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Fifth Column
Intelligence community have gone rogue and are not under the control of the democratically elected government. "This is like a spy novel."
[FoxBusinessNews] Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) tells us that the intelligence community is resisting Trump with all its might and trying to will its vision of the future on America. That future involves a new Cold War with Russia.

It's scary now that we finally see what is going on with our own eyes. If nothing else, Trump has turned on the light and showed all of the roaches in the kitchen. He has shoved the red pill down America's throat and finally we can see we really were living in The Matrix. So many of our institutions are corrupt and the power they have is astonishing.


Home Front: Politix
Kucinich to Retire
Rep. Dennis Kucinich has decided against running for Congress in Washington State.
Maybe when Alpha Centuri becomes a state...
"After careful consideration and discussions with Elizabeth and my closest friends, I have decided that, at this time, I can best serve from outside the Congress," the congressman announced in a statement Wednesday.
When I lost Shirley MacLaine and all the voices in her head, I knew it was time...
Kucinich, 65, thanked his supporters who had encouraged him to run for an open Congressional seat in Washington State, but said he could "best serve from outside the Congress."
Like...you oughta run, man, because, like...you oughta run, man!
"My commitments to peace, to workers' rights and to social and economic justice are constant and are not dependent upon holding an office. They are dependent upon my continuing to stand up, to speak out, to organize, to motivate and to inspire our nation as to its deeper potential. This I promise I will do with great energy and heart," Kucinich said.
...and that'll be easy to do with a six figure pension and solid gold free health care.
Back in March, the Cleveland congressman lost to Rep. Marcy Kaptur in the primary battle for the new 9th District. Redistricting eliminated the 10th Congressional District, held by Kucinich since 1996.
Otherwise known as "The Battle of the Non Titans"...
The near 16-year U.S. House representative said he would complete his service in January "with the same passion and devotion to duty" with which he began it in January of 1997.
Live long and prosper, little tiny man...

-Election 2012
Kucinich Loses Ohio Race
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who won a national following among liberals in two colorful but unsuccessful runs for president, was defeated by fellow Ohio Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur, leaving his political future in question.

Mr. Kucinich has visited Washington State, prompting speculation that he might run for Congress from there, and his campaign has declined to rule out that option. It would be a highly unusual move, but Washington leans Democratic and there is an open congressional seat in a Seattle-area district.

Home Front: Politix
Lawmakers sue President Obama over Libya
A bipartisan group of House members announced on Wednesday that it is filing a lawsuit charging that President Obama made an illegal end-run around Congress when he approved U.S military action against Libya.

“With regard to the war in Libya, we believe that the law was violated. We have asked the courts to move to protect the American people from the results of these illegal policies,” said Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), who led the 10-member anti-war coalition with Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.).

Read more

Coming from both sides of the isle now.

Home Front: WoT
Barney Frank Blasts Obama For Being '9-1-1 For The World' In Libya
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) bashed the White House on Friday for intervening in Libya to oust dictator Muammar Gaddafi, saying the United States does not need to be the "9-1-1 for the world."

"We have got to stop subsidizing the rest of the world," he said on the House floor (see video below). "Particularly now. When members from the Appropriations Committee come up and tell us, you got to go and do this, but let's cut police in Massachusetts, let's cut housing in Ohio, let's cut transportation in California, we cannot reduce our deficit in a way that allows us to maintain any concern for the quality of life here if we continue to spend money promiscuously over there."

Frank spoke in support of a measure by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) that would have blocked the U.S. military from assisting NATO forces in Libya after 15 days. That measure went down on Friday afternoon in a 148 to 265 vote, with support from 87 Republicans and 61 Democrats.

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Having trouble sleeping? This'll cure your insomnia!
Kucinich to Deliver Hour-Long Speech on Libya

John Stanton, Roll Call

Rep. Dennis Kucinich on Thursday will offer his rebuttal to President Barack Obama’s Monday night speech outlining reasons for international attacks on Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi’s military.

