, 91,919 people were deported. In January 1944, another 1,014 people joined them. They were distributed among the areas of settlement as follows: Omsk Region - 24,325 people, Krasnoyarsk Territory - 21,164, Altai Territory - 20,858, Novosibirsk Region - 18,333 people. More than half of the Kalmyk contingent in the Omsk region was settled in its northern districts - Yamalo-Nenets, Khanty-Mansiysk and Tobolsk. Since the eviction took place in the dead of winter, the mortality rate during transportation was extremely high. Epidemics (typhus) often broke out in places of settlement.

As noted in the article by G. Remmel “Deportation of Kalmyks to the Omsk Region”, the former chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic D. Purveev wrote with disappointment to Stalin that the Kalmyks were given 1-2 hours to prepare for the eviction, and were not allowed to take clothes, shoes and household items with them. accessories. "The eviction began in winter. For weeks we traveled in closed carriages, the sick and the dead together." 2

In 1944, deportations of Kalmyks continued through the eviction of those who lived outside the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On March 25, 2,536 people from the Rostov region were sent to the Omsk region, on June 2–4, 1,178 people from the Stalingrad region were sent to the Sverdlovsk region .

Later they were joined by Kalmyks demobilized from the army - more than 15,000 people. All soldiers and officers of Kalmyk nationality were sent to Astrakhan and handed over to the NKVD, which took the officers to Tashkent and Novosibirsk, and sent the privates to the construction of the Shirokovsky hydroelectric power station in the Perm region. 3 ;

It should be noted that non-Kalmyk women who were married to Kalmyks were also registered and subjected to all the necessary repressions. At the same time, Kalmyk women who married non-Kalmyks were not registered.

The labor of deported Kalmyks was used in agriculture, logging, but most often in industrial fishing; their centuries-old experience in the field of animal husbandry, especially transhumance, turned out to be unclaimed.

From the moment of deportation until April 1946, ode. There were 14,343 dead Kalmyk settlers. At the same time, the birth rate among Kalmyks was extremely low.

In November 1948, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On criminal liability for escapes from places of compulsory and permanent settlement of persons evicted to remote areas of the Soviet Union during the Patriotic War” was issued, the essence of which was that the repressed peoples were expelled forever, without the right to return to their ethnic homeland. The same decree tightened the special settlement regime even more. The document provided for 20 years of hard labor for unauthorized departure from places of settlement.

The main part of the Kalmyk uluses and Elista entered the newly created Astrakhan region. The Western and Yashaltinsky (renamed Stepnovsky) uluses went to the Rostov region, and Maloderbetovsky and Sarpinsky - to the Stalingrad region. The Priyutnensky ulus, and later the Troitsky ulus, were transferred to the Stavropol Territory. Another 211 hectares of pasture land were transferred to the use of Dagestan collective farms. The Kalmyk names of most village councils were replaced by Russian ones, Elista was renamed Stepnoy.

Later, areas with a Kalmyk population were liquidated in other places. On March 9, the Kalmyk district of the Rostov region was abolished and territorially divided between the Martynovsky, Romanovsky, Zimovnikovsky and Proletarsky districts.

At a closed meeting of the 20th Congress of the CPSU on February 14-25, 1956 N.S. Khrushchev called the eviction of Kalmyks "a gross violation of the national policy of the Soviet state." It was officially stated that the deportation of Kalmyks was an act of arbitrariness accompanying Stalin's personality cult. 

On March 17, 1956, restrictions on special settlements were lifted for Kalmyks, but without the right to return to their homeland.

On January 9, 1957, the Kalmyk Autonomous Okrug was formed as part of the Stavropol Territory. The former territory of the republic was returned to it (except for the Nariman and Liman districts, which remained part of the Astrakhan region), and most of the old names of settlements were restored.

On January 25, 1957, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Tolstikov signed an order “On permitting residence and registration for Kalmyks, Balkars, Karachais, Chechens, Ingush and members of their families evicted during the Great Patriotic War.”

On July 29, 1958, the Kalmyk Autonomous Okrug of the Stavropol Territory was transformed into the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The non-return of the two districts, whose Kalmyk population ranged from two to 11%, did not lead to any mass protests.

On November 14, 1989, the Declaration of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR rehabilitated all repressed peoples, recognizing as illegal and criminal repressive acts against them at the state level in the form of a policy of slander, genocide, forced relocation, abolition of national-state entities, establishment of a regime of terror and violence in places of special settlements. 4

In 1991, the RSFSR Law “On the Rehabilitation of Repressed Peoples” was adopted, which defines the rehabilitation of peoples subjected to mass repression in the USSR as the recognition and exercise of their right to restore the territorial integrity that existed before the forcible redrawing of borders.

In December 1996, the Ernst Neizvestny monument “Exodus and Return” was unveiled in Elista; the memorial complex includes a museum-car. 5 . The monument was cast in bronze in New York and then transported to Elista

In 2007, in the capital of Kalmykia, Elista, a regional public fund “Promoting the complete rehabilitation of repressed peoples and victims of political repression” was created.

In modern Kalmykia, December 28 is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Deportation of the Kalmyk People.

More reference material from Kavkaz Uzel
Deportation of Balkars

Seventy-nine years ago, on March 8, 1944, 37,713 Balkars were forcibly sent to Central Asia. Ethnic Balkars were accused by the leadership of the USSR of “betrayal” and “failure to protect” the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in particular Elbrus and the Elbrus region, from Nazi troops, and were resettled to Central Asia.  

