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Paul Weston: How To Destroy A Country
[YouTube] In this speech to a meeting of Swinton Circle in London on 31 July 2015, Liberty GB leader Paul Weston exposes the Left's relentless assault on British culture, identity and tradition.
About the Author:
Paul Martin Laurence Weston (born 1965) is a British far-right[1] politician and a member of the Pegida UK leadership team. An activist and blogger, Weston joined the UK Independence Party (UKIP) in 2010 and stood as a Parliamentary candidate for Cities of London and Westminster. In 2011, Weston left UKIP and joined the now-defunct British Freedom Party with members of the English Defence League (EDL) and former members of the British National Party (BNP).[2] He was the chairman of Liberty GB before the party was dissolved in December 2017, recommending its members to join For Britain.[3]

For Liberty GB, he was a candidate for South East England in the 2014 European election[4] and for Luton South in the 2015 general election. He obtained 158 votes (0.4%).[5]

He was married to a Romanian after meeting her in Romania.[1][6] He was the President of the English branch of the International Free Press Society founded in 2009.[7]

Paul Weston - 'The Illusion of Permanence' (video)
Paul Martin Laurence Weston (born 1965) is a British far-right politician, the chairman of Liberty GB and a member of the Pegida UK leadership team. An activist and blogger.


Hamas says releasing British journalist in Gaza
GAZA - A British journalist arrested by Hamas in the Gaza Strip last month and held for nearly four weeks on suspicion of spying for Israel, was being released on Thursday, his lawyer and Palestinian officials said. Paul Martin was detained on Feb. 14 while on a visit to Hamas-run Gaza to give evidence in a court case involving a local man accused of working with the Israeli security services.

Martin's lawyer, Sharhabeel al-Zaeem, told Reuters he expected the journalist to be freed without penalty shortly and to be handed over to British and South African consular officials. They would escort him out of Gaza into Israel later in the day, he added.

“Paul Martin will be expelled today,' a senior Palestinian source in the Hamas-run government of Gaza told Reuters.

London-based Martin, who is in his 50s, has reported frequently from Gaza, providing freelance reports for television and newspapers. British officials have said throughout his detention that they were providing consular support. They have made little other public comment on the case.

Human rights groups have criticised both Hamas Islamists and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian Authority, which rules in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, for detaining journalists and placing other curbs on media freedoms.

Signs that Hamas is losing control over Gaza
Messages are flying between Hamas commanders deployed throughout the Middle East, expressing concern that local leaders are losing control over Gaza.
Shin Bet Internal Memo: Well done, everyone! Don't forget to thank your people out in the field, especially the various colours of princes and princesses.
Ahmed Ja'bri, head of the terror group's Izz a-din al-Kassam armed division, recently sent an urgent missive to Hamas politburo leader Khaled Mashaal in Damascus, complaining about the organization's "deteriorating" authority in Gaza. According to a report published Saturday in the London-based Arabic-language newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, the letter noted that "several worrisome explosions recently occurred in Gaza, security anarchy is extensive, and al-Kassam men are being killed."
Isn't it rather unusual for such intra-organization communications to be leaked? I wonder who did so, and why?
*Whispered* "Tov m'od, Uri!"
The letter was apparently not the first sent by Ja'bri, warning Mashaal that the situation in Gaza has become increasingly tense. Global jihadists have been posing a growing challenge to Hamas's authority in the area, he informed his superiors. The latest message followed a spate of attacks targeting the offices of senior Hamas commanders, including the Gaza prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh. It was not clear who was behind the assassination attempts.

"This is the second letter sounding the alarm, the first having been sent in November," he reminded. "I want to stress once again that the situation in Gaza is worsening," the text of the letter read. "We began to lose control of the internal situation after you asked us to transfer control to the government and not to interfere, in order to allow it to direct the affairs of Gaza," he complained.

"A number of government officials have complained about operations in which we eliminated some Fatah operatives, something that was necessary to secure peace internally. Izz a-Din al-Kassam may have made a few stupid errors, such as killing agents from the Palestinian Authority security force, and these resulted from personal motives -- but the security of the [Hamas] movement was always vastly more important than an occasional death," he added.

