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Said Siyam Said Siyam Hamas Israel-Palestine-Jordan 20060604 Link

Warty Nose Drops Out of Sight
(IsraelNN.com) Senior Hamas terrorist Mahmoud A-Zahar has made no public appearances since the beginning of the Cast Lead counter-terror operation in Gaza. While other Hamas leaders have issued frequent condemnations of Israel and proclamations of victory, A-Zahar has remained silent, leading to theories that he was wounded or fled during the fighting. According to rumors that apparently began with an anonymous IDF report, A-Zahar was injured in an IDF strike during Cast Lead. He was secretly taken to an Egyptian hospital in Cairo for treatment.
Pray for sepsis ...
Egyptian officials have denied that A-Zahar was in Cairo.
Nope. Haven't seen him. But we'll say "hi" if we do...
Western diplomats told the Hebrew-language daily Maariv that A-Zahar had fled, fearing assassination. Other senior Hamas leaders were killed during the operation, including Nizar Rayyan and Said Siyam. A-Zahar escaped Gaza by hiding in an ambulance headed for Egypt, the sources said. He even disguised himself by shaving his beard, they added.
Did he put Wart-Be-Gone on his nose? Was he wearing his Mom's best clothes?
If A-Zahar is in hiding, he may have fled to El-Arish -- his mother's hometown, located in the Sinai Peninsula.
Hi, ma! I'm home! Hide me!
"You can have your housecoat back now."
If A-Zahar is found to have fled Gaza during the IDF operation, he is likely to lose much of his public support, analysts pointed out.
That'll last about a month, given the Paleo attention span.
In such a scenario, they said, he would be rejected by both Hamas and the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority based in Ramallah.
Really? That doesn't seem to affect the Heroes of Damascus.
Hamas denies that A-Zahar fled, or that he was wounded in Cast Lead.
Maybe it's a situation like "Sleeper". Maybe he got blown up and all they saved was the wart and now they gotta figure out how to clone him.

Israel killed Iranian operatives In Gaza
Documentation obtained from the Middle East Newsline reveals a direct connection between Iran and the Islamic militants Israel fought during its recent Gaza offensive. It reveals that Iranian military advisers from Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) were killed during the 22-day war with Hamas, which ended with a self-imposed Israeli cease-fire on Sunday.

IRGC officers helped the Hamas regime and Islamic Jihad fire BM-21 Grad rockets from urban areas.
“We believe there were dozens of IRGC personnel in Gaza during the war,” an Israeli source said. “Some were killed; others went into hiding; and others escaped.”

[According to] Israeli intelligence sources, IRGC sent officers to the Gaza Strip to help Hamas
improve the range and accuracy of its rockets. IRGC was also authorized to help establish facilities to produce the Grad and other extended-range Katyusha-class rockets in the Gaza Strip.

Israel expects Iran to expand the IRGC presence in the Gaza Strip amid the cease-fire. Iran is expected to build a Hamas arsenal of rockets with ranges of up to 50 miles, which would include the Fajr-3 and Fajr-4 rockets.

The IRGC presence was arranged in 2008 by the late Hamas Interior Minister Said Siyam, the sources said. Siyam was killed in an Israeli air strike on Gaza City on Saturday, hours before the unilateral cease-fire began. “Siyam’s death removes Hamas’ key liasion with Iran,” an Israeli source said. “But there are others who could fill his shoes.”

Hamas executes 'collaborators', restricts Fatah movement
Since the aerial attack on Gaza began, Hamas has sought to suppress individuals it believes endanger the group's fight against Israel and its hold on power in the Strip, as well as public morale. Prime targets include Fatah members, people convicted or suspected of collaborating with Israel, and "common" criminals.
An opportunity to settle all family business...
"Hamas rules with an iron fist even now," said one resident. A political activist who says he supports neither Hamas nor Fatah said that given the difficult conditions created by the ongoing shelling and ground invasion, Hamas is likely to try to prevent collaborators or those suspected to be from working with Israel.

Since the operation began on December 27, Hamas operatives have executed several people it classified as collaborators. Members of the group have confirmed the executions took place, and said the victims had admitted giving information to the Shin Bet security service that resulted in the deaths of Palestinians, or had already been sentenced to death by a Palestinian military court but the sentences were delayed for various reasons.

Independent sources said that among the dead were those not known publicly to have been collaborators, as well as others long suspected of cooperation with Israel, or those arrested and later released.

Estimates of the number of suspects executed range from 40 to 80, but amid the prevailing conditions shelling, fear of walking the streets and media blackouts it is virtually impossible to verify the numbers or identities of the dead.

Executions are carried out secretly. In Rafah, for example, at least some of the victims were killed in a caravan erected in the area formerly occupied by the Rafiah Yam settlement, and the victims' relatives were invited to take away the bodies.
"Wanna come down and pick up your husband, Mrs. Mahmoud?"
"Why? Did his car break down?"
"Not exactly..."

