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Government Corruption
James O'Keefe Releases Undercover Video of CIA Contractor Admitting CIA Director Withheld Info from Trump and Spied on His Presidency
[GatewayPundit] James O’Keefe last Friday warned he was about to release the most important story of his entire career.

“I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera. I am working on releasing a story that I believe is the most important of my entire career,” O’Keefe said on Friday.

“Do you think it’s a coincidence that right at this moment I am subject to an endless series of attacks?” he said. “This is obviously a sophisticated information operation designed to stop me from releasing this story. I’m sure you recognize they are masters of using half-truths and innuendos to raise doubt against people who don’t deserve it. It’s meant to consume my time and energy and make me back down.”

“But I’m not going to let it work. Rest assured, nothing will stop me from releasing this story,” O’Keefe said.

O’Keefe Media Group on Wednesday released part one: Exposing the CIA: A project manager working in cyber operations told OMG’s undercover journalist that the Director of the CIA would keep information from Trump.

He also said the CIA spied on Trump’s presidency and is still monitoring him to this day.

“So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…” Amjad Fseisi, a project manager working in Cyber Operations for the CIA with top-secret security clearance told an undercover journalist.

Amjad Fseisi said Trump is a “Russian asset” – “He’s owned by the f*cking Russians,” he told the undercover journalist.

Per James O’Keefe:

Amjad reveals to OMG’s Undercover American Swiper that intel agencies not only kept intelligence information from a sitting United States President and Commander-In-Chief, they also used FISA to spy on President Trump and his team and are still monitoring President Trump according to Amjad who says, “We monitor everything.” Amjad adds “we also have people that monitor his ex-wife. He likes to use burner phones” – information only an insider with access to highly sensitive information would state.

“We steal it [information]” and “We hack other countries just like that,” Amjad, who states he currently works on the CIA’s China Mission Center, explains how intel agencies obtain information. He also describes a broken intelligence system where “We don’t share information across agencies” because the CIA is “very reluctant” to share information with the “careless” NSA.

O’Keefe Media Group’s bombshell undercover footage supports earlier reports by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag that revealed how the American intelligence community illegally ran a spy operation against then-candidate Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and illegally acquired intelligence that was later used to justify the Federal Bureau of Investigation (@FBI) official probe, “Crossfire Hurricane,” which in turn led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that ultimately did not find evidence of Russia collusion by the 2016 Trump campaign.

Contractors like Fseisi hold the duty to withhold sharing confidential or national security information. In denying his statements, Fseisi may have realized he could be held liable for violating internal agency provisions and federal laws like the Executive Agency ethics provisions, which restrict what he may share with others outside of his contracted-to agency. Additionally, any government worker or agency head who withheld information from a superior (i.e. President Trump) may violate: (a) obstruction of justice by deception (18 USC 1512); (b) conspiracy to obstruct (18 USC 371); and false statements (18 USC 1001). Agency regulations may also provide offenses related to insubordination, reflecting poorly on the agency in public, or misrepresentation or dishonesty.

When James O’Keefe caught up with Amjad Fseisi on the streets of Washington, D.C., Fseisi could not tell O’Keefe whether he had top secret clearance, denied making statements clearly caught on camera, and would not even confirm it was him on the video saying only “It looks like me.” When asked directly if he works at the CIA, Fseisi said, “I can’t tell you that.”

The official was terminated following O’Keefe’s undercover sting!

James O’Keefe 04/11/2024 Inside The Federal Reserve: Hidden Camera captures Principal Economist @federalreserve ‘not just be establishing interest rates, but to be setting policies’
James O’Keefe 01/22/2024 James O'Keefe vs. Southern Border NGOs Allegedly Involved in Human Trafficking
James O’Keefe 08/03/2023 Bad Dad


Home Front: Politix
Supreme Court Majority Is Sympathetic to Trump's Immunity Claim With No Trial Likely Before the Election
[Red State] The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments stemming from Special Counsel Jack Smith's prosecution of former President Donald Trump on felony charges that he conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Jack Smith sent his advocate, Michael Drebeen, a veteran of over 100 Supreme Court appearances and Robert Mueller's unethical investigation of President Trump, into a proverbial Cuisinart of hostile questions. If the questions and statements of the justices are to be taken at face value, Trump's trial will not take place before November's election and possibly not at all.

Trump argues that any actions he took before January 20, 2021, were covered by presidential immunity. Basically, Trump said that if a president were constantly looking over his shoulder, fearing post-presidential prosecution, the office would cease to function. I happen to think that is true. Smith argued that despite the Justice Department's long-standing policy of not prosecuting ex-presidents, Trump poses such a unique threat to the republic that it is necessary in this case.

Home Front: Politix
Obama-Biden Administration Was is Creeping Fascism
[American Thinker] The similarities between the Obama administration and Italian fascism have been pointed out many times. Over a dozen articles about this are on this site alone (1, 2, 3, 4). It is usually said that fascism is a strain of socialism in which the means of production are beneficially owned by private persons but controlled by the government.

Both the Obama administration and Mussolini used a financial crisis to take over banks and industry. Mussolini openly assumed complete control of them, even though partial private ownership was allowed to remain. The U.S. government bailed out banks and the auto industry in 2008, before Obama was inaugurated. It did not own the banks, but the bailout created public sentiment in favor of government control of the banks and more regulation of all businesses. Obama used this sentiment to its full extent. Elizabeth Warren led the creation of the partisan Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which wielded unprecedented powers and was unaccountable to Congress. By 2016, the corporate world was already subverted and controlled by the Democrat administration. For example, all banks refused to deal with Donald Trump in 2016. The democrat-controlled media misrepresented the cause of this discrimination. Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau effectively allowed the ruling administration to strangle its opposition financially.