Hamas has been struggling in recent months with a growing challenge to its authority from mushrooming Islamist groups linked to the international al-Qaeda terrorist organization. According to IDF military intelligence sources, global jihad (al-Qaeda) operatives were active in Gaza for several years; an IDF soldier was killed in an attack perpetrated in January 2009 by global jihadists near southern Gaza. Global jihadists also clashed with Hamas terrorists last July over control over a mosque in the area of the Rafiah, the only border crossing that does not lead into Israel, but rather into Egypt and the rest of the world. IDF military officials warned in 2008 that al-Qaeda terrorists were among the hundreds who had infiltrated Gaza after Hamas operatives blew up the security barrier on the Egyptian-Gaza border in January 2008.

One of the three Hamas-linked terrorist groups involved in the June 2006 kidnapping of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit was the Army of Islam, a group that has ties to the Doghmush clan, and that is considered a branch of al-Qaeda in Gaza. The group was also responsible for the March 2007 kidnapping of Alan Johnston, the Gaza City bureau chief for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). It was nearly four months before Johnston was freed; Shalit is still being held hostage -- his condition and whereabouts remain unknown.

Last month another British journalist was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists -- freelancer Paul Martin was arrested at a Gaza courthouse for allegedly supporting a terrorist facing charges of collaborating with Israel. Martin, who has written for the BBC and the Times of London, among others, is still being held by the terrorist group, which has not announced formal charges against him, but has said he will be held until at least March 15. Hamas, which seized control of the region following a milita war with Fatah in June 2007, claims Martin "committed offenses that harmed the security of the country" but has not detailed what those offenses are. Since Gaza is not a sovereign country, and Hamas does not respect the Geneva Convention or any other international law, negotiations for Martin's release will rest largely on the skill of his defense lawyer alone, Sharhabil Zayim.
The professional designation of lawyer seems a bit odd in a territory where the law does not rule.

Hamas seeks extension of detention of UK reporter
A Gaza military prosecutor wants to extend the detention of a British journalist, claiming he poses a security threat, a Hamas government official said Sunday.

Freelance journalist Paul Martin has been held in Gaza since Feb. 14, the first foreigner to be arrested since Hamas seized control of the territory in 2007. Martin's case is being closely watched by international organizations with staff in Gaza as a gauge of how the Hamas government will deal with foreigners.

Hamas officials have not made specific accusations against Martin, but Ghussein has said the journalist poses a threat to Gaza's security.

Martin was arrested in a Gaza military court as he was about to testify on behalf of a Gaza militant who was accused of collaborating with Israel. Hamas security officials routinely round up Palestinians they believe are passing on information about them to Israel.

British reporter held in Gaza by Hamas police
[Al Arabiya Latest] British officials met Monday with a detained journalist in Gaza amid calls for Hamas to release the Briton, the first foreigner the Islamists have arrested since seizing power in Gaza in 2007.

Paul Martin was arrested on Sunday in a Gaza Strip courtroom while testifying for a Palestinian friend accused of "collaborating with Israel," British officials said.

Hamas said it had received "confessions" about security crimes. It gave no details about the allegations.
Hamas said it had received "confessions" about security crimes. It gave no details about the allegations.

"We are very concerned about the situation and we are attempting to provide consular assistance," a spokesman for the British consulate in Jerusalem said, adding that the British authorities were in touch with Martin's family.

A spokesman for the Hamas-run Interior Ministry said Martin was being held under a 15-day detention order issued by the attorney-general in the Gaza Strip.

"He may be released or the 15 days may be extended, pending (the results) of the investigation," said the spokesman, Ehab al-Ghsain.

The Foreign Press Association (FPA), which groups journalists in Israel and the Palestinian territories, said it was "deeply concerned" over the arrest and called on Hamas to free the reporter.

"We expect the Hamas, as we do all parties, to respect the rights of every journalist on assignment, to work without fear of being arrested," it said in a statement.

The FPA said Martin had been a freelancer in the region some five years ago and said he was also a filmmaker.

Israel's Government Press Office, which accredits foreign journalists wishing to work in Israel and the Palestinian territories, said it had issued a press card for a Cainer Paul Martin, who also has U.S. and South African passports.

Like other Western nations, Britain has long rejected any official dealings with Hamas over the Islamists' refusal to recognize Israel and renounce violence.