"Should I bring a box?"
"Naw, a coffee can will do."
"The two-pound can?"

Even in the current conditions, Hamas is continuing to arrest those it suspects of criminal activity or Fatah membership, many of whom were arrested on the eve of the IDF operation and fled detention when the shelling began. No one knows where the detained are being held.

Independent sources and those linked with Fatah say Hamas' common methods include confiscating cell-phones, beatings, house arrest and firing at a suspect's legs.
So, down the road, they can execute everybody with a limp.
Fatah members say Hamas is following a policy dictated from its leadership and directed against Fatah as a whole. An official in the Hamas-run Interior Ministry told Haaretz that the steps were taken only against Fatah members who expressed "happiness" at the aerial attack and even "distributed candy" in the streets as it began. An independent source corroborated Hamas' account.
What's that in your pocket there, Mahmoud? A Milky Way?
Fatah officials said last Thursday that notifications were sent to organization members from the public security forces, under the direction of Hamas's Interior Minister Said Siyam, confining them to house arrest for 48 hours. Other Fatah members were ordered not to leave their homes from 7 P.M. until morning.

Hamas is also targeting common crime, promising the public that prices will not rise due to the closures of crossings into Gaza, nor will looting be allowed from stores that have been shelled.
Unless they're doing it...

Hamas declares end to ceasefire with Israel
This is the end
Beautiful friend
The end
My only friend, the end

(AKI) - The Islamist Hamas movement declared on Thursday evening an end to a ceasefire with Israel in the Gaza Strip - one day before the truce was due to expire. The announcement was made soon after heavy clashes took place in Gaza between Palestinian militants and the Israeli Army. "The calm, which was reached with Egyptian sponsorship on 19 June and expires on 19 December, is finished because the enemy did not abide by its obligations," said Hamas official Ayman Taha.

The Egyptian-mediated truce had been scheduled to end on Friday. "The truce with Israel is finished. Today is the last day of it and there is no possibility of it being renewed," said Hamas MP Mushir al-Masri, quoted by a website affiliated with Hamas.

The intense tit-for-tat exchanges of fire between Israel and Gaza militants began on Monday with the assassination of one of the leaders of the al-Quds Brigades, armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group, allegedly by Israeli undercover forces in the West Bank.

In a separate incident, Israeli daily Maariv claims that assassinating Hamas leaders is an option being explored as Israeli forces prepare for the end of the ceasefire. According to the daily, unnamed Arab leaders have given Israel a go-ahead to assassinate Hamas leaders in case the group refuses to renew the truce. The list includes deposed Prime Minister in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh, deposed Minister of the Interior Said Siyam, and deposed Minister of Foreign Affairs Mahmoud Az-Zahhar, as well as Ahmad al-Jabary the head of the al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' armed wing. The list also features Gaza MP and leader of the Popular Committee against the Siege in Gaza, Jamal Al-Khudari.

Hamas delegation in Cairo for unity talks
The Islamist Hamas movement sent a delegation to Egypt Tuesday for talks aimed at restoring Palestinian unity amid a dispute over the presidency that could sharpen internal divisions. The delegation headed by Moussa Abu Marzuk, the number two official in Hamas' Damascus headquarters, also includes Mahmoud al-Zahar, Said Siyam and Khalil al-Hayya.

Hamas requests political asylum for 450 leaders in Qatar
Ma'an – The Hamas leadership has requested political asylum from the Qatari government for 450 Hamas political and military leaders in the Gaza Strip who were involved in the Hamas takeover of the coastal region, Israeli radio reported on Friday. The voice of Israel said that among the leaders who requested asylum were Mahmoud Az-Zahhar, Said Siyam, Salah Al-Bardaweel, Musheer Al-Masri, Fawzi Barhoum and Sami Abu Zuhri.

He also suggested that Hamas will hand over the major security headquarters and institutions to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas through Qatari and Egyptian mediation in exchange for negotiating with Fatah.
Palestinian sources were quoted as saying that the head of Hamas politburo in exile, Khalid Mashaal, has sent a message to the Qatari government asking for asylum for a number of Hamas leaders. He also suggested that Hamas will hand over the major security headquarters and institutions to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas through Qatari and Egyptian mediation in exchange for negotiating with Fatah. Mashaal stipulated that a number of Hamas leaders be guaranteed political asylum in Qatar. Sources claimed that Qatar has not accepted Hamas' request.

Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri denied the story. He told Ma'an, "This information is baseless, and we are endeavoring to bring back the Palestinian people to their homeland rather than sending them away."

Haniyeh calls for enquiry into Gaza rally massacre
Ma'an – Deposed Palestinian prime minister Isma'il Haniyeh on Thursday evening called for the formation of a "transparent and impartial national committee" to investigate Monday's bloody events in Gaza City that left seven dead and scores injured following a rally to commemorate the death of Yasser Arafat.