Citizens United v. FEC, decided by the Supreme Court in January 2010, very likely radicalized Democrats even further into total fascism. The Supreme Court confirmed that private corporations have the First Amendment right to use their money to support political candidates; Democrats concluded that they would have to control corporations to win elections.

Starting in 2010, the Obama administration viciously targeted any effective opposition, including the Tea Party movement, which was obliterated. The IRS was most notorious for targeting Tea Party organizations, but the DOJ (Eric Holder) and the FBI (Robert Mueller) also participated. What do we call regimes that destroy non-violent opposition movements?

A few months before the 2012 elections, Obama’s DOJ sued Gallup for hinting that the government had manipulated unemployment numbers. Additionally, Obama’s DOJ sued Standard & Poor’s for $5 billion for downgrading the federal debt, Treasurys. As a result, nobody challenges the false current inflation numbers, and the credit rating agencies do not dare downgrade the Treasurys below their current AA+/AAA rating.

The Obama administration also waged and eventually won the war on Fox News. It also chilled media criticism of Obama and the administration’s agenda. The DOJ and FBI (Robert Mueller and James Comey) criminally prosecuted and imprisoned filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza and lied about the initiation and predication of that investigation. (D’Souza had produced a film criticizing and mocking Obama.)


-Land of the Free
Adam Schiff's past effort to fan Russia collusion tale boomerangs in California Senate bid
[JustTheNews] Steve Garvey, 10-time MLB all-star first baseman and four-time Gold Glove winner, is slugging it out with Rep. Adam Schiff.

Rep. Adam Schiff’s past effort to fan the Russia collusion tale is boomeranging as he now seeks the vacant U.S.Senate seat in California.

Former MLB star Steve Garvey, now a GOP candidate, accused Schiff, D-Calif., of lying to the public on the debate stage this week, prompting Schiff to claim he was censured for "standing up to a corrupt President."

Garvey and Schiff are among the candidates in the race for the Senate seat held by the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

In the California primary election, the two candidates who receive the most votes head to the general election for a head-to-head match-up in November. A recent poll released by Emerson College found 25% of respondents said they would vote for Schiff and Garvey was in second place with 18%.

"I called out Adam Schiff for being censured for lying to 300 million Americans. His response: 'I would do it all over again,'" Garvey wrote Thursday on X. Schiff was censured in a resolution stating that Schiff held positions of power during Trump’s presidency and “abused this trust by saying there was evidence of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia.” There was no such evidence.

Schiff had drawn attention to himself throwing the "Russian collusion" narrative at anyone who opposed him. At one point, he accused on live television then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson of "being a Russian agent" and said to Carlson, according to New York Magazine, “You’re carrying water for the Kremlin!”

Schiff ignored the question of throwing the "Russian agent" allegations around, and instead deflected with comments arguing that Garvey supports allowing states to ban abortion.

During the candidate debate, Garvey said to Schiff, "Sir, you lied to 300 million people. You can't take that back." Schiff shot back, "I was censured for standing up to a corrupt president and you know something? I would do it all over again."

After the exchange, Garvey said when elected officials "talk down to us" they're "essentially misleading us."

Garvey also said the American people "understand what's real and unreal."

The censure resolution that passed the GOP-led House charged Schiff with abusing the trust of the American public when he was chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

According to the resolution, Schiff falsely claimed that "evidence of collusion that, as is clear from reports by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and Special Counsel Durham, never existed." The resolution also noted that on September 26, 2019, Schiff "misled the public by reading a false retelling of a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky."

Schiff became notorious as one of the loudest proponents vouching for the now widely-discredited "Steele Dossier." Even after the infamous dossier was proven to be false, Schiff stuck by it, telling NBC's Chuck Todd that “Steele did reveal that the Russians were trying to help elect Donald Trump."

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy removed Schiff from the Intelligence Committee in January 2023. The resolution passed the House in June.

In a separate exchange, Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., another candidate for the open Senate seat, argued that earmarks "invite corruption."

Schiff defended earmarks, saying Feinstein brought back billions for California from Washington and he would do the same.

Porter shot back: "Incorrect, the earmarks process actually shortchanges California. The data show that diverse districts and diverse states actually get half as much money. We only get two senators, which means every state gets two sets of earmarks."
Adam Schiff.: 2022-08-18 Producers Confirm Liz Cheney Will Not Be Back For Season 2 Of January 6 Hearings
Adam Schiff.: 2022-06-27 Dems Pause January 6 Hearings To Call For Insurrection
Adam Schiff.: 2022-06-14 Death Toll Rises: Man Dies Of Heart Attack Year-And-A-Half After Eating Corndog At January 6 Riot
Dianne Feinstein: 2023-12-03 Democrats introduce 'billionaires tax' on unrealized capital gains
Dianne Feinstein: 2023-11-20 Palestinian protesters disrupt Katie Porter, Adam Schiff at California Democratic convention, evening events cancelled for ‘safety’
Dianne Feinstein: 2023-11-19 Princess Anne thought Meghan Markle would have a 'short shelf-life' as a royal, expert says
Katie Porter: 2023-11-23 NC progressive Democrat says Jewish caucus would 'end' the party: 'They control everything'
Katie Porter: 2023-11-20 Palestinian protesters disrupt Katie Porter, Adam Schiff at California Democratic convention, evening events cancelled for ‘safety’
Katie Porter: 2023-11-03 Mortgage Sinanigans

-Lurid Crime Tales-
'5' FBI controversies of 2023 that shook faith in agency
[FoxNews] Federal whistleblower and former FBI agent Kyle Seraphin said retired agents are 'embarrassed' to reveal they once worked for the federal agency.

