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Britain Muslim migrant colonist briefs: the post-interregnum roundup
I scrolled through a few days of Breitbart’s London/Europe articles, collecting the best for your delectation in this time of Covid lockdowns, dear Reader. It will be interesting to see how things change after emergency measures are ended.
Nota bene: Breitbart’s latest Britain and Europe articles are always listed here, if you don’t want to wait for someone else to get around to posting articles.
Prison to Terror Pipeline Encouraged by ‘Soft’ Treatment of Convicted Terrorists: Report
[Breitbart] Britain’s prison system is facilitating the spread of extremist ideologies by taking a soft approach to convicted terrorists, the government’s independent terrorism watchdog has found.
As Theodore Dalrymple would have predicted...
Jonathan Hall, QC, the government’s independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said that prisons are not adequately punishing convicted terrorists for attempting to incite violence by radicalising other inmates.

In October, two radical Islamic inmates were found guilty of attempted murder against a prison guard, who they tried to stab to death. One of the inmates, Brusthom Ziamani, 25, was already serving a 22-year-sentence for plotting to behead a soldier.

Earlier this month, Islamist terrorist Khairi Saadallah received a rare whole life sentence for killing three men with a knife and injuring three others during an attack in Reading last summer.

During his trial, it was revealed that the 26-year-old Libyan national was further radicalised by a “prominent radical preacher” Omar Brooks — a member of infamous Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary‘s banned al-Muhajiroun organisation — while he was serving time in prison for a non-terror-related crime.

Former prisoners have also committed terrorist attacks in Streatham and on London Bridge.

A previous independent review carried out by Professor Ian Acheson in 2016, found that Islamic extremism was a “growing problem” in British prisons. Despite this, there was “widespread reluctance” from prison administrators to enact reforms and crackdown on the extremist behaviour “because of the fear of being labelled racist“, government sources claimed at the time.

Migrant Terrorist Free to Kill Despite 7 Convictions
[Breitbart] Islamic extremist Khairi Saadallah had been a member of the Islamic Ansar al-Sharia terrorist organisation in Libya, with his bogus asylum claim being rejected by Britain’s Home Office all the way back in 2012.

The authorities failed to remove him, however, despite his rapid collection of absconding incidents, criminal convictions, and prison sentences, culminating in his “execution” of three men in a public park in a radical Islamic terror attack, just days after he had been released early from a sentence for previous terror offences.

Despite tough talk on deportation from Home Secretary Priti Patel, the (already low) number of removals actually plummetted by 79 per cent in 2020, while mass legal immigration and illegal immigration have both risen dramatically during her and Boris Johnson’s tenure.

UK Migrant Camp Under COVID Lockdown Amid Mass Rule Breaking
[Breitbart] The migrant camp in Kent has been placed under lockdown after an outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus in the former army barracks amidst widespread flouting of the rules by the alleged asylum seekers.

At least 100 of the 400 migrant men housed in the Napier Barracks in Folkestone are believed to have contracted the coronavirus, which the government has blamed on the illegals for failing to abide by social distancing regulations and even refusing to take COVID-19 tests.

Just last week, migrants at the camp staged a protest in clear violation of the UK’s coronavirus lockdown measures, which prohibit mass gatherings. Last week a similar protest was staged at the Penally Army Centre near the small Welsh village of Tenby, which was also converted into a migrant camp last year, amidst record waves of illegal boat migration.

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage, who released footage of the protest, remarked: “Now it would appear that one of the reasons for the protest in Tenby is they don’t like the conditions. They say they are entitled to a more normal life.

“They are only entitled to it if their claim for refugee status is successful. But the Home Office committee themselves say that 81 per cent of those come into the country don’t even qualify for asylum because they’ve come already from a safe country.”

As of September of last year, there are some 60,548 alleged asylum seekers in the country, all of whom are guaranteed taxpayer-funded accommodations.

The migrants are also afforded a weekly allowance of at least £35.39, as well as access to National Health Service (NHS) healthcare, and taxpayer-funded education for children between the ages of five and 17.

Wrong terrorist? Man initially named as London terror attacker 'may still be in prison'
[METRO] The man who was initially identified as the London terror attacker is still in prison, according to his solicitor.

