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Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah Sheik Hassan Nasrallah Hezbollah Syria-Lebanon-Iran 20021204  
  Hassan Nasrallah Hezbollah Middle East 20020619  
  Sayyid Hasan Nasrullah Hezbollah Syria-Lebanon 20030902  
  Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah Hizbollah Syria-Lebanon-Iran 20011214  
  Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah Hezbollah Middle East 20020915  
  Hasan Nasrallah Hezbollah Terror Networks Lebanese At Large 20040323  

Message from Hezbollah leader: Israel can breathe out, but not for long
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Kirill Semenov

[REGNUM] Israel, Hamas and other players in the Middle East and beyond were eagerly awaiting Friday's speech by Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah , his first since the war began on October 7.

Nasrallah delivered a fiery but carefully calibrated speech in which he threatened both Israel and the United States, which he believed were "directly responsible" for supporting Tel Aviv in its ongoing "aggression in the Gaza Strip." However, when the speech ended, it became a disappointment for many, and the leadership of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) was able to “exhale,” albeit temporarily.

His bottom line was clear: at least for now, Hezbollah would not be involved in the war beyond the current border skirmishes.

“This is a signal to the Israelis that at this point they [Hezbollah]. — Approx. ed.] are not trying to do anything big , ” Aaron Zelin , an expert on jihadist movements at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told TIME .

“From an Israeli point of view, they [Israelis. — Approx. ed.] are probably breathing a sigh of relief, even though the situation on the northern border is more tense than in 2006 ,” Zelin said. At that time, the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel escalated into the Second Lebanon War.

Unjustified expectations and real help
The leader of Hezbollah also did not live up to the expectations of many of those who were counting on the declaration of total war on Israel by this group. Instead, Sheikh Nasrallah quite rightly recalled that Hezbollah began its war with Israel on October 8, the day after Hamas' Operation Al-Aqsa Deluge.

He said neither the Lebanese Shiite movement nor other members of the Iran-led anti-Israel Axis of Resistance were aware of the Palestinian group's plan to carry out the Oct. 7 attack. Nasrallah also warned that regional war is a "real possibility" and stressed that Hezbollah's goal is to end the war in the Gaza Strip and ensure victory for Hamas.

In this context, Nasrallah noted that his militia is already involved in unprecedented cross-border fighting with Israel along the Lebanese-Israeli border, and threatened further escalation.

It is significant that on November 2, the day before its leader spoke, Hezbollah announced that it had simultaneously attacked 19 Israeli positions along the border. At the same time, the group used a drone to hit the Israeli barracks at the Shebaa farm. This provoked a “widespread” retaliation from the IDF, the Israeli military said. The number of killed Hezbollah fighters, as of November 3, reached 57 people.

Israeli officials continue to take the threat from Hezbollah seriously. Retired Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot , former head of the IDF and current member of the government's military cabinet, toured Israel's northern border on Thursday, the day before Nasrallah's speech, to assess the IDF's preparedness to repel Hezbollah attacks. or, conversely, offensive operations against this Lebanese Shiite group. The Israeli military itself emphasized that in Gaza they operate only “at 40% of their capabilities, because all eyes are turned to the north.”

Therefore, Sheikh Nasrallah’s words regarding Hezbollah’s contribution to supporting Hamas were completely true. He, in particular, stated that Hezbollah forced a third of the logistical forces of the Israeli army to be pulled to the northern border (which generally coincides with Israeli estimates), and noted that 43 Jewish settlements on the border were evacuated due to attacks from sides of Lebanon.

"Red Lines"
Hezbollah's decision to escalate further depends on whether Israel launches a larger attack on Hezbollah itself in Lebanon and how the IDF operation in the Gaza Strip develops.

Sheikh Nasrallah added that he considers “the possibility of the Lebanese front escalating into a large-scale battle” realistic . According to him, a preemptive IDF strike on Lebanon would be Israel’s “biggest mistake” in its entire existence.