The FBI struggled to maintain its public image this year after new information appeared to contradict past investigations and a band of former federal agents blew the whistle about the bureau's alleged abuse of American civil liberties.

"From the interactions I have, it seems like conservatives either consider the FBI the butt of a cruel joke or an outright threat to American civil liberties," federal whistleblower and former FBI agent Kyle Seraphin told Fox News Digital. "Compared with how that looked three years ago, it feels like a complete nosedive in public confidence."

The bureau became further embroiled in controversy over the last 12 months when former FBI agent Kyle Seraphin and other federal whistleblowers uncovered a number of faulty investigations carried out by different FBI field offices across the United States. With the secret investigations exposed to the public eye, Seraphin said retired agents are "embarrassed" to reveal they once worked for the federal agency.

"Over the last year, the 38,000 men and women of the FBI have worked tirelessly to protect the American people from a wide variety of criminal threats and foreign adversaries," a spokesperson with the FBI told Fox News Digital. "The FBI and our partners made more than 20,000 arrests, which included violent criminals, human traffickers, and child predators, and located more than 2,400 children. We disrupted over 40% more cyber operations and arrested over 60% more cybercriminals than the year before."

From allegedly targeting American Catholics as so-called potential domestic terrorists to the acquittal of a pro-life activist whose home had been raided by dozens of FBI agents, here are five low points in 2023 for the bureau.

Former counterintelligence FBI special agent Charles McGonigal — who led New York's counterintelligence division and played a critical role in the alleged Trump-Russia collusion investigation — was earlier this month sentenced to four years in prison for charges related to colluding with a Russian oligarch.

McGonigal, 55, told a federal judge in New York City that he took more than $17,000 from Oleg Deripaska in exchange for collecting derogatory information on a different Russian oligarch. Additionally, prosecutors said the former federal agent helped remove Deripaska from the sanctions list.

McGonigal's charges left a stain on the FBI's investigation, known as "Crossfire Hurricane," which looked into former President Trump's purported collusion with Moscow. The probe began months before Trump's 2016 campaign and came to an anticlimactic end with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's highly anticipated congressional testimony in 2019.

In May, Special Counsel John Durham released a long-awaited final report to the Justice Department, which spans more than 300 pages of his years-long investigation into the origins of "Crossfire Hurricane." Durham found that both the DOJ and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation.

Durham said his investigation also revealed that "senior FBI personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received, especially information received from politically-affiliated persons and entities."

While Trump and members of his inner circle remain at the center of several investigations, the bureau faced backlash for declining requests from House Republicans to release an unclassified FBI document that contained claims from an informant that President Biden was allegedly involved in foreign business dealings with his family.

But after the bureau balked for months to turn over the document to lawmakers, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, obtained the internal material — known as an FD-1023 — and released it to the public. The document accused the FBI of improperly delaying or completely shutting down a full investigation into the Biden family.

Multiple federal whistleblowers told Grassley's office that the FBI maintained more than 40 confidential human sources on various criminal matters related to the Biden family, including Joe Biden, dating back to his time as vice president. But, according to Grassley, an FBI task force within the Washington field office sought to, and in some cases successfully, shut down reporting and information from those sources by falsely discrediting the information as foreign disinformation. That effort "caused investigative activity to cease."

When the FBI wasn't focused on — or allegedly turning a blind eye to — the White House, the bureau was slapped with a $1.1 million lawsuit in November brought by Catholic father and pro-life activist Mark Houck, who was arrested in his home in 2022 by FBI agents over a previous altercation outside a Planned Parenthood. A 12-person jury later unanimously acquitted Houck on all charges of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act.

Houck filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department seeking restitution for what it called "a faulty investigation" and "excessive force" after a SWAT team of around 25 people arrested him in front of his children. The lawsuit alleges government agents deprived Houck of his Fourth Amendment rights by using excessive force to arrest him on non-violent charges.

Perhaps the bureau's most shocking moment in 2023 came in February when former FBI agent Seraphin exposed an unclassified intelligence document from the FBI's Richmond field office in Virginia that appeared to target traditional Catholics as so-called potential domestic terrorists, which immediately forced the bureau's headquarters in Washington, D.C., to purge the anti-Catholic memo from its system.

After the bureau said it would "never conduct investigative activities or open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity," lawmakers in the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government launched an investigation into the FBI and discovered that the bureau interviewed a priest and a choir director affiliated with a Catholic church in Richmond, Virginia.

Steve Friend, a former FBI agent-turned-whistleblower and current senior fellow for the Center for Renewing America, told Fox News Digital that "the nation witnessed the FBI's further devolution into an increasingly politicized law enforcement agency" in 2023.

"Whether you are a Catholic worshiping at a Latin Mass, a parent speaking to your school board or a pro-lifer praying outside an abortion clinic, the FBI is cynically weaponizing its investigative processes to trample on the constitutional rights of those Americans who are disfavored by the ruling game," Friend said.

