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PA urges donor countries to pay up
These guys are becoming incompetent. Maybe they should hire Tony Soprano as an advisory consultant. Tony never seemed to have much trouble getting his "donors" to pay up.
Palestinian Authority PM Salam Fayyad says donations necessary to help $1 billion PA fiscal deficit; Norwegian FM says Israel should transfer PA tax revenue.
The Palestinian Authority Thursday hailed as "important" a decision by the international donors to provide financial aid to the Palestinians, but urged the countries to channel the promised funds immediately.

Representatives of international donors met in Brussels Wednesday to discuss the financial crisis in the PA.

At the end of the meeting, Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere urged the donors to ensure the contribution of $1 billion in assistance [to the PA] in 2012.

He also urged Israel to facilitate the transfer of tax revenues belonging to the PA.

The donor's "Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee on Palestine" said after the meeting in Brussels that the global economic slowdown has created a $1 billion deficit in the PA's budget.

It noted that at the beginning of this year the PA has "experienced a severe fiscal crisis, which threatens to become protracted given the recent and projected declines in donor assistance" and the situation could soon be "totally unmanageable."

The committee appealed to Israel to "ensure monthly transfers to the PA in a predictable manner."

PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad described the donor countries' decision as important, but stressed the need to transfer the promised funds quickly to help the PA government overcome the severe financial crisis.

Fayyad said that it was also important that Arab countries fulfill their financial obligations toward the Palestinians.

Fayyad denied that the donors had conditioned continued financial aid to the Palestinians on their abandoning efforts to unilaterally achieve UN recognition of a Palestinian state.

Fayyad, who attended the meeting in Brussels, complained that Israel was preventing the PA from carrying out a development plan in Area C of the West Bank which is under exclusive Israeli control and which constitutes nearly 60% of the land.

Iran confiscates Nobel laureate Ebadi's medal
Iranian authorities have confiscated Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi's medal, the Norwegian government said on Thursday, accusing Iran of a shocking first in the history of the prize.

Norwegian authorities were told that Ebadi's medal had been seized "within the last week or so" from a safe-deposit box in Iran along with personal effects including the diploma awarded with the medal, the Foreign Ministry said. Spokeswoman Ragnhild Imerslund would not name the source of the information but called the person reliable. She added that Norwegian authorities have been "in touch" with Ebadi since the incident.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere called the move "shocking" and said it was "the first time a Nobel Peace Prize has been confiscated by national authorities."

Imerslund said the Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's charge d'affaires in Norway on Wednesday to protest the confiscation. The Foreign Ministry also "expressed grave concern" about Ebadi's husband, who it said was arrested in Tehran and "severely beaten" earlier this fall, after which his pension and bank account were frozen.

Israel vows retaliation for Gaza rocket fire
Outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed yesterday to hit back "severely" if militants in the Islamist Hamas-run Gaza Strip continue to fire rockets into Israel.

"If the rocket fire from Gaza continues, we will hit back severely, so much so that the terrorist organisations will understand that Israel is not ready to resign itself to this," Olmert said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.

"At the end of the week, 11 rockets were fired against southern Israel," he said. "Defence Minister Ehud Barak will give directions so that Israeli forces bring calm to southern Israel."

He spoke a day after seven rockets fired from Gaza landed in Israel without causing casualties although one smashed into an empty school, and a day before an international conference on rebuilding Gaza is to be held in Egypt.

President Shimon Peres told visiting Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere that the billions of dollars expected to be pledged to the Palestinians for rebuilding Gaza by world powers at the Egyptian conference should be given to the Western-backed Palestinian Authority, not Hamas.

Peres "detailed how the smuggling of weapons from Iran into the Gaza Strip has been renewed, and he requested that Europe emphasise that money for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip be directed to the Palestinian Authority and the bodies of the United Nations in order to best help improve the lives of Palestinian citizens," said a statement from his office.

"President Peres cautioned that in the past, a great deal of European money has been wasted in vain and diverted to supporting Palestinian terror activities," it said.

Attack on luxury Afghan hotel kills guard, militant: ISAF
At least three gunmen launched a brazen attack on the main luxury hotel in Kabul, leaving a hotel guard and one of the rebels dead, the NATO force in Afghanistan said Monday. The hardline Taliban movement said its men, including a suicide bomber, carried out the attack on the Kabul Serena, a five-star hotel frequented by foreigners.

Norwegian media reporting from Kabul said Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere was in the hotel at the time of the attack but was safe and sheltering in the basement. "Three people attacked the hotel. They were apparently on foot," said a spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, Captain Mario Renna. "One has been killed by guards of the hotel but two others managed to get inside and they managed to kill one guard and wound two others, one of them seriously."

He did not say what had caused the blast or who may have carried out the attack. He also had no details on the fate of the other two attackers.
"I can say no more!"
A loud explosion was heard across the city and a Kabul Serena employee said there had been a bomb blast in the parking lot. However, Afghan officials could not immediately give details.

A spokesman for the Taliban, Zabihullah Mujahed, said the insurgent group was responsible. "Four members of the Taliban, one of them wearing a suicide vest and all armed with Kalashnikovs, entered the Serena hotel and opened fire on foreigners," Mujahed told AFP. "One of them boomed exploded himself," he said.

The Afghan interior ministry confirmed there had been an explosion. "We don't know what it was at this stage," spokesman Zemarai Bashary told AFP.

Hotel management contacted by AFP would not immediately comment.

The main road running outside the five-star establishment, which is opposite the presidential palace, was sealed off and police and international military vehicles arrived at the scene, an AFP reporter said. Two ambulances were allowed through the hotel gate but pushy nosy reporters were kept away.

The Serena, opened in November 2005, is the main venue for top-level functions of the government, foreign embassies and businesses in the capital. It is heavily barricaded and reinforced because of the security threats, with a Taliban-led insurgency at its peak.

Norway complains against release of Afghan bombers
(Xinhua) -- Norway has raised strong complaints against the decision by Afghan authorities to release the five Afghan bombers who attacked the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Northern Afghanistan in May this year. "It just gives a wrong signal that people who have been sentenced for such acts are allowed to walk free," Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said in a statement.

Stoere added that an explanation is needed of how it is possible for someone who was first sentenced to death to have the sentence reversed to 20 years in jail, only to be released because of a religious festival. The five Afghan bombers were sentenced to 20 years in jail, but Afghan President Hamid Karzai signed a decree to release them after they spent just three months in prison, Norwegian broadcaster NRK reported. The bomb attack killed one Finnish and one Afghan soldier, and injured three Norwegian soldiers.

AL says Israeli invitation "not serious"
Arab League chief Amr Moussa has rejected an Israeli call to participate in a regional summit to re-activate the peace process, describing it as "not serious." "The letter wasn't serious and offered nothing new," the secretary general said during a press conference in Cairo with Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere. "It's only goal was to get normalization for free."

Moussa added that the invitation came in the form of a letter from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to participate in a meeting of Israelis, Palestinians and "moderate" Arab nations. He said the rejected the offer because the Israelis wanted to modify the Arab peace initiative and were describing the return of Palestinian refugees as a "red line".

Olmert, who has long rejected peace plans, said on Sunday that he was ready to attend a summit with Arab leaders to discuss a Saudi-drafted peace initiative and called on Arab nations to convene such a meeting. At their summit in Riyadh last week, Arab leaders revived the five-year-old plan that calls on Israel to withdraw from all land seized in 1967 and allow the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes.

Israel rejected the plan when it was first adopted in 2002, but now says it could serve as a basis for talks provided there were changes on the refugee issue, something the Arab heads of state rejected in Riyadh.

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