Hate preacher Abu Izzadeen ‐ formally know as Trevor Brooks
... also Omar Brooks and Abu Baraa for reasons that no doubt made sense at the time. He was born in Britain of Jamaican parentage and worked as an electrician before discovering the joys of Mohammedanism, followed on short order by the additional pleasures of Al-Muhajiroun and preaching fiery nothings for offshoot Al-Ghurabaa...
‐ was falsely named as the attacker in early reports. However, it later became clear the reports may be false with Channel 4’s senior home affairs correspondent Simon Israel confirming it ’may be we’re not as certain about the identity of the attacker as we thought’.

According to the Mail Online, senior security sources and Izzadeen’s lawyer both denied he could be the attacker. The show later carried confirmation from Izzadeen’s brother that he was still in jail.

The former BT electrician, who was once known as Trevor Brooks, is a former BT Electrician who converted to Islam aged 17. He was jailed for two years in January 2016 for breaching the Terrorism Act by leaving the UK illegally.

Is the attacker Abu Izzadeen the Jamaican national?
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] According to the police chief of counterterrorism Mark Rowley reported by Agencies, the unknown attacker is "Asian" as we can see in the enhanced picture. But English newspaper "The Independent" reported on its website that it may be the Jamaican national Abu Izzadeen known as Trevor Brooks
... also Omar Brooks and Abu Baraa for reasons that no doubt made sense at the time. He was born in Britain of Jamaican parentage, worked as an electrician before discovering the joys of Mohammedanism, followed on short order by the additional pleasures of Al Muhajiroun and preaching fiery nothings for offshoot Al-Ghurabaa...
in Britannia, where he was born 42 years ago.

a clean conscience makes a soft pillow...
a correspondent for ABC News reported that he had spoken to Abu Izzadeen’s lawyer, saying that Abu Izzadeen is still serving his sentence in a prison in London. "So it couldn’t have been him," as stated by the official front man for the Gurabaa organization established by the Lebanese - Syrian Omar Bakri Mohammed, currently living in Leb after being expelled from Britannia. Al Arabiya reported the news published by the independent based on "reports that it didn’t hear about."

British terror preacher back in prison
Radical Muslim preacher Abu Izzadeen has been returned to prison after breaching the terms of his release, BBC News understands.

Izzadeen, also knows as Omar Brooks, was released from prison in May after his four-and-a-half-year sentence for inciting terrorism was cut on appeal. He was found guilty in 2008 of urging worshippers at a London mosque to fight US and British troops in Iran. Izzadeen, 34, once heckled former home secretary John Reid at a meeting.

On appeal, Izzadeen's sentence for terrorism fundraising and incitement was cut by one year, leading to his release on licence in May. Izzadeen had been released under tight restrictions, which included a curfew and monitoring arrangements involving both police and probation officers.

A Muslim convert, Izzadeen was convicted along with five others of supporting terrorism in speeches made at London's Regent's Park mosque on 9 November 2004. The speeches came as US troops were engaged in a fierce battle in the Iraqi city of Falluja. Clips of the men speaking about jihad, Osama Bin Laden and prejudice towards Muslims were played at their 2008 trial, including one during which Izzadeen said that Allah had given mujahideen (holy warriors) a "chance to kill the American".

Izzadeen defended his actions, saying he and other British Muslims had "no other weapon than our tongue" to fight against what they saw as a "massacre" of Muslims by Western forces in Iraq.

His lawyers argued on appeal that his sentence should be reduced because of his pre-trial time in custody. Four of the other men convicted alongside Izzadeen also had their sentences reduced.

British terror preacher out by Christmas?
A terror preacher convicted of raising funds for suicide bombers could be free by Christmas, the Sunday Mercury has learned. An appeal by lawyers for Muslim cleric Abu Izzadeen, who was caged in April for a string of violent jihadi rants, casts doubt on crucial evidence filmed at a community centre in Small Heath, Birmingham, and at mosques in London.

Izzadeen, 32, whose real name is Omar Brooks, was convicted of terrorist fund-raising and inciting terrorism overseas after jurors at Kingston Crown Court were shown video clips of extremist speeches. He was jailed for four-and-a-half years.

Today, the Sunday Mercury can reveal that the authorities were alerted as early as November 2005 to images of Izzadeen calling for jihad and holding bile-filled lectures. The clips from his rants in Small Heath were handed over in July 2006, but the hate preacher was not arrested until April 2007. The Birmingham videos formed the evidence for his arrest, but were not shown in court.

A source close to the law firm acting for Izzadeen, Ahmed and Co, outlined the significance of the Metropolitan Police’s decision not to follow up on footage of the Birmingham hate speeches earlier. “The concern that we have is that these videos were in the possession of the police for a long time,” he said. “The prosecution did convince a judge that they had to do work on the footage and that is why it took so long from the first reports of these speeches to the arrest and charge of Mr Brooks.

