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Pat Robertson, smarmy host of the '700 Club' and former really long-shot presidential candidate, dead at 93
[NYPOST] Legendary Christian broadcaster and former presidential candidate Pat Robertson, who founded the Christian Broadcasting Network and galvanized religious Republicans into a powerful political force, died at his home in Virginia Beach early Thursday. He was 93.

Robertson’s death was announced by his broadcasting network, which he founded in 1960. No cause of death was given.

"My dad was at home, surrounded by his family when he entered glory and met his Savior face to face, whom he loved and served with his whole heart, mind, and being," Robertson’s son and Christian Broadcasting Network CEO Gordon Robertson wrote in a tribute.

"My father was an extraordinary man by any standard. He was an evangelist, a humanitarian, an entrepreneur, an educator, an author, a statesman, a television personality, a man of global influence and tremendous vision."


Home Front: Politix
Pat Robertson turns on Trump, urges concession: 'The president ... lives in an alternate reality'
[Washington Times] Pat Robertson became the latest conservative leader to call on President Trump to acknowledge his electoral defeat.

The venerable evangelical preacher and TV host said on Monday’s episode of his program that Mr. Trump had become "very erratic" and should move on.

Mr. Robertson, according to an account of Monday night’s show in the Washington Post, said that Mr. Trump has "done a marvelous job for the economy, but at the same time he is very erratic, and he’s fired people and he’s fought people and he’s insulted people and he keeps going down the line."
Pat Robertson: 2020-10-21 Televangelist Pat Robertson predicts Trump will win re-election and bring about THE END TIMES
Pat Robertson: 2019-06-09 When The Religious Left Is Occult
Pat Robertson: 2018-09-13 Pat Robertson Casts ‘Shield Of Protection' Ahead Of Hurricane Florence

-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
Televangelist Pat Robertson predicts Trump will win re-election and bring about THE END TIMES
That's it. It's all over. Antichrist, Four Horsemen, Last Trumpet, dogs and cats sleeping with each other...

Home Front: Culture Wars
When The Religious Left Is Occult
h/t Instapundit
Back in the day, the Reverend Pat Robertson kerfuffed the nation by making the following claim about feminism:

[I]t is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.

Today, the religion writer Tara Isabella Burton ‐ an Oxford PhD whom I met at Walker Percy Weekend ‐ published a fascinating piece about the rise of occultism among Millennial progressives, that ends with this killer graf:

Back in 1992, Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson warned of the dangers of feminism, predicting that it would induce "women to leave their husbands. . . .practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." Many of today’s witches would happily agree.

Her reported piece actually justifies this surprising conclusion. She didn’t write it from a particular political point of view, let me be clear. She told me at the festival that this piece was coming. She said that she had spent a lot of time reporting it by hanging out with people in that world, and asking them what drew them to the occult, and why they believe that occult belief and practice can and should be fused with political commitment. I swear, reading this is like encountering the photonegative of the Religious Right. Excerpts:
A$$holes just don't grasp the idea of TANSTAFL.

Olde Tyme Religion
Pat Robertson Casts ‘Shield Of Protection' Ahead Of Hurricane Florence
In a clip posted online by Right Wing Watch, he asked followers to “put a hand out toward the Atlantic” and repeat an incantation.

“In the name of Jesus, you Hurricane Florence, we speak to you in the name of Jesus, and we command the storm to cease its forward motion and go harmlessly into the Atlantic. Go up north away from land and veer off in the name of Jesus. We declare in the name of the lord that you shall go no farther, you shall do no damage in this area.”

He also declared a “shield of protection” over the Virginia area in which he was speaking and around “innocent people” in the storm’s path.
The old charlatan never hesitates to make himself look foolish. The shade of Simon Magus is please. My apologies to anyone who takes him seriously (Pat Robertson, not Simon Magus).

Olde Tyme Religion
Islamist moderates, Swedish hardliners and Islamist Islamophobia
[Jpost] The reality is a world becoming more religious and hateful every day ‐ and almost all of this hate is driven by Islamists.

Everyone is a "moderate" these days. The Economist used the word "moderate Muslim" in three articles in its January 28 edition. In Malaysia there was "moderate Muslim culture." Indonesia has "moderate Muslim leaders." Morocco has a "moderate Muslim" political party. The moderate-hardliner spectrum is one of the most facile media clichés.