Government Corruption
Mayorkas Names Russia Hoaxers, Laptop Deniers Brennan, Clapper to Intelligence ‘Experts' Panel
[Breitbart] Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejando Mayorkas said Tuesday that he had named Russia collusion hoaxers and Hunter Biden laptop deniers John Brennan and James Clapper to an intelligence "experts" panel.
51 of them?
In a statement, Mayorkas announced "the establishment of the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group (Experts Group) ... comprised of private sector experts who will provide their unique perspectives on the federal government’s intelligence enterprise to DHS’s [Intelligence and Analysis] and the Office of the Counterterrorism Coordinator."

The group will analyze "foreign nation-state adversaries" as well as "domestic violent extremists."

Brennan, a former CIA director, and Clapper, a former Director of National Intelligence, were key players in spreading the "Russia collusion" hoax to discredit the 2016 election, with Clapper telling CNN that it was possible there was evidence linking Russia to Trump, then admitting under oath that he knew of no evidence.

Brennan claimed that Trump’s protestations of innocence were "hogwash," though Special Counsel Robert Mueller later found that no American, including on the Trump campaign, had colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.

Later, as Breitbart News noted, Brennan and Clapper joined more than 50 national security and intelligence alumni in a letter claiming that stories during the 2020 race about Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian disinformation. In fact, the laptop was real, and the stories — published by the New York Post, Breitbart News, and others — were proven accurate. But the letter, arranged by Joe Biden’s campaign, served to deflect criticism from the candidate.

It is unclear how Brennan will advise the Department of Homeland Security, given that President Trump revoked his security clearance in 2018, in reaction to Brennan’s increasingly unhinged political attacks on the president.

Gateway update on DHS "Expertengruppe"

[Gateway] On Tuesday, the Department of Homeland Security led by the failed Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced a new "group": the "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group." The "Experts Group" will operate under the Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis, Ken Waintstein, as well as Counterterrorism Coordinator Nicholas Rasmussen (a Biden Laptop letter signee), to "provide advice and perspectives on intelligence and national security efforts to the Office of Intelligence and Analysis and the Office of Counterterrorism Coordinator to support DHS’ vital work to protect our country."

According to a press release, the group will be comprised of "private sector experts who will provide their unique perspectives on the federal government’s intelligence enterprise to DHS’s I&A and the Office of the Counterterrorism Coordinator."

Today, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) Ken Wainstein, and Counterterrorism Coordinator Nicholas Rasmussen announced the establishment of the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group (Experts Group). The group is comprised of private sector experts who will provide their unique perspectives on the federal government’s intelligence enterprise to DHS’s I&A and the Office of the Counterterrorism Coordinator.

"The security of the American people depends on our capacity to collect, generate, and disseminate actionable intelligence to our federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, campus, and private sector partners," said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. "I express my deep gratitude to these distinguished individuals for dedicating their exceptional expertise, experience, and vision to our critical mission."

"The Homeland Intelligence Experts Group is being formed at a time of unprecedented challenge, with the U.S. intelligence enterprise facing threats from a range of malign actors, to include foreign nation-state adversaries, domestic violent extremists, cyber criminals, drug-trafficking cartels and other transnational criminal organizations," said Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Ken Wainstein."The Experts Group will be an invaluable asset as we navigate through this evolving threat and operating environment and continue to strengthen our efforts to protect the Homeland."

"The homeland threat environment is more diverse, dynamic, and challenging than at any point in our post 9/11 history, with threats tied to an array of different terrorist and violent extremist ideologies and narratives," said Counterterrorism Coordinator Nicholas Rasmussen. "The experience, expertise, and perspective offered by Experts Group members will undoubtedly put the Department in a strong position to confront this threat landscape, and we are grateful for the willingness of the Experts Group members to serve in this important capacity."

The "Experts Group" will consist of some controversial individuals including Hunter Biden Laptop "Spies Who Lie", "Russia, Russia, Russia" promulgators and others discredited in recent investigations including:
Alejandro Mayorka: 2023-09-15 Massachusetts National Guard deployed to assist with spiraling migrant crisis as governor calls on White House
Alejandro Mayorka: 2023-08-23 Biden's DHS Sends over $770M in Taxpayer Money to NGOs, Sanctuary Cities Facilitating Illegal Immigration
Alejandro Mayorka: 2023-08-09 Massachusetts gov declares state of emergency due to surge of migrants, calls for federal action
Nicholas Rasmussen: 2018-05-20 New clues bolster belief that ISIS leader is still alive
Nicholas Rasmussen: 2017-12-23 Retiring Soetoro holdover Rasmussen takes parting shot at 2nd Amendment
Nicholas Rasmussen: 2017-10-11 U.S. Counterterror Officials Announce Reward for Help in Capture of Hezbollah Leaders

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Disgraced FBI Official Charles McGonigal Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy
[RedState] As anticipated, former FBI official Charles McGonigal pled guilty on Tuesday to one count of conspiracy in federal court in New York arising out of his efforts to aid Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska in evading U.S. sanctions.

The Information filed Tuesday (and which can be viewed in its entirety below) alleged one count of conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), which authorizes the president to regulate international commerce, including investigating and imposing controls on transactions and freezing foreign assets under U.S. jurisdiction when a national emergency is declared as to any external "unusual and extraordinary threat to the United States."