In August 1942, five regions of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic were occupied by German troops. On October 24, 1942, they occupied Nalchik. A number of industrial enterprises along with their equipment were left to the occupiers. 314,900 sheep were left behind (248,000 were destroyed or taken away by the occupiers), 45,500 heads of cattle (more than 23,000 were destroyed or taken away), 25,500 horses (about 6,000 were destroyed or taken away).

An attempt to organize a partisan movement in the republic failed. For operations in the rear, it was planned to create several partisan groups and detachments with a total number of up to a thousand people. These units disintegrated because the families of the partisans were not evacuated. Only one united partisan detachment of 125 people was created.

At the beginning of 1943, Soviet troops liberated the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. However, as of May 1943, 44 groups of anti-Soviet rebels (941 people) were operating on the territory of the republic, which, according to official data, included former party workers.

In January 1944, the first preliminary discussion took place on the possibility of relocating the Balkars. The State Defense Committee was recommended to “express an opinion on this issue.” On February 25, 1944, at a meeting between the leaders of the NKVD Lavrentiy Beria, Ivan Serov and Bogdan Kobulov with the secretary of the Kabardino-Balkarian regional party committee Zuber Kumekhov, it was planned to visit the Elbrus region in early March. During the visit, the decision to evict Balkars from the republic was brought to the attention of Kumekhov.

Red Army and NKVD troops totaling more than 21,000 people were allocated to carry out the operation. On March 5, military units dispersed in Balkar settlements. The population was informed that the troops had arrived to rest and replenish themselves before the upcoming battles. The deportation was carried out under the leadership of the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Colonel General Ivan Serov and Colonel General Bogdan Kobulov.

The territory of residence of the Balkars was divided into 5 sectors: Elbrus, Chegem, Khulamo-Bezengievsky, Cherek and Nalchik. Each of the four areas of residence with a predominantly Balkar population and the fifth - in the city of Nalchik, for Balkars living in other areas.

The operation to evict the Balkars began on the morning of March 8, 1944. Everyone without exception underwent transportation - active participants in the Civil and Patriotic Wars, war veterans, parents, wives and children of front-line soldiers, deputies of councils at all levels, leaders of party and Soviet bodies. The guilt of the deportee was determined solely by his Balkar origin.

The deportees were loaded into pre-prepared Studebakers and taken to the Nalchik railway station. 37,713 Balkars were sent to settlement sites in Central Asia in 14 echelons. Of the total number of deportees, 52% were children, 30% were women, 18% were men. In addition, 478 people of “anti-Soviet element” were arrested. There was a case of shelling of an NKVD ambush by a group of three people.

When carrying out the operation, it was proposed to follow the instructions of the NKVD of the USSR on the procedure for eviction. According to the instructions, each settler was allowed to take food and property weighing up to 500 kg per family. However, the organizers of the eviction gave 20 minutes to get ready.

The sixth point of the instructions provided that livestock, agricultural products, houses and buildings were subject to transfer on the spot and compensation in kind at new places of settlement. However, this did not happen - the resettlement of the Balkars was carried out in small groups, and no land or funds were allocated to them locally.

During the 18 days of travel, 562 people died in unequipped carriages. They were buried near the railroad tracks during short stops. When the trains passed without stopping, the bodies of those who died along the way were thrown into derailment by the guards.

On March 14, 1944, at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, L. Beria reported on the successful operation. On August 22, 1944, 109 people from among the organizers of the deportation of Balkars were awarded orders and medals of the USSR.

The search for Balkars also took place outside the republics. Thus, in May 1944, 20 families were deported from the liquidated Karachay Autonomous Okrug, 67 people were identified in other regions of the USSR. The deportation of Balkars continued until 1948 inclusive.

The evicted Balkars were distributed in new areas of residence as follows:

  • Kazakh SSR - 16,684 people (4,660 families)

  • Kirghiz SSR - 15,743 people (9,320 adults)

  • Uzbek SSR - 419 people (250 adults)

  • Tajik SSR - 4 people

  • Irkutsk region - 20 people

  • regions of the Far North - 14 people

All special settlers were registered with a mandatory monthly check at the place of residence in the special commandant's offices. It was forbidden to leave the settlement area without the commandant's approval. Unauthorized absence was equated to escape and entailed criminal liability. For any violation, including disobedience to the commandant, the settlers were subject to administrative or criminal punishment.

On April 8, 1944, the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was renamed the Kabardian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The southwestern regions of the republic - Elbrus and Elbrus - were transferred to the Georgian SSR. Orders followed to rename settlements. The village of Yanika began to be called Novo-Kamenka, Kashkatau - Sovetsky, Khasanya - Prigorodny, Lashkuta - Zarechny, Bylym - Coal.

The evicted Balkars were distributed in new areas of residence as follows: in the Kazakh SSR - 4,660 families (16,684 people), in the Kirghiz SSR - 15,743 (9,320 adults), in the Uzbek SSR - 419 (250 adults). In the Tajik SSR - four people, in the Irkutsk region - 20, in the Far North - 14 people. The deportees were mainly employed in agriculture. Thus, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Farms of the Kazakh SSR there were 11,373 Balkars.

In places of exile, all special settlers were registered. Every month they were required to report to their place of residence in special commandant's offices and had no right to leave the area of ​​resettlement without the knowledge and approval of the commandant. Unauthorized absence was considered an escape and entailed criminal liability. For any violation or disobedience to the commandant, the settlers were subject to administrative penalties or criminal charges.

During the years of exile, the Balkars lost many elements of material culture. Traditional buildings and utensils were almost never reproduced in the new settlement areas. The reduction of traditional sectors of the economy led to the loss of national types of clothing, shoes, hats, jewelry, national cuisine, and modes of transport.

