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Leading Republicans reveal allegations on why Biden envoy to Iran was suspended
[Washington Examiner] "Specifically, we understand that Mr. Malley’s security clearance was suspended because he allegedly transferred classified documents to his personal email account and downloaded these documents to his personal cell phone," the letter, signed by House Foreign Affairs Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX) and Senate Foreign Affairs ranking member Jim Risch (R-ID), read. "It is unclear to whom he intended to provide these documents, but it is believed that a hostile cyber actor was able to gain access to his email and/or phone and obtain the downloaded information."
But, but, but Hillary ?
Robert Malley began his career during the Clinton administration and earned his name as the architect of former President Barack Obama’s 2015 Iran nuclear deal. He attempted to revive the deal in 2021 under Biden to no avail. He was suspended in April 2023.

Emphasis added.

Tablet - High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington
Robert Malley 02/20/2024 State Dept Investigation of Biden's Iran Envoy Broadens Into Probe of His Suspension
Robert Malley 02/03/2024 The World Is on Fire, but Here Is the Defense Department's Highest Priority
Robert Malley 12/05/2023 Rockefeller Brothers Fund funding pro-Palestinian groups, at least one Israel calls ‘terrorist’ org


Government Corruption
State Dept Investigation of Biden's Iran Envoy Broadens Into Probe of His Suspension
[Hot Air] The curious suspension of Robert Malley grows even more curious -- and perhaps just as curious as how he got hired at all, if not more.

Joe Biden's special envoy to Iran got mysteriously suspended last spring by the State Department, but the White House never informed Congress of it. The Tehran Times somehow acquired and published the State Department's suspension memo last September, much to the chagrin of Congress, which demanded some answers toute suite on Malley's status.
Does Bob have a home in Rehoboth Beach by chance ?
Now Semafor reports that the State Department's IG wants some answers, too. Nearly a month ago, the IG office informed the relevant congressional committees that they would expand their existing probe into Malley's conduct to include members of the State Department involved in the suspension -- and what took place afterward. This is in addition to the FBI investigation into the conduct that resulted in the suspension in the first place:
Robert Malley: 2024-02-03 The World Is on Fire, but Here Is the Defense Department's Highest Priority
Robert Malley: 2023-12-05 Rockefeller Brothers Fund funding pro-Palestinian groups, at least one Israel calls ‘terrorist’ org
Robert Malley: 2023-11-23 Meet the Iranian-born Biden military aide reportedly under investigation for major influence campaign: ‘Clear and present danger'

-Great Cultural Revolution
The World Is on Fire, but Here Is the Defense Department's Highest Priority
[RedState] You would think that the Department of Defense (DoD) would have their hands full right now. The war between Russia and Ukraine drags on, war between Israel and Hamas continues, and China continues its saber-rattling over "reunification" with Taiwan. The United States might not be directly involved in all of those conflicts, but we will have some role to play. The Defense Department is concerned about terrorism. But before you get excited over the fact that there might be someone at the DoD with their priorities straight, think again. They are not worried about the thousands of potential terrorists sneaking across the southern border. They are worried about home-grown terrorists, you know, the right-wing kind.

The DoD's Office of Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict (SO/LIC) supervises overseas special operations. Recently, they invited "all" office employees to hear Bruce Hoffman, a professor at Georgetown University and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Jacob Ware, a research fellow at CFR, talk about their book entitled "God, Guns, and Terrorism" on...wait for it...domestic right-wing extremism. It gets better. The Chief of Staff for the SO/LIC Office is a woman named Ariane Tabatabai. She was recently investigated for her ties to an Iranian influence network. It gets even better. Tabatabai is also a founding member of something called the Iranian Experts Initiative. They are a group of analysts who allegedly cooperated with Iran's Islamic regime to promote the official position on Iran's nuclear program in the middle of negotiations on a nuclear deal with Iran.

It is unknown whether the invite to all SO/LIC employees was mandatory. Nor did the email explain why the topic of domestic terrorism was relevant to DoD employees, as domestic terrorism does not fall under their purview. Unfortunately for the DoD, the SO/LIC Office, and Hoffman and Ware, the supply of right-wing extremism does not meet their apparent demand. After the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, the DoD called for a review of military personnel to weed out any "extremism" within the ranks. Less than 100 members of the military were found to have engaged in any "extremist" activities. But the DoD wasn't convinced. It spent two years hunting down extremists in the military to no avail. The final report on a study that began in 2021 and was quietly released in December of 2023 “found no evidence that the number of violent extremists in the military is disproportionate” to U.S. society."
Ariane Tabatabai: 2023-11-23 Meet the Iranian-born Biden military aide reportedly under investigation for major influence campaign: ‘Clear and present danger'
Ariane Tabatabai: 2023-10-25 High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted, trail leads from Tehran to D.C. passes directly through the offices of Robert Malley and the International Crisis Group
Ariane Tabatabai: 2023-10-03 High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

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Home Front: WoT
Rockefeller Brothers Fund funding pro-Palestinian groups, at least one Israel calls ‘terrorist’ org
[NYPost] Pro-Paleostinian groups such as those who spread hate at the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting this week, have been lavishly funded by the Rockefeller family’s main charitable arm.