The Information alleges that in furtherance of the conspiracy, McGonigal:

a. From in or about August 2021 through in or about November 2021, McGONIGAL and others, acting at the behest of Oleg Deripaska, whom the United States Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control designated as a Specially Designated National on or about April 6, 2018, sought to gather derogatory information about a rival of Deripaska, in violation of IEEPA.

b. From in or about August 2021 through in or about November 2021, McGONIGAL and others received and routed payments from Deripaska through two corporations, neither of which was registered in the name of McGONIGAL or Deripaska, in an effort to conceal that the payments originated from Deripaska.

McGonigal was originally charged with five counts, including conspiracy to defraud the United States, money laundering (and conspiracy to commit same), and violating the IEEPA (and conspiracy to commit same). Pursuant to Tuesday's plea, the remaining four charges will be dismissed.

McGonigal, 55, was formerly the FBI special agent in charge of the bureau's counterintelligence division from 2016 to 2018, which ironically meant that he was involved in investigating former President Donald Trump for Russian collusion, then essentially engaged in it himself. As streiff explained in January:

McGonigal was a key figure in creating the Russian Hoax. He’s the guy who received the allegation made by Australian High Commissioner to the UK Alexander Downer that Trump campaign aid George Papadopoulos said the Russians have “dirt on Hillary.” For a trip down memory lane, read Was a Drunken Conversation Really All the Probable Cause the FBI Needed to Investigate a Presidential Campaign?

While the media is harping on the “Russian oligarch” narrative because they can never admit Hillary Clinton’s opposition research team thoroughly punked them, it is useful to remember that in 2009, FBI Director Robert Mueller approached Deripaska about funding a private effort to locate American citizen, former FBI agent, and suspected CIA asset Robert Levinson who had gone missing in Iran. More memories can be found at There Might Be a Very Good Reason Why Mueller Is Not Indicting Paul Manafort’s Russian Business Partner. Even as the Russia Hoax was unfolding, Hillary’s oppo team at Fusion GPS was working on getting sanctions removed from Deripaska, which is the same activity that got McGonigal indicted; see
New York Times Forced To “Correct” Major Story on the Manafort Case. I don’t know the trajectory of McGonigal’s career, but it is entirely possible he was in the New York Field Office when Mueller tried to turn Deripaska into an FBI asset.

At the plea hearing on Tuesday, McGonigal expressed remorse for his actions.

The former FBI special agent in charge of the agency's counterintelligence division from 2016 to 2018 told the federal judge that he took over $17,000 from Deripaska in exchange for collecting derogatory information on a different Russian oligarch. Deripaska was a business competitor with the person McGonigal was paid to find derogatory information on.

Additionally, McGonigal was allegedly working to help get Deripaska removed from the sanctions list, prosecutors said.

The American was in talks, along with co-conspirators, to get a $650,000 to $3 million fee to search for hidden assets of $500 which belong to Deripaska's business rival.


"This, as you can imagine, has been a painful process not only for me, but for my friends, family and loved ones," McGonigal said. "I take full responsibility as my actions were never intended to hurt the United States, the FBI and my family and friends."

In addition to facing up to five years in prison, McGonigal must forfeit $17,500 pursuant to his plea agreement. He is scheduled to be sentenced in December.

Charges against McGonigal for misleading the FBI regarding his contacts with foreign nationals and concealing $225,000 he allegedly received from an Albanian intelligence employee remain pending in U.S. District Court in Washington D.C.

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Disgraced FBI counterintelligence chief who investigated Trump's debunked Kremlin ties is set to plead guilty to colluding with RUSSIA and illegally working for an oligarch
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Court records show a change of plea hearing for Charles McGonigal

  • McGonigal served as top FBI official in New York during Russia probe

  • Charles McGonigal had previously pleaded not guilty, accused by U.S. prosecutors of working for sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska
Prosecutors in January said McGonigal, who led the FBI's counterintelligence division in New York before retiring in 2018, received concealed payments from Deripaska in exchange for investigating a rival oligarch and unsuccessfully pushed in 2019 to lift U.S. sanctions on Deripaska.

The charges against McGonigal came as U.S. prosecutors ramped up efforts to enforce sanctions on Russian officials and police their alleged enablers in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

Deripaska, the founder of Russian aluminum company Rusal , was among two dozen Russian oligarchs and government officials blacklisted by Washington in 2018 in reaction to Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

Among the areas probed by former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators is Deripaska's relationship with former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort.

Mueller's report said Manafort told associates to provide Deripaska with internal polling data.

According to prosecutors, McGonigal pocketed $25,000 as an investigator for a law firm, then got payments of $51,000 and $41,790 doing work for Deripaska, during a period from August 2021 to November 2021.

He would try to conceal his employer's identity by referring to him as 'the big guy,' the Washington Times reported.
The Big Guy? Irony alert

Charles McGonigal: 2023-05-04 Kash Patel Suing Defense Department for ‘Obstructing' Release of His Book that Exposes Deep State
Charles McGonigal: 2023-04-24 Bidens' corrupt web unraveling before our eyes
Charles McGonigal: 2023-03-21 Turns Out The FBI McGonigal Scandal is Much Worse
Oleg Deripaska: 2023-02-17 Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: February 16th, 2023
Oleg Deripaska: 2023-02-04 "The FBI Isn't Hunting Down Public Enemy #1…The FBI's Become Public Enemy #1" – Chanel Rion on OAN (VIDEO)
Oleg Deripaska: 2023-01-31 Chronology of the war in Ukraine: Monday, January 30 (updated)

Government Corruption
How To Create Conspiracy Theories
[VDH] It is easy to birth conspiracy theories.