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Lurid Moonbat Fantasy of the Week: the Impeachment of Barack H. Obama for War Crimes
Benjy Sarlin, TPM-DC

A number of Democratic and Republican lawmakers are concerned about the White House's air assault on Libya, but Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) raised the rhetoric to 11 on Monday, suggesting President Obama should be impeached.
That makes Dennis Kucinich a racist!!! and probably a Tea Party birther as well!!!
"President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have Congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said," Kucinich said in an interview with Raw Story. "It's not even disputable, this isn't even a close question. Such an action -- that involves putting America's service men and women into harm's way, whether they're in the Air Force or the Navy -- is a grave decision that cannot be made by the president alone."

According to Kucinich, Obama's decision "would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense," though he questioned whether Congress would ever move forward with a trial in practice....

Home Front: Politix
Kucinich commits to vote for "wholly unacceptable" health care bill

Saying "I take this vote with the utmost seriousness," Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) announced Wednesday morning that he will vote for the health-care bill now before the House, despite his reservations.

"I know I have to make a decision not on the bill as I would like to see it but on the bill as it is," said the congressman, who met with President Obama on Air Force One earlier this week about his opposition to the bill....

Daniel Foster at National Review recalls Kucinich's statement from February 24:

"The new proposal starts with a wholly unacceptable Senate health care bill and, with a few exceptions, continues to make it worse. It's a much better bill for insurance company investors than it is for the American people."

Like Louise Slaughter (she of the eponymous rule), Kucinich is now in the position of having -- publicly and vehemently -- opposed the Senate bill before he supported it.

-Short Attention Span Theater-
Kos Kidz invent working method of time travel!
Jim Geraghty, "Campaign Spot" @ National Review

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas last night threatened to support a primary challenger against Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D., Ohio) if he doesn't support the health-care bill. "What he is doing is undermining this reform," he said. "He is making common cause with Republicans. And I think that is a perfect excuse and a rational one for a primary challenge."

Filing deadline for federal candidates in Ohio for the 2010 election: February 18.
Best be working on that filing right quick, there, Markos.

Home Front: Politix
Kucinich electrifies convention arena (you have to be really bored)
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, erstwhile presidential candidate and strident opponent of the Bush administration, gave the most spirited speech of the session Tuesday condemning the war, the economy and the Republicans. Short in stature, the Ohio congressman leaped up onto his tip toes time and again, thrusting his arms out and up, getting the crowd to roar so loudly he had to yell into the microphone to be heard.
I can't imagine why they didn't show Dennis the Menace on prime-time ...
It will become known as the "Wake Up, America" speech.

"Fellow Democrats, are you ready for November?" he asked.
Are you ready to rumble, Joe Dirt!
"It's election day 2006 and we Democrats are giving America a wake up call. Wake up, America!"
How about a enema. That would be more pleasant.
In 2001, the oil companies and the war contractors seized the country and added four trillion dollars to the national debt.

"Millions of Americans have lost their jobs; trillions of dollars for an unwarranted war paid for with borrowed money; tens of millions of dollars in cash and weapons disappeared into thin air at the cost of the lives of our troops and innocent Iraqis."

Meanwhile, with the U.S. helping to rebuild infrastructure in Iraq and Afghanistan, "there is no money to rebuild bridges in America."

Then he launched into a "Wake Up" litany:

"The insurance companies took over health care. Wake up, America!

"The pharmaceutical companies took over drug prices. Wake up, America"

"The speculators took over Wall Street. Wake up, America!"

With each refrain, the delegates grew more frenzied.
"Stand up Dennis! Oh, you are standing up."
"We went into Iraq for oil, and now they want to drill more... into your wallet. Wake up America.

"This administration can tap our phones but they can't tap our creative spirit. They can open our mail but they can't open economic opportunities. They can track our every move but they lost track of the economy.

He played on the terror alert level "color chart."

"Every day we get the color orange while the oil companies, the insurance companies, the speculators, the war contractors get the color green. Wake up, America.

"This is not a call for you to take a new direction from right to left; this is a call for you to go from down to up.

"Up with peace!" Kucinich yelled to approving roarsIn a squeaky voice.. "Up with prosperity! Up with education! Up with Democrats!
Up yours!!
The delegates continued to cheer through the first part of the next speaker's remarks.
The day Dennis Kucinich gets me excited, will be the day after they invent intellectual Viagra.

