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Government Corruption
Biden's Guilty Smile Reveals the Malevolent Creature Within
[John Kass] One glaring feature of President Joe Biden’s raging dementia is this:

Despite the best efforts of puppet master Barack Obama and other handlers to obscure his condition, Biden keeps revealing the malevolent creature within.

The truth flashed uncontrollably the other day at the White House. Any American who saw Biden’s long, weird smirk celebrating the criminal conviction of his rival—former President Donald Trump—won’t forget it. If you care about this country you won’t forget it.

Because just then Biden admitted that he and the Democrats had crossed the Rubicon and taken all of us with them. And now there is no safe, painless, easy way of going back.

Some may try convincing themselves that it was just the smirk and smile of some harmless, witless old weirdo. But the weirdo happens to be president of the United States. He had already publicly released his Justice Department dogs and George Soros’ own New York prosecutor to take some old misdemeanors and Frankenstein them into phony felonies to get Trump.

Biden crossed the Rubicon to tear up our American understanding of impartial justice and the rule of law and replaced it with the political left’s operating theory that is common to all authoritarian regimes: The ends justify the means.

The media had an orgy over Trump’s conviction. It should have been X rated. The flesh eating harpies of "The View" wanted him sent to Rikers Island to be assaulted by street criminals. They laughed as they confessed to being so excited they were leaking. The audience cheered and cooed.

And once the American rule of law was torn by angry partisan teeth, we realized that we’re finally no different than any communist nation or some banana republic where it is routine to jail the political opposition.

Consider the image at the top of this column. He knew about using "justice" and "show trials" to imprison political opposition. In the U.S.S.R, the monstrous Lavrentiy Pavvlovich Beria ran Stalin’s secret police, and was credited with the famous phrase of all the authoritarians: "Show me the man, and I will give you the crime"

Beria was the most influential of Stalin’s secret police chiefs. He organized the massacre of tens of thousands of Polish and Romanian officers. The Deep State was refuge for him and he thrived there for decades in its wet dungeons, with bare electrical wires and the screams of generations of innocents. In those dark dungeons there must have been some captives who dreamed of a place like America where such things never happened, where political show trials would never, ever happen.

But they happen now in America, don’t they? Especially now in America, where the ruling class seeks to use "justice" to put political opponents in prison.

After Biden praised himself and began to walk shakily out of the room a reporter shouted a question:

"Mr. President, can you tell us, sir: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What’s your response to that, sir?"

The video is now a Trump campaign spot. The left-leaning Axios noted that Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita tweeted the video and labeled it "The face of corruption" — "a phrase you’ll hear again."

We will hear it and see it. Again and again and again. And we should. Those who don’t want to watch that video, those who don’t want Americans to appreciate Biden’s creepy smile are themselves complicit.

Please consider that creepy smile once again. Consider the president smiling. It is a smile of an evil and sentimental man, a corrupt man who has opened the borders to millions of illegals, yet tells us the border is secure, a man who has spent the last 52 years of his political/public life layered in corruption and artifice and lies.

And during the eternity of that painfully long smirk and smile, the lifetime of lies fell away to reveal the creature hidden behind the artifice. It happens with dementia patients. But this is not just some aged family member. This is your president. He doesn’t "run" the country, he is too feeble minded to run anything. Obama and the Obama crew let him pretend and talk of ice cream. He is the front man. And the American people know him for what he is: A liar.

His lies are well-known yet ignored or glossed over by his allies in the leftist corporate media who protect him. Yet happily for the rest of us, The Federalist magazine has kept a list. Here are just a few of many examples: He has lied about being arrested in Soweto trying to visit the jailed South African leader Nelson Mandela. He lied about the fatal crash that took the life of his wife, and compounded that lie by alleging that the truck driver was drunk. The driver was not drunk.

He has lied about fighting off the fabricated black street gang leader "Corn Pop," waging epic battle with a length of chain as if he were some heroic Delaware version of el Cid. He lied that he drove an 18-wheeler, lied about his uncle having been eaten by cannibals in the South Pacific.

