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-Lurid Crime Tales-
Live flame thrower on French Quarter balcony a cause for alarm
Granted that there's a lot of crime, this is a significant escalation in self-defense capabilities.
[WWLtv] NEW ORLEANS — [Random citizen] had just gone back inside from watching Krewe du Vieux when he says he saw the bright light from a flame thrower out his back window.

You can see by the singed leaves of a fern hanging from the balcony where the flames touched just how close they got to a catastrophic accident.

And judging by Mayor Cantrell’s reaction when we told her what happened, this is something the city will be taking seriously.
Save it to repel attempted car jackings, will ya? "Get out of the car or I'm going to..." WHOOOSH
"That’s the last place they need to do that," said Mayor Cantrell.

At the time of Monday’s Mardi Gras safety meeting neither she nor NOFD Fire Chief Roman Nelson knew anything about what happened.

He too acknowledged the dangers, "Definitely on a balcony in the quarter is just not a good idea and probably illegal I would think," said Chief Nelson.
NEW ORLEANS: 2020-02-20 Retired Lt. Gen. Charles Pitman Sr., whose heroics helped stop 1973 New Orleans sniper attack, dies at 84
NEW ORLEANS: 2019-04-15 Coast Guard rescues 23 people escaping Castro's communist utopia
NEW ORLEANS: 2014-02-13 New Orleans' Ray Nagin Guilty on Corruption Charges

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Ex-New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin sentenced to 10 years
[USATODAY] Former mayor Ray Nagin, the businessman-turned-politician who became the worldwide face of the city after Hurricane Katrina, was sentenced to 10 years in prison Wednesday.

Nagin, 58, was ordered to report to federal prison Sept. 8 and to pay restitution of $82,000. He was found guilty Feb. 12 of fraud, bribery and related charges involving crimes that took place before and after Katrina devastated the city in August 2005.

Prosecutors immediately objected to the sentence, which falls well below typical guidelines that called for 15-20 years.

"What Ray Nagin did was sell his office over and over and over again," Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew Coman said outside the courthouse. "The damage that Ray Nagin inflicted upon this community ... is incalculable. We as a community need not and should not accept public corruption."

Coman said a decision on whether to appeal will be made by U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli.

Judge Ginger Berrigan determined that Nagin did not have a leadership role in the criminal conspiracy, saying all defendants are "equally culpable."

"Mr. Nagin's crimes were motivated in part by a deeply misguided desire to provide for those closest to him," she said.


-Lurid Crime Tales-
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Arrives at Prison to Serve 10 Years
[NBCNEWS] Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin arrived at a federal prison in Texas on Monday to begin serving a 10-year sentence for corruption. Nagin arrived at the Texarkana Federal Correction Institution at 11:45 a.m. Monday, according to NBC affiliate WDSU. The facility is a minimum security prison reserved for non-violent white collar criminals. Lou Pearlman, the former producer of boy bands like N-Sync and the Backstreet Boys, is also housed there for money laundering.

Nagin, a Democrat who was mayor for two terms from 2002 to 2010, was found guilty in February of 20 out of 21 charges, including including bribery, conspiracy and filing false tax returns. Prosecutors said Nagin accepted bribes worth hundreds of thousands of dollars before Hurricane Katrina, and during the city's recovery after the storm.

Home Front: Culture Wars
VDH: Ferguson Postmortem
[PJ Media] Brown was walking down the middle of the street under the influence of marijuana and so he was lucky that he was not hit by a car. He struck an officer -- no one denies that -- which in itself is another felony. He was not shot in the back as the community insisted and still dreams. All that suggests many of the eyewitnesses fabricated stories, the media misled the public, and the race industry likewise serially lied. We are back to the doctored videos, altered transcripts, and fabricated vocabulary of the treatment accorded George Zimmerman or the mythologies at Duke or of the O.J. trial.