All that is required is chronic government stonewalling of reasonable requests for transparency. Then add in high officials serially lying under oath, along with the blatantly unequal application of the law. Institutionalize arguments from authority of politicians and bureaucrats who refuse to adjudicate arguments empirically.

Include the weaponization of investigatory and intelligence bureaucracies. Finish with the transformation of an obsequious media into a mouthpiece of the state. And presto, you end up with a skeptical, cynical public that learns to believe the very opposite from what it is told by elites.

Curiously. some conservative politicians, media and politicos often remark of their surprise that so many of the Trump base insists that the January 6 riot at the Capitol was in part a federally driven conspiracy, or perhaps just a mere "demonstration" gone awry.

But whether true or not, why would some not believe that—given the efforts of the state to hide and warp facts?

Consider what drives rational people to embrace supposed "conspiracy" theories around the so-called "insurrection?"

One reason, of course, is that there was evidence of FBI informants present on January 6. Do not take the word of conservatives for such suppositions.

Instead, remember what award-winning New York Times’s reporter and keen follower of right-wing political activity, Matthew Rosenberg said of January 6, albeit in an ambush interview conducted by Project Veritas:

The left’s overreaction — the left’s reaction to it in some places was so over the top. They were making it too big a deal ... that gave the opening for lunatics in the right to be like, ’Oh, well, nothing happened here. It was just a peaceful bunch of tourists,’ you know, and it’s like, but nobody wants to hear that."

Rosenberg then remarked that he spotted numerous FBI informants among the crowd milling around the Capitol. Or as he put it, "There were a ton of FBI informants among the people who attacked the Capitol." Cannot the FBI refute such allegations?

Apparently not. Given such speculation, one would expect that FBI Director Christopher Wray might at least categorically deny such inflammatory accusations.

Yet in congressional testimony when asked whether the FBI had inserted informants among the protestors, sphinxlike Wray merely shrugged, "So I really need to be careful here talking about where we have or have not used confidential human sources."

Then there is the mysterious case of Ray Epps, initially sought by FBI "as a person of interest" for allegedly inciting demonstrators to break the law and enter the Capitol.

But then oddly Epps was de facto exempted for some 30 months from arrest—even as hundreds who urged no such action were indicted and convicted of "illegal parading" or unlawfully "demonstrating in front of the Capitol"—misdemeanors that ended up resulting in felony-type sentencing.

In one video clip, as Epps attempts to gin up the stationary crowd to move illegally into the Capitol, he is met with "conspiratorial" accusations from skeptical bystanders calling out: "Fed! Fed! Fed!"

Epps filed suit against Fox News for defamation on grounds that anchor Tucker Carlson had tied him to efforts to incite January 6 violence. Yet then suddenly Epps announced that he believes he will soon be charged, after all, by the government for his role in the January 6 protests.

If true, such an arrest was long anticipated, since Epps is caught on tape, unambiguously, on more than one occasion, urging demonstrators to enter the Capitol unlawfully (e.g., "We need to go to the Capitol").

If one would like to hatch an Epps conspiracy theory, then one could do no better than quoting another Ray Epps braggadocious claim that he had texted to his nephew: "I orchestrated it."

It did not help the Left’s construction of a January 6 "insurrection" theory that it serially misled the country about the actual loss of life. At first, Democrats insisted, falsely, that Officer Sicknick’s tragic death was due to protestor violence. Yet an autopsy revealed that he died a day later from a stroke.

Then Democrat leaders pivoted to claim that any law enforcement officer present on January 6, who for any reason subsequently committed suicide, was to be counted a victim of protestor violence.

All the while, the media kept largely quiet about the fact that the only unambiguously violent death that day was that of military veteran Ashli Babbitt. She was unarmed as she was shot unlawfully entering the Capitol through a broken window.

The name and identity of the officer, remember, were suppressed for months—a protective protocol unlike any other accorded law enforcement officers in the country who lethally shoot unarmed suspects.

If all that was not enough to create suspicion about media and political narratives, then there was the asymmetrical media coverage and the reaction of the Justice Department to the 2020 summer riots.

Touch an officer on January 6, and one sat in jail for months. Club an officer in summer 2020, and the offender was likely to become certified as a member of the Antifa or BLM resistance, albeit acting up a bit during the "summer of love."

Unlike January 6, the violence of arsonists, murderers, rioters, and Antifa and BLM mobs resulted in 1,500 injured law enforcement officers, more than 35 violent deaths, nearly $2 billion in property damage, and 14,000 arrests. Yet most of the indictments were dropped, or plea bargained down to minor misdemeanors by sympathetic leftwing city and state prosecutors.

Note that the 2020 rioters also targeted iconic and government buildings. Rioters attempted to burn down a federal courthouse, a police precinct headquarters, an historic Washington D.C. church—all topped off by the mob’s nocturnal effort to stampede into the White House grounds to get to the president.

That failed assault precipitated a hasty Secret Service effort to put Trump and his family in a secure subterranean bunker. Again, why was such violence aimed at the White House largely unpunished given its intensity matched or exceeded that of the Capitol riot?

Even more importantly, the investigatory January 6 committee also fed rather than quieted conspiracy theories. The Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives first denied nominated Republican representatives any seats on the select committee.

Instead, they cherry-picked just two Republicans—on the apparent requisite that both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were a) die-hard Trump haters, and b) politically inert and headed for forced retirement.