London does not recognize the government Hamas established in Gaza in 2007 after it broke violently with the Palestinian Authority of West Bank-based Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

However, Western diplomats are regular visitors to the Gaza Strip, where much of the 1.5 million population is dependent on aid from the United Nations and other bodies.

British journalist held in Gaza as security threat
A British journalist has been arrested in Gaza on suspicion of endangering the security of the state. Paul Martin, a freelance journalist and documentary film-maker who has previously written for The Times, was taken into custody yesterday by Hamas security forces. A Hamas police spokesman, Ehab Ghussein, said that they had obtained “confessions that the British journalist violated Palestinian law and the security of the state'. He is being held in a central Gaza prison.

It was reported that Mr Martin had travelled to Gaza to testify at the trial of a militant from a group called the Abu Rish Brigades who is accused of passing information to Israel. The small militant organisation has previously claimed responsibility for kidnappings and firing rockets into Israel. A spokesman for the group told the Associated Press that a Gaza judge had ordered Mr Martin to be held for two weeks during the trial.

Fadi Adeeb, a spokesman for the British consulate in Jerusalem, said: “We are urgently looking into the matter and following up with the responsible people so we can sort this matter out on the consular level.'

Home Front Economy
President Bush To Attend NAU Meeting
Protesters believe as many as 10,000 people could assemble in Quebec to demonstrate against the third summit meeting of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the trilateral group some critics see as a stepping stone to a “North America Community.”

Canadian state and national police are preparing for a possible violent confrontation when President Bush joins Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Aug. 20, 21 in Montebello, Québec, at the Fairmont Le Château Montebello resort.

Stuart Trew, a spokesman for the Council of Canadians, said his group plans to hold a public forum in Ottawa Sunday, Aug. 19, at about 4:00 p.m., bringing together speakers from the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

“We are then going to encourage people to head to Montebello on Monday and get as close they can to the Fairmont resort where the SPP meeting is going to be held, so they can protest at the site of the summit,” he said.

Trew said some of the same groups that brought 15,000 people to Ottawa to protest President Bush’s Nov. 30, 2004, meeting with then-Prime Minister Paul Martin are organizing the demonstration against the SPP summit. CBC News estimated the number of protestors in 2004 at closer to 5,000.

Frederic Castonguay, the town general manager of Papineauville, Quebec, told WND in a telephone interview that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Sûreté du Québec will set up operations in a town community facility that adjoins a local high school.

“Papineauville is located about six kilometers from the Montebello resort where the summit meeting will be held,” Castonguay told WND, “and the Canadian national and state police have evidently decided that our town facility will be their command center.”

Castonguay suggested the Canadian police may try to maintain a 25-kilometer protest-free zone around the Montebello summit meeting site.

Castonguay affirmed to WND that a deposit to lease the facility to the Council of Canadians the day before the SPP summit meeting had to be returned at the insistence of the Canadian police, but he denied a report in the Canadian press that the U.S. Army would be part of the security detail at the Papineauville community center facility.

“That’s a game the Canadian press likes to play,” Castonguay told WND. “The RCMP said U.S. and Mexican security forces would be involved, but they did not specifically mention the U.S. Army.”

The PGA Bloc Montreal has organized a mock website designed to model Canada’s SPP governmental website. The group is calling for Aug. 20 at 3 p.m. to be a “Day of Action” organized against the SPP.

The PGA Bloc Montreal is a Canadian group affiliated with the Peoples’ Global Action, a worldwide group organized to protest globalism and war.

“We are calling for a convergence on Montebello, or as close to Montebello as possible, on the 20th, in the afternoon,” a PGA Bloc Montreal spokesman explained to WND in an e-mail. “People are invited to come as close as possible to Montebello to demonstrate against the SPP and its promoters. Mass transportation will be organized from Montreal, but we are not planning a peace march.”

“If they will not let us demonstrate peacefully in Montebello, as we have the full right to do,” the PGA Bloc Montreal spokesman continued, “it is imaginable that some outraged people would want to disrupt the summit by various means.”

WND previously reported a large number of Canadian activist groups are expected to join the protests.