“We’re concerned that they had it for this long. If it was that sinister surely they would have launched an inquiry earlier? The appeal will ask why there was such a gap between this material being submitted and him being taken in for questioning. We will also present fresh evidence.”

Izzadeen is currently being held on the Isle of Wight at maximum-security Parkhurst Prison, referred to by inmates as Britain’s Guantanamo Bay. The appeal against his conviction could cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds as the authorities defend their tactics in gathering information.

Videos handed to the Sunday Mercury show the radical Islamist preacher laughing at the victims of terrorist attacks, and warning that Britain faced more death and destruction unless our troops left Muslim lands. In the exclusive clips, filmed in 2006 just days before the first anniversary of the 7/7 tube bombings, Izzadeen tells supporters at a community centre in Small Heath to listen to the words of plot ringleader Mohammed Siddique Khan.

He says: “If we take the time to read Mohammed Siddique Khan’s will we can see the answer for our problems. If you stop (the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq), you will be saved, if you don’t stop we’re going to kill you – indiscriminately. Now you take the bus, you take the train, you could be the next target, you could be burned alive. Are you prepared to die?”

Last night, a security investigator who alerted police to the terror preacher’s rants said he is worried that anti-terror cops do not pay enough attention when contacted by members of the public.

He told the Sunday Mercury: “I rang the anti-terrorism hotline in November 2005 in relation to a number of videos downloaded from a password-protected website. In July 2006 a number of people alerted police to videos taken at a community centre in Small Heath, Birmingham, after I posted them across the web to raise awareness.

“I was led to believe that the evidence would be followed up and I also forwarded emails containing links to the videos to MI5. The police had films from a London Mosque in November 2005 and never acted. The Birmingham videos were handed to detectives in July 2006, but Izzadeen was not arrested until April 2007. I believe the police should act on information given to them by the public. If this appeal is successful it could have a massive impact on how anti-terror operations are conducted.”

A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police, the force that led the initial investigation into Izzadeen, refused to comment on the appeal.

Radical Muslims warn of a British 9/11
One speaker at the meeting, held on the anniversary of the attacks in America, told the assembled crowd that the West should "listen to the warnings."
We have been. That's why we've been killing turbans, lo, these seven years.
The meeting, in front of a 100-strong crowd at a community centre on the Lea Bridge Road in Walthamstow, east London,
A hundred people? Wow. That's prob'ly as many as you'd get for a theater showing of the original Cannonball Run.
was also addressed by the exiled preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed via video link from the Lebanon.
To whence he bravely decamped when he thought the Brits must surely do the Guy Fawkes thing on him and his kind. They didn't, of course, but they wouldn't let him back in.
His appearance was greeted by cheers of "faith" and "Holy Shit! god is great" as he claimed to have foiled a bomb plot against him by agents of the British Government,
Suuuuuure you did.
although much of his speech was inaudible due to technical difficulties.
Note to self: When making speeches by Net Meeting from Beirut, don't hire Arabs to do the tech setup.
Walthamstow was home to two of the three members of a gang found guilty of conspiracy to murder. They face a retrial over allegations they were targeting trans-Atlantic flights.
"Murder" has such an Islamic ring to it.
Among the speakers were a number of former members of the banned group al-Muhajiroun, once led by Bakri from his council home in Edmonton, North London. The most incendiary speech was delivered by Saiful Islam, from Luton, Bedfordshire, who praised Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda for their "courage" in retaliating against the "dictatorship and oppression" of the West. He said: "The blame of 9/11 belongs to no one but the American government. They are the terrorists. Sheikh Osama warned America numerous times, it was because of their own arrogance, because they thought they are a superpower and nobody could match them, that Sheikh Osama taught them a lesson -- a lesson they still haven't learned."

Mr Islam
... is not the same thing as "Miss America"...
warned that unless British and American troops were withdrawn from "Muslim lands" they would be to blame for the consequences, saying the West would "never achieve security until our own lands achieve security".

"Wake up. Withdraw. Listen to the warnings. Muslims will stand side to side, not just al Qaeda. The actions of the British and Americans have given prominence to al Qaeda. All of us have a part to play in stopping the violence or the next 9/11 will take place in Britain, the next 7/7 could take place locally," he added.

The meeting was led by the lawyer Anjem Choudary under the name of a group called the Association for Islamic Research. He was the last to speak to the group of largely young Muslim men and criticised the Government for persecuting "innocent Muslims" including Syrian--born Bakri who was banned from re-entering the country in the wake of the July 7 attacks.