In this case, it should be borne in mind: Hezbollah expects that if Israel can completely crush Hamas, it will deploy all its forces against Hezbollah in order to ride the wave of success to end the “terrorist threat” along the entire perimeter of the borders.

That is why Nasrallah spoke about what could happen when the war in Gaza ends and Israel again turns all its attention to Lebanon, where Hezbollah’s missile capabilities are concentrated, posing a great danger to the Jewish state.

The containment strategy that has been in place for seventeen years is likely no longer valid now that Israel suffered huge losses on October 7th. Therefore, for the Shiite Lebanese movement, the issue of preserving Hamas still remains a “red line”, since this Palestinian group attracts the military power of Israel, preventing it from being deployed against Lebanon.

A Lebanese official who spoke with Hezbollah told The New York Times on November 1 that the Shiite movement cited the threat of the actual destruction of Hamas as its "red line" for widespread intervention. According to him, Hezbollah is ready to begin full-scale hostilities if Hamas is “on its last legs.”

Also, according to Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib , who maintains regular contacts with Hezbollah, if the carnage in the Gaza Strip intensifies or Israel intensifies its attacks on Lebanon, the movement will be forced to respond.

IDF ground operation and the “fog of war”
On the other hand, this is still far from happening. This is also indicated by Nasrallah’s own words that Hamas is successfully resisting the IDF’s ground invasion and causing it heavy losses.

According to the Militarist TG channel, on the same day alone, when the Hezbollah leader made an appeal, Hamas destroyed two Merkava tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles and one bulldozer in the east of Khan Yunis and north-west Gaza. Thus, the total number of destroyed Merkava tanks reached 59.

“Hamas is demonstrating fighting ability and fighting spirit. It has the potential to cause damage to us, and we will do everything to reduce it ,” a senior Israeli military official told the American publication Al-Monitor.

In turn, as military expert and author of numerous publications in leading American and British media John Lechner told IA Regnum , “in America, few experts think that the ground operation [IDF. — Approx. ed.] will be successful.”

At the same time, assessments of the final goals of the Israeli operation have become much more modest. In particular, according to Al-Monitor's source, Israel will seek to eliminate all Hamas military and political leadership inside and outside the Gaza Strip, destroy as many al-Nukhba commandos as possible, and deny Hamas the ability to control the Gaza Strip.

Fighting at the current level of intensity is expected to last one to two months, with the IDF turning to other tactics - periodic raids and airstrikes - to crush what remains of Hamas' infrastructure.

“None [of the Israeli officials. — Approx. ed.] has no intention of controlling the Gaza Strip. This is not on the agenda ,” a senior Israeli diplomatic source told Al-Monitor.

It is therefore likely that Hezbollah's intervention may not be necessary if the red line is never crossed and Hamas maintains its presence in the Gaza Strip. On the other hand, Hezbollah is ready to transition to full-scale hostilities.

Hezbollah Resources
On the other hand, it is not entirely clear what else Hezbollah can do to ensure that its actions are regarded as “full-scale” rather than “limited.”

Israel has fortified positions on the border with Lebanon, and Hezbollah does not have the capabilities to launch a large-scale offensive. If the group withdraws all its forces from Syria and calls all reservists “under arms,” it will be able to field 50 thousand fighters. This is clearly not enough to try to break through Israel's fortified positions in a frontal attack. Therefore, intensifying efforts most likely implies the infiltration of DRGs in large numbers and increased launching of missiles from Lebanese territory.

However, to actively engage the DRG, Hezbollah has only 2,500 fighters from the assault battalions, the so-called “Radwan Forces”; the remaining units are, in fact, mobilized reservists.

The second factor can also only be temporary. Hezbollah has a large arsenal of missiles, the massive launches of which Israeli air defense may not be able to cope with.

According to various estimates, the group has from 100 to 150 thousand missiles, including ammunition for MLRS. Including tens of thousands of short-range (up to 40 km), thousands of medium-range (up to 75 km) and hundreds of long-range (200–700 km). The range criteria here are, of course, determined taking into account local specifics. Hezbollah recently launched a project to upgrade its arsenal in terms of accuracy and, according to recent estimates, has between 20 and 200 rockets with an accuracy of 50 meters.