It was a hard call whether Missouri Gov. Nixon or Attorney General Eric Holder proved the greater disgrace in their efforts to prejudge the case. The latter of "cowards" and "my people" infamy almost immediately talked up his racial fides among African-Americans while all but damning the police, while the former proved our version of a hapless Ray Nagin, in his jabbering about prosecuting Officer Wilson without an indictment.
Gov. Nixon or Holder, too close to call.

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Former New Orleans Mayor Nagin Found Guilty of Corruption.
[Breitbart] A jury has found former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin guilty of corruption for taking bribes while in office. Nagin faced a 21-count indictment, and he was found guilty on 20 of them. Prosecutors had alleged he took bribes worth more than $500,000 in a string of criminal acts that began before Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005 and continued during the recovery.
It took ten years, but justice finally prevailed. Hopefully appropriate sentencing will prevail as well.

-Lurid Crime Tales-
New Orleans' Ray Nagin Guilty on Corruption Charges
[NY Times] NEW ORLEANS -- Former Mayor C. Ray Nagin of New Orleans was found guilty on Wednesday of accepting payoffs for city contracts, becoming the first mayor in the city's history to be charged and convicted of corruption.

The jury, deliberated for about six and a half hours in total before finding Mr. Nagin, 57, the Democratic mayor for two terms and the face of the city's leadership during the Hurricane Katrina disaster, guilty in 20 of the 21 counts against him.

Tania Tetlow, a Tulane University law professor and a former federal prosecutor, said Mr. Nagin could receive a sentence of as many as 20 years under federal sentencing guidelines. He will remain free on bond until sentencing, but was placed on home detention.

-Lurid Crime Tales-
Nagin indicted on 21 corruption charges
Johnson! Stop the presses!!
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was indicted Friday on charges that he used his office for personal gain, accepting payoffs, free trips and gratuities from contractors while the city was struggling to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

The federal indictment accuses Nagin of accepting more than $160,000 in bribes and truckloads of free granite for his family business in exchange for promoting the interests of a local businessman who secured millions of dollars in city contract work after the 2005 hurricane. The businessman, Frank Fradella, pleaded guilty in June to bribery conspiracy and securities-fraud charges and has been cooperating with federal authorities.

Nagin, 56, also is charged with accepting at least $60,000 in payoffs from another businessman, Rodney Williams, for his help in securing city contracts for architectural, engineering and management services work. Williams, who was president of Three Fold Consultants LLC, pleaded guilty Dec. 5 to a conspiracy charge.

The indictment also accuses Nagin of getting free private jet and limousine services to New York from an unidentified businessman. Nagin is accused of agreeing to wave tax penalties that the businessman owed to the city on a delinquent tax bill in 2006.

Home Front: Politix
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin under investigation
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, the colorful and controversial spokesman for the city after the devastating Hurricane Katrina in 2005, is under investigation by federal authorities, a source with direct knowledge of the probe said.

The source told Reuters on Friday that several people linked to Nagin or the New Orleans city administration during his two terms as mayor ending in 2010 were cooperating with the U.S. Justice Department and the FBI.

The investigation includes whether Nagin received favors or items of value from vendors to the city in return for contracts they received while Nagin was in office, the source said.

Nagin, who was in Minnesota for a speaking engagement on Friday, spoke to a WWL-TV reporter at the New Orleans airport on his return. Asked about allegations he benefited personally while in office, he said:

"They're three years old, and they keep coming up. I only want an opportunity to finally deal with them. Hopefully we can have an honest, open approach where truth and justice can prevail, but I'm starting to worry about that now," Nagin said.

Home Front: Politix
New Orleans Voters To Cast Ballots For Ray Nagin's Successor Today
H/T RedState.com
New Orleans voters will go to the polls today to pick the first new mayor since Hurricane Katrina made its indelible mark on the Crescent City.

But the election, in which a host of other major offices are also up for grabs, has been overshadowed by another monumental event: the New Orleans Saints will make history in the team's first-ever Super Bowl appearance the very next day.