For most Balkar children, it was difficult to obtain a school education: only one in six of them attended school. Obtaining higher and secondary specialized education was almost impossible. In order to assimilate and erase the historical and cultural basis of the repressed peoples, language and cultural traditions were excluded from those officially supported by the state.

The first years of the Balkars’ stay in Central Asia were complicated by the negative attitude towards them from the local population, who were subjected to ideological indoctrination and saw them as enemies of Soviet power.

Since the summer of 1945, demobilized Balkar front-line soldiers began to return from the army. They were ordered to go to the places of exile of their relatives. Having arrived there, the front-line soldiers were registered as special settlers.

In November 1948, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued “On criminal liability for escapes from places of compulsory and permanent settlement of persons evicted to remote areas of the Soviet Union during the Patriotic War,” the essence of which was that repressed peoples were expelled forever, without the right to return to their ethnic homeland. The same decree tightened the special settlement regime even more. The document provided for 20 years of hard labor for unauthorized departure from places of settlement. In fact, special settlers could move freely only within a radius of 3 km from their place of residence.

Restrictions on special settlements for Balkars were lifted on April 18, 1956, but the right to return to their homeland was not granted.

On January 9, 1957, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree “On the transformation of the Kabardian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic into the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.” At the same time, the territories ceded to Georgia were returned, their former names were restored; The ban on returning to one’s previous place of residence was also lifted.

On March 28, 1957, the KBASSR law “On the transformation of the Kabardian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic into the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” was adopted.

The return of Balkars to their homeland was very intensive: by April 1958, about 22,000 people returned. By 1959, about 81% had already returned, by 1970 - more than 86%, and by 1979 - about 90% of all Balkars.

For various reasons, some of the deportees decided to stay. Someone decided that now, being equal citizens of the USSR, it didn’t matter where they lived, others did not want to give up their acquired household and career, and still others, having already become related to representatives of the local population, did not want to leave their loved ones. According to the results of the 1989 All-Union Census, more than 2,967 Balkars lived in Kazakhstan, and 2,131 Balkars lived in Kyrgyzstan.

On November 14, 1989, the Declaration of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR rehabilitated all repressed peoples, recognizing as illegal and criminal repressive acts against them at the state level in the form of a policy of slander, genocide, forced relocation, abolition of national-state entities, establishment of a regime of terror and violence in places of special settlements.

In 1991, the RSFSR law was adopted "On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples," which defines the rehabilitation of peoples subjected to mass repression in the USSR as the recognition and exercise of their right to restore the territorial integrity that existed before the forcible redrawing of borders. In 1993, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution "

In 1994, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree “ On measures for the rehabilitation of the Balkar people and state support for their revival and development.”

In modern Kabardino-Balkaria, March 8 is the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the deportation of the Balkar people, and March 28 is celebrated as the Day of the Revival of the Balkar people.

However, the application of these documents in practice turned out to be complicated by many factors. Thus, none of the four regions of Balkaria that existed at the time of the forced eviction of the Balkars from their territories in 1943 was restored to their previous borders. After returning from exile, some Balkars were resettled in the Kabardian regions.

As a result of the unification of Balkar villages with villages separated from the regions of Kabarda, a mixed Chegemsky district was formed with a predominance of the Kabardian population and, accordingly, administrative power belonged to the Kabardians, and the most populous Balkar villages of Khasanya and Belaya Rechka were transferred to the administrative subordination of Nalchik, along with those adjacent to with vast tracts of land. 

March 8 is the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the deportation of the Balkar people. March 28 – the Day of the Revival of the Balkar People – is celebrated annually and declared a holiday in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Dedicated to the return of the Balkar people from Central Asia to their homeland.

In March 2014, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the Balkar people, the publishing house of Maria and Viktor Kotlyarov published their book “Balkaria: Deportation. Eyewitnesses Testify.” The book includes more than 100 private stories conveying the tragedy of a little man who fell into the millstone of Stalin's repressions. The appendix contains sections “Perform on the spot” and “The tragedy of repressed intelligence”, telling how the truth was restored about the events that took place in the Cherek Gorge in 1942, and what a tragedy of unrealized creative potential the deportation turned out to be for many young people from number of special settlers.

Also in 2014, a delegation from Kabardino-Balkaria, during a trip to Central Asia dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the deportation, installed two tombstones brought from their homeland at the entrance to cemeteries in Almaty and Bishkek.

On July 3, 2015, a monument to the repressed residents of Kabardino-Balkaria was erected in the Nalchik city park . At its opening, the chairman of the council of the public organization of the Balkar people "Alan" Sufyan Beppaev said that 63 thousand 180 people were repressed in Kabardino-Balkaria and 60 thousand of them were rehabilitated. 

On March 8, 2017, in Nalchik, at the memorial to the victims of deportation, a memorial meeting organized by the Council of Elders of the Balkar People took place . Chairman of the Council of Elders of the Balkar People, Ismail Sabanchiev, who spoke at the rally, blamed the deportation on the “Stalin-Beria regime,” saying that now the Balkars “must unite and achieve complete rehabilitation, otherwise they will cease to exist as an ethnic group.” 

In 2021, on the 77th anniversary of the deportation, at an official event dedicated to this date, victims of the deportation of Balkars said that they received only minor benefits, and support from the authorities was not commensurate with the hardships experienced during the years of repression, participants in the memorial event on March 8 stated . 2020.

In 2022, on the 78th anniversary of the deportation, the chairman of the muftiate of the republic, Khazretali Dzasezhev, called on all those present at the commemorative event to offer a prayer so that “no misfortunes would ever again befall any people,” and all those present performed a memorial prayer.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
In Donbas, Russia repeats 80-year-old liberation
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Gevorg Mirzayan

[REGNUM] The ongoing NWO in Donbass is full of historical parallels. Russia went through all this already 80 years ago, when it freed its heart from the Nazis, and then treated it from the consequences of the Nazi occupation.