He also talked of the defendants in the airliner trial along with the jailed preachers Abu Hamza and Omar Brooks, another of Bakri's followers, as well as Abu Qatada, recently released on bail. "They [the Government] say they are civilized but they don't act very civilized," Mr Choudary said.
Mr Choudary talked about the black "flag of Sharia" flying over Downing Street by 2020, saying 500 people a day were converting to Islam.
"They jailed Sheikh Abu Qatada in Belmarsh prison. Is that the way you treat your guests?" He spoke against mainstream bodies like the Muslim Council of Britain, who condemned the September 11 and July 7 attacks, accusing them of "selling their souls to the devil".

Mr Choudary talked about the black "flag of Sharia" flying over Downing Street by 2020, saying 500 people a day were converting to Islam. He laughed that Muslim families in places like Whitechapel and Bethnal Green in east London were having "10 or 12 children each".

Islamic preacher 'recruited terrorists for Iraq' in Britain
A radical preacher who heckled the Home Secretary tried to recruit Muslims to fight British soldiers in Iraq and raise money for terrorists, a court has been told.

Trevor Brooks, who uses the names Omar Brooks and Abu Izzadeen, and six co-defendants, claim their arrest in 2007 was "politically motivated" because Brooks once interrupted a speech made by John Reid when he was home secretary, the court heard.

In a video played to the jury, one of the accused, Abdul Rehman Saleem, praised Osama bin Laden and said Islam was a "religion of terrorism". He said: "Terrorism against the kuffar [non-believers], terrorism against those that terrorise us, terrorism against those that terrorise our women and children. Yes we have terrorised them so when they call you terrorist, be proud to have that title."

As the audience at Regents Park Mosque in central London, joined in, he chanted: "Oh Allah support Sheikh Osama, Oh Allah destroy America. Destroy the kafir wherever they are. Let their blood run in the mountains of Afghanistan, let their women become widows, may their children become orphans, let them be bombed. Let death come to them by the hands of the mujahideen [holy fighters]."

Kingston Crown Court, in south-west London, was told that the speakers referred to the September 11 hijackers as the "magnificent 19" and the audience clapped those who had "chosen to answer the call by becoming martyrs". When police arrived, after being called by mosque security staff, they were forced from the building by the angry crowd.

Along with Brooks, 32, and Saleem, 32, the other speakers included Shah Jalal Hussain, 25, Rajib Khan, 29, and Simon Keeler, 36, who called himself "Suliman".

The speeches were recorded on Nov 9, 2004, the day after US forces tried to retake control of the Iraqi city of Fallujah - attacks referred to by the speakers. The speeches were found on a DVD recovered during a raid on the home of Omar Bakri in Haringey, north London, on March 15, 2006, following the protests against the Danish cartoons of the Muslim prophet, Mohammed. Bakri is the self-styled "sheikh" and the former leader of the banned radical group al-Muhajiroun.

Brooks, Saleem, Keeler, Khan and Ibrahim Abdullah Hassan, 25, are charged with inciting terrorism overseas. Brooks is also charged with encouragement of terrorism. All of them, along with Hussain and Abdul Muhid, 25, are also charged with raising funds for terrorism. They deny the charges and the trial continues.

British Police Arrest 6 Terror Suspects
LONDON (AP) - British anti-terrorist police on Tuesday arrested six people who were suspected of inciting others to commit acts of terrorism overseas and raising funds for terrorism. Five of the arrests took place in London and one in Luton, northwest of London, the Metropolitan Police said. ``The arrests form part of a long-term pro-active and complex investigation into alleged incitement and radicalization for the purposes of terrorism, as well as alleged provision of financial support for international terrorism,'' a police spokesman said on condition of anonymity in line with force policy.

The men were being held at an unnamed central London police station. Police said a number of searches were ongoing in connection with the investigation. Police did not immediately identify the six.

The British Broadcasting Corporation said, however, that one of the men was believed to be Abu Izzadeen, also known as Omar Brooks, who heckled Home Secretary John Reid last year. Izzadeen, 31, is the spokesman for the al-Ghurabaa group, which the government banned in July. He disrupted a meeting between Reid and Muslim leaders in London, which Reid had called to ask Muslim parents to look out for signs in their children of brainwashing by extremists.