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has links to two groups the Israeli government designated "terrorist organizations," a review of public records by The Post shows.

Founded in 1940, the famous clan’s $1.3 billion fund — where Justin, Wyatt and David Rockefeller Jr. sit on the board of trustees — has shelled out more than $2.6 million since 2018 directly or indirectly to at least six anti-Israel organizations, several of which openly celebrated Hamas
...the braying voice of Islamic Resistance®,...
’ Oct 7 terrorist attack on the Jewish state.

Samidoun Paleostinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, whose logo was affixed to an ad promoting Wednesday’s rally, is a "fiscally sponsored project" of the nonprofit Alliance for Global Justice.

In August 2022, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund gave the Alliance $100,000.

Israel designated Samidoun a terrorist organization in February 2021 and Germany banned it last month.

Samidoun, founded in 2011, condemned the United Kingdom in 2021 for classifying Hamas a terrorist organization, and cheered the Oct 7 terrorist incursion:

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has awarded at least $215,000 to Defence For Children International-Paleostine, according to their website and IRS
...the Internal Revenue Service; that office of the United States government that collects taxes and persecutes the regime's political enemies...
tax forms.

The Israeli government declared the group a terrorist organization in October 2021.

Undeterred, the fund issued a new $50,000 grant to the organization in 2022.

The fund gave at least $490,000 for "general support" to the Jewish Voice for Peace, according to public grant disclosures on their website since 2019.

Despite its name, the group is a notorious anti-Israel organization and a front for mainstreaming antisemitic ideas, critics say.

A Grand Central demonstration organized by the group in October led to more than 300 arrests.

"Jewish Voice for Peace is a radical anti-Israel and anti-Zionist activist group that advocates for the boycott of Israel and eradication of Zionism. JVP does not represent the mainstream Jewish community, which it views as bigoted for its association with Israel," according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The group has been banned by Columbia University for repeatedly holding "threatening" campus events, the school said last month.

The fund has also donated at least $515,000 to the The Tides Center, earmarked specifically to support Paleostine Legal, a pro-Paleostinian advocacy group, records show. The nonprofit trumpeted the Oct 7 attacks as "one of the most significant acts of Paleostinian resistance."

"It’s the height of irony that the Rockefeller Foundation supports the anti-Israel, Soros-funded Tides Foundation and many other antisemitic Israel-bashing groups, that are now holding ugly, disgusting, vile Jew-hating displays at the Christmas Tree event at the Rockefeller Center," said Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America. "Just desserts I say."

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund also sent at least $710,000 to the Adalah Justice Project and $605,000 to the Middle East Policy Network (also known as al-Shabaka).

Both organizations celebrated Hamas’ Oct 7 attacks in public statements.

The fund defended the grants and noted that it donated to more mainstream Israel groups as well, such as J-Street and the The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.

"We categorically reject any claim that our grantee organizations support, materially or ideologically, acts of terrorism," said spokeswoman Sarah Edkins "Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion for people of all races, ethnicities, and genders is critical to our mission, and RBF is deeply concerned about indications of growing antisemitism."

Edkins added, "The Fund’s only relationship with Alliance for Global Justice is as the fiscal sponsor for one grantee of our Sustainable Development program, South Bronx Unite."

Hat tip Skidmark in comments.
Israel's UN ambassador slams Soros for donations to 'pro-Hamas groups' seeking destruction of Jewish state

[FoxNews] Report claims Soros organization has given millions to US groups who allegedly support terror group

Left-wing activist billionaire George Soros
...either Ernst Stavro Blofeld or Auric Goldfinger come true...
is facing intense criticism from Israel’s ambassador to the U.N. for pumping over $15 million into a network of nongovernmental organizations that allegedly support Hamas
...a contraction of the Arabic words for "frothing at the mouth",...

"George Soros’ donations to organizations that seek the destruction of the State of Israel as a Jewish state is shameful. However,
a person who gets all wrapped up in himself makes a mighty small package...
I am not surprised," Israeli ambassador Gilad Erdan told Fox News Digital.

"For years, Soros has backed and transferred money to organizations supporting BDS that want to isolate Israel," added Erdan, who has been leading the diplomatic campaign at the U.N. to spell out Hamas’ crimes against humanity. "They have never been about real peace or any solution to the Israeli-Paleostinian conflict."

BDS is an abbreviation for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign targeting the Jewish state. The German and Austrian parliaments classified BDS as an antisemitic movement that resembles the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses during the nascent phase of the Holocaust.

Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of "The Soros Agenda," told Fox News Digital, "Support of pro-Hamas, pro-Paleostinian groups in the U.S. is not limited to foreign entities. It also comes directly and indirectly from U.S.-based foundations. George and Alexander Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) is one of them."