During the period of the Soviet Union (or Greater Russia),
...otherwise known as the good old days?
Donbass was not only one of the most urbanized regions of the country, but was also considered its real industrial heart. Before the war, 62% of all Soviet coal was mined in it, a quarter of all Soviet steel and half of pig iron were smelted. It was the heart of Donbass that gave blood to the entire Soviet industry, stimulated the economic development of the entire Black Sea region, as well as the most important process of industrialization for the country.

And this heart was captured by the Nazis during the war. “Already in 1941, the Donbass played a significant role in Hitler's operational plans. He believed that the outcome of the war would depend on the mastery of this territory, located between the Sea of ​​Azov, the lower reaches of the Don and the lower and middle reaches of the Donets and extending in the west approximately to the Mariupol-Krasnoarmeyskoye-Izyum line, the outcome of the war would depend,” wrote German Marshal Erich von in his memoirs Manstein.

The Germans called the Donbass the "Eastern Ruhr" (the Ruhr region was the industrial center of Germany itself) and used the resources of the region for the needs of their military-industrial complex. “It is absolutely impossible to give Donbass to the enemy even temporarily. If we lost this area, then we would not be able to provide our military industry with raw materials,” Manstein gave another Nazi argument.

Almost 700 days Donbass was under their occupation. For almost 700 days, a real genocide was carried out against the inhabitants of Donbass (who, unlike local coal, the Nazis did not need).

“My maternal grandmother Anastasia was with her children in Stalino (today’s Donetsk) during the occupation. She failed to evacuate, the train she was supposed to be on was bombed, she had to return from the railway station to her house on Gorsad. The Germans occupied their house, so she had to go around the villages and change things for food,” Anna Revyakina, a Donetsk poetess and deputy chairman of the DPR Public Chamber, tells IA Regnum.

“Grandma did not like to remember that tragic period of her life. She said that the worst thing is when your child wants to eat, and you have nothing to give him. She also said that the Ukrainian policemen were much more cruel than the Germans. They shot people with great frenzy and sent them to the camps. One of them was where the Eternal Flame is now burning. And in this camp, a lot of people died from starvation. Grandmother came up to the fence and threw bread to those people. She could have been shot for this, but the Lord had mercy,” she adds.

The Soviet troops were able to begin the liberation of their hearts only in the third year of the war - exactly 80 years ago, on August 13, 1943, the troops of the Southern and South-Western fronts, with the support of the Azov military flotilla, began the Donbass operation. Donetsk, Artemovsk, Mariupol - all these cities were liberated. A striking episode of the operation was the battle for the most important height - Saur-Mogila, where the soldiers of the Soviet army accomplished a real feat, which in 71 years will be repeated by their grandchildren, who defended the height from the ideological descendants of Nazi punishers.

As a result, in almost a month (from August 13 to September 22) Donbass was liberated. The Soviet army marched up to 300 kilometers and reached the Dnepropetrovsk-Melitopol line, liberating the cities of Donetsk, Taganrog and Mariupol and access to the Dnieper.

The Red Army defeated 13 divisions from the German Army Group South. A total of Soviet soldiers gave their lives for the liberation of the region, which, of course, was destroyed by the Nazi troops on the principle of "so don't get you to anyone." Retreating from the Donbass, the Nazi troops destroyed all production facilities, all capacities.

That is why, after a military feat, a civilian one immediately started. The Soviet Union began to restore the Donbass at an accelerated pace and put its enterprises into operation.
And the Ukrainian people, who in their millions had died during Stalin's artificial famine during the Communist collectivization of the previous decade, were they restored, too?
A month after the release, the generators of the Rudchenskaya hydroelectric power station and the Zuevskaya thermal power plant started working.

In 1943, a full metallurgical cycle was restored at the Enakievsky Metallurgical Plant. By September 1944, the output of engineering products in the south of the Ukrainian SSR reached 30% of the pre-war level. In the same year, the USSR received 21.1 million tons of Donbass coal, and by the beginning of 1945, coal mining had been established in most mines.

Now, 80 years later, history is repeating itself, taking into account, of course, modern features. Russian troops are once again liberating the Donbass from the Nazis, who once again have the military-industrial potential of most European countries behind them. Again, our soldiers not only liberate territories and enterprises, but also save people's lives from those for whom the inhabitants of Donbass are “second class”. Quilted jackets, colorados - those who can be killed and destroyed, and then dumped into the mines.

Yes, this time the occupation lasted longer - the lands of Donbass have been under it for nine years (if you count from the Ukrainian Maidan) or even 30 years (if you count from the creation of the Ukrainian state).

Yes, this time there is no quick release - in almost a year and a half, the NVO managed to liberate almost the entire territory of the Lugansk People's Republic and only part of the Donetsk.

However, the strategic turning point has already arrived. Partly because Ukraine's resources are running out - the mobilization potential shows the bottom, which is why the "future drivers of the Leopards" have to be driven into the military registration and enlistment offices with sticks. There is almost no economy left: the country's budget is more than half dependent on external borrowing, and military spending exceeds its entire pre-war profitable part. There is a growing number of citizens and politicians in the US and the EU who are in favor of stopping funding for the Kyiv regime, especially against the backdrop of its lack of military success.

The hard way to self-sufficiency. How to boost the economy of Novorossia
Therefore, now our fighters are holding back the onslaught of the Ukrainian Nazis, for whom the current summer offensive will be, in fact, the last big offensive operation. Russia is exhausting their forces in order to continue the liberation of the occupied territories in the future.