Biden lied that he didn’t know a thing about his son Hunter selling the Biden family name in illegal influence peddling schemes with China, Ukraine and other nations. He lied that he never met Hunter’s business partners. He lied that he didn’t know anything about the laptop from hell.

He didn’t know a thing about how more than 50 American intelligence officials signed that mysterious letter dismissing the Hunter laptop as Russian disinformation. It wasn’t Russian disinformation. It was true. But the compliant leftist American corporate media protected him—and attacked, and ignored the true story in the New York Post—rather than let Americans read it for themselves. And the titans of social media helped him bury that laptop story right before the last election.

He has told a lifetime of lies. The American media has gone out of its way to carry his water. And now that the American justice system has been weaponized, as if it were a criminal court on the edge of Chinatown, or Central American banana republic or some jail in Belarus, can we just hop back across the Rubicon and pretend nothing has happened?

Or will some red-state prosecutor in some conservative jurisdiction indict Joe Biden and his crew out of office? Will the media like that?

"I think these Trump trials, and this one in particular shows we have now opened the door to the weaponization of our justice system, against political opponents, and that genie is not going to easily be put back in the bottle," said my friend Tom Bevan, president and co-founder of Real Clear Politics on my podcast The Chicago Way that I co-host with WGN executive producer Jeff Carlin.

"Part of this is you can argue, that part of this simply unique to Trump. The dems have an absolute fever and are willing to do whatever is necessary, any means necessary, to take him down."

Bevan says that Americans may believe that once Trump is "gone off the scene, whether he’s acquitted, convicted, and whether he wins election, or loses the election, whether he’s here for another four years or four months, when he’s gone that we will revert to the mean, and some of these excesses will ebb away and we’ll go back to something more normal."

But you once these precedents have been set and if Joe Biden wins re-election, Bevan asks:

"What’s going to stop a red state attorney general who wants to make a name for themselves to do what Alvin Bragg did, and invent these novel charges and move things from misdemeanors to up to felonies and use legal theories to concoct something, and get a red state attorney general to indict Joe Biden or Hunter Biden or anyone else?"

Many of us have asked that.

"Once you’ve crossed that Rubicon that seems it’ll become the rule rather than the exception," Bevan said. "A terrible terrible thing for this country. It’s what a lot of us have been screaming about and warning about for years: Don’t do this because the shoe will be found on the other foot."

As the American political left celebrated the taking down of Trump, there were perhaps a few who could see the inevitable counter reformation to come. Those who understand human nature might see what’s coming. But most of the left didn’t want to take a look at the bed they had made for themselves. They praised themselves and prattled on and on about their precious rule of law, ignoring the fact that they had grabbed the tomahawks, leaving the opposition no other choice than to grab tomahawks for themselves.

They were full of chatter about "truth" in politics. But they really don’t want to see the truth.

The truth of where Joe Biden has taken the country was written all over his face.

It was in that eerie, creepy smile written in the hollows of what once were his eyes, that smile that unwittingly acknowledged the truth of what Joe Biden and his puppet master Barack Obama have done.

They have dragged America across the Rubicon. And now there is no easy, painless way for us to return home.

Africa Subsaharan
South Africa's ANC loses 30-year parliamentary majority after election
[Al Jazeera] The African National Congress (ANC) party has lost its parliamentary majority in a historic election result that puts South Africa on a new political path for the first time since the end of the apartheid system of white minority rule 30 years ago.

With more than 99 percent of votes counted on Saturday, the once-dominant ANC had received nearly 40 percent in Wednesday’s election, well short of the majority it had held since the famed all-race vote of 1994 that ended apartheid and brought it to power under Nelson Mandela.

Africa Subsaharan
ANC looks set to share power after historic loss
[BBC] South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa is under growing pressure after leading the ruling African National Congress (ANC) to its worst election result in 30 years, forcing it to share power.

With almost all the votes in, the ANC is on 40% - down from 58% at the previous election. This is lower than the party's feared worse-case scenario of 45%, analysts say.

The ANC has always polled above 50% since the country's first democratic elections in 1994, which saw Nelson Mandela become president. But support for the party has been dropping significantly due to anger over high levels of corruption, unemployment and crime.