The committee neither called any contrarian witnesses nor subpoenaed documents and videos felt to be antithetical to their narrative of a rightwing violent and armed "insurrection." Yet, again, they did not produce evidence that anyone arrested inside the Capitol was in possession of a firearm.

Nor were any plans found of "insurrectionists" planning to occupy government property for any length of time—in the fashion of, say, Seattle’s "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" (CHAZ) or (CHOP) "Capitol Hill Organized Protest."

In that case, rioters simply annexed government space as their own for over three weeks, ran the sanctuary-like mini-revolutionary state, forbid the police to enter, and were granted exemptions from city and state authorities.

The January 6 narrative of continuous threats of an armed revolution was leveraged to justify deploying 20,000 armed soldiers —the largest militarization of Washington D.C. since Jubal Early’s Confederate raid of 1864. Again, such use of federal troops stood in dire contrast to the abject appeasement of the far more violent 2020 rioters, when sympathetic mayors and governors resisted calls to deploy federal troops to their jurisdictions.

Recall that the suspicions arising around January 6 followed a long series of revelations about government misconduct that confirmed the suspicions of once reviled "conspiracists."

In numerous cases, the wild charge of conspiracists eventually were proven, while the sober and judicious defense narratives of government officials were exposed as outright lies, and occasionally themselves conspiracies.

There was no "Russian collusion" conspiracy.

There was a Clinton conspiratorial effort.

It sought to hide campaign money through three paywalls to hire Christopher Steele to add to his ad hominem lies and to ensure that they were disseminated throughout the media and government. The point was solely to emasculate her opponent, Donald Trump.

As far as the first Trump impeachment phone call, given the multimillion-dollar corruptions abroad of the Biden family syndicate, and the boasts of Joe Biden about his past interference in Ukraine politics to fire a bothersome prosecutor, any president would have warned Ukraine to clean up its act with the Bidens or face holds on American largess.

The Covid-19 virus did escape from a nearby Chinese virology lab. It was a media and government fed lie that it was birthed naturally in the wild by a bat or pangolin, part of a three-year long effort to appease the Chinese communist party. And there was a clear role of the NIAID and NIH in funding dangerous gain-of-function research under the auspices of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.

Most of what the government assured about the quarantines and vaccinations proved eventually to be wrong or only half-true. That reality proved ironic when those who warned of lockdown dangers were eventually vindicated, but never received apologies from their accusers.

Given the blanket exemptions provided to Hillary Clinton for unlawfully destroying subpoenaed material and using a home server to transmit classified information, and the reduction of Hunter Biden’s numerous felonies to minor misdemeanors, and the likely exemption given Joe Biden for storing classified files for years at his various homes and offices, why would anyone not believe that the government and the media work hard to suppress the truth?

And why would any citizen believe the government or the media after the Biden campaign solicited "51 intelligence authorities" to swear falsely that the genuine Hunter Biden laptop was likely a product of "Russian disinformation."

The entire concocted lie was a Biden-campaign effort to use the gravitas of former government officials and the complicity of the media to promote a fantasy to influence the impending presidential debate. And it worked to a tee.

Note as well that the FBI hired out Twitter employees to suppress information concerning the Biden laptop. The truth was deemed "disinformation" in order to mislead voters on the eve of the 2020 election.

Normally, distinguished government heads of hallowed bureaus carefully weigh in on investigations to warn against idle speculations and convulsed conspiracies. But who currently in Washington could be sure of any such voice since our most esteemed intelligence and investigative directors are admitted liars?

Former FBI Director James Comey feigned amnesia in congressional testimony. He passed off a dossier he knew to be fallacious as genuine evidence to a FISA court.

His successor Andrew McCabe lied on four occasions to federal investigators. Current Director Christopher Wray has continually stonewalled congressional oversight committees.

Special counsel and former FBI Director Robert Mueller preposterously claimed he knew nothing of the Steele dossier or Fusion GPS.

Both John Brennan, former CIA Director, and James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, admittedly lied under oath to Congress. None of these liars faced any legal consequences.

Anthony Fauci’s incriminating emails keep appearing in the public domain, making a mockery of his earlier, ludicrous claim that he had not channeled U.S. dollars to the Wuhan lab to ensure the continuance of outlawed gain—of-function research.

Worse still, so often those screaming "conspiracy theory" are conspiracists themselves. Hillary Clinton schemed with dark money and paywalls to smear her 2016 opponent.

As election denialists Hillary Clinton ("He knows he’s an illegitimate president") and Jimmy Carter ("He [Trump] lost the election and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf") refused to accept the 2016 verdict, projecting such denialism onto others.

So how does the government abort a conspiracy theory?

Simple: Quit the chronic lying and for once tell the truth.


Home Front: Politix
Adam Schiff dodges bullet: House votes against bill censuring him for Trump-Russia 'lies'
[FoxNews] The House of Representatives on Wednesday voted against the idea of censuring and condemning Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for insisting that former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

In a 225-196 vote, lawmakers decided to set aside the censure resolution against Schiff, effectively killing it and preventing a vote on passage. The resolution, introduced by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., was opposed by 20 Republicans as two other GOP lawmakers voted "present" along with five Democrats.

The resolution was known to be on shaky ground with some Republicans. One expected "no" vote, Rep. Tom Massie, R-Ky., said he opposed the idea of a fine against Schiff — the resolution up Wednesday recommended a $16 million fine but did not require it.