"Soon after he settled in the White House, Biden appointed Robert Malley as his special envoy to Iran," Ehrenfeld wrote in her book. "Malley is the former president and CEO of the Soros-funded, Brussels-based International Crisis Group, which, like Soros, has been criticizing Israel and praising Hamas. "

The U.S. and the European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...
have designated Hamas a foreign terrorist organization. A number of recent probes claimed to show OSF funneled significant funds into virulently anti-Israel NGOs that are allegedly pro-Hamas.

Fox News Digital reported in October on Biden’s now-suspended Iran
...a theocratic Shiite state divided among the Medes, the Persians, and the (Arab) Elamites. Formerly a fairly civilized nation ruled by a Shah, it became a victim of Islamic revolution in 1979. The nation is today noted for spontaneously taking over other countries' embassies, maintaining whorehouses run by clergymen, involvement in international drug trafficking, and financing sock puppet militias to extend the regime's influence. The word Iran is a cognate form of Aryan. The abbreviation IRGC is the same idea as Stürmabteilung (or SA). The term Supreme Guide is a the modern version form of either Duce or Führer or maybe both. They hate Jews Zionists Jews. Their economy is based on the production of oil and vitriol...
envoy Malley for his push to engage with the U.S.-designated terrorist movements, Hamas and Leb
...an Iranian satrapy currently ruled by Hassan Nasrallah situated on the eastern Mediterranean, conveniently adjacent to Israel. Formerly inhabited by hardy Phoenecian traders, its official language is now Arabic, with the usual unpleasant side effects. The Leb civil war, between 1975 and 1990, lasted a little over 145 years and produced 120,000 fatalities. The average length of a ceasefire was measured in seconds. The Lebs maintain a precarious sectarian balance among Shiites, Sunnis, and about a dozen flavors of Christians, plus Armenians, Georgians, and who knows what else? It is the home of the original Hezbollah, which periodically starts a war with the Zionist Entity, gets Beirut pounded to rubble, and then declares victory and has a parade. The Lebs have the curious habit of periodically murdering their heads of state or prime ministers...
-based Hezbollah.

"There's so much misinformation about them. ... I speak to them and my colleagues speak to them [Hamas], and now we may disagree with them, but they have their own rationality ... none of them are crazies," Malley said in the film "Cultures of Resistance®."

The New York Post noted last month that Soros has funneled over $15 million to groups who are anti-Israel and carry water for Hamas’ agenda.

OSF donated $13.7 million to the Caliphornia, an impregnable bastion of the Democratic Party,-based Tides Center, a number of whose recipients are nonprofits who reportedly justify the obliteration of the Jewish state.

Tides supports the Illinois-based Adalah Justice Project, which posted a photograph on Instagram of a bulldozer demolishing Israel’s security fence on the day of Hamas’ bloody slaughter with the caption, "Israeli colonizers believed they could indefinitely trap two million people in an open-air prison... no cage goes unchallenged."

When pressed in a number of Fox News Digital press queries if Soros’ philanthropic empire, OSF, considers Hamas a terrorist organization, a spokeperson for the OSF based in London refused to answer.

The OSF spokesperson, however, said the "Open Society Foundations utterly condemn the brutal attacks on Israeli citizens on Oct. 7. We grieve for the lives lost and injured and those taken hostage and their families. Like so many others around the world today we also feel the same pain for the Paleostinian citizens whose lives are now being lost in tragically mounting numbers because of the conflict."

The OSF spokesperson added, "There must be accountability for the war crimes and breaches of humanitarian law that have occurred."

When asked about the accusations that OSF funds pro-Hamas NGOs, the OSF spokesperson noted, "Any of our grantees have different perspectives and routinely disagree with each other, but our funding strategy, which has evolved over 20 years, is targeted towards working towards a secure future where rights and freedoms are respected. There is strict U.S. anti-terrorist legislation that determines which organizations a foundation like OSF can fund. We devote a lot of effort to ensuring full compliance."

In 2007, Soros wrote an opinion article for the Financial Times in which he slammed the U.S. and Israeli governments for not recognizing Hamas as the legitimate government of the Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...

OSF has also funded two progressive NGOs called Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and IfNotNow. On the day Hamas massacred 1,200 people, JVP issued a statement that "the source of all this violence" was "Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression."

The names of the Jewish NGOs are misleading, mainstream experts on antisemitism argue. The Jewish NGO Anti-Defamation League wrote that "Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a radical anti-Israel and anti-Zionist activist group that advocates for the boycott of Israel and eradication of Zionism."

The ADL added, "JVP does not represent the mainstream Jewish community, which it views as bigoted for its association with Israel." OSF has pumped at least $650,000 into the JVP’s coffers since 2017.

According to the ADL, the bankrupt, increasingly impoverished, reliably Democrat, Detroit
... ruled by Democrats since 1962. A city whose Golden Age included the Purple Gang...
chapter of IfNotNow circulated a flier that showed an image of a paraglider, a clear reference to the Hamas bully boyz who invaded Israel as part of their aerial campaign to wipe out Jews. IfNotNow is one of the principal organizers of the U.S.-based campaign against Israel since Oct. 7, noted the ADL. According to reports, IfNotNow received $400,000 from Soros’ OSF.