Citing the cost-of-living crisis and frequent power-cuts, a woman told the BBC she ended a 30 year voting streak for the ANC in favour of the centre-right Democratic Alliance (DA) this time.

"This result is not good. I wanted it out of government. We need to give someone else a chance," she said

The final results will be announced at 18:00 local time (17:00 BST) on Sunday, the BBC understands.

The ANC leadership has begun to consult internally to prepare for complex coalition talks. Its options are the DA, which is in second place on 22%, the uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party led by former President Jacob Zuma, on 15%, or the radical Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) with 9%. Both the EFF and MK advocate seizing white-owned land and nationalising the country's mines.

The MK has said it would be prepared to work with the ANC, but not while it was led by Mr Ramaphosa. He replaced Mr Zuma as both president and ANC leader following a bitter power struggle in 2018. MK supporters have been celebrating overnight in Durban, the biggest city in the party's heartland of KwaZulu-Natal province. The party was only formed in December.

ANC chairperson Gwede Mantashe said his party was unlikely to form an alliance with the DA. He said there would have to be "policy alignment" between parties to form a coalition agreement.

For the ANC, its black empowerment policies - aimed at giving black people a stake in the economy following their exclusion during the racist apartheid era - were "non-negotiable". He added that any coalition partner would have to agree to the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill, which promises universal health care for all, signed into law earlier this month.

The DA opposes both the NHI and the ANC's black empowerment policies. Despite the ANC's reluctance to align with the DA, its leader John Steenhuisen hasn't ruled out the idea. But if an alliance with the ANC was reached there would be a few non-negotiables, he said.

"Respect for the rule of law and the constitution, a social market economy that treats the private sector as partners in the growth agenda.

"Zero tolerance for corruption and cadre deployment, and an absolute laser-like focus on economic policies that grow jobs."

A record 70 parties and 11 independents were running, with South Africans voting for a new parliament and nine provincial legislatures. The DA has signed a pact with 10 of them, agreeing to form a coalition government if they get enough votes to dislodge the ANC from power. But this does not include the EFF or MK, who would be needed to form a majority.
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Cyril Ramaphosa 04/09/2024 African Ukraine. Unlearned lessons from the Rwandan genocide 30 years later
Cyril Ramaphosa 03/30/2024 Investigators comb scene of deadly South Africa bus crash

African National Congress: 2024-05-16 160 lawyers demand US investigate South African gov. corruption
African National Congress: 2024-04-03 South Africa: parliamentary speaker faces imminent arrest over graft charges
African National Congress: 2024-03-30 South Africa's former President Jacob Zuma involved in car crash
Jacob Zuma 03/30/2024 South Africa's former President Jacob Zuma involved in car crash
Jacob Zuma 03/21/2024 South Africa: ANC takes new opposition party to court
Jacob Zuma 12/26/2023 Durban Riots July 2021


Fifth Column
Politico mocked for being surprised on who is funding anti-Israel protests: 'Surprising to who?'
[NYPOST] Anti-Israel protesters who have descended on college campuses are reportedly getting funding from several big-name Democratic donors, according to a report, that have backed President Biden’s re-election efforts.

Democratic donors such as George Soros
...either Ernst Stavro Blofeld or Auric Goldfinger come true...
, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, David Rockefeller Jr., who sits on the board of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Susan and Nick Pritzker, who own the Hyatt Hotel corporation, have funded pro-Paleostinian efforts to protest the Israel-Hamas
...a regional Iranian catspaw,...
war, Politico reported.

Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow are the main organizations behind the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, as well as other campuses, according to the outlet.

They are backed by the Tides Foundation, which receives a substantial amount of funding from Soros, as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, and distributes money to left-wing causes.

The Rockefeller Fund donated $300,000 to the Tides Foundation in 2022, according to Politico.

The Tides Foundation has given $500,000 to Jewish Voice for Peace, a far-left, anti-Zionist organization, who blamed the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel and the US, rather than Hamas.