Home Front: Politix
Kucinich Gets His Day to Air Impeachment Article
I represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild...
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Dennis Kucinich's quest to impeach President Bush is got an unofficial airing in the House Judiciary Committee on Friday. The Ohio congressman's single impeachment article is not expected to move forward, but critics of the Bush administration were taking the opportunity in a House Judiciary Committee hearing to push for removing the president from office.
Ah. A dog and pony show. Oh, well. They're good at that. That's about all they're good at...
Kucinich got a rock star welcome of whistles, hoots and clapping as he walked into the hearing room, holding hands with his wife, from hundreds of anti-war, anti-Bush people crammed into the room and lining the hallways outside. T-shirts reading "Arrest Bush" and "Veterans for Impeachment" illustrated the sentiments of many.
Hey, everybody! Look at meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
"The decision before us is whether to demand accountability for one of the gravest injustices imaginable," Kucinich testified, avoiding use of the "I" word.
Tape running on this?
Yes, sir, Mr Cheney.
Goooood. If it passes, I wanna be ready...

The committee reminded lawmakers and those testifying that House rules prohibit "personal abuse, innuendo or ridicule of the president." The House Rules and Manual points out that suggestions of mendacity, or accusations of hypocrisy, demagoguery or deception were out of order.
Man, I'll bet that pisses them off.
Didn't leave much to talk about, did it ...
"The rules of the House prevent me or any witness from utilizing familiar terms," Kucinich said. "But we can put two and two together in our minds."
Yeah, yeah, yeah...Bush equals Hitler. Could ya get on with it? It's Friday...
Later, former Los Angeles County Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, known for his prosecution of Charles Manson in 1970, acknowledged that "I am forbidden from accusing him of a crime, or even any dishonorable conduct" under House rules. But he could still encourage people to read his book, "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder."
When did Bugliosi become a nutjob?
Despite several mentions early of the "I" word elsewyer, committee chairman Rep. John Conyers explained to the audience it was not, technically, an impeachment hearing "to the regret of many."
Ah, another of the usual suspects.
He said the House would have to vote for an impeachment inquiry to begin, a test not met by the July 15 vote to send Kucinich's impeachment resolution to the Judiciary Committee.
Harrrumph harrumph harrrumph...
The hearing began shortly after 10 a.m. ET, and it didn't take long for the call to impeach Bush to bring an applause line, if not to wade through political statements on each side of the aisle. Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Fla., said the administration has committed "serious abuses, that if proven, would certainly constitute high crimes." Therefore, "The most appropriate response to this unprecedented behavior is to hold hearings for impeachment."
And another usual suspect rears his head...
The line drew hoots of approval from some members of the audience, which drew a warning to the audience from Conyers, D-Mich.
Get the rope!
"Let's restrain ourselves, please," Conyers said.
Get the rope!
That's better.

Just after he spoke, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., made her thoughts known: "It is my judgment that President Bush is the worst president that our country has suffered."
And that makes me ever so sad. He's a big meanie! That's what he is!
The top-ranked Republican on the committee, Lamar Smith of Texas, dismissed the hearing as a waste of time. Likening the hearing to "an anger management class," Smith said, "Nothing is going to come out of this hearing with regard to impeachment. ... That's because there is no evidence to support impeachment."
Wait'll Barack takes over. They're making a list. You just made it...
He said the partisan tone of the hearing was probably one of the reasons congressional approval ratings are at historic lows, recently below 10 percent. "That makes President Bush's approval rating of 32 percent look pretty good," Smith said.
You might think they'd figure that out on their own, wouldn't ya?
Cracking a joke at his Democratic colleagues' expense, Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Calif., belittled the hearing, saying, "Maybe what we're here for is impeachment light' " -- a "never, never land" where Democrats lay out their accusations, but don't follow up on impeachment.
Now, now. Let's not make fun of Mr. Kucinich's district...
Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., tried to argue against the point of the hearing on a legal point."The framers (of the Constitution) did not intend impeachment as a political device," Pence said, adding that he believed the president has "consistently put the American people's need before his own."
You just made the list too, Buster!
It took the committee more than an hour to get to Kucinich, the first witness.
Would you like a booster seat, Mr. Kucinich?
But the fact that the hearing took place was almost as improbable as the intended outcome of Kucinich's wishes -- the ouster of the president. Under the Constitution, impeachment powers lie in the House. But despite deep divisions between the House Democratic Caucus and White House on a broad swath of issues -- the Iraq war, the economy, energy, climate change, to name a few -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pointedly said impeachment is off the table.
But if I get a chance to make Bush look bad, ah, why not? Besides, it'll keep that creepy little bastard Kucinich away from me for awhile.
The hearing Friday, titled "Executive Power and Its Constitutional Limitations," followed the July 15 vote to send Kucinich's impeachment resolution to the panel.
Will the witness state his name, please.
Well, actually, I'm channeling the ghost of Saddam Hussein, so should I, like, give you his name or mine?