However, the time period of such pressure will also be short, since the group’s missile arsenal will soon be exhausted.

At the same time, the factor of increasing American military presence in the region should not be underestimated. In the event of an escalation of hostilities by Hezbollah, the United States could use its aircraft and cruise missiles to hit the group’s military targets in Syria. By doing this, they will prevent the concentration of its forces in Lebanon, on the one hand, and, on the other, they will minimize threats to American bases in Syria itself.

But this scenario could turn out to be even more escalatory and lead to the expansion of full-scale military operations of the Axis of Resistance into Syria and Iraq.


Report: Nasrallah suffers heart attack
[IsraelNationalNews] Hezbollah leader reportedly fighting cancer and heart problems. The Lebanese media reported on Saturday that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was hospitalized after apparently suffering a heart attack.
Who knew he had a heart?
Additional reports said that Nasrallah is also fighting cancer.

Israel Hayom quoted Lebanese journalist Jerry Mahar as saying that "an intelligence source confirmed that a senior figure in the Hezbollah organization was hospitalized today in a hospital in the capital Beirut, and other sources confirmed that it was Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, who has been fighting cancer for years."

The reports were not confirmed by any official source in the country and Hezbollah did not respond to the report.

Nasrallah has not been seen in the media since reports of the exposure of Hezbollah tunnels in Operation Defensive Shield.

In his last public appearance in November, Nasrallah blasted reports of a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel and warned the Jewish State not to attack Lebanon.

"We condemn any form of normalization with the Zionist entity," Nasrallah said. "I say to the Palestinian people, do not lose hope over the Arab states' normalization with Israel; what before went on behind the scenes now is taking place publicly. The current normalization has put an end to Arab hypocrisy, and removed the mask from the swindlers and hypocrites."

Lebanon’s ‘King of Drugs’ Endorses Hezbollah
[BREITBART] Leb’s biggest drug baron has reportedly openly endorsed Hezbollah against the backdrop of the battle for the Syrian city of Aleppo in which the Shi’ite militia plays a role.
The news site Arabi21 reported that Nur Zeeter wrote on Facebook that he had always been, and forever would remain, a fervent Hezbollah supporter.

"This is a message to the emir of the believers, the great leader, his excellency Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah," Zeeter wrote. "Sir, we have paid a price for our loyalty to you and for our inability to protect ourselves from evil and injustice. But we are honorable men, loyal men, who pledge to continue to fight evil and its doers, the enemies of the nation. We will continue to be loyal to you, with the help of Allah."

He later added: "Sir, you expect our support, and we say to you: We shall obey. We are at your service, whatever your request may be."

The site reported that Zeeter, who has been embroiled in criminal activity in Leb and enjoyed Hezbollah’s protection, has in the past visited the organization’s Death Eaters in Syria.

The paper also cited Lebanese sources saying that Zeeter, who controls several Shi’ite villages in southern Leb where he grows marijuana, maintains extensive business ties with Hezbollah, providing them revenues from drug deals that they use to purchase arms.


Hezbollah captures Syrian village from Islamic militants
Hezbollah fighters captured a Syrian village Tuesday near the border with Lebanon after intense fighting with Islamic militants, the group's television station said, while an activist said battles are concentrating near a strategic Syrian hill.

The battles come amid reports in Lebanon that Hezbollah and the Syrian army are expected to launch an offensive against members of the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's branch in Syria, and the Islamic State group in Qalamoun.

Hezbollah's leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah,
...who is reportedly afraid of his own shadow...
said in a televised speech late Tuesday that his group will attack militants in Qalamoun, adding that "time will tell" when the battle will become full blown. He added that there will be no formal announcement before the widely anticipated battle begins.