The Politico report, headlined, "Pro-Palestianian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden’s biggest donors," was panned online Sunday for finally acknowledging what others had reported months ago.
George Soros 05/01/2024 'Screaming and cursing' anti-Israel agitators descend on senator's home more than a dozen times
George Soros 04/26/2024 Top Advisor to LA DA Gascon Arrested, Allegedly Stole LA Sheriff Deputy Personnel Files
George Soros 04/21/2024 Ex-Clinton aide Huma Abedin spotted on date with George Soros' son at Knicks game

Bill and Melinda Gates foundation: 2016-07-19 Bill and Melinda: Let us build a future Nelson Mandela dreamed of
David Rockefeller Jr. 12/05/2023 Rockefeller Brothers Fund funding pro-Palestinian groups, at least one Israel calls ‘terrorist’ org

Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 2024-03-02 Gunfire paralyzes Haiti as police, powerful gang leader fight
Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 2024-02-20 State Dept Investigation of Biden's Iran Envoy Broadens Into Probe of His Suspension
Rockefeller Brothers Fund: 2024-01-23 Laura Loomer: Soros Assassination Threat Against President Trump Exposed!

Hyatt Hotel: 2024-05-01 NYPD release video showing professional 'protest consultant' at Columbia University
Hyatt Hotel: 2023-08-30 Continuation of Epstein's list
Hyatt Hotel: 2022-03-06 Did You Know Green Bay's Election Was Run by Michael Spitzer Rubenstein From A Hotel Room?
Jewish Voice for Peace: 2024-05-02 Who's really behind the campus protests? Expensive tents, giant banners and adult agitators who have nothing to do with the schools where they're causing anarchy make expert think the uproar in America is a 'professional job'
Jewish Voice for Peace: 2024-04-30 Washington Post hack Philip Bump smears The Post's Isabel Vincent to protect George Soros
Jewish Voice for Peace: 2024-04-24 Over 200 anti-Israel protesters detained outside Chuck Schumer's home
IfNotNow: 2024-04-24 Over 200 anti-Israel protesters detained outside Chuck Schumer's home
IfNotNow: 2024-01-10 Left-Wing ‘Dark Money’ Powerhouse Funded Group Linked to Holocaust Museum Protestors
IfNotNow: 2024-01-05 ‘Jewish’ radical anti-Israel protesters disrupt start of California legislative session
Columbia University: 2024-05-03 Megan Kelly covers press conference with Columbia's Johannah King-Slutzky
Columbia University: 2024-05-03 Gaza campus protests spread to Chicago high schools, alarming Jewish students
Columbia University: 2024-05-03 Columbia hires, and claims to fire, professor who voiced support for Hamas post-Oct. 7
Tides Foundation: 2024-04-30 Washington Post hack Philip Bump smears The Post's Isabel Vincent to protect George Soros
Tides Foundation: 2024-02-07 Yale Students Protest Appearance of IDF Soldier on Campus
Tides Foundation: 2024-02-06 Hundreds of protestors descend on Pennsylvania capitol to demand state divest $56 million from Israel - with up to 200 detained for failing to disperse
Hamas: 2024-05-04 Armed Gazan gangs, some thought tied to Hamas, steal $70 million from Bank of Palestine
Hamas: 2024-05-04 Israel says won't end war in hostage deal, after reports of US promise for last phase
Hamas: 2024-05-04 Hamas accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of sabotaging talks

Mavi Marmara 2: New aid flotilla to sail from Turkey to 'break siege' of Gaza - report
[JPost] The flotilla itself is organized by the Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC), a group of 12 NGOs from countries such as the US, Turkey, and South Africa, and should leave for Gaza on Monday.

Turkey is set to send a flotilla to Gaza on Monday, bringing 5,500 tons of aid to "break the siege" on the Gaza Strip, Israeli media reported on Sunday.

The flotilla itself is organized by the Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC), a group of 12 NGOs from countries such as the US, Turkey, and South Africa.