At the same time, just like 80 years ago, our soldiers understand that they are fighting for a just cause. For the destruction of the terrorist Nazi regime, which does not disdain either the torture of prisoners or nuclear terrorism, for the liberation of the Russian lands of Donbass and Novorossia. And, of course, for the life of every Russian - like 80 years ago, this military conflict has an existential character for us.

“For us, this is not a geopolitical task, but the task of the survival of Russian statehood, the creation of conditions for the future development of the country and our children,” Vladimir Putin said .

The Ukrainian regime, again reflecting the behavior of its Nazi ideological ancestors, while retreating, destroys the infrastructure of the region. “Nazis always act the same way. The current Ukrainian warriors treat the population of Donbass in much the same way as the Germans treated them 80 years ago. Both those and others considered these lands to be their war trophy, inhabited by people alien to them. Both those and others, preparing for a retreat, resorted to scorched earth tactics, ” Vladimir Kornilov, a political observer for Rossiya Segodnya MIA, explains to IA Regnum.

The Russians, reflecting the behavior of their ancestors, have already begun to restore the Donbass. Throughout the liberated territory, even the one that is still reachable by Western missiles delivered to Kyiv, large-scale construction is underway. And not just large-scale, but nationwide.

Black gold for the Black Continent. African prospects for Donbass coal
Builders from all over Russia work at the facilities, and the Russian regions take patronage over the cities and regions of Donbass - in the best Soviet traditions, when it was necessary for the whole world to restore the same Tashkent from the consequences of an earthquake. And Donbass now resembles exactly the territory after the earthquake, and some of the objects were destroyed by the Kyiv regime during the war, and some - by it over 30 years of its consumer attitude to the region. Alien, in general, for the Ukrainian state project "anti-Russia".

Therefore, Russia is not just restoring, but also modernizing. New houses are being built in cities, and industrial enterprises are being revived on the basis of new technologies. Some have already been resurrected. So, from Mariupol by water to the port of Rostov, metal products from Makeevka, Enakievo, Alchevsk have already gone. “The entry of products of industrial enterprises of Donbass to the Russian market is the next stage in the integration of new regions into the economic space of the country,” says Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin.

Next and not the last. After all, a country cannot exist without a heart. Without a whole heart. Which will be again, like 80 years ago, torn from Nazi hands.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: July 19th, 2023
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 22:16 The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to successfully hit the rear positions of the Russian military. Following the explosions on the Crimean bridge on the occupied peninsula, a military warehouse caught fire. About how important these events are for the course of hostilities - in the material Big fire in the Crimea .

21:51 Russia broke the grain agreement, and now ships moving to Ukraine can no longer pass through the safe corridor. Moreover, Moscow said today that all ships that will navigate the old route will be considered hostile. Read more in the material Tension in the Black Sea .

21:39 Washington is not ready to announce any measures to support the movement of ships to Ukrainian ports after the statements of the Russian Defense Ministry, said White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

20:47 Putin said that Russia would consider the possibility of returning to the grain deal, "if all the principles of its participation in it, without exception, are taken into account and implemented." In particular, according to him, the connection to SWIFT of financial organizations serving the export of Russian grain "should be immediate." Also, one of the conditions is the resumption of operation of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline.

20:00 The Pentagon announced the provision of a new $1.3 billion military aid package to Ukraine. It will include four NASAMS anti-aircraft missile systems, artillery shells, mine clearance equipment, UAV detection and electronic warfare equipment.

19:56 In the ports that Russia attacked at night, about a million tons of food were stored - "exactly the volume that should have been delivered to consumer countries in Africa and Asia for a long time," Zelensky said in an evening video message. And in the port terminal, which suffered the most that night, 60,000 tons of agricultural products were stored, destined for shipment to China.

19:23 In the Melitopol direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have advanced a kilometer, said the speaker of the press center of the Defense Forces of the Tauride direction, Valery Shershen.

18:49 Zelensky said that he had met in Kiev with the head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Samantha Power: "We discussed further support for Ukraine, our people, our economy. We discussed in detail the consequences of the Russian attempt to destroy the Black Sea Grain Initiative."

18:32 Russian administrations in the occupied territories began to massively evict citizens of Ukraine from their homes and apartments under the pretext of alleged debt for utilities. This primarily applies to those who have not received a Russian passport, said Anna Malyar. In particular, in Starobelsk, after the legal owners of housing have been evicted in this way, citizens of the Russian Federation are settled there.

In addition, the Russian occupation regime forbade residents of the Kherson region who do not have Russian passports to return to their settlements, which they urgently left after the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. At the same time, the invaders are forcing flood victims and forcibly evicted Ukrainians to move to Russia or Crimea. According to Malyar, in this way the Russians, in particular, are trying to artificially increase the number of people with Russian passports in order to participate in the so-called "elections" in September.

18:20 The family of Russian Alexander Zakharov, who has been developing and manufacturing UAVs for more than 15 years and created the Lancet kamikaze drone, lives in London and owns real estate there in an elite area, Important stories report . The UK imposed sanctions on his company CFTS, but the Zakharov family was not subject to restrictions.

On this occasion, Yermak said that personal sanctions should be expanded and strengthened: "The relatives of the designers of Russian weapons, as well as themselves, Russian propagandists, their relatives, cultural figures, must be deprived of the right to own real estate in the West. They must also be banned from even traveling around countries of the Western world."