Abu Izzadeen has been arrested for encouraging terrorism
Abu Izzadeen, the radical Muslim who barracked Home Secretary John Reid last year, has been arrested for allegedly encouraging terrorism. Izzadeen, 31, was held this morning in Leyton High Road, east London, under Section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2006. Scotland Yard said it related to an "on-going inquiry".

It is understood to relate to a speech he gave in the West Midlands area - thought to be Birmingham - last year. That speech apparently pre-dates the widely publicised incident in September when Izzadeen heckled Mr Reid as he addressed a 30-strong group of Muslims in Leyton. Izzadeen is in custody at a central London police station.
The article here is trying to pin the arrest on his confrontaion with the government official. 'Burgers know better...he was arrested for his ties to the 'militants'.
Radical Muslim leader Anjem Choudhury predictably responded to news of his arrest by saying that Muslims were now the subject of a "witchhunt".

Izzadeen interrupted the Home Secretary and launched into an angry tirade. "How dare you come to a Muslim area when over 1,000 Muslims have been arrested?" he said. "You are an enemy of Islam and Muslims, you are a tyrant. Shame on all of us for sitting down and listening to him." Continuing his diatribe, Izzadeen said Mr Reid, Tony Blair and George Bush could "all go to hell". Izzadeen is a well-known Islamic extremist who has been investigated over controversial comments about the July 7 suicide attacks. He came to public prominence after refusing to condemn the 7/7 London bombings. Instead, he described the attacks as "mujahideen activity" which would make people "wake up and smell the coffee".
And bt the way:
Izzadeen, also known as Omar Brooks, is said to be a former spokesman for the radical Islamic group al-Ghurabaa, an offshoot of al-Muhajiroun - both of which are now banned in the UK.

UK preacher in secret web call for jihad
One of Britain’s most vocal, extremist preachers has been using a false name on a secret website to incite Muslim followers to go on jihad, or holy war, in Somalia. Anjem Choudary, former spokesman of the banned group Al-Muhajiroun, has posted a statement on a jihadist internet forum telling followers they must join the “divine call of jihad” in the African state.

His call in the password-protected site came days before America mounted air raids on suspected Al-Qaeda units in southern Somalia and news emerged that seven British passport holders had been captured in Somalia by Ethiopian troops. This weekend the Ethiopian embassy in London said its forces had five Britons in custody, although it has failed to provide any documentary evidence. The Britons are said to have been fighting against the interim Somali government alongside the Union of Islamic Courts, an Al-Qaeda-linked movement.
"Britons," eh? Buncha guys named Nigel and Percy and Clive and Alistaire, you betcha.
Choudary is a well-known figure on the forum called Followers of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaaah Muntada (Followers of the Prophet and His Companions). The site, which has about 700 members, is visited by some of Britain’s most notorious Muslim extremists, members of groups such as Al-Ghurabaa and the Saved Sect, offshoots of Al-Muhajiroun and banned after the London bombings on July 7, 2005. Applicants have to be recommended by a member.

Choudary, who uses the pseudonym Abou Luqman, declares in the forum: “The Ethiopians, with . . . support (from the Christian crusader regimes) and backed by illegitimate Israel (Zionists), have violated the blood of Muslims in Somalia. By committing such an act of terrorism the Muslims in Somalia and nearby lands have responded to the divine call of jihad.” He then reminds followers of their duty to fight jihad: “The obligation of supporting jihad all over the world is fard ayn (an individual obligation) . . . This honourable act must be carried out according to your own capabilities because our beloved prophet Muhammad said strike the mushrik (infidels) with your wealth, hands and tongue.”

The forum has videos and images produced by Al-Qaeda that call on Muslims to join the jihad. Images of corpses of Ethiopian soldiers are captioned “dead kuffar (infidel) bodies”. Forum members routinely quote the last wills of Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, two of the London bombers. There are also videos by Omar Bakri, the founder of Al-Muhajiroun who has been banned from Britain. In these, he claims to have lectured in Beeston, Leeds, the home town of three of the bombers.

Forum members also analyse British news. In one posting, George Galloway, the Respect MP, is ridiculed for criticising Omar Brooks, the Muslim extremist who heckled John Reid, the home secretary, in east London. One posting says: “What a dog this Galloway guy is . . . (he) can go to hell.”

The website was set up a year ago by Mizanur Rahman, 24, a web designer from north London found guilty of inciting murder at a protest last year outside the Danish embassy against the publication of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad by a Danish magazine.