JVP, which was founded in California, supported the Hamas-animated "Great Return March" in 2018, a precursor to Oct. 7, which was a series of attempts by Paleostinians in Gaza to invade Israel by breaching its security border barrier.

OSF provides funds to obscure Jewish NGOs whose mission is to exploit their Jewish identity to turn the bashing of Israel (and support for terrorism) into a politically and socially correct campaign, according to critics like Joshua Muravchik.

Writing in the Jewish magazine Commentary, he noted, "Deploying its ’Jewish’ identity in attacking Israel is JVP’s métier, one might say its purpose. The cutting edge of this work, as the episode of SJP’s tweets illustrates, is to deflect accusations of antisemitism."

Soros’ son, Alex, recently took over the reins of his father’s $25 billion fortune. In June, Israel's minister of diaspora affairs and social equality, Amichai Chikli, told Fox News Digital, it "looks like the son is a replica of his father. We have no expectation that his son will be a big Zionist."

Fox News Digital reached out to JVP, The Tides Center and IfNotNow for comment. They did not immediately respond.

Home Front: WoT
Meet the Iranian-born Biden military aide reportedly under investigation for major influence campaign: ‘Clear and present danger'
[NYP] ....sitting in the Pentagon with a high-level security clearance is Ariane Tabatabai, the Iranian-born Biden military aide who reportedly is under investigation over an Iranian influence operation whose tentacles reach deep into Washington’s military and diplomatic establishment — and nobody in the government will explain why.
She oughtta be investigated for that haircut
Eyes on Tehran

Not only is Tabatabai the chief- of-staff to the Pentagon’s assistant secretary of defense for special operations, Christopher Maier, but, according to Navy sources, she recently became a US reserve naval intelligence officer.

Tabatabai has completed her five-month training at the Center for Information Dominance in Dam Neck, Va., according to a fellow officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, and expressed concern that Tabatabai retains her security clearance, despite the counterintelligence investigation.

The officer says Tabatabai would receive access in her reservist intelligence role to such sensitive information as staff rosters and movements of US ships and submarines in the Persian Gulf, all of which is clearly of interest to Iran amid the current Gaza conflict.

"The Navy has been actively training her to be an intelligence officer and giving her access to, not just what she has in her civilian job, but access to all the need-to-know information that a reserve unit has," says the officer.

"This naval reserve [role] gives her more clearance and access. Everyone she has contact with in the Navy intelligence realm is now potentially outed."

The officer says Tabatabai’s security access has been a source of ongoing concern among colleagues, especially as "the investigation has been going on for so long."

"It’s a clear and present danger in that even if [the investigation] affords her the right to due process, her clearance still should be on hold, and she should not have any access to go into the Pentagon or any other military installation."

The FBI reportedly has been shut out of the Tabatabai probe, and it is not known which agency is in charge.

Tabatabai bio.

Emphasis added.
Ariane Tabatabai: 2023-10-25 High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted, trail leads from Tehran to D.C. passes directly through the offices of Robert Malley and the International Crisis Group
Ariane Tabatabai: 2023-10-03 High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

Home Front: WoT
Biden's Hamas conundrum
(JNS) Since Oct. 7, American Jews have seen their civil rights trampled every day. Jewish students are subjected to constant intimidation, assault, battery and threats from Hamas supporters on campus. From coast to coast, the stories are depressingly similar. University authorities refuse to protect them from their pro-Jewish genocide peers.

Then, too, on Thursday, the New York Police Department told the Jews of Brooklyn to stay off the streets on Shabbat afternoon. Pro-Hamas will be demonstrating, and the police said that they will be unable to protect Jewish residents as the terror supporters march through their neighborhoods.

How is this happening? How is it that at a time of maximum peril, law-enforcement bodies are doing all but nothing to defend the Jewish community? Why is the FBI not arresting terror supporters as required under U.S. law? Why is the U.S. Justice Department not directing local authorities to defend the Jews?

A good place to begin to look for answers is the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. That powerful division is led by Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke.

Clarke’s appointment in 2021 caused an uproar in Jewish circles because she has a record of anti-Semitic activism and was an ardent supporter of the pro-Hamas, anti-Jewish Black Lives Matter movement.

In 1994, as the head of the Black Students Association at Harvard Law School, Clarke invited Wellesley College Professor Tony Martin to speak at Harvard. Martin had just written a Protocols of the Elders of Zion-style anti-Semitic book called The Jewish Onslaught.

Clarke defiantly defended Martin at the time and attacked the Jewish students who expressed concern about her move. She never apologized for her actions. Instead, ahead of her Senate confirmation, she told progressive, anti-Israel Jewish reporters and activists that she "regretted" the invitation. That was enough for them to declare that the allegation that Clarke remains hostile towards Jews is slander.