Nasrallah vowed that his group will continue fighting in Syria along with President Bashar Assad's forces, saying recent defeats of the Syrian army in the northwestern province of Idlib do not mean the president's opponents have won the war.
A very bloody stalemate will do...
"I tell our dear people in Syria that we were with you and will continue to be by your side — no matter what the developments are," Nasrallah said. "We will be where we are supposed to be.

"This is not the battle of the Syrian people alone," Nasrallah said. Hezbollah has sent hundreds of fighters into Syria to aid Assad's forces.

Hezbollah's Al-Manar television station said earlier in the day that members of the group captured the village of Hasina on the Syrian side of the border. The station said fighting in the border areas near the Lebanese villages of Brital and Tufeil killed 12 jihadi fighters and destroyed several of their vehicles.

Rami Abdurrahman, who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said Hezbollah fighters entered Hasina after Nusra Front members withdrew. Abdurrahman said the fighting is concentrating near the jihadi-held Moussa Hill, a strategic mountain overlooking wide areas of Qalamoun.

The Observatory said Tuesday's fighting killed four Hezbollah fighters.

Defying Shiite mainstream, Lebanese cleric reaches out to Jews
[IsraelTimes] Anti-Iranian scholar Muhammad Ali Al-Husseini seems undaunted by Hezbollah in his philo-Semitic statements

Israelis usually associate Shiite holy mans in Leb with terror group Hezbollah, a powerful religious organization committed to the destruction of the Jewish state. But a Beirut-based holy man is surprising the public by spreading messages of peace and nonviolence in Hebrew on social media.

"We call on rabbis, priests and Moslem holy mans -- both Sunni and Shia -- to underplay religious traditions and texts that call for violence, since they are more dangerous than nuclear weapons," wrote Sayyed Muhammad Ali Husseini, secretary general of the Shiite group the Arabic Islamic Council, in Hebrew on his Facebook page Sunday.

Just days after Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah warned of a possible war with Israel following an attack by his organization that left two IDF soldiers dead on the border with Leb, Husseini said that religious texts must be historically contextualized rather than used to incite perpetual violence.

"Various religious texts calling for the use of violence and ruthlessness to achieve goals are extremely dangerous when used by groups we have warned against in the past," he continued. "These texts religiously sanction acts of violence and murder. Obviously, these are texts that were implemented in specific, limited situations; they cannot necessarily be applied to our time, since every situation has its own unique circumstances."

This was not the first time that Husseini directly addressed an Israeli audience. On January 19, he posted a video on Facebook directed at "our cousins, the children of Isaac son of Abraham."

"We believe that not all Jews are bad [just as] not all Moslems are terrorists. Let us cousins put our conflicts aside and stay away from evil and hatred. Let us unite in peace and love," he said in broken Hebrew.

Following the burning alive of Jordanian pilot Muaz Kasasbeh last week by the Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear the pols talk they're not really Moslems....
in Syria, Husseini wrote on Facebook, "We heard and saw yesterday how our brother in humanity was burned. Has the Holocaust returned once again?"

Breaking from the traditional Shiite loyalty to the Iranian leadership, Husseini has also spoken out publicly against what he dubbed the complete Iranian domination of Leb.

"It is not new for the Iranian regime to explicitly proclaim its security, economic, political and even religious control of Leb," he told Emirates TV channel Al-Aan in May 2014. "We have warned of this and condemned it, and shall never accept it."

Eddy Cohen, a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University's Communications Department who has helped Husseini translate his messages into Hebrew, told Israel's Army Radio on Sunday that he did not know how representative Husseini's ideas are in Leb, but noted that the Shiite holy man seemed unconcerned about spreading his posts in Hebrew and boasted some 1,800 followers on Facebook.

"He is a moderate, and most Lebanese are sick of war and hostilities," Cohen said.

Hezbollah Drones Wreak Havoc On Syrian Rebel Bases
[IsraelTimes] For the first time in its history, Shiite terror group Hezbollah carried out a successful unmanned aircraft strike, targeting al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebel bases near the northeastern Lebanese town of Arsal early Sunday, according to the Iranian Fars News Agency.