Intelligence agencies fear Muslim extremists from Europe may be going to Somalia, a haven for Al-Qaeda in Africa, to fight jihad. In October six western nationals, including a Briton, were arrested in Yemen, accused of being part of a cell that tried to smuggle weapons into Somalia. Rasheed Laskar, 34, was held for more than a month but has since been released without charge and returned to Britain with his wife and four children. Laskar, a Muslim convert from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, is to be interviewed by MI5 agents. He said this weekend: “The Yemenis did not tell me what I was arrested for. They beat me and tortured me.”

When The Sunday Times contacted Choudary he refused to confirm whether he was Luqman or if he knew of the website. He put the phone down. Choudary, 39, a trained lawyer from Ilford, east London, has in the past called for the execution of Pope Benedict. Patrick Mercer, Tory spokesman for homeland security, said: “Choudary must be closed down. It’s appalling that the Home Office has not done anything against this man so far.”

'Martyrdom is praiseworthy'
The men who barracked John Reid yesterday are leading Islamist radicals in Britain who have come to the attention of police on several occasions. Abu Izzadeen, the first to clash with the home secretary, attracted opprobrium and headlines when he refused to condemn the July 7 attacks on London. He has admitted attending camps in Britain and abroad to receive military training. Mr Izzadeen was spokesman for al-Ghurabaa, which its leaders now claim is disbanded. It was one of several successor groups to al-Muhajiroun, and both were believed to have been led by the extremist Omar Bakri Mohammed. Both groups are now banned.

He told the BBC that the tube bombings had been "mujahideen activity" which would make people "wake up and smell the coffee". He said: "What I would say about those who do suicide operations or martyrdom operations is they're completely praiseworthy. I have no allegiance to the Queen whatsoever or to British society." Mr Izzadeen, 30, is also known as Omar Brooks and converted to Islam aged 17. His comments on the July 7 attacks led to the possibility of treason charges being brought against him, though officials say no decision has yet been made.

Mr Reid was also barracked by Anjem Choudary, who was a spokesman for Omar Bakri's organisations. He now says he does not belong to any group, but lectures at the London-based School of Sharia. At a protest outside the Danish embassy in London earlier this year, he said: "The fact is that 7/7 was brought upon the people of London and Britain by the foreign policy of Tony Blair. There is no reason why there should not be more suicide bombings in London."

Terror Networks
UK Dragnet For Abu Izzadeen, Jihadi Terrorist
Radical Muslim Trevor Brooks Apparently in Hiding
Jeremy Reynalds - 9/11/2006
With the fifth anniversary of 9/11 just around the corner, you need to be concerned about what happened to Trevor Brooks. Why? Because he’s the former Jamaican electrician Trevor Brooks (also known as Omar Brooks, Abu Izzadeen and Abu Baraa) who hates those of us who don’t share his radical Islamic belief system. Let me explain. Brooks was the man who in a July 7 anniversary meeting of the British terror bombings, held in a community center in the city of Birmingham, dubbed the 7/7 bombers as being “completely praiseworthy.

The bombings killed 52 people and injured more than 770.

Brooks has also glorified the horrifying events of 9/11 and openly admitted he wishes to die as a suicide bomber. On other occasions he has arrogantly mocked non-Islamics and mimicked the dying Kim il Sun (the Korean who was beheaded in Iraq by al Zarqawi). Perhaps worst of all, he was the man who referred to a “7/11 attack” a week before the Mumbai 7/11 terror bombings killed 207 and injured over 700.

Brooks is also a leader of the now banned al Ghurabaa group (an offshoot of the banned Al Mujahiroun group, led by Omar Bakri – an Islamic radical who fled Britain when he was about to get arrested and now lives in Beirut, Lebanon.

Brooks also regrets having spent 17 years as a Christian before converting to Islam, as, like his fellow followers, he looks down on the kuffar (non-believers) as pigs and sheep.

The “Followers of Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamaah,” (ASWJ) one of the new names for these banned UK-based banned groups, has met regularly online in a chatroom belonging to the New York-based Paltalk network.

Before my last article, Brooks was the group’s most regular speaker and ranted about how it was every Muslim’s duty to kill the Queen of England, as well as breaking British anti-terror laws by preaching to listeners verbiage like this.

“...(Regarding) the jihad fought by al Qaeda, fought by OBL (Osama bin Laden), fought by Sheikh Abu Musaab Zarqawi we are obliged to support them in every single way however we can physically, financially and verbally… those who are prevented to fight physically …they must continue to support that war against kuffar financially with their money and this is a “fard” (obligation) it’s not a favor ...they must do it...”

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