U.S. President Joe Biden has a problem. He staffed his administration at all levels and across departments with hardened ideologues, many of whom have records of hostility towards Jews and support for Hamas, Iran, and other terror groups and regimes. Under Biden, these officials have advanced his Middle East policies that until Oct. 7 were largely aligned with the interests of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis.

Now that those policies have been shown to be counterproductive, and at least partly responsible for the threats America now faces to its core Middle Eastern interests, the same officials remain in their positions and continue to direct the Biden administration’s policies.

Consider the Palestinians.

U.S. policy towards the Palestinian Arabs is directed by the U.S. Special Representative to the Palestinians, Hady Amr. Amr is a longtime supporter of Hamas. In 2018, at the Qatar-based offices of the Brookings Institute, Amr was the lead author of a Brookings policy paper titled, "Ending Gaza’s Perpetual Crisis—A New U.S. Approach."

Amr’s basic recommendations were to change terror financing laws to permit U.S. contractors to work with Hamas, as well as to use any new round of war between Israel and Hamas to launch a new three-pronged policy towards Israel and Hamas.

Amr’s plan accepted Hamas as a legitimate actor. It called for the Palestinian Authority to unite with Hamas and reorganize under Hamas’s leadership in light of Hamas’s stronger support among Palestinians. Finally, it called for the United States to coerce Israel into making unreciprocated concessions to Hamas and the P.A., even though Amr acknowledged that the concessions would endanger Israel. Among other things, he called for Israel to end its maritime blockage of the Gaza coast and permit Hamas free access to the sea.

As the architect of Biden’s Palestinian policies, Amr’s Brookings paper was a blueprint for many of the policies adopted by the administration, including its willingness to fund Hamas indirectly through the P.A. and U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), the U.N. agency operating in Gaza. Some 90% of UNRWA employees are Hamas members.

Amr remains in his position.

The ongoing Iran problem

Biden appointed Iran apologist Robert Malley to lead the administration’s Iran policy. Malley’s policy was so pro-Iranian that several career U.S. State Department officials—not known for their hostility to Tehran—resigned in protest.

...And to repay the administration for its appeasement, Abdollahian used his speech to threaten the United States with war if it continues to support Israel. Since Oct, 7, and as the administration clings stubbornly to Malley’s pro-Iran policies, Iranian proxies in Syria, Yemen and Iraq have repeatedly attacked U.S. forces in the region.

The Pentagon’s continued refusal to fully acknowledge Iran’s direction of Hamas’s acts of genocide is further indication that Malley’s policy remains Biden’s Iran policy.
Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division: 2022-08-06 Texas Sam's Club attack: man sentenced to 25 years for hate crime against Asian family
Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division: 2022-07-06 Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections
Kristen Clarke: 2023-04-24 DOJ: Tech Manufacturer Discriminated Against Qualified Americans, Hired Foreign H-1B Visa Workers Instead
Kristen Clarke: 2022-08-06 Texas Sam's Club attack: man sentenced to 25 years for hate crime against Asian family
Kristen Clarke: 2022-07-06 Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections
Hady Amr: 2023-06-30 ‘It’s not where the president is’: US official waves off idea of Palestine recognition
Hady Amr: 2022-06-10 Abbas confidant tears into US for refusing to delist PLO in meeting with senior Biden aide
Hady Amr: 2021-12-14 Is the Biden Administration at War with Israel?

Government Corruption
High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted, trail leads from Tehran to D.C. passes directly through the offices of Robert Malley and the International Crisis Group
[Tablet] The Biden administration’s now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley helped to fund, support, and direct an Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments, according to a trove of purloined Iranian government emails. The emails, which were reported on by veteran Wall Street Journal correspondent Jay Solomon, writing in Semafor, and by Iran International, the London-based émigré opposition outlet which is the most widely read independent news source inside Iran, were published last week after being extensively verified over a period of several months by the two outlets. They showed that Malley had helped to infiltrate an Iranian agent of influence named Ariane Tabatabai into some of the most sensitive positions in the U.S. government—first at the State Department and now the Pentagon, where she has been serving as chief of staff for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations, Christopher Maier.

On Thursday, Maier told a congressional committee that the Defense Department is "actively looking into whether all law and policy was properly followed in granting my chief of staff top secret special compartmented information."

The emails, which were exchanged over a period of several years between Iranian regime diplomats and analysts, show that Tabatabai was part of a regime propaganda unit set up in 2014 by the Iranian Foreign Ministry. The Iran Experts Initiative (IEI) tasked operatives drawn from Iranian diaspora communities to promote Iranian interests during the clerical regime’s negotiations with the United States over its nuclear weapons program. Though several of the IEI operatives and others named in the emails have sought to portray themselves on social media as having engaged with the regime in their capacity as academic experts, or in order to promote better understanding between the United States and Iran, none has questioned the veracity of the emails.