18:06 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that from 00:00 Moscow time on July 20, all ships sailing in the Black Sea to Ukrainian ports will be considered as "potential carriers of military cargo", and the flag countries of such ships will be considered involved in the " Ukrainian conflict" on the side of Kiev. A number of sea areas in the northwestern and southeastern parts of the international waters of the Black Sea have been declared "temporarily dangerous for navigation."

17:11 A network of Russian agents who planned to blow up trains with weapons and humanitarian aid for Ukraine was exposed in Poland, writes Gazeta Polska. A total of 15 people were detained - these are citizens of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. They are accused of spying for the GRU.

16:55 Brazilian President Lula da Silva said that the world is getting tired of the war in Ukraine: "The world is starting to get tired. Countries are starting to get tired. So the moment will come when there will be peace. And then there should be a group of countries capable of talking with Russia and talking Ukraine". He also accused Zelensky and Biden of failing to continue negotiations with Putin.

In addition, da Silva criticized Chilean President Gabriel Boric Font, who demanded that Russia be condemned at the Brussels summit. In his opinion, this is due to the "youth and inexperience" of the Chilean politician.

16:17 The Russians are planning another provocation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant with the use of heavy weapons, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. The Department of Military Counterintelligence of the FSB is disseminating among the personnel of the occupying contingent information about alleged preparations by the Ukrainian Security and Defense Forces for an assault on the ZNPP.

The dissemination of such information may indicate that the invaders are preparing an operation under a false flag, which will lead to a large-scale accident at the ZNPP. According to available information, another simulated shelling of the station is being prepared with the aim of further blaming Ukraine for them, the GUR reported.

16:10 During the night attack, Russia destroyed 60 thousand tons of grain in the port of Chornomorsk, Odessa region, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported. This grain should have been sent through the grain corridor 60 days ago. The department reported that the night strike disabled a significant part of the grain export infrastructure of the port of Chornomorsk. According to experts, it will take at least a year to fully restore the facilities.

16:06 Ireland allocates an additional 5 million euros for humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and another 2 million through the UN, said Prime Minister Leo Varadkar. In addition, Ireland joins the training mission - it will train the Ukrainian military in demining and military medicine. The country also provided equipment for the restoration of energy supply and for water purification. In turn, Zelensky recalled that Ireland provided Ukraine with non-lethal assistance for more than 170 million euros and was actively involved in the demining process.

15:59 Ireland is investigating how the details of the production of an Irish company ended up in a kamikaze drone, with which the Russian Federation attacked Nikolaev, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said at a joint press conference with Zelensky in Kiev. "We do not believe that any Irish companies could have violated the sanctions. It is possible that some third party has violated the sanctions. We take this very seriously," he added.

Varadkar assured that, despite the military neutrality, Ireland is not politically neutral and fully supports Ukraine in the struggle for independence and the return of territories.

15:45 Ukraine is studying the possibility of the safe operation of the grain corridor in the Black Sea, including the possible escort of convoys, Zelensky said. He added that the possibility of such convoys should be discussed not only with Turkey, but also with other partners. "Both the UN, Turkey, and the military can say that no one gives 100% guarantees. But this is a very easy position. This is not the position we are ready for. Because we need the corridor to function," the president stressed. .

15:19 To protect Odessa from the air, Ukraine needs additional SAMP-T or Patriot air defense systems, Zelensky said: “There are two systems today. I agreed with President Macron and Italian Prime Minister George Maloney when we received SAMP-T. We won’t say where these systems are now, but they work, they work perfectly... If we had the appropriate additional systems, they would protect the infrastructure of Odessa, and not only the port infrastructure.Or these are Patriot systems. You also know very well who gave us these systems. But all this is still not enough to protect the relevant infrastructure."

14:54 The decision to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine will be made after the training of pilots and technicians is completed, Reznikov said. According to him, training should begin in August in one of the 11 countries that have signed a memorandum in Vilnius. After that, the program will be expanded to other countries. “Yesterday at Ramstein, the Polish Minister of Defense confirmed that they also provide their equipment and capabilities. Therefore, we will simultaneously train pilots and technical engineers in several countries,” Reznikov said.

According to the minister, in parallel, Ukraine will do "its homework" - it is necessary to assess the possibility of airfields, organize infrastructure. "As soon as the infrastructure and pilots are ready, which can carry out combat missions, and service engineers, at this moment the partners will make a decision: ok, now the planes. Therefore, it will take a little time. I optimistically think that next year," Reznikov noted.

14:25 The Prime Minister of Ireland Leo Varadkar is visiting Ukraine. Zelensky said that important negotiations would take place today: "security, political cooperation, justice for Ukraine and our economic cooperation." "Although Ireland is a neutral country, this neutrality does not mean indifference, and this is very important," the Ukrainian president added.

14:18 Zelensky signed a law that makes it easier for the military to transfer to the reserve. Now the military personnel, whom the military medical commission, during martial law, declared unfit for service for health reasons with a review after 6-12 months, can be transferred to the reserve.

14:06 The office of the President of South Africa said that Putin will not go to the BRICS summit in August, a joint decision has been reached on this matter. Russia will be represented at the summit by Lavrov.

13:37 The Belarusian Red Cross takes part in the removal of Ukrainian children from the occupied territories to Belarus, said the head of the organization Dmitry Shevtsov during a trip to Donbass. According to him, the Belarusian Red Cross "accepted, is taking and will take an active part" in the removal of children from the occupied Ukrainian territories, allegedly "for recovery."

During his previous trip to the occupied Ukrainian territories, Shevtsov was seen in camouflage and with the letter Z on his sleeve, according to the Zerkalo newspaper, although the Red Cross charter requires members of the organization to remain neutral. The International Committee of the Red Cross said they are looking into the incident.