Until Sunday's battle with the Syrian rebels, Hezbollah had used unmanned aircraft primarily for reconnaissance missions, including an alleged operation across the Israeli border in April 2013, during which the Israel Defense Forces managed to down a suspected Hezbollah drone only 10 kilometers west of Haifa. At the time, the Shiite group's leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, denied that the drone belonged to the organization.

The group's unprecedented drone attack was reported to have killed at least 23 fighters from the extremist al-Nusra Front.

Hezbollah ground troops continued the offensive on the rebel bases, and several al-Nusra operatives were held captive by the Lebanese militia, the semi-official Iranian news agency reported. Abu Leith al-Shami, a Lebanese national, and a high ranking al-Nusra official, was also said to have been killed in battle with Hezbollah.

Hezbollah's push-back against the al-Nusra Front comes a day after a suicide bomber killed a number of people at a checkpoint near Lebanon's border with Syria, only hours after the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda had reportedly executed a Lebanese soldier.

The drone strikes by Hezbollah highlight the group's advanced military capabilities and signify a worrying development for Israel, which has been closely monitoring hostilities across the border.

Earlier Sunday, a Hezbollah official asserted that it could capture a chunk of the Galilee, including some border communities, in a future conflict with Israel, the Walla news site reported. A senior Israeli army official made a similar assessment last week.

The senior IDF official warned that while Hezbollah has no immediate plan to attack Israel, a minor security incident could erupt into a full-fledged war on Israel's northern front.

In the event of a confrontation with Hezbollah, the fighting would likely last some four months, would have the IDF face some 30,000 troops, would incur extensive civilian casualties on the Lebanese side, and may see infiltration into northern Israeli towns to carry out attacks, the official predicted.

Report: Hezbollah, Syrian Rebels Clash In Lebanon
[Ynet] Lebanese site reports Hezbollah man killed in festivities between Syrian rebels, Shiite terror group on Lebanese soil, in additional incident of spillover from Syrian conflict into neighboring countries

A clash erupted overnight Saturday between a Hezbollah patrol and armed Syrians on the outskirts of Lebanese town, Lebanese media outlets reported Sunday.

According to Now Leb, the Hezbollah patrol detected a group of armed Syrians in the Bekaa area, and a firefight between the two parties ensued. The clash ended in the death of one Hezbollah man and the injury of another, the report said.

The report, which quoted the An-Nahar news website, further claimed that the Syrians also suffered casualties.

Voice of Leb radio was quoted as reporting that "Ali Dirgham Fares was killed and another man was hurt in festivities between members of Hizbollah and fighters from the Free Syrian Army and the (al-Qaeda-inspired) al-Nusra Front in the barren mountains of the Bekaa town of Nahle."

Nahle lies to the east of east of Syria's Qalamoun, where Bashir al-Assad's regime forces and Hezbollah men have battled rebels since mid-November.

Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and his Shiite terror group's media mouthpieces have constantly attempted to frame the rebel presence in Qalamoun as a threat to Leb's security.

But according to Now Leb, newspaper unaffiliated with the terror group reported that the Qalamoun battle could lead to an influx of Syrian rebel fighters into Lebanese territory.

In early June, Now Leb reported, Hezbollah fighters engaged in a firefight with Syrian rebels on the outskirts of Baalbek along the Syrian-Lebanese border.

AFP cited a security source as saying that at least one Hezbollah member was killed in the fighting on the Syrian side of the border.

Meanwhile in Aleppo
Syrian aircraft pummeled opposition areas in the northern city of Aleppo on Sunday, killing at least 32 people and extending the government's furious aerial bombardment of the rebel-held half of the divided city to an eighth consecutive day.

Since it began on Dec. 15, the government's unusually heavy air campaign in Aleppo has killed more than 200 people, smashed residential buildings and overwhelmed the city's hospitals with casualties. The timing of the assault -- a month ahead of planned peace talks in Switzerland
...home of the Helvetians, famous for cheese, watches, yodeling, and William Tell...
-- suggests that Syrian President Assad could be trying to strengthen his position and expose the opposition's weaknesses before sitting down at the negotiating table.