The violence occurred as the rally began to disperse. Eyewitnesses said Fatah supporters began taunting the Hamas-affiliated police force who then opened fire on the crowd.

The leader of the de facto government in Gaza demanded the release of all those arrested after the shootings except those thought to have been responsible for inciting violence.

Hs said his government will "adhere to its duties towards the victims" of the rally.

"Despite the facilitations which the government made, Hamas was not invited to attend the celebration. Furthermore the speakers at the rally attacked Hamas and the government and after the memorial ended peacefully, the sudden turn of events to bloodhshed surprised everyone," Haniyeh said.

Haniyeh called for the formation of a committee to hold a national dialogue to deal with the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, as well as foreign affairs. He also demanded the release of all Hamas members detained by Palestinian security in the West Bank.
He never shuts up, does he?
Meanwhile a meeting was held on Thursday evening between the de facto government's interior minister Said Siyam, spokesperson Eyhab Al-Ghussain and representatives of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and Islamic Jihad to discuss what happened at Monday's gathering.

Palestinian minister escapes shooting attack
Unknown Palestinian gunmen opened fire on Sunday afternoon at Interior Minister Said Siyam's motorcade, causing no injuries, Palestinian officials said. Interior Ministry spokesman Khaled Abu Hilal dismissed the shooting as a random attack and denied that the target was Siyam. The men, driving in a nearby car, apparently shot at a car in the motorcade, but not at the vehicle carrying Siyam, he said.

The incident marks yet another escalation in the tense relations between Fatah and Hamas; Palestinian security officials are continuing to protest over unpaid salaries for the second consecutive day. Hamas blames Fatah for being the driving force behind the protests.

Hamas will block Abbas attempts to form gov
Hamas will thwart any attempts by Palestinian Authority Chairman to form a government without their agreement, Palestinian Authority Interior Minister Said Siyam said in an interview with Al Jazeera Sunday night.

PA minister: US trying to topple Hamas
The interior minister of the Hamas-led Palestinian government said Wednesday that efforts were under way, with help from the US, to remove the group from power. "There is American support for whoever wants to topple the government," Palestinian Interior Minister Said Siyam told reporters in Cairo. "Why don't they want Hamas in the government? Is it forbidden (by God)? It came to power through the will of the people and that should be respected. This is a war waged on the government."

On Tuesday, head of Egyptian Intelligence Omar Suleiman told Hamas leader-in-exile Khaled Mashaal to urge Hamas to relinquish its rule in the Palestinian Authority in order to solve the problems in the Palestinian territories. During a meeting in Damascus, Suleiman proposed that Hamas oversee the government via the PA parliament where the organization has a majority.

PA minister: Syria not to blame for Shalit failure
Palestinian Interior Minister Said Siyam said on Thursday that Syria was not responsible for the failure of a deal regarding the release of kidnapped soldier, Cpl. Gilad Shalit. Hamas was not subject to Syrian pressure to sabotage the deal, the minister said. Said hinted that the real culprit behind the plan's failure was Israel. He accused Israel of wanting to receive [Shalit] without giving anything in return.
Kidnapping is an unlawful act. In a world that made any sense, Shalit would be returned unharmed and with apologies.

Suleiman, Mashaal discuss Shalit's fate
Egypt's intelligence director held talks Saturday in Damascus with Hamas' political chief Khaled Mashaal on forming a Palestinian unity government and swapping prisoners for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit, a Hamas official said. Mashaal met with Omar Suleiman about containing the conflict between the ruling Hamas and Fatah party, Hamas official Osama Hamdan said in a telephone interview from Lebanon.

On Friday, Mashaal said Hamas would not recognize Israel, but it wants to join a national unity government with Abbas' rival Fatah faction.
The talks came amid tension that has lead to violent street clashes in the Palestinian territories between Hamas and its rival Fatah. Fatah's leader, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, has advocated recognizing Israel in exchange for a Palestinian state on parts of the West Bank and Gaza. Hamas has refused, and talks over forming a power-sharing government have stalled over the issue. On Friday, Mashaal said Hamas would not recognize Israel, but it wants to join a national unity government with Abbas' rival Fatah faction.

He also said Hamas was ready to swap Cpl. Shalit for Palestinian prisoners. Also Saturday, Palestinian Interior Minister Said Siyam and his Syrian counterpart Gen. Bassam Abdul-Majid met in Damascus to discuss the Palestinian situation. Farouk Kaddoumi, the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization's political wing, also met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, the official Syrian news agency, SANA, reported.

Recognition of Israel is a major demand by the US and EU for lifting sanction on Hamas, which were imposed after Hamas defeated Fatah in the January legislative elections.

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