The organization is backed by Fehmi Bulent Yildirim, a Turkish humanitarian activist and president of the Turkish NGO IHH.
IHH is a charitable branch of the the Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey, very close to president Erdogan’s government.
In a press conference, Yildirim said the flotilla will include ships from Turkey, Lebanon, and Libya and will sail to Rafah after first docking at El-Arish in Egypt, Ynet reported.

According to a Globes report, the flotilla will also include Zwelivelile "Mandla" Mandela, the grandson of former South African president Nelson Mandela, and Aleida Guevara, the daughter of Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara.

Ynet claimed that Turkish authorities would approve the flotilla, and the country's intelligence chief was involved in arranging it.

This would be the latest of many aid flotillas launched by Turkish groups to Gaza. The most notable of these in the past was the Mavi Marmara incident in 2010. At the time, Israeli commandos raided the ship and ended up killing several Turkish civilians who were part of the flotilla. The Mavi Marmara incident was a landmark moment in Israeli-Turkish relations, which became severely strained at the time and have yet to fully recover 14 years later.

That flotilla was also organized by IHH, with Yildirim himself having been on board. He was arrested by the IDF and deported.

In the past, IHH has also been accused of aiding or having links to different extremist groups. This includes multiple accusations of links to al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Freedom Flotilla Coalition: 2023-11-21 1,000 boats said set to leave Turkey for Gaza waters in new ‘Freedom Flotilla’
Freedom Flotilla Coalition: 2018-07-23 Latest flotilla set to leave Palmero in bid to break blockade on Gaza
Freedom Flotilla Coalition: 2018-06-30 Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla sails from Spain to raise awareness about Israeli siege


Africa Subsaharan
South Africa: ANC takes new opposition party to court
[AFRICANEWS] South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) is suing the independent electoral body and a rival political party led by a former president, highlighting divisions ahead of what could be the most crucial election of the last 30 years in the country.

The ANC says the new uMkhonto weSizwe ( Spear of the Nation ) party did not meet registration criteria in September. The case opened on Tuesday before the electoral court in Bloemfontein, in the centre of the country.

The new party, also known as MK and led by ex-South African president and former ANC leader Jacob Zuma, could be deregistered and unable to contest the May 29 national elections. MK officials said they would not accept being disqualified, with one even threatening "civil war".

MK sowed trouble within the ANC by using the name of its now-disbanded military wing, which had been founded by Nelson Mandela. The ANC is challenging the use of the name uMkhonto weSizwe and a logo that bears a striking resemblance to that of its former military branch in separate legal proceedings over copyright infringement.

Zuma's decision to pledge support for MK has added a new element to the bitter rivalry. The two parties have exchanged insults in recent months. ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula called Zuma "the most destructive person" to South Africa's democratic progress and referred to the new party's officials as his "chihuahuas".

Zuma was forced out of South Africa's leadership in 2018 following corruption allegations and is currently on trial for corruption, although that case has faced long delays. He has been extremely critical of the ANC of his successor, current South African President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Mr Zuma was suspended from the ANC after publicly supporting Mr MK. He attended Tuesday's hearing at the Electoral Court, as did Mbalula.

The ANC has governed South Africa for 30 years since the end of apartheid's system of racial segregation in 1994, but it is expected to face its toughest test in the vote of this year. Several polls predict that the ANC will lose its majority for the first time and will be forced to form a coalition to stay in power.

According to the latest poll conducted in February and March, MK could become South Africa's third party after its first national election, with significant support in Zuma's home province of KwaZulu-Natal, where it is expected to gain ground. voice in the ANC.

The ANC has denied the legal action is a reaction to the political threat posed by MK and Zuma.