Hamas’ new Gazan leader is a "hardliner," while Iran’s president, enforcing the most extreme discrimination against women, is a "moderate" and Saudi Arabia’s former king, who did not allow women to drive, was a "reformer."

For almost two decades since 9/11 the mainstream media in every Western country, and to some extent the rest of the world, has adopted Orwellian language to whitewash and mislead the public about the nature of Islamist regimes, political Islamism and the creeping bigotry, hatred and extreme right-wing, conservative, fundamentalist intolerance in parts of the world.

There needs to be a push-back against this agenda, or our world will slowly become dominated by the most hateful and intolerant views, passed off as normal and even liberal. The quiet alliance between Islamist right-wing extremists and parts of the Western Left will leave a wound on human societies that will be impossible to heal. We saw that wound in Iraq when Islamic State (ISIS) "insurgents" overran parts of the country, committing genocide, ethnic cleansing and systematic rape and enslavement of people as media described their acts and "militant" and an "insurgency." 5,000 ISIS members booked tickets from European airports to go to Iraq to commit genocide, and hundreds returned home without ever being held to account. Even today you will not encounter the terms ethnic cleansing or genocide in mainstream media coverage of ISIS, or hear it described as a right-wing death squad.

The unwillingness to question the nature of Islamist conservative hate-mongering and chauvinism was on display when Sweden’s trade minister made a pilgrimage to Tehran to beg approval from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. The Swedish minister dressed her female delegation in long coats and head-scarves so as not to offend the extreme right-wing, theocratic hate-mongering Iranian regime. Facing criticism in the media for the veiling, she told the newspaper Aftonbladet that "she was not willing to break Iranian law," according to reports.

...What is wrong with our culture? Why is it we change our way of life when visiting the countries of others and then change it again in our own countries in order to always please others? Why is it that every time a hate-monger finds something "offensive," such as the sight of a woman’s hair, a woman’s legs, a handshake, a statue, that Western culture runs to cover it up? How about some dignity? We will get to a point in the failed and pathetic Western civilization where European diplomats will deny the Holocaust to please their Iranian handlers.

There is no point at which someone will say "no."

Saudis require segregated beaches for their vacations in France? No problem.

Why is Islamism the only right-wing extremist movement that always gets a pass? Hindu nationalists? Distasteful. Lord’s Resistance Army? Disgusting. Russia decriminalizing domestic violence? Aghast. Le Pen? Racist. Pat Robertson? Objectionable religious right-winger.

Consider that The Guardian ran an op-ed in 2015 condemning the UK government for hosting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He had worked for a "gang of religious fascists...inciting religious hostility... as a boy joined the far-right." How come the same writers don’t use these terms for Saudi Arabian or Iranian leaders, whose policies are more right-wing, more hostile, more extreme? Why isn’t Modi a "moderate" or a "reformer" if the last Saudi king was? What is called "moderate" in every Islamic country is "far right" in every neighboring society. "Reform" translates to "intolerance" and "hardliner" is equivalent to preaching ideas akin to those of the Nazis. Our major media uses these terms to shield our societies from reality.

Voodoo Chief Dies, At Least For A While
Max Gesner Beauvoir, the supreme chief of the voodoo religion, died at the age of 79 in the Haitian capital, his relatives announced.

Beauvoir, a biochemist by training, was named in 2008 the "National Ati," or spiritual guide for voodoo practitioners. The title was created to defend Haiti's historic religion from increased attacks from some Protestant churches and Evangelical preachers.

In 2010, influential US televangelist Pat Robertson stirred controversy when he claimed that the earthquake that struck Haiti that year and killed more than 200,000 people had a demonic origin.

Robertson claimed that the quake was caused by "a pact to the devil" that Haitians swore in 1804 when they rose against the French colonizers to obtain independence.

Beauvoir worked hard to counter negative stereotypes of the religion and explain voodoo to foreigners, and even opened the religion's temple to the public during important religious ceremonies.

At the start of Haiti's 2010 cholera epidemic, scores of voodoo practitioners were lynched by people who accused them of creating a powder that spread the disease.

Hildebeast teevee documentary cancelled.
[Huffpoo] The planned documentary on Hillary Clinton that caused CNN to be banned from 2016 Republican debates has been canceled, its director said on Monday.