Eleven mayoral candidates, vying to succeed term-limited Ray Nagin, are competing with a variety of distractions, including nearly wall-to-wall media coverage of the football team's every move in Miami, preparations for Super Bowl parties at homes, bars and other locations throughout the city and a full slate of Carnival parades this weekend.

The polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.

Whether Saints fever bolsters turnout or diminishes it is anybody's guess.

This much is known: A record-breaking number of New Orleans voters decided to take care of their civic duty early and have already cast ballots in the municipal elections. By Friday afternoon, the Secretary of State had already counted 17,161 ballots, cast in person at the city's three early voting locations or sent in by mail.

The marquee matchup is the mayor's race. Six candidates emerged as contenders after two big names dropped out around New Year's, largely as the result of the late entry of Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu, the 2006 runoff loser. First to drop out was insurance executive Leslie Jacobs. Then state Sen. Ed Murray, the best-known black candidate at the time, shocked political observers -- and the African-American political establishment in general -- with his sudden withdrawal.

That set off a convulsion in the city's traditional political landscape, as local pundits and national media outlets alike began speculating that New Orleans could elect a white mayor for the first time in 32 years, Pre-election polls have shown Landrieu with a sizable lead, with the rest of the candidates scrambling for enough votes to claim a place in a runoff.

Along with Landrieu, businessmen Troy Henry and John Georges have enjoyed far the largest campaign war chests, helping them disseminate their message through heavily rotated television and radio ads. The other major candidates -- lawyer Rob Couhig, fair-housing advocate James Perry and former Judge Civil Court Nadine Ramsey -- have all struggled to raise money, though all six of the major candidates have gamely touted their platforms at an unprecedented number of debates and campaign forums in a short but intense election season..

Home Front: Politix
Can Your Vote Be Bought?
Given his incompetence in handling the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it was surprising to many that Mayor Ray Nagin was reelected. A poster on the Huffington Post put this absurdity down to the stupidity of the New Orleans voters.

Next month, we'll see if New Yorkers will rate the same judgment. Both Mayor Bloomberg and many City Council members will be seeking reelection despite residents voting for term limits twice.

Mr. Bloomberg has arrogantly ignored their wishes and is running for his third term under the rationale that the public needs more choice in the time of an economic crisis.

Certainly he thought differently after September 11, 2001, when the city faced a much more deadly crisis and would have welcomed a third term for Mayor Giuliani. Then Mr. Bloomberg insisted that the public vote be upheld.

However, Mr. Bloomberg could only circumvent the public wishes for a third term with the cooperation of the City Council, which also had over 35 members who would be term-limited out of office.

Do New Yorkers have the gumption to vote out both the mayor and the self-serving City Council members? Mr. Bloomberg has spent $65 million to make sure they don't. So the question remains: How stupid are we?

In a fascinating American Thinker column on Sunday, "Do Not Blame Barack," Selwyn Duke compares today's voters with the ancient Romans who adored and praised Julius Caesar and rejoiced in their loss of freedom.

He quotes Marcus Tullius Cicero who wrote: "Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions .... Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful good society' which shall now be Rome's, interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.' Julius was always an ambitious villain, but he is only one man."

Campaign ads today invariably make much of the same promises that worked for Caesar and for that matter President Obama. How easy it is to seduce us with the language of deception when our powers of discernment have been dulled by lack of exercise.

I've been watching the Bloomberg television ads and reading his campaign mail and I wonder if others are asking the same question: "Mr. Mayor, you've been in office for nearly 8 years. Why haven't you addressed these problems before?" What he claims he has achieved is highly debatable.

Ask any teacher if he's really improved the public schools. The answer will be a resounding "No!" They are bogged down in filling out regulatory forms instead of teaching.

One teacher told me she feels like she's the one who has to pass the exam instead of spending her time teaching.