Sunday's air raids targeted several Aleppo neighborhoods, but the worse hit was Masaken Hanano, where bombs fell on a second-hand market, a two-story building and a main road, activists said.

The Aleppo Media Center activist group said at least 32 people were killed, and published a list of the names of the dead on its Facebook page. Another group, the Britannia-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said in a later statement that at least 47 people, including seven rebels, were killed and dozens maimed.

"The medics say they are removing people in parts; they aren't sure how many there are," said Hassoun Abu Faisal, an activist with the Aleppo Media Center. He said the bombs destroyed vehicles lining a main road, destroyed a two-story building and left a crater where part of the market was.

Hizbullah Leader's Brother Killed In Syria Clashes
[IsraelTimes] Khader Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader's brother, was buried earlier this month in southern Leb after reportedly dying in battle in the Syrian town of Qusair in late May.

A video uploaded to YouTube showed crowds of Hezbollah supporters, holding yellow flags bearing the Shiite militia's emblem, pictures of Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and garlands, accompanying Khader's coffin in a funeral parade in the southern village of Qana. Hezbollah fighters bore the coffin.

The Hezbollah chieftain was spotted by an Al Monitor news hound in the Syrian town of Qusair, weeks after the fight between Syrian rebels, Hezbollah, and Assad forces ended in a opposition defeat.

Nasrallah's son Hadi was killed in a firefight with the IDF in southern Leb in 1997, and his remains were exchanged in a swap with Hezbollah for the body of an elite IDF solider a year later.

Hezbollah chief: Syria to supply strategic weapons
Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah says Syria will supply his Lebanese militia with "game-changing weapons."

Nasrallah spoke Thursday, less than a week after Israeli officials said Israeli aircraft twice struck shipments of advanced weapons believed to be bound for Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Syria has been the main conduit for Iranian weapons to Hezbollah.


Hezbollah admits launching drone over Israel
The leader of Lebanese Shia orc movement Hezbollah has said that his group was behind the launch of a drone shot down over Israel last week.

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah told the movement's al-Manar television network that the drone was made in Iran and had flown over "sensitive sites" in Israel.

Israeli fighter planes shot down the drone north of the Negev desert after it entered from the Mediterranean.

Israel's prime minister has again vowed to defend the country's borders.

Sheikh Nasrallah said the drone was assembled in Leb but made in Iran - a rare reference to his organization's military support from Tehran, the BBC's Jon Leyne in Cairo says.

'Aerial capacity'
Sheikh Nasrallah said: "A sophisticated reconnaissance aircraft was sent from Lebanese territory... and travelled hundreds of kilometres over the sea before crossing enemy lines and into occupied Paleostine."

Correspondents say Sheikh Nasrallah's mention of "sensitive" Israeli sites is an apparent reference to Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor.

"Possession of such an aerial capacity is a first in the history of any resistance movement in Leb and the region," he said.

Referring to a drone sent by Hezbollah during its 2006 war against Israel he added: "It's not the first time and it will not be the last. We can reach all the zones [of Israel]."

Time for introspection
[Friday Times] Some Moslem leaders in Europe say violent protests in Pakistain are not in line with the teachings of Islam
Others, of course, are preaching car-b-que and jihad...
You are "a flight risk and a danger to the community", a US federal magistrate told Nakoula Basseley - the man behind the controversial video Innocence of Moslems - before sending him to jail. There were violent protests against the video across the Moslem world that left dozens dead, including US ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, who was killed by a mob in Benghazi.

The video was condemned by world leaders including US President Barack Obama
My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it...
, who called it "crude" and "disgusting" during his address to the 67th Annual Meeting of the UN General Assembly. He said it was an insult not just to the Moslem world, but also to the United States of America. But he also criticised those who justify violence in the name of Islam, urging world leaders to unite against forces of Evil across the globe.