MK's response to the legal action has also troubled South Africans, particularly comments from Visvin Reddy, a party official in KwaZulu-Natal. "Listen to me very carefully," Mr. Reddy said in a speech earlier this month. "This country will descend into civil war the day MK is not allowed to campaign and be on the ballot. No one will vote. No one in this country will vote. We will make sure of it."
African National Congress: 2023-11-30 South Africa: Hundreds of people join pro-Palestinian march in Johannesburg
African National Congress: 2023-02-28 CIA Played Key Role In Nelson Mandela's Arrest & Imprisonment, New Evidence Shows
African National Congress: 2023-02-05 South Africa Rugby withdraws competition invite to Israeli team

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russian migrants in Yerevan called Navalny a symbol of freedom
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] Alexei Navalny instilled hope for change in Russia and its democratization, but this hope has faded, said participants in the Yerevan rally.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug reported today that convict Alexei Navalny died in a colony after his condition sharply worsened. Conditions in the colony led to Navalny’s death, noted some social media users in southern Russia; some doubted that the causes of death were natural. Commentators expressed condolences to the politician's family. In Tbilisi, Batumi and Yerevan this evening, activists  paid tribute to the memory of  Alexei Navalny.

In August 2020, Alexei Navalny fell into a coma after being poisoned at Omsk airport. Consciousness returned to him in Berlin, where Navalny was taken for treatment. Navalny said that Russian authorities were behind the attempt on his life. In January 2021, Alexei Navalny, who flew from Berlin to Moscow,  was detained at  Sheremetyevo Airport.

A rally in memory of opposition politician Alexei Navalny has ended in Yerevan. The protesters lit candles and laid flowers at an impromptu memorial with photographs of the politician. The action ended without incidents or arrests, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports from the scene.

Russian Mikhail considers the death of Alexei Navalny a murder. “When a person spends more than 300 days in a punishment cell [in harsh conditions], regardless of what caused his death, it can be called murder,” he told a “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

The protest participant found it difficult to say whether the change would lead to the death of the politician or not. “Everyone who came here hopes for change,” he emphasized.

Protest participant Alexander Martyanov also does not believe in the official version of the politician’s death. “How can one say that he [Navalny’s] blood clot came off if such a conclusion can be made after a doctor’s autopsy. No one did an autopsy, but the blood clot came off. A healthy person who didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, and was involved in sports, had a blood clot come off. Even if not directly, the authorities are to blame for his death. One of the reasons for the thromboembolism could have been his detention for a year in a punishment cell. In the cold, in hunger, they tortured the man," he told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

The Russian doubts that Navalny's death can change anything. “In Russia, no one has been trying to pretend to be democracy for a long time. [The authorities] brazenly show that they don’t care about anyone. And they show that if Navalny was removed, any of us will be removed without any fuss,” Martyanov noted.

According to protest participant Ekaterina, Navalny was for her and society the hope for freedom, justice and a fair trial. “Now there are only emotions, and it’s very difficult to think with your head. There is no second Navalny yet, but I hope that he will appear,” she told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

Producer Sergei Tselikov noted that in the current conditions one can hardly expect the appearance of a “second Navalny.” “If we had a competitive democratic environment, a replacement [for Navalny] would appear, but now the current government is rooting out any sprouts of dissent,” he told a “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

Navalny's death is an indicator that the Russian authorities will stop at nothing, said one of the protesters.

Protest participant Maria admits that the cause of the politician’s death was a blood clot. “Even the healthiest body can’t stand it for so long in such conditions. In fact, it’s not that important. I came [to the embassy] because I’m sad. I think it’s a big loss. I came here to be with those who feels the same way, and support those who for some reason cannot do this in Russia,” she told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

For Maria, Navalny is a symbol of freedom, honesty and strength. “There is a poster here that he is a hero of our time, and for me this is so,” the Russian woman emphasized.

According to Elizaveta, Navalny's death showed that the situation in Russia will only get worse. “If you can kill a person for whom the world community stood, what can be done with those who are not so famous and who do not have such media support? There are many political prisoners in Russia, about whom no one actually knows, no one writes. They are supported except relatives and friends,” she noted. She is confident that everyone involved in Navalny’s death will not be punished.

Russian Anatoly noted that Navalny instilled hope for a change of power and democratization of the country. “Today this hope has faded. There was still hope that I could return to Russia, but now I understand that I don’t want to return there for a long time,” he told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

There was hope that Navalny could become Russia's Nelson Mandela, but today this hope has faded, said a participant in the rally who did not want to introduce herself.

