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Saddam and cousin discussed killing thousands: tapes
Next best thing to having him back from Hell to tell us in person.
BAGHDAD - Saddam Hussein and his cousin ‘Chemical Ali’ discussed how chemical weapons would exterminate thousands before unleashing them on Kurds in 1988, according to tapes played on Monday in a trial of former Iraqi officials.

‘I will strike them with chemical weapons and kill them all,’ a voice identified by prosecutors as ‘Chemical Ali’ Hassan Al Majeed is heard saying. ‘Who is going to say anything? The international community? Curse the international community,’ the voice continued.
Rat bastard. Hang him.
‘Yes, it’s effective, especially on those who don’t wear a mask immediately, as we understand,’ a voice identified as Saddam is heard saying on another tape.

‘Sir, does it exterminate thousands?’ a voice asks back.

‘Yes, it exterminates thousands and forces them not to eat or drink and they will have to evacuate their homes without taking anything with them, until we can finally purge them,’ the voice identified as Saddam answers.

With Saddam’s chair empty, nine days after he was hanged, Majeed and five other Baath party officials were being tried for their roles in the 1988 Anfal (Spoils of War) military campaign in northern Kurdistan. Prosecutors said 180,000 people were killed, many of them gassed. Many Kurds regret the chief suspect can no longer face justice for his role in the campaign against them, but they hope others share his fate on the gallows.
I hope they have some solace knowing that the evil bastard was hanged.
Majeed, who faces charges of genocide, is considered the main enforcer of the Anfal campaign.

Defendants have said Anfal was a legitimate military operation targeting Kurdish guerrillas who had sided with Shia Iran during the last stages of the Iraq-Iran war.
Except that chemical weapons are outlawed even in legitimate military operations.
Chief Prosecutor Munqith Al Faroon also played on Monday video showing women and children lying dead on village streets and mountain slopes after what he said was a chemical attack ordered by Saddam. ‘These are the honorable battles they claimed to have launched against the enemy,’ he told the court.

Judge Mohammed Al Ureybi, in his first order of business, formally dropped charges of genocide and crimes against humanity against Saddam. He cut off the microphones when Majeed stood up and started to read the Koran in tribute to his former chief.

Looking tired and sporting an uncharacteristic white stubble, Majeed refused to take his chair and insisted on reciting a prayer as he stood behind Saddam’s empty chair. ‘Make him sit down, make him sit down,’ Ureybi ordered the bailiffs.
"Bailiff, hit him!"
"Yes your honor!"
[thump] [thump]
"Oooooowwww ..."

Dutch bidnessman help Sammy gas Kurds
BAGHDAD - Prosecutors in Saddam Hussein’s trial for genocide against ethnic Kurds showed graphic footage on Tuesday of dead civilians, including infants, allegedly killed in chemical attacks on their villages.

Chief prosecutor Munqith Al Faroon also showed the court a memo that praised a Dutch businessman who was convicted in December 2005 for supplying Baghdad with banned chemical weapons that were used in the offensive that prosecutors say killed more than 180,000 Kurds.

Faroon, attempting to implicate Saddam and his six co- defendants for the Anfal (Spoils of War) campaign, showed the court an internal memo that praised Dutch businessman Frans van Anraat for his role in providing banned weapons. After he was granted Iraqi citizenship on personal orders by Saddam, van Anraat fled Iraq after the dictator was toppled and in December 2005 was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison after being found guilty of complicity in war crimes.
Rat bastard. He should burn in hell next to Sammy.
‘He supplied our institutions ... with rare and banned chemical weapons,’ read the memo dated 1992 which circulated inside the president’s office.

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