As for the so-called improved test scores, I've written before about how they can be faked by administrators. Just Google "testing scandals in NYC public schools" since Mr. Bloomberg took office and judge for yourself how valid his success statistics are.

Parents need to do their own homework before swallowing how well the system is since the mayor took over the School Board.

Much is made about the mayor's $1 salary and his philanthropic donations to charity.

However, the amounts given to charity coincide with his political aspirations and the fact is that in 2001, his net worth was around $4 billion and is now rumored to be between $16 and $20 billion. No wonder he wants to stay in office.

Those of us who own homes in Staten Island are less impressed with the mayor who balances his budget by raising our property, water, and sewer taxes. In addition, he's raised fines on traffic and sanitation violations that are frivolous and punitive.

I voted for the mayor when he first ran in 2001 because I believed that he had the determination to cut spending and would refuse to cave in to onerous union demands. He has done neither and the only determination he still shows is how to ruin our lives with his nanny decrees.

I've never voted for a Democrat for mayor before and I wish the GOP had not succumbed to bribery to endorse Mr. Bloomberg. All that candidate would have had to say is that he would overturn the Bloomberg nanny laws, and cut spending and taxes. Boom: GOP landslide.

As for the City Council races, how many people even know who represents their district? Out of 51 districts only three seats are held by Republicans. All three honored the wishes of the voters and voted "no" to extend term limits.

I've been told over and over again that this is a Democrat town and there's nothing we can do about it because so many mindlessly vote down the party line. What I do know is that we can use a little change around this town.

But that means we have to get off our backsides, pay attention, and vote out the incumbents who should have been kicked out through term limits. That means entertaining the possibility that more Republicans in the City Council might mean lower taxes.

Home Front: Politix
Nagin concerned about Cannizzaro's NOPD remarks
Mayor Ray Nagin said he was "quite surprised" by the barbs traded this week between District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro and Police Superintendent Warren Riley.

Cannizzaro said publicly that he doesn't think the New Orleans Police Department stacks up to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office and the FBI. Riley later decried the comments as harmful to the city's reputation.

Nagin on Friday echoed Riley's observation that all seemed fine just a few weeks ago. "I was out there with the DA during Night Out Against Crime and I just saw a totally different thing: He and the chief were pretty lovey-dovey. So I don't know what happened. Sounds like they had a little spat, " the mayor said.

Nagin also expressed concern about the effect Cannizzaro's comments could have on officers. "I just worry about that from a standpoint of what's the officers on the street hearing, " he said. "Keep in mind, these officers have been with us, most of them, since Katrina. Eighty percent of them suffered damage to their homes. They haven't had a lot of time for a break, and they continue to work very hard.

"We're trying to get the criminal justice system to work together, and then the DA comes out and says that, " Nagin said. "I'm just going to chalk it up that he had a bad day. Something must have happened earlier that day and, hopefully, we won't have an outburst like that in the future."

-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Mandatory Hurrican Evacuations Start Sunday
NEW ORLEANS, Aug 30 (Reuters) - City officials will order a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans starting early on Sunday if Hurricane Gustav holds to its current course, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said on Saturday.

"If it continues on its current path we will start the mandatory evacuation process first thing in the morning at 8 a.m. (1300 GMT)," Nagin told reporters at City Hall. "We will make the call for the definitive mandatory evacuation."

Hurricane Gustav strengthened into a dangerous Category 4 storm on Saturday with winds of 145 mph (230 kph) as it surged toward western Cuba, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

From the NHC Forecast Diuscussion (the ALL CAPS is theirs, not mine)



Note: the above is for Cuba today. Storm track as of this post time have Gustav hitting Central Louisiana's gulf coast, which is well west of New Orleans (meaning not as bad as Katrina in NO but worse elsewhere). It may be a Cat 5 depending on how the loop current affects it. Cuba is going to take it in the shorts first though.


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