In a blog for HuffPost, Charles Ferguson said that it was a near total stonewalling by Clinton and her associates that caused him to pull out of the project, rather than any pressure from CNN:

When I approached people for interviews, I discovered that nobody, and I mean nobody, was interested in helping me make this film. Not Democrats, not Republicans, not Arkansas State Troopers -- and certainly nobody who works with the Clintons, wants access to the Clintons, or dreams of a position in a Hillary Clinton administration.

Not even journalists who want access, which can easily be taken away. I even sensed potential difficulty in licensing archival footage from CBN (Pat Robertson) and from Fox. After approaching well over a hundred people, only two persons Slick and Chelsea who had ever dealt with Mrs. Clinton would agree to an on-camera interview, and I suspected that even they would back out.
...After painful reflection, I decided that I couldn't make a film of which I would be proud. And so I'm cancelling. (Not because of any pressure from CNN -- quite the contrary.
I blame Benghazi cooties, Issa, and things to come.

Home Front: WoT
Michael Moore Raises $50,000+ for Ground Zero Mosque
Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore says he has raised over $50,000 for the construction of a mosque and Muslim community center near Ground Zero.

Moore made an appeal to his supporters on the ninth anniversary of 9/11 for donations to the construction project, pledging to match contributions up to $10,000.

Less than 48 hours later, five times that amount had poured into the contribution coffers as hundreds of people from around the country heeded Moore’s call.

"Times are tough economically, and supporting our Muslim brothers and sisters is not a popular thing to do right now," Moore said on his blog. "I am truly touched by your generosity — and people around the world will know that you, too, represent an America they rarely get to see."

The proposed mosque, known as Park51, will include a swimming pool and a theater and is expected to cost more than $100 million.

More than 70% of the American people oppose its construction.

Moore on his blog took these people to task.

"Blaming a whole group for the actions of just one of that group is anti-American," Moore wrote. "Timothy McVeigh was Catholic. Should Oklahoma City prohibit the building of a Catholic Church near the site of the former federal building that McVeigh blew up?"

In a further attempt to add gas to the fire, Moore urged Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who is spearheading the Park51 project, to build the new mosque not two blocks from Ground Zero but on Ground Zero.

“I am opposed to the building of the "mosque" two blocks from Ground Zero. I want it built on Ground Zero,” Moore said.

The director rationalized this statement by insisting that Islam was "stolen" from the real Muslims at the Twin Towers, and it should be given back to them on the same spot.

“There is a McDonald's two blocks from Ground Zero. Trust me, McDonald's has killed far more people than the terrorists,” Moore added.

In his statements, Moore likened Mohammad Atta and the other 9/11 terrorists to the Catholics on the Supreme Court. He wrote:

“Let's face it, all religions have their whackos. Catholics have O'Reilly, Gingrich, Hannity and Clarence Thomas - - in fact all five conservatives who dominate the Supreme Court are Catholic. Protestants have Pat Robertson and too many to list here. The Mormons have Glenn Beck. Jews have Crazy Eddie. But we don't judge whole religions on just the actions of their whackos. Unless they're Methodists.”

Home Front: WoT
Program targeted in Fort Jackson probe moved
A U.S. Army program at the center of a probe into allegations that Muslim translator trainees threatened to poison soldiers at Fort Jackson was moved to a post in Arizona last month. Spokeswomen at both Fort Jackson and Fort Huachuca, Ariz, confirmed the program - which trains noncitizen native speakers in such languages as Arabic and Farsi to become soldiers and translators - has been relocated.

Fort Huachuca, located about one hour south of Tucson near the Mexican border, is home to the Army Intelligence Corp.

On Thursday, a report by the evangelist Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcast Network and Fox News stated that five Muslim translators had been arrested at Fort Jackson in December for threatening to poison other soldiers. The Army has not reported making any arrests.

A statement Friday from the Army's Criminal Investigation Division confirmed an investigation into the allegations has been ongoing "for almost two months."

"But ... we have not found any credible information to substantiate the allegations," the statements said.

Fort Jackson officials said the allegations involved "potential verbal threats" and at no time were soldiers there in danger.
What on earth are potential verbal threats? Were threats uttered or not?
One local law enforcement official who had been briefed on the investigation told The State the men were considered "malcontents" and "not Army material."

-Signs, Portents, and the Weather-
White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett 'Speechless' Over Pat Robertson's Haiti Comment
Rev. Pat intentionally poops himself to distract attention from something he just said.
The earthquake in Haiti is a tragedy of such gargantuan proportion that it's natural to wonder how -- or why -- any God, if there is a God, could allow it.