The meeting, closed to the press, is expected to include the 30 international business leaders who comprise the SPP North American Competitiveness Council.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met July 6 in Washington with Canadian Foreign Minister Peter MacKay and Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa to prepare for the Quebec summit.

The July meeting followed an earlier Feb. 24 meeting of the three ministers in Washington to set the stage for the summit.

Mark Steyn reviews The History of the English-Speaking Peoples
Of the three great global conflicts of the 20th century - the First, Second and Cold Wars - who called it right every time? Germany: one out of three. Italy: two out of three. France: well, let's not even go there. For a perfect hat trick, there are only those nations on the front of Roberts' London edition [The UK, the US, Australia, and Canada]. There is a distinction between the "English-speaking peoples" and the rest of "the west", and at key moments in human history that distinction has proved critical. Europe has given us plenty of nice paintings and agreeable symphonies, French wine and Italian actresses and whatnot, but, for all our fetishization of multiculturalism, you can't help noticing that when it comes to the notion of a political west - a sustained commitment to individual liberty - the historical record looks a lot more unicultural and indeed (given that three of the four nations on that cover share the same head of state) uniregal. Roberts provides a good summation:

Although they are ancient states, many of the constitutions of European countries are very young indeed, far younger than those of Britain's constitutional monarchy (1688-9), America's democracy (1776), Canada's responsible government (1848) or even Australia's Federation (1900). By contrast, the French Constitution establishing its Fifth Republic was only promulgated in 1958, Germany's Basic Law was passed in 1949... Italy's was adopted in 1949... and Portugal's became law in 1976...

Or, as I like to say, the US Constitution is not only older than the French, German, Italian and Spanish constitutions, it's older than all of them put together. The entire political class of Portugal, Spain and Greece spent their childhoods living under dictatorships. So did Jacques Chirac and Angela Merkel. We forget how rare in this world is sustained peaceful constitutional evolution and, to be honest, it's kinda hard to remember when the principal political party of our own demented Dominion peddles non-stop Canada Day smiley-face banalities about how "we are such a young country" (Paul Martin) - which, aside from being obvious tripe, gives us the faintly creepy air of a professional virgin. "The English-speaking peoples did not invent the ideas that nonetheless made them great," concedes Roberts. "The Romans invented the concept of Law, the Greeks one-freeman-one-vote democracy, the Dutch modern capitalism..." But it is the English world that has managed to make these blessings seemingly permanent features of the landscape.

As Roberts sees it, the story of the 20th century is one of anglophone democracies defending the planet against what he calls four assaults: "The First Assault: Prussian Militarism 1914-17", "The Second Assault: Fascist Aggression 1931-39", "The Third Assault: Soviet Communism 1945-49" and "The Fourth Assault: Islamicist Terrorism and its De Facto Allies". In between come periods of complacency ("The Wasted Breathing Space: 1990-11 September 2001") and loss of faith ("The Long, Dismal, Drawling Tides: The 1970s"), but in the end the good guys always step up to the plate.
POSTERS PLEASE pay attention to where you file a story; this was originally put in WoT Operations, Lurid Crime Tales...

Great White North
Ex-Canadian PM sought support of terrorist group
Paul Martin solicited the support of the terrorist International Sikh Youth Federation in his failed bid for the federal Liberal leadership in 1990, The Vancouver Sun has learned. Martin made an impassioned speech to the ISYF's national convention in which he said he was honoured to "meet friends who share the same belief in this country, the same belief in peace, the same preparedness to defend themselves."

At the time of Martin's spring 1990 speech, the ISYF had already been identified as a terrorist group by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Four in the group had been convicted in B.C. of the attempted assassination of a visiting Indian politician. Other B.C. members had met with a young would-be assassin who shot newspaper publisher Tara Singh Hayer in 1988.

The Martin speech came two years after then Conservative external affairs minister Joe Clark warned Canadian politicians to steer clear of the federation, the Babbar Khalsa and the World Sikh Organization because of terrorist links. The ISYF was banned in Canada in June 2003 by the Liberal government of Jean Chretien.

Home Front Economy
Canadian, U.S. and Mexican officials held secretive meeting on integration
Canadian, U.S. and Mexican politicians discussed using "stealth" to overcome public resistance to the integration of the three countries at a confidential meeting last year, according to documents just released under U.S. Freedom of Information laws.