The contents of the emails are damning, showing a group of Iranian American academics being recruited by the Iranian regime, meeting together in foreign countries to receive instructions from top regime officials, and pledging their personal loyalty to the regime. They also show how these operatives used their Iranian heritage and Western academic positions to influence U.S. policy toward Iran, first as outside "experts" and then from high-level U.S. government posts. Both inside and outside of government, the efforts of members of this circle were repeatedly supported and advanced by Malley, who served as the U.S. government’s chief interlocutor with Iran under both the Obama and the Biden administrations. Malley is also the former head of the International Crisis Group (ICG), which directly paid and credentialed several key members of the regime’s influence operation.

-Great Cultural Revolution
VDH: Hamas and Amoral Clarity
[American Greatness] One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas’s barbaric murdering of hundreds of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality.

More than 20 Harvard university identity politics groups pledged their support to the Hamas murderers—to the utter silence for days of Harvard President Claudine Gay.
34 groups, originally. But some walked it back after it became clear there were consequences for their posturing.
Americans knew higher education practiced racist admission policies. It has long promoted racially segregated dorms and graduations. And de facto it has destroyed the First Amendment.

But the overt support for Hamas killers by the diversity, equity, and inclusion crowd on a lot of campuses exposes to Americans the real moral and intellectual rot in higher education.

Democratic Socialist members of the new woke Democrat Party openly expressed ecstatic support for Hamas’s bloodwork.

Their biggest fears were not dead fellow Americans or hostages, or some 1,000 butchered Jewish civilians. Instead they were fearful that righteous Israeli retaliation might destroy the Hamas death machine.

Palestinians for years fooled naïfs in Europe and the Obama and Biden administrations into sending billions of dollars into Gaza.
They weren’t naive. They were on the other side.
These monies were channeled to tunnel into Israel, to obtain a huge rocket arsenal, and to craft plans to wipe out Jews.

The Biden administration has blood on its hands.
Indeed. And considerably more than $6 billion worth.
....Biden and company quickly restarted the defunct Iran appeasement deal—a leftover from the anti-Israeli Obama administration. No surprise, they appointed radical pro-Iranian activist Robert Malley to head the negotiations.

Malley allegedly has leaked American classified documents to Iranian officials and is under investigation by the FBI. He did his best to place pro-Iranian, anti-American activists into the high echelons of the U.S. government.

Biden was intent on forcing South Korea to release to Iran $6 billion in sanctioned frozen money.

That expectation of cash ensured Iran would be reimbursed for its present terrorist arming spree.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken shamefully tweeted that Israel should settle for an immediate ceasefire. No wonder he soon withdrew his unhinged posting.

That idiocy would be the moral equivalent of an American ally in December 1941 urging the U.S. to seek negotiations with imperial Japan after its surprise bombing of Pearl Harbor—to avoid a "cycle of violence."

...Once the mass murdering started, the amoral clarity of our "allies" was stunning.

NATO partner Turkey openly sided with the killers.
Of course. All Muslim Brotherhooders together.
It —along with Blinken—called for a cease fire—at the moment the Hamas death squads had finished, and Israel was ready to hold Hamas to account.

Qatar, where the U.S. Central Command is based, proved little more than a Hamas front.

It offers sanctuary to the architects of Hamas killing. And Qatar ensures a safe financial pipeline to Hamas from Iran and the radical Arab world.

Some of the most vehement current supporters of the Hamas death squads were immigrants to America from the Middle East.

Oddly, they apparently had fled just such illiberal Middle East regimes to reach a tolerant, democratic, and secure United States.

Yet they now endorse the Hamas butchering of Jewish civilians. Its savagery is aimed at executing, raping, and beheading Jews, and then mutilating their bodies.

Hamas apparently hopes to shock the Israeli government into voluntarily committing suicide—in line with the ancient Hamas agenda to destroy the Jewish state.

In a strange way, this reign of death has become a touchstone, an acid test of sorts that has revealed the utter amorality of enemies abroad and quite dangerous people at home.

It is past time that Americans deal with the medieval world that was revealed this week rather than keep dreaming in the fantasy world of our government.

Americans need to stop illegal immigration and restore their southern border, while ceasing all immigration from unhinged, hostile nations.

The military must return to its deterrent role and fire its woke commissariat.

Our leaders must accept that in the last three years of the Biden administration, serial American appeasement abroad, disunity at home, and social chaos have encouraged an entire host of enemies —China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Middle East illiberal regimes, and former friends like Turkey and Qatar.

And our enemies dream of doing to us what we just saw in Israel.
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Home Front: WoT
High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington
A taste:
[TabletMagazine] The trail that leads from Tehran to D.C. passes directly through the offices of Robert Malley and the International Crisis Group.

The Biden administration’s now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley helped to fund, support, and direct an Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments, according to a trove of purloined Iranian government emails. The emails, which were reported on by veteran Wall Street Journal correspondent Jay Solomon, writing in Semafor, and by Iran International, the London-based émigré opposition outlet which is the most widely read independent news source inside Iran, were published last week after being extensively verified over a period of several months by the two outlets. They showed that Malley had helped to infiltrate an Iranian agent of influence named Ariane Tabatabai into some of the most sensitive positions in the U.S. government—first at the State Department and now the Pentagon, where she has been serving as chief of staff for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations, Christopher Maier.