12:48 In the Lugansk region, the commander of the 123rd motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Federation, Denis Ivanov, with the call sign Tashkent, was eliminated, Russian media report. However, it is not known exactly how he was killed. Ivanov was a frequent hero in the plots of Russian propagandists, Skabeeva called him "the legendary brigade commander."

12:45 As a result of night shelling, the Odessa region suffered the most. The main targets of the enemy were the port and critical infrastructure of the region. Details about the consequences - in the material Night attack of Russia .

12:33 Zelensky said that at a conference call he heard information about a Russian night attack: "Russian terrorists absolutely deliberately aimed at the infrastructure of the grain agreement, and every Russian missile is a strike not only against Ukraine, but also against everyone in the world who seeks to a normal and safe life." The President instructed the military to strengthen the protection of people and port infrastructure, and the Foreign Ministry to intensify contacts with partners to increase pressure on the Russian Federation and continue the normal export of Ukrainian grain.

12:14 In the Luhansk region, the occupiers are threatening to deport local residents in the absence of a Russian passport not from July 1, 2024, as previously thought, but from December 1 of this year, said the head of the OVA Artem Lysogor.

12:03 Spain has sent the last four Leopard 2А4 tanks promised to Ukraine, Defense Minister Margarita Robles said. According to her, the tanks will be delivered by sea next week. Also, Spain will soon transfer ten armored personnel carriers after overhaul and several armored all-terrain vehicles, trucks and ambulances, ammunition, including large calibers.

In addition, Madrid sent Ukraine a field hospital with emergency surgery facilities, the necessary post-operative rooms, a pharmacy, sterilization, a laboratory and two hospitalization modules. Ukrainian doctors and logistics personnel have already completed two weeks of intensive training in Zaragoza and are ready to deploy, set up and manage this hospital at the front.

11:47 The European Union plans to create a fund for military support to Ukraine for the next four years in the amount of 20 billion euros, Politico writes, citing sources. From this fund, the EU member states will be compensated for the costs of transferring weapons to Kyiv and funding the training of the military. The difference from the European Peace Fund will be that the consent of all member countries will not be required for decision-making.

The newspaper notes that the creation of such a fund is part of the European security guarantees to Ukraine, promised at the summit in Vilnius. The new fund will complement the EU proposal for 50 billion euros in non-military assistance to Ukraine for 2024-2027.

11:24 Ukraine is studying the possibility of launching a new grain corridor without Russia's participation - through the territorial waters of Romania and Bulgaria, Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasily Bodnar said. He did not rule out that the Russian Federation would fire on ships if they now move along the previous sea route after Moscow withdraws from the deal.

11:09 "The head of the parliament" of Crimea, Vladimir Konstantinov, said that it would take "a day or two" to eliminate the consequences of a fire at the training ground, detonation of ammunition continues, civilian infrastructure is not damaged. Crimean villages, from where people are being evacuated, are taken under police protection.

10:36 The United States may announce new sanctions against Kyrgyzstan this week due to the fact that it helps Russia bypass sanctions, The Washington Post writes, citing sources.

10:25 PMC Wagner mercenaries continue to arrive in Belarus: only during July 18, three columns arrived. Destination - a field camp in the village of Tsel (Osipovichi district). According to the Belaruska Gayun group, there are currently 1,400-1,500 Wagner fighters and about 300 pieces of equipment, mostly automobiles, on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

09:57 In Odessa, a blast wave as a result of the destruction of the Russian Kh-59 missile damaged several buildings, three people were injured, OK Pivden reported. Also, as a result of falling debris in residential complexes in Odessa, several apartment buildings were damaged, at least six people, including a nine-year-old child, sought medical help.

The enemy attacked the port and critical infrastructure with Oniks and Kh-22 missiles - there were hits on the grain and oil terminal, tanks and loading equipment were damaged, a fire started. Information about the victims was not received.

In addition, in the Odessa region there was a hit in an industrial facility where a civilian employee was injured and two warehouses in different locations were hit - with tobacco and fireworks. Rescuers eliminate the fire on an area of ​​more than 3000 square meters. m.

09:28 Croatia offers its railway network and ports in the Adriatic Sea to transport Ukrainian grain after Russia withdraws from the grain deal, Frano Matusic, State Secretary of the Croatian Foreign Ministry, said.

09:26 Tonight, the enemy also attacked the Poltava and Kirovograd regions with drones. There were no hits on critical infrastructure, no people were injured, the OVA said.

09:20 As a result of night enemy attack on the settlement of the Koblevsky community of the Nikolaev area objects of recreational infrastructure in a coastal zone are damaged, two people were injured, the head of OVA Vitaly Kim reported.

09:14 At night, the Russian army attacked Kherson with Shahed drones, a hit was recorded in the Shumen microdistrict. There was a fire in the house of culture, a two-story house was damaged, one person was injured, said the head of the OVA, Alexander Prokudin.

09:11 In the Donetsk region over the past day, as a result of Russian shelling, ten people were injured (five in Zhelanny Pervoi, two in Lyman, one each in Avdiivka, Kurakhovka and Krasnogorovka). In the Kharkiv region, as a result of the shelling of the village of Dvurechnaya, Kupyansky district, one person was killed, two were injured. In the Kherson region, one person was injured, according to the IVA.

09:05 At night, the Russians massively attacked Ukraine from the Black Sea with missiles and kamikaze drones, the Air Force command reported. Critical infrastructure facilities and military installations were attacked, the main direction of attack was the Odessa region. During several waves of attacks, the enemy used 16 Caliber sea-based cruise missiles, eight Kh-22 cruise missiles from Tu-22M3 long-range aircraft, six Onyx cruise missiles from the Bastion coastal missile system (Crimea), one Kh-59 guided air missile from a fighter Su-35, 32 attack UAVs of the Shahed-136/131 type from the Chauda training ground (Crimea) and Primorsko-Akhtarsk (Krasnodar Territory).