The rallies in support of Navalny, which took place in January 2021 throughout Russia, were recognized by political scientists as the largest in recent decades. Since March 31, 2021, Navalny has been on a hunger strike in the colony, demanding that a visiting doctor be allowed to see him. After mass protests and concessions from the Federal Penitentiary Service, the oppositionist  stopped his hunger strike.
Alexei Navalny: 2024-02-16 Russian opposition politician Alexey Navalny died in a correctional colony
Alexei Navalny: 2023-12-14 'Baba Yaga is against.' How the fugitive opposition is preparing for the Russian presidential elections
Alexei Navalny: 2023-08-12 Russia Targets Activists' Families as Efforts to Muzzle Dissent Spread

Africa Subsaharan
South Africa: Hamas representatives at Mandela tributes
[AFRICANEWS] Senior Hamas officials joined Nelson Mandela's family as tributes to South Africa's first black president on the 10th anniversary of his death in the capital Pretoria on Tuesday, AFP journalists noted.

South Africa, a fervent supporter of the Palestinian cause, is one of the countries most critical of the massive and deadly Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, in retaliation for the bloody attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel on 7 October.

Nelson Mandela, who advocated "freedom for the Palestinians", died in 2013 at the age of 95. Leaders from around the world, including the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, were present at his funeral, but Israeli leaders did not attend.

On Tuesday, the family of the anti-apartheid hero laid a wreath in front of the statue of him in front of government headquarters in Pretoria.

Basem Naim, former Health Minister for Hamas in Gaza, and Khaled Qaddoumi, representative of the Islamist movement in Iran, were present. In the preceding days, they had also taken part in a conference on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict organised by Nelson Mandela's grandson, Mandla Mandela, in Johannesburg.

Hamas: 2023-12-04 Israeli Minister: Michelle Obama Has Refused to Condemn October 7 Attack on Israeli Women; ‘Silence'
Hamas: 2023-12-04 SecDef Austin Warns: If Israel Isn't Careful, Palestinians Might Support Hamas
Hamas: 2023-12-04 Good Morning
Nelson Mandela: 2023-11-30 South Africa: Hundreds of people join pro-Palestinian march in Johannesburg
Nelson Mandela: 2023-11-05 South Africa's links with Hamas and Iran pose new threat to Agoa as Republican senator weighs in
Nelson Mandela: 2023-10-25 Donald Trump compares himself to Nelson Mandela in New Hampshire speech
South Africa: 2023-12-04 South Africa: Seven Men Burned to Death in Vigilante ‘Mob' Attack
South Africa: 2023-11-30 South Africa: Hundreds of people join pro-Palestinian march in Johannesburg
South Africa: 2023-11-28 4 Army Personnel Killed In Encounter With Terrorists In J-K's Rajouri
Pretoria: 2023-11-25 Darfur holdout groups arrive in El-Fasher to protect civilians from RSF attacks
Pretoria: 2023-11-21 Israel recalls envoy to South Africa after Pretoria calls for Netanyahu's arrest
Pretoria: 2023-11-10 Ethiopia: militiamen evacuate the holy city of Lalibela, the army returns
Mahmoud Abbas: 2023-12-03 Latin America On Edge As Venezuela's Maduro Holds Referendum Whether To Invade Oil-Rich Neighbor Guyana
Mahmoud Abbas: 2023-11-27 Senior Fatah official justifies Oct. 7 massacre as ‘defensive war’ against Israel; Ramallah crowd cheers released prisoner with Hamas slogans
Mahmoud Abbas: 2023-11-27 Biden admin accused of aiding Palestinian 'pay for slay' as terrorists profit in Hamas deal, experts claim
Basem Naim: 2019-08-06 Weekly Gaza border protests called off due to Muslim holiday
Basem Naim: 2019-05-28 Drawing the Back the Curtain: Hamas Runs International BDS Campaign From Gaza
Mandla Mandela: 2022-09-04 Experts warn: Iran widening its inroads into South Africa through Palestinian issue

Africa Subsaharan
South Africa: Hundreds of people join pro-Palestinian march in Johannesburg
[AFRICANEWS] Members of South African political parties, civil society organizations and other supporters marched through the streets of Johannesburg on Wednesday demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
as they marked the International Day of Solidarity with the Paleostinian People.