On Thursday, Maier told a congressional committee that the Defense Department is “actively looking into whether all law and policy was properly followed in granting my chief of staff top secret special compartmented information.”

The emails, which were exchanged over a period of several years between Iranian regime diplomats and analysts, show that Tabatabai was part of a regime propaganda unit set up in 2014 by the Iranian Foreign Ministry. The Iran Experts Initiative (IEI) tasked operatives drawn from Iranian diaspora communities to promote Iranian interests during the clerical regime’s negotiations with the United States over its nuclear weapons program. Though several of the IEI operatives and others named in the emails have sought to portray themselves on social media as having engaged with the regime in their capacity as academic experts, or in order to promote better understanding between the United States and Iran, none has questioned the veracity of the emails.

The contents of the emails are damning, showing a group of Iranian American academics being recruited by the Iranian regime, meeting together in foreign countries to receive instructions from top regime officials, and pledging their personal loyalty to the regime. They also show how these operatives used their Iranian heritage and Western academic positions to influence U.S. policy toward Iran, first as outside “experts” and then from high-level U.S. government posts. Both inside and outside of government, the efforts of members of this circle were repeatedly supported and advanced by Malley, who served as the U.S. government’s chief interlocutor with Iran under both the Obama and the Biden administrations. Malley is also the former head of the International Crisis Group (ICG), which directly paid and credentialed several key members of the regime’s influence operation.

The IEI, according to a 2014 email from one Iranian official to one of Iran’s lead nuclear negotiators, “consisted of a core group of 6-10 distinguished second-generation Iranians who have established affiliation with the leading international think-tanks and academic institutions, mainly in Europe and the US.” The network was funded and supported by an Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) official, Mostafa Zahrani, who was the point of contact between IEI operatives, and Iran’s then-Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.

According to the correspondence, the IEI recruited several U.S.-based analysts, including Tabatabai, Ali Vaez, and Dina Esfandiary, all of whom willingly accepted Iranian guidance. These Middle East experts were then subsequently hired, credentialed, supported, and funded by Malley and the ICG where he was president from January 2018 until January 2021, when he joined the Biden administration. Malley was also ICG’s program director for Middle East and North Africa before the Obama administration tapped him in February 2014 to run negotiations for the Iran nuclear deal. Vaez joined the ICG in 2012 and served as Malley’s top deputy.

Emails quoted in the stories show that even once in government, Malley directed Vaez’s actions at ICG, sending him to Vienna where the Iranian and U.S. teams held nuclear negotiations. “Following the order of his previous boss Malley, Ali Vaez will come to Vienna,” Zahrani reportedly wrote Zarif in an April 3, 2014, email. “Who from our group do you instruct to have a meeting with him?”
Robert Malley: 2023-09-28 Report: Top Officials on Biden's Iran Team Acted Under Directions From Tehran
Robert Malley: 2023-09-27 Has the Biden Admin Been Infiltrated by Iranian Sleeper Agents?
Robert Malley: 2023-07-16 Report: Biden Already Has ‘Unwritten' Nuclear Deal with Iran- A new ‘Iran deal’ may already be in place ‐ without Senate approval, just like the last.
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Iran Experts Initiative: 2023-09-28 Report: Top Officials on Biden's Iran Team Acted Under Directions From Tehran
Iran Experts Initiative: 2023-09-27 Has the Biden Admin Been Infiltrated by Iranian Sleeper Agents?
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Report: Top Officials on Biden's Iran Team Acted Under Directions From Tehran
[LI] Sen. Ted Cruz: Released documents "suggest a vast Iranian influence operation that goes to the very top of the administration."

Top officials on President Joe Biden’s Iran team were acting under the directions of the Iranian regime, a trove of recently released documents by the U.S. news website Semafor show.

At least three senior aides to President Biden’s Special Envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, were reportedly members of the notorious "Iran Experts Initiative" (IEI), launched in 2014 to peddle influence inside Washington. The documents highlight "how Iran was capable of the kind of influence operations that the U.S. and its allies in the region often conduct," Semafor reported Tuesday.

The members of Iran-backed IEI advocated for the 2015 nuclear deal. Steered by Iran’s Foreign Ministry, members of the group used Western mainstream media outlets to bolster Tehran’s negotiating position in the run-up to the nuclear agreement. "The IEI participants were prolific writers of op-eds and analyses, and provided insights on television and Twitter, regularly touting the need for a compromise with Tehran on the nuclear issue — a position in line with both the Obama and Rouhani administrations at the time," the news website noted.

Home Front: Politix
Has the Biden Admin Been Infiltrated by Iranian Sleeper Agents?
[Semafor via Townhall] There are new questions swirling around President Biden's now-on-leave special envoy to Iran, Robert Malley and his senior aides following new reporting from Semafor and Iran International that disclosed communications suggesting that Americans, some still in key positions, are tied to efforts by Iranian officials to influence global perception of Tehran.