The witness panel that is loaded with people from the foundations of the anti-Bush movement. Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., for instance, earlier this month repeated his long-held belief that the administration invaded Iraq solely to secure oil and benefit oil companies. "That is why this administration let Usama bin Laden go because they wanted to justify attacking Iraq," Hinchey said, according to The (Kingston, N.Y.) Daily Freeman.
Damn! It was about the oiiiiil! How could I have missed that!
Another witness scheduled for Friday, Reagan administration lawyer turned Bush-basher Bruce Fein, met with reporters alongside antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan on Thursday, ahead of the hearing. According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Fein accused Bush of making a power-grab on the presidency, but also took on Democrats for letting him do it. "It doesn't matter if the country goes to hell in a hand basket as long as Democrats are steering the Titanic when it sinks," Fein said according to the paper.
Sounds like The Gang's All Here. Ward Churchill busy this week?
The list also included Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., an Iraq war critic; Rep. Brad Miller, D-N.C.; former Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman, D-N.Y.; former Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., now the Libertarian Paty presidential candidate; Ross "Rocky" Anderson, founder of High Roads for Human Rights and former mayor of Salt Lake City. The other witnesses are: Stephen Presser, of the Northwestern University School of Law; Jeremy Rabkin, George Mason University School of Law; Elliot Adams, board president of Veterans for Peace; and Frederick A. O. Schwarz Jr., of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law.
Ooooooooh! Oooooooh! Me too! Me too! Pick me! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze!

Home Front: Politix
Kucinich Brings Bush Impeachment Resolution to House Floor Again
WASHINGTON -- Ohio Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich said Thursday he's pleased that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is going to consider his impeachment resolution against President Bush.
...as was everyone in Munchkinland.
The speaker said earlier in the day that the House Judiciary Committee would do some work on the resolution. Previously, the judiciary panel has all but ignored Kucinich's impeachment exploits to unseat the president.
Good policy when dealing with Dennis.
Kucinich was offering his second impeachment resolution, which unlike last month's with its more than 30 articles, has just a single article of impeachment. Kucinich said he boiled it down to focus on the main issues he has with the president's decision to go to war in Iraq.
Ya screwed up bigtime, Dennis. Ya violated Moonbat Ethics 101. Ya left out Dark Lord Cheney. Think of the havoc he could rain down in the last few months. You and your hot wife will be freezing to death in some internment camp in Wyoming over the Winter Solstice holiday season.
It centers on the U.S. not finding any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Kucinich's suggestion that Iraq was not involved with Al Qaeda and played no role in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
Guess he didn't hear about that 550 tons of Yellowcake they shipped outta there last month? But maybe he did and thought it was actually cake...
Kucinich will move to refer the resolution to the Judiciary Committee next week. The House will vote on that on either Monday or Tuesday.
Oh, hello, Dennis. Trying to drive our approval ratings into negative numbers? Could we get a booster seat or a couple of phone books for Representative Kucinich please...
Former Republican Ohio state Rep. Jim Trakus, Kucinich's opponent in November, questioned how much Kucinich's three efforts to impeach Bush and Vice President Cheney is costing taxpayers. In a statement, Trakus described Kucinich's exercises as "juvenile, political games" and an "impeachment circus."
Money is no object in the pursuit of Dennis's version of the Truth, you Facist Nazi bastard! Especially when it's not his...
Trakus has sent a formal request to the House to ask for an accounting of how much it costs Kucinich's staff, the clerk's office and others to prepare Kucinich's articles of impeachment.
Better watch it, bub. Dennis'll have some of his UFO buddies hover on down and Death Ray your house.

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