Rival political parties including the ruling African National Congress and the leftist opposition Economic Freedom Fighters were among the scores of demonstrators who marched across the Nelson Mandela Bridge to protest against Israel’s military offensive in Gaza against Hamas

Home Front: Politix
South Africa's links with Hamas and Iran pose new threat to Agoa as Republican senator weighs in
[Daily Maverick] The top Republican in the US Senate foreign relations committee has vowed to try to reverse the Biden administration’s decision this week to extend South Africa’s full Agoa trade benefits next year.

Senator Jim Risch has written to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Trade Representative Katherine Tai, strongly criticising the hosting of the Agoa Forum in South Africa this week and the continuation of the country’s Agoa eligibility.

South Africa should not have been rewarded because it had subverted US national security and foreign policy interests by its relationships with Hamas, Iran and Russia and its criticism of Israel, he said.
Ooooohhhhh — consequences!
Because of the Biden administration’s failure to communicate its concerns to South Africa, the US Congress would have to take "course-corrective action", Risch said. This implied that he intended initiating action to reverse the Biden administration’s decision to keep South Africa in Agoa next year.

Risch’s letter emerged just as Blinken, President Cyril Ramaphosa and other senior officials from both governments were about to officially launch the Agoa Forum at Nasrec on Friday.
Jim Risch: 2023-09-13 GOP Excoriates Joe Biden for Paying ‘Ransom' to Terror in ‘Disgraceful' Deal with Iran on 9/11 Anniversary
Jim Risch: 2023-08-31 House scores win in probe into whether military sniper blocked from killing Afghan airport bomber
Jim Risch: 2023-01-07 Biden admin quietly admits canceling Keystone XL Pipeline cost thousands of jobs, billions of dollars
South Africa: 2023-11-04 Tourists killed in Uganda: captured ADF leader also accused of school massacre
South Africa: 2023-10-31 South Africa calls for UN force to protect Gaza civilians
South Africa: 2023-10-25 Donald Trump compares himself to Nelson Mandela in New Hampshire speech

Home Front: Politix
Donald Trump compares himself to Nelson Mandela in New Hampshire speech
On a rant.
Especially triggering for the Democrats because Nelson Mandela was a [Communist] hero of the left.
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Trump suggested he was being persecuted like the late anti-apartheid icon

  • Mandela served 27 years in prison for leading opposition to apartheid in South Africa and won the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Trump, who is facing numerous indictments, told supporters he was willing to go to jail like Mandela


Africa Subsaharan
CIA Played Key Role In Nelson Mandela's Arrest & Imprisonment, New Evidence Shows
[ZERO] A newly unearthed interview along with declassified documents point to CIA involvement in the 1962 arrest of anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela by the US-friendly apartheid government. At that time, the height of the Cold War, Mandela was seen as part of the Communist opposition.

Time magazine in a new bombshell report asks the question, "Did the CIA Betray Nelson Mandela?" and comes to the conclusion that there was pivotal involvement of America's most powerful spy agency.
"Bombshell report" ....? Certainly an ironic term of reference when associated with Nelson Mandela.
The details are coming to light based on the work of Richard Stengel, collaborator on Mandela's autobiography, "Long Walk to Freedom". Stengel revisited an unpublished 1993 audio interview he had captured with Mandela, wherein the famous anti-apartheid activist and eventual South African president told him he had learned that an American consul with CIA connections had briefed South African authorities on Mandela's travel habits.

This would help lead to Mandela's arrest and imprisonment for 27 years as head of the outlawed African National Congress (ANC). Additionally now declassified CIA documents had labeled Mandela "probably communist" and confirmed that the agency had been closely tracking him anytime he went out of South Africa.

This was during the presidency of John F. Kennedy. According to Axios, "Taken together, Stengel says, the details add significantly to the evidence that the CIA was tracking Mandela and helped South African authorities arrest him as he was traveling from Durban to Johannesburg in 1962."

And according to further details revealed in the Time report:
Time Magazine, where America's facts are revealed.

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