Launched in the spring of 2014 and called the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI), the new communications show how the influence operation seemingly succeeded via the Biden administration. According to Semafor, "officials, working under the moderate President Hassan Rouhani, congratulated themselves on the impact of the initiative: At least three of the people on the Foreign Ministry’s list were, or became, top aides to Robert Malley, the Biden administration’s special envoy on Iran, who was placed on leave this June following the suspension of his security clearance."

More from Semafor's scoop:
Robert Malley: 2023-07-16 Report: Biden Already Has ‘Unwritten' Nuclear Deal with Iran- A new ‘Iran deal’ may already be in place ‐ without Senate approval, just like the last.
Robert Malley: 2023-03-24 Iran is negotiating behind the scenes with Europe: there is no sensation, but there is intrigue
Robert Malley: 2022-12-05 Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: December 4th, 2022

Report: Biden Already Has ‘Unwritten' Nuclear Deal with Iran- A new ‘Iran deal’ may already be in place ‐ without Senate approval, just like the last.
I don’t think there’s any doubt of it.
Should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone following the Burg.
See also the final paragraph here.
[Breitbart] President Joe Biden has already reached an “unwritten” nuclear deal with Iran, under which the regime will stop just short of developing a nuclear weapon, leaving Israel unable to act independently to defend itself.

That’s the analysis of Amos Harel, a columnist for left-wing Israeli daily Ha’aretz — who is no fan of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but warns that the Biden White House is pushing Israel into a corner.

Last month, as Breitbart News reported, the U.S. and Iran were close to a “mini-deal” under which Iran would stop uranium enrichment at 60%, short of the 90% needed for a bomb. It would also release U.S. hostages and abide by several other conditions. In return, the U.S. would agree not to apply more sanctions, object to Iran gaining access to billions of dollars in frozen assets, or pursue further action against Iran at the United Nations.

The “mini-deal” appeared derailed when news broke that U.S. envoy Robert Malley, long suspected of being an Iran appeaser, had been suspended for alleged misuse of classified material.

But Harel says the deal is on.

He writes:

In practice, what’s shaping up looks more like an unwritten agreement of which a significant portion is already starting to be implemented. The Biden administration is declining to term it officially an agreement, not least because that would stir a negative response by the Republicans in Congress.

The U.S. initiative is based on a freeze in return for a release. Iran has committed not to enrich uranium above a level of 60 percent – that is, not to reach the 90-percent level at which nuclear arms can be manufactured. Washington, for its part, has withdrawn its opposition to the release of Iranian assets worth $20 billion in banks across several countries. Iran and Western countries will mutually release prisoners and kidnapping victims. These unofficial understandings have already taken effect, and it looks as though Iran has slowed down, if it hasn’t already stopped, enriching uranium to high levels. The compromise effort is being coordinated by Brett McGurk, the Biden administration’s National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa.

Concurrently, the Americans sought to place Israel in a kind of bear hug. On the one hand, they are more generous when it comes to official publicity about joint military exercises, which imply joint attack capability against Iran (and it could be they are also willing to discuss this in greater detail in backrooms). On the other hand, their expectation is apparently for Israel not to take them by surprise in the form of an independent attack on Iran. More than a decade ago, the U.S. invested a major effort, both in collecting friendly intelligence and in moves that can be described as “soft influence,” to ensure that no such scenario came to pass. Since then, one basic fact has changed: The Biden administration trusts Netanyahu even less than the administration of Barack Obama did.

In that context, it appears that Biden’s recent hostility toward Israel is not primarily about judicial reform, or about objection to the right-wing members of Israel’s Cabinet — both of which are domestic political issues. Rather, Biden is isolating Netanyahu on the world stage to ensure that Israel feels more reluctant to prepare military options to prevent Iran from going nuclear, even though Israelis, left and right, want that option.

Thus the Biden administration’s support for the Israeli opposition’s protests against judicial reform — which have included refusals by military reservists, including pilots, to serve — is not so much about the issue itself, but about crippling the Israeli military and undermining Netanyahu’s legitimacy. Biden prefers the idea of a conciliatory Israeli government; if he cannot have one, he wants one that is incapable acting decisively.

Harel notes that Biden is playing a double game, placing Israel in a “bear hug” — showing affection and support in ways that actually prevent Israel from moving independently. Hence, perhaps, the formal invitation to Israeli President Isaac Herzog — a ceremonial left-wing figure — to visit the White House, while Netanyahu remains, scandalously, uninvited. A new “Iran deal” may already be in place — without Senate approval, just like the last.

This may, in fact, have been Biden’s goal all along. In 2012, during his vice presidential debate with then-Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Biden subtly shifted the goalposts. Originally, the goal had been to stop the Iranian nuclear program itself. Biden — defending the Obama administration’s approach — made the policy about stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Thus was the groundwork laid for today’s last-stop-before-a-bomb approach.


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