The Rev. Pat Robertson says Haitians invoked earthquake in deal with the devil.
Enter the Rev. Pat Robertson, who always seems to have a ready answer for the unanswerable.

"You know ... something happened a long time ago in Haiti. ... They got together and swore a pact to the Devil," Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network's "700 Club" Wednesday.

"They said, 'We will serve you if you get us free from the French.' True story." That's right: Robertson seems to suggest the Haitians brought the earthquake on themselves, in a deal with Satan.

"And so, the Devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' And they kicked the French out," he went on. "You know, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after another."

Robertson's words instantly triggered a firestorm on the airwaves and online, including a rebuke from senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett on "Good Morning America" today.

"I'm kind of speechless about that kind of remark," Jarrett said. "Our heart goes out to the people of Haiti. ... That's not the attitude that expresses the spirit of the president or the American people, so I thought it was a pretty stunning comment to make."

In a statement on its Web site, the Christian Broadcasting Network said Robertson was speaking objectively about Haiti's history that has led "countless scholars and religious figures over the centuries to believe the country is cursed.

"Dr. Robertson never stated that the earthquake was God's wrath," the statement reads. "If you watch the entire video segment, Dr. Robertson's compassion for the people of Haiti is clear."

Robertson is actively involved in helping launch and finance relief efforts to help the Haitian people and called on viewers to donate money to the cause on Wednesday's show, according to the network.

Home Front: Culture Wars
Throwing Brit Hume to the lions
If there were doubt that much of the media is hostile to traditional faith, especially traditional Christianity, that doubt has been drowned in the wake of a vicious verbal assault on Fox News analyst Brit Hume. Histrionic fulminations against Mr. Hume's inoffensive expression of faith expose an ugly strain of anti-religious bigotry that is spreading inside this country's liberal establishment.

Mr. Hume's sin against secular culture came Sunday when he offered, in humble and helpful tones, advice to golfer Tiger Woods to "turn to the Christian faith and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world." The advice might have sounded a little awkward in the setting of a news-talk roundtable. But even in the context of suggesting that Mr. Woods' apparent Buddhism doesn't offer the same "kind of forgiveness and redemption" as Christianity, the newsman's remarks were, at worst, harmless. Yet the reaction of critics gives the impression that Mr. Hume did something really awful like use the "N" word, or - as Montana Democratic Sen. Max Baucus did - push a government promotion for a girlfriend.

Washington Post TV critic Tom Shales took a pause from writing love letters to President Obama to aim nasty public hate mail at Mr. Hume, who is renowned as one of the rare true gentlemen in the nation's capital. "Brit Hume was certainly full of something," Mr. Shales ranted, adding that the Fox broadcast legend is "sinking into his own mouth-made mire," and that "darts of derision should be aimed at Hume" for "one of the most ridiculous [remarks] of the year." He instructed Mr. Hume to "first off, apologize," with a snide admonishment that "Hume ought to know that what people are saying right now is a whole lot worse than that he's fading."

On MSNBC, the preternaturally truculent Keith Olbermann said Mr. Hume should "keep religious advocacy out of public life since, you know, the worst examples of that are jihadists, not to mention, you know, guys who don't know their own religions or somebody else's religion like Brit Hume." His guest, homosexual activist Dan Savage, chimed in that, "American Christianity has been hijacked by the lunatics, by the Pat Robertsons ... and by people like Brit Hume, and it's an insult to Christianity, it's an insult to Christians." Also on MSNBC, news host David Shuster suggested that Mr. Hume somehow had "denigate* Christianity" by mentioning his faith on the air.

This is par for the course for a media in which Washington Post book reviewers suggest that the faith messages at the heart of the popular "Narnia" books amount to a "narrow Christian box," where HBO's Bill Maher calls the Catholic Church "the Bear Stearns of organized pedophilia," where the Nation's Katha Pollitt accuses the religious right of showing "tolerance of wife-battering," and where a major news magazine marvels at the supposedly "surprising unsecularity" of the American public.

Maybe these media mavens should take Mr. Hume's advice. Their own hatefulness puts them in obvious need of the "forgiveness and redemption" Mr. Hume kindly recommended. A little charity wouldn't hurt, either.

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