"Adam Schiff acted unethically but if a resolution to fine him $16 million comes to the floor I will vote to table it. (vote against it)," he tweeted Wednesday.

"The Constitution says the House may make its own rules but we can’t violate other (later) provisions of the Constitution," he added. "A $16 million fine is a violation of the 27th and 8th amendments."

Along with Massie, the 19 other Republicans voting with Democrats to kill the resolution were Reps. Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota, Lori Chavez-DeRemer or Oregon, Juan Ciscomani of Arizona, Tom Cole of Oklahoma, Warren Davidson of Ohio, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Kay Granger of Texas, Garret Graves of Louisiana, Thomas Kean of New Jersey, Kevin Kiley of California, Young Kim of California, Michael Lawler of New York, Tom McClintock of California, Marcus Molinaro of New York, Jay Obernolte of California, Michael Simpson of Idaho, Michael Turner of Ohio, David Valadao of California and Steve Womack of Arkansas.

It wasn’t clear late Wednesday whether House Republicans might try again with a resolution against Schiff that leaves out all mentions of possible fines.

The resolution that failed on the House floor Wednesday said claims of Trump-Russia collusion were cooked up by Trump’s political opponents and pursued by the Department of Justice despite the lack of any solid foundation for suspecting collusion.

The resolution says the Democrats’ claims of collusion were "revealed as false" by "numerous" investigations, including Special Counsel John Durham’s probe into how the investigation into Trump was launched. It says that report, and reports from Special Counsel Robert Mueller and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, show that collusion "does not exist" despite Schiff’s public claims to the contrary.

"By repeatedly telling these falsehoods, Representative Schiff purposely deceived his Committee, Congress, and the American people," the resolution says.

"Representative Schiff lent credibility to the Steele dossier — a collection of debunked collusion accusations funded by President Trump’s political rivals — by reading false Steele allegations into the Congressional Record," it says.

"Representative Schiff composed a false memo justifying the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application on Trump associate Carter Page, which Inspector General Horowitz later found was riddled with 17 major mistakes and omissions, provoking FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer to state unequivocally that the Federal Bureau of Investigation '[misled] the FISC,'" it adds.

"Representative Schiff used his position and access to sensitive information to instigate a fraudulently based investigation, which he then used to amass political gain and fundraising dollars," it says. "The American taxpayers paid $32 million to fund the investigation into collusion that was launched as a result of Representative Schiff’s lies, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information."
Adam Schiff: 2023-06-09 The Chilling Threat of Radicalized U.S. Military Vets
Adam Schiff: 2023-06-09 Biden dismisses 'malarkey' FBI tip claiming he played a role in Burisma bribe scheme: 'Where's the money?'
Adam Schiff: 2023-06-01 Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal

Vacancy for Biden Crime Family member - Unabomber Ted Kaczynski found dead in prison cell
[ABC] Ted Kaczynski, the convicted terrorist known as the Unabomber, was found dead in his prison cell early Saturday, according to a Federal Bureau of Prisons spokesperson. He was 81.

Kaczynski was found unresponsive in his cell around 12:30 a.m. ET and transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Kaczynski was previously in a maximum security facility in Colorado but was moved to a federal medical center in Butner, North Carolina, in December 2021 due to poor health.

Kaczynski, who went nearly 20 years without being captured until his arrest in 1996, was considered America's most prolific bomber.
Ted Kaczynski: 2023-02-07 FBI arrests man, woman with 'extremist' views in alleged power grid attack plot targeting 5 substations
Ted Kaczynski: 2019-01-28 One Way Outraged Americans Can Beat Robert Mueller
Ted Kaczynski: 2012-02-17 Underwear bomber given 4 life sentences

Government Corruption
John Brennan, Enemy of the People
[PJ] The just-released Durham report confirmed that the FBI not only failed to corroborate the Steele dossier, Hillary Clinton’s oppo-doc against former President Donald Trump, but it regularly ignored existing, sometimes dispositive, evidence to keep the investigation alive. Some officials were credulous. Others were devious. But no one "stole" our democracy — other than perhaps intelligence officials and the journalists who helped feed the collective hysteria over Russia.

John Brennan, Hamas-loving authoritarian and partisan propagandist, almost surely knew it was a con from the start. Yet he spent four years on television sounding like a deranged subreddit commenter. Even after privately admitting he knew there was no collusion, Brennan kept lying and using his credentials to mislead the public.

From John Durham’s report:

"CIA Director John Brennan and Deputy Director David Cohen were interviewed by the Office and were asked about their knowledge of any actual evidence of members of the Trump campaign conspiring or colluding with Russian officials. When Brennan was provided with an overview of the origins of the Attorney General’s Review after Special Counsel Mueller finding a lack of evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian authorities, Brennan offered that ’they found no conspiracy.'"

As Durham points out, even after Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered his report, and after Brennan admitted no one found a conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign, the former head of the CIA went on air with MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, another all-star election "denier," and claimed that he "suspected there was more" to collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian President Vladimir Putin than Mueller had let on.

Did I mention this was the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency?
John Brennan: 2023-05-17 FBI Ignored Alleged Clinton Campaign Election Meddling Plan After CIA Briefed Obama And Biden, Durham Report Says
John Brennan: 2023-05-15 Mike Morell can't clean up this ‘dirty' letter that was meant to secure Biden's 2020 win
John Brennan: 2023-05-05 Brennan, Clapper to Testify Before Weaponization Committee on Hunter Biden Laptop Letter

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