Top military brass, corporate executives and diplomats also attended the meeting in Banff, Alta., where participants discussed everything from the harmonization of food and drug standards, to common immigration policies, and the pooling of energy resources.

The secret guest list of the North American Forum included then-U.S. secretary of defence Donald Rumsfeld, Canadian Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day, Pengrowth Corp. CEO James Kinnear and Lockheed Martin executive Ron Covais.

Presentation outlines for the forum acknowledge that the concept of North American integration - which some call a "North American Union" - is unpopular, and note that it might be tough to sell as a concept.

"While a vision is appealing, working on the infrastructure might yield more benefit and bring more people on board ('evolution by stealth')," the notes said.

"Evolution by stealth" means using regulatory changes, such as food- and drug-safety benchmarks, which don't require parliamentary approval, to lay the infrastructure for North American integration. This allows for change with little or no public debate, critics say.

Media were excluded from the September forum, and Day, who gave a speech at the event, declined to reveal the contents of his talk.

"It was meant as a private meeting," said Melisa Leclerc, a spokeswoman from Day's office, although she conceded he attended "in his capacity as minister for public security."

"It is not encouraging to see the phrase 'evolution by stealth' in reference to important policy debates such as North American integration," said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a Washington-based conservative watchdog group that obtained the documents last week.

But, former finance minister John Manley, who attended the meeting, said the forum was "not part of a nefarious plan to yield sovereignty to the U.S. .... It was just some informed private citizens and government officials having a conversation" on how best to co-operate to ensure their citizens enjoyed a safe and prosperous future.

In fact, he said, Canada comes out stronger than ever from such meetings, which force "some senior American officials to think about Canada for a few days."

However, Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians said the reference to stealth is "a very telling and important statement."

Many of the politicians who attended the forum have been pursuing "integration by stealth" for the past two years, she said, pointing to a little-known but top-priority agreement called the Security and Prosperity Partnership.

The accord, kickstarted by U.S. President George W. Bush, then-prime minister Paul Martin and former Mexican president Vicente Fox at a 2005 meeting in Waco, Texas, is designed to streamline everything from food and drug safety standards to counter-terrorism measures.

Government officials from the three countries are expected to meet in Ottawa later this month. However, Foreign Affairs spokespeople said they did not yet know when it would be held or who would attend.

The partnership's stated goal is to protect North America from security threats such as terrorism and flu pandemics as well as economic threats from new global-market giants such as China.

Many of the accord's measures are not contentious, such as plans to improve water quality, reduce sulphur in fuels, and co-ordinate efforts to fight pandemics and avian flu. But it also covers a host of hot-button issues such as plans to enhance data-sharing on high-risk travellers, revamp safety and environmental regulations, centralize the assessment of new chemicals and rework food safety standards.

Most of the 300 policy recommendations within the accord may not require legislative changes, the Council of Canadians said.

Great White North
Canada moves to right in vote
Canada took a tentative step to the right in yesterday's federal election, ousting the Liberals after 12 years in power and voting in a fragile minority Conservative government, television networks said. Preliminary official figures at 11 p.m. showed the Conservatives winning or ahead in 122 electoral districts compared to 103 for the Liberals of Prime Minister Paul Martin.

The result was a personal triumph for Conservative leader Stephen Harper, a 46-year-old economist who forced through the creation of the party in December 2003 by uniting two squabbling right-wing movements. "It shows that Canadians were looking for change," deputy Conservative leader Peter MacKay told CTV.

Support for the Liberals shrank amid voter fatigue and a major kickback scandal that brought down Mr. Martin's minority government in November. How long Mr. Harper can stay in power is open to serious question, since he will have nowhere near the 155 seats he needs to hold a majority in the 308-seat House of Commons. The Conservatives have no natural allies in Parliament and will have to govern on an issue-by-issue basis with the backing of other parties. "Minority means we have to be constructive, and we have to be working together and finding common ground," said Mr. MacKay.

Analysts think a minority Harper government would likely last between a year and 18 months. Preliminary data showed the Conservatives had won 36.4 percent of the vote, up from 29.6 percent in the June 2004 election. The Liberals slipped to 31.3 percent, down from 36.7 percent.

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