Air defense forces destroyed 37 air targets: 13 out of 16 Caliber cruise missiles, one Kh-59 missile and 23 strike UAVs. The Kh-22 and Oniks missile strikes were aimed at the infrastructure of the Odessa region.

08:51 Ukrainian troops are successful in two directions on the southern front: Bolshaya Novoselka - Staromayorskoye and Novoselka - Staromayorskoye, General Staff Speaker Andriy Kovalev said. Also, the Defense Forces knocked out the Russians from their positions near Orekhovo-Vasilyevka in the Bakhmut direction, have a partial success, are fixed on the achieved lines.

08:20 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the Russian Federation as of the morning of July 19:

  • personnel - about 239,480 (+470) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 4123 (+4),

  • armored combat vehicles - 8059 (+8),

  • artillery systems - 4573 (+31),

  • MLRS - 689 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 430 (+2),

  • aircraft - 315 (+0),

  • helicopters - 310 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 3885 (+46),

  • cruise missiles - 1279 (+6),

  • ships/boats - 18 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 7105 (+19),

  • special equipment - 683 (+6).

08:14 This morning, the enemy attacked the Zhytomyr region with kamikaze drones. According to preliminary information, an infrastructure facility was damaged as a result of the strike, there are damages to private households, said Vitaliy Bunechko, head of the OVA. There is no information about victims and injured.

07:42 "Head" of the occupied Crimea Sergey Aksyonov announced a strong fire at the training ground in the Kirovsky district of the peninsula, the Tavrida highway was blocked in the section from the 118th to the 130th kilometer. Aksyonov added that more than 2,000 residents of four settlements are planned to be evacuated from the area adjacent to the landfill. According to Russian telegram channels, an ammunition depot is on fire at the Starokrymsky training ground, local residents have been hearing the sounds of explosions for several hours.

07:28 The Russian army is concentrating its main efforts on the Kupyansky, Limansky, Bakhmutsky, Avdeevsky and Maryinsky directions - more than 20 clashes have occurred over the past day, the General Staff said in the morning summary .

05:47 The Russians tried to attack Kiev with Shahed drones, all of them were discovered and destroyed on the outskirts of the capital. According to preliminary information, no casualties and no damage, said the head of the KGVA Sergei Popko.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
May 1st, 1929: Russian Military Operation in Turkmenistan
[VK] On May 1, 1929, during a two-hour battle, the Red Army detachment under the command of IVAN EFIMOVICH PETROV defeated the 3,000-strong cavalry detachment of Basmachi Ibrahim-bek and the 1,500 detachment of Seid-Hussein in Turkmenistan.

On May 1, 1929, during a two-hour battle, the Red Army detachment under the command of I.E. Petrov was defeated in Turkmenistan by the 3,000th cavalry detachment of Basmachi Ibrahim-bek.

A bloody battle that lasted several hours took place in the north of Afghanistan. After ten years of stubborn struggle, the command of the Central Asian Military District decided to destroy the raiders outside the USSR. The first to go on a campaign was a combined detachment of the 8th Cavalry Brigade. It was commanded by the future Army General and Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Petrov. It is believed that it was he who became one of the prototypes of the protagonist in the film "Officers".

For secrecy, part of the detachment changed into Uzbek robes and a turban, others put on Turkmen hats. Decades later, in the 80s, this method in Afghanistan will be resorted to by "caravan hunters" - the GRU special forces.

For some time, a small detachment was lucky, he managed to avoid a battle with large detachments of the Basmachi, and the posts and guards of the bases were destroyed. Then they decided to surround and destroy the Shuravi detachment. 3000 Basmachi Ibrahim-bek, the former kurbashi of the Emir of Bukhara, advanced from the east. A gang of 1,500 sabers of Seyid Hussein, adviser to the Afghan Shah, moved from the west.

Brigade commander Petrov decided to defeat the enemies one by one. An ambush was arranged on the way of Ibrahim-bek. Eight mountain guns were deployed against the Basmachi, and two Maxim machine guns were installed and disguised 200 meters from the road. As the Basmachi approached 500 meters, the guns opened frequent fire with shrapnel: three of them fired at the beginning of the column, three at the rear, and two at the middle. Machine guns literally mowed down the Basmachi. An attack on horseback completed the job. About 2,500 Basmachi were killed, 176 were captured. The rest fled.

However, on the other hand, a 1,500-strong detachment of Afghans was already advancing. Petrov's military ingenuity helped win the battle. He started negotiations and sent three captives to Seyid Hussein with a story about the defeat of Ibrahim-bek. The warning and the cannons made for the battle worked - the Afghans did not want to associate with the Russians and left.

At the end of May, Ibrahim-bek, furious with failures, gathered 4,000 horsemen with three artillery batteries. His plan was to lock up Petrov's detachment in a gorge near the Vakhsh River. However, this time too, he failed to carry out his intentions.

Two years later, Ibrahim-bek invaded Uzbekistan, but 30 kilometers west of Baysun he overtook him and defeated a special detachment of the OGPU Mukum Sultanov. The leader of the Basmachi was captured in the area of ​​​​the village of Bulbulon, while crossing to the right bank of the river in Kafirnigan. The prisoner was taken by plane to Dushanbe. On August 31, 1931, a court in Tashkent sentenced Ibrahim-bek to capital punishment.

Years later, Ivan Efimovich Petrov will become an outstanding Soviet army commander, army general, he will be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


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