Europe, where Moslems have often been the point of debate on issues ranging from immigration to integration and security, the protests in London, Madrid, Athens and Switzerland
...home of the Helvetians, famous for cheese, watches, yodeling, and William Tell...
were relatively peaceful. But far right European groups, whether Moslems or non-Moslems, are rarely seen to avoid exploiting such opportunities to create problems amongst communities and religions.

Despite facing challenging problems like closed ethnic neighbourhoods, certain elements calling for a Sharia Law to be imposed in Europe, and tensions on Moslem women wearing veils, peaceful protests by European Moslems were hailed by community leaders.

Moslem scholars and leaders in Britannia were shocked and surprised over the violent protests against the video that hijacked Pakistain for half a day and left dozens of families devastated.

Newly appointed cabinet member of the British House of Lords, Lord Tariq Ahmad, stated the violent reactions cannot be justified by Islamic teachings, and that Prophet Muhammad ((PTUI!)) was the symbol of patience and forgiveness.

"Violent reactions only empower those who always intend to create chaos across the world through their hate speeches," he said.

A majority of the violent protesters in Pakistain were reportedly young people who can easily be influenced by extreme right wing groups and hate preachers, many of whom are often unaware of the motive behind the riots.

"Violence against your own people only reflects the bitter truth that something is definitely going wrong in your society"
Lord Tariq Ahmad urged upon the Pak youth to get involved in debates and logical arguments with those who try to disrespect their religious beliefs, adding, "Violence against your own people only reflects the bitter truth that something is definitely going wrong in your society."

"I would urge the religious scholars in Pakistain to think twice before they deliver speeches on sensitive issues like this," said Mufti Aslam, chief of Jamaat Ulema Bartanya. "In today's geo-political situation, greater responsibility lies on the shoulders of the Imams of our mosques." He said Prophet Muhammad ((PTUI!)) preached humanity, forgiveness and patience all his life and it was wrong of those who claim to be his followers to harm others, referring to the violent protests in Pakistain.

Mufti Muhammad Aslam says it had become very easy to provoke the Moslem community across the world. "It is beyond my imagination how someone could claim practicing Prophet Muhammad ((PTUI!))'s principles and his teachings by killing innocent people and looting their properties," he said. "We should reflect to the world that we believe in peace, non-violence and tolerance for other religions."

In the Mideast, leader of Leb's powerful Hezbollah movement Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah's calls for demonstrations to express the outrage at the film triggered unrest from Tunisia to Indonesia. Protests across Mideast involved attacks on Western embassies. Western experts and leaders referred to the violent reaction as a battle between democratic and reactionary forces. Former British prime minister and now UN Peace Envoy for the Mideast Tony Blair condemned both the inflammatory video and the violent reaction to it. "We should not lose sight of what the real issue is," he told BBC Radio-4. "How do people actually think it is justified to react in a way that ends up in innocent people being killed?"

In a concept paper on blasphemy laws, Osama Hassan of the Quilliam Foundation says the Islamic "tradition of openness and generosity desperately needs to be revived in Moslem majority countries and societies today, especially given the appalling amount of violence generated by religious intolerance".

Report: Hezbollah holds wide-scale drill
The Egyptian government newspaper Al-Gomhuria reported that Hezbollah held an unprecedented military exercise this week, which included over 10,000 of its operatives.
According to the report, the drill was personally supervised by Hezbollah Chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah.
The Jerusalem Post adds:
'Hezbollah drill prepares to 'occupy the Galilee"

After Nasrallah threatens to kill tens of thousands of Israelis, Hezbollah trains for war inside Israel.

Over 10,000 Hezbollah fighters participated in the terror organization's largest military exercise to date last week, which included defensive tactics and "preparations to conquer the Upper Galilee," Lebanese newspaper Al- Joumhouria reported Thursday morning.

"This is happening in full coordination with Iran," said Dr. Ely Karmon, a senior research school at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya's Institute for Counter-Terrorism. "In his last two speeches in hiding, [Hezbollah chief Hassan] Nasrallah indicated that he would join an Iranian counter-strike if Israel struck